The location of Orchid Fusion Apps is specified by setting the fusion.apps.path
property in the file. The default location for apps is the apps directory relative to the location of this file but it can be modified to point to another directory if desired.
After making modifications to this file, be sure restart Orchid Fusion.
There are two ways to integrate an Orchid Fusion App. Orchid Fusion hosted apps are js/html based and hosted locally within the Orchid Fusion web server while externally hosted apps are hosted on external servers.
Orchid Fusion will serve up content from the web
directory which will serve as the app's relative root directory.
The only configuration required on the Orchid Fusion server for an externally hosted app is the app.json file.
The app.json file requires a server section be defined for externally hosted apps.
"server": {
"baseuri": "http://localhost"
The configuration file for Orchid Fusion Apps is located in a /conf folder underneath the application folder
"id": "com.acme.sample",
"version": "1.0.0",
"rootpath": "sample",
"name": "Sample Orchid Fusion App",
"description": "Description of application",
"provider": {
"name": "ACME Applications Dept.",
"logo": "",
"support": {
"url": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "800-555-1212"
"signature": "base64signature"
"server": {
"baseuri": "http://localhost"
"extensions": [
"point": "nav-menu",
"extension": {
"name": "Camera Status",
"route": "camera-status",
"source": "camera-status.html",
"iconSource": "",
"type": "frame"
Field | Description | Required |
id | Application id | yes |
version | Application version | yes |
rootpath | Root application folder | yes |
name | Application name | yes |
description | Description of the application | yes |
provider | The values in this section will be displayed in the application footer and support dialog | yes |
server.baseuri | Uri to server where the application is hosted, can be omitted if hosting locally | no |
extensions.point | Indicates how the application will be integrated, currently 'nav-menu' is supported and a menu item will be added | yes | | Name that will be displayed in menu item | yes |
extensions.extension.route | Name that will be displayed in url | yes |
extensions.extension.source | Endpoint that will render content for the application | yes |
extensions.extension.iconSource | base 64 encoded svg of icon to display in menu | no |
extensions.extension.type | Indicates how the application content will be displayed, currently 'frame' is supported and content will be displayed in an iframe | yes |
and version
, when combined, should be unique across all applications configured in Orchid Fusion
and extensions.extension.route
are combined to make the url to the application
and extensions.extension.source
are combined to make up physical path to the application content