Cat Invaders is a silly parody of the 1978 arcade classic Space Invaders (created by Tomohiro Nishikado) that uses the internet meme icon "Doge." The goal of the game is to defeat waves of descending angry cats with tennis balls to earn as many points as possible.
Currenly only one tennis ball can be released at a time. Moreover, only six cats are on the screen at once.
You can control Doge by using the left and right arrow keys ← / →, you can also fire tennis balls by using the space key.
If you have the correct version of Python and Pygame installed, you can run the program in the command prompt / terminal.
cd CatInvaders
Note: If you're using Python 3, replace the command "python" with "python3"
MacOS Mojave: You need to use Python 3.7.2 or greater: Source