Using the jQueryFileUpload from blueimp in CakePHP 2.5.5
You can find the documentation [here][fileupload] [fileupload]:
**100% working with latest version of above plugin.
Download this plugin and move to
Create a table named
in your database with the following structure:
CREATE TABLE uploads ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, size int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=5 ;
- Include the plugin in your
Upload from anywhere in your form in your VIEW. For exmaple
$this->UploadForm->load(array('embeded'=>true, 'extrafields'=>array('alias'=>'Control', 'foreign_key'=>$this->request->data['Control']['id'])));
Specify 'class'=>'jqueryfileupload' in the $this->Form->create() options in your view file to support multiple instances of the embeded form. In independent forms it works with ID "#fileupload" only.
While Model and foreign_key passed in extrafields options it would create separate folders for each of your model/ID. This will help you keep your upload separate and show only the record specific uploads. As, with original plugin it will upload all files to single folder.