diff --git a/iris-client-fe/src/components/btn-toggle-select.vue b/iris-client-fe/src/components/btn-toggle-select.vue
index 033273e2f..5cdbf8dd5 100644
--- a/iris-client-fe/src/components/btn-toggle-select.vue
+++ b/iris-client-fe/src/components/btn-toggle-select.vue
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
v-for="selectOption in selectOptions"
- :data-test="`btn.select.${selectOption.value}`"
+ :data-test="`${dataTestKey}.select.${selectOption.value}`"
{{ selectOption.text }}
- Alle
+ Alle
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ const BtnToggleSelectProps = Vue.extend({
type: Array as PropType,
default: () => [],
+ dataTestKey: {
+ type: String,
+ default: "btn",
+ },
diff --git a/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/details/vaccination-report-details.view.vue b/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/details/vaccination-report-details.view.vue
index b66350e8d..d20bf5342 100644
--- a/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/details/vaccination-report-details.view.vue
+++ b/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/details/vaccination-report-details.view.vue
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
@@ -24,13 +25,18 @@
+ data-test="vaccination-report.employee.data-table"
{{ item.address }}
- {{ item.vaccinationStatus }}
+ {{ getStatusName(item.vaccinationStatus) }}
@@ -117,9 +123,7 @@ export default class VaccinationReportDetailsView extends Mixins(
firstName: employee.firstName || "-",
address: getFormattedAddress(employee.address),
vaccination: employee.vaccination || "-",
- vaccinationStatus: vaccinationReportConstants.getStatusName(
- employee.vaccinationStatus
- ),
+ vaccinationStatus: employee.vaccinationStatus || "-",
raw: employee,
@@ -144,10 +148,10 @@ export default class VaccinationReportDetailsView extends Mixins(
getStatusColor = vaccinationReportConstants.getStatusColor;
+ getStatusName = vaccinationReportConstants.getStatusName;
dataTableFilter(value: VREmployeeTableRow) {
if (this.status) {
- const statusName = vaccinationReportConstants.getStatusName(this.status);
- return value.vaccinationStatus === statusName;
+ return value.vaccinationStatus === this.status;
return true;
diff --git a/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/list/vaccination-report-list.view.vue b/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/list/vaccination-report-list.view.vue
index 4c9d17ed4..09de4c16b 100644
--- a/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/list/vaccination-report-list.view.vue
+++ b/iris-client-fe/src/modules/vaccination-report/views/list/vaccination-report-list.view.vue
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
+ data-test="view.data-table"
{{ item.address }}
diff --git a/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/specs/users.js b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/specs/users.js
index e299282c3..ec28a3f72 100644
--- a/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/specs/users.js
+++ b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/specs/users.js
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ describe("Users", () => {
cy.location("pathname").should("equal", "/admin/user/list");
- cy.getDataTableRow(userAccessor, "view.data-table").should(
+ cy.getDataTableRow("view.data-table", userAccessor).should(
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ describe("Users", () => {
- cy.getDataTableRow(userAccessor, "view.data-table").within(() => {
+ cy.getDataTableRow("view.data-table", userAccessor).within(() => {
diff --git a/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/specs/vaccination-report.js b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/specs/vaccination-report.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12a6399bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/specs/vaccination-report.js
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+describe("VaccinationReport", () => {
+ const reportTableCol = {
+ all: 3,
+ notVaccinated: 4,
+ suspiciousProof: 5,
+ };
+ const gteOne = /^[1-9][0-9]*$/;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cy.clearLocalStorage();
+ cy.visit("/");
+ cy.login();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ cy.logout();
+ });
+ it("should navigate to a vaccination-report with at least one employee - if exists", () => {
+ cy.visit("/vaccination-report/list");
+ cy.visitByDataTableCellValue(
+ "view.data-table",
+ reportTableCol.all,
+ gteOne
+ ).then((success) => {
+ if (success) {
+ cy.location("pathname").should(
+ "contain",
+ "/vaccination-report/details"
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ it("should navigate to a vaccination-report with at least one not vaccinated employee - if exists", () => {
+ cy.visit("/vaccination-report/list");
+ cy.sortDataTable("view.data-table", 4, "desc");
+ cy.visitByDataTableCellValue(
+ "view.data-table",
+ reportTableCol.notVaccinated,
+ gteOne
+ ).then((success) => {
+ if (success) {
+ cy.location("pathname").should(
+ "contain",
+ "/vaccination-report/details"
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ it("should navigate to a vaccination-report with at least one employee with a suspicious proof - if exists", () => {
+ cy.visit("/vaccination-report/list");
+ cy.sortDataTable("view.data-table", 5, "desc");
+ cy.visitByDataTableCellValue(
+ "view.data-table",
+ reportTableCol.suspiciousProof,
+ gteOne
+ ).then((success) => {
+ if (success) {
+ cy.location("pathname").should(
+ "contain",
+ "/vaccination-report/details"
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ it("should filter the employee list based on vaccination status", () => {
+ cy.visit("/vaccination-report/list");
+ cy.visitByDataTableCellValue(
+ "view.data-table",
+ reportTableCol.all,
+ gteOne
+ ).then((success) => {
+ if (success) {
+ cy.location("pathname").should(
+ "contain",
+ "/vaccination-report/details"
+ );
+ cy.getBy("vaccination-report.employee.data-table")
+ .filterDataTableByStatus("notVaccinated")
+ .filterDataTableByStatus("suspiciousProof")
+ .filterDataTableByStatus("all");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ it("should export vaccination report data as csv or xlsx file", () => {
+ cy.visit("/vaccination-report/list");
+ cy.visitByDataTableCellValue(
+ "view.data-table",
+ reportTableCol.all,
+ gteOne
+ ).then((success) => {
+ if (success) {
+ cy.getBy(".v-btn{export.default}").should("be.disabled");
+ cy.getBy(".v-btn{export-dialog.activator}").should("be.disabled");
+ cy.getBy("vaccination-report.employee.data-table")
+ .should("exist")
+ .should("not.have.class", "is-loading")
+ .within(() => {
+ cy.get("tbody tr").should("have.length.at.least", 1);
+ cy.get("thead .v-simple-checkbox").click();
+ });
+ cy.getBy(".v-btn{export.default}").should("not.be.disabled").click();
+ cy.getBy(".v-btn{export-dialog.activator}")
+ .should("not.be.disabled")
+ .click();
+ cy.getBy("export-dialog")
+ .should("be.visible")
+ .within(() => {
+ cy.getBy("export.csv.standard").should("exist").click();
+ cy.getBy("export.xlsx.standard").should("exist").click();
+ cy.getBy(".v-btn{close}").should("exist").click();
+ });
+ cy.getBy("export-dialog").should("not.be.visible");
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/commands.js b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/commands.js
index 817d7c5d6..e29edbb1a 100644
--- a/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/commands.js
+++ b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/commands.js
@@ -167,22 +167,121 @@ Cypress.Commands.add(
-Cypress.Commands.add("getDataTableRow", (accessor, table) => {
- cy.getBy(table || ".v-data-table").as("dataTable");
- cy.get("@dataTable").should("not.have.class", "is-loading");
- cy.getBy("input{search}")
- .should("exist")
- .clear()
- .type(accessor, { log: false });
- cy.get("@dataTable")
- .should("not.have.class", "is-loading")
- .contains(accessor, { log: false })
- .closest("tr");
+ "getDataTableRow",
+ { prevSubject: "optional" },
+ (subject, arg1, arg2, arg3) => {
+ const accessor = subject ? arg1 : arg2;
+ const search = subject ? arg2 : arg3;
+ if (subject) {
+ cy.wrap(subject).as("dataTable");
+ } else {
+ cy.getBy(arg1).as("dataTable");
+ }
+ cy.get("@dataTable").should("not.have.class", "is-loading");
+ if (search !== false) {
+ cy.getBy("input{search}")
+ .should("exist")
+ .clear()
+ .type(accessor, { log: false });
+ }
+ cy.get("@dataTable")
+ .should("not.have.class", "is-loading")
+ .contains(accessor, { log: false })
+ .closest("tr");
+ }
+ "findDataTableRow",
+ { prevSubject: "optional" },
+ (subject, arg1, arg2, arg3) => {
+ const column = subject ? arg1 : arg2;
+ const content = subject ? arg2 : arg3;
+ if (subject) {
+ cy.wrap(subject).as("dataTable");
+ } else {
+ cy.getBy(arg1).as("dataTable");
+ }
+ cy.wrap(null).as("tableRow");
+ cy.get("@dataTable").should("not.have.class", "is-loading");
+ cy.get("@dataTable").then(($table) => {
+ if ($table.hasClass("is-empty")) {
+ cy.log("data-table has no items");
+ } else {
+ cy.get("@dataTable").within(() => {
+ cy.get(`tbody tr td:nth-child(${column})`).each(($cell) => {
+ if ($cell.text().match(content) !== null) {
+ cy.wrap($cell).closest("tr").should("exist").as("tableRow");
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return cy.get("@tableRow");
+ }
+ "sortDataTable",
+ { prevSubject: "optional" },
+ (subject, arg1, arg2, arg3) => {
+ const column = subject ? arg1 : arg2;
+ const sortDir = subject ? arg2 : arg3;
+ if (subject) {
+ cy.wrap(subject).as("dataTable");
+ } else {
+ cy.getBy(arg1).as("dataTable");
+ }
+ cy.get("@dataTable").should("not.have.class", "is-loading");
+ cy.get("@dataTable").within(() => {
+ cy.get(`thead tr th:nth-child(${column})`)
+ .should("have.class", "sortable")
+ .as("tableSort")
+ .then(() => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ cy.get("@tableSort").then(($tableSort) => {
+ if (!$tableSort.hasClass(sortDir)) {
+ cy.get("@tableSort").click();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ cy.get("@tableSort").should("have.class", sortDir);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ "visitByDataTableCellValue",
+ { prevSubject: "optional" },
+ (subject, arg1, arg2, arg3) => {
+ const column = subject ? arg1 : arg2;
+ const content = subject ? arg2 : arg3;
+ cy.wrap(false).as("rowExists");
+ if (subject) {
+ cy.wrap(subject).as("dataTable");
+ } else {
+ cy.getBy(arg1).as("dataTable");
+ }
+ cy.get("@dataTable")
+ .findDataTableRow(column, content)
+ .then(($row) => {
+ if ($row) {
+ cy.wrap(true).as("rowExists");
+ cy.wrap($row).click();
+ } else {
+ cy.log("data-table has no matching items");
+ }
+ });
+ return cy.get("@rowExists");
+ }
Cypress.Commands.add("visitUserByAccessor", (accessor) => {
cy.location("pathname").should("equal", "/admin/user/list");
- cy.getDataTableRow(accessor, "view.data-table").within(() => {
+ cy.getDataTableRow("view.data-table", accessor).within(() => {
.within(() => {
@@ -206,7 +305,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add("getRootMessageFolder", (context) => {
Cypress.Commands.add("getMessageDataTableRow", (accessor, context) => {
cy.location("pathname").should("equal", "/iris-messages/list");
- cy.getDataTableRow(accessor, "view.data-table").should("exist");
+ cy.getDataTableRow("view.data-table", accessor).should("exist");
diff --git a/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/index.d.ts b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/index.d.ts
index 6c3168729..f5f65e99a 100644
--- a/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/index.d.ts
+++ b/iris-client-fe/tests/e2e/support/index.d.ts
@@ -51,7 +51,36 @@ declare global {
selector: string,
date: dayjs.ConfigType
): Chainable;
- getDataTableRow(accessor: string, table?: string): Chainable;
+ findDataTableRow(
+ column: number,
+ content: string | number | RegExp
+ ): Chainable;
+ findDataTableRow(
+ selector: string,
+ column: number,
+ content: string | number | RegExp
+ ): Chainable;
+ sortDataTable(column: number, sortDir: string): Chainable;
+ sortDataTable(
+ selector: string,
+ column: number,
+ sortDir: string
+ ): Chainable;
+ visitByDataTableCellValue(
+ column: number,
+ content: string | number | RegExp
+ ): Chainable;
+ visitByDataTableCellValue(
+ selector: string,
+ column: number,
+ content: string | number | RegExp
+ ): Chainable;
+ getDataTableRow(accessor: string, search?: boolean): Chainable;
+ getDataTableRow(
+ selector: string,
+ accessor: string,
+ search?: boolean
+ ): Chainable;
selector: string,
config?: {