A simple task keeping app, written in react native for android and iOS devices
Watch a login or signup with no distractions in action, with an ambitious home-screen
Search seamlessly through all your tasks with an inituitive search.
For more information on how to filter your searches refer to this link
Tasks App comes with a recycle bin support! See it in action below -
For more information about recycle bin, click on this link
Tasks app comes with dark/light theme mode and can be changed from settings
This branch is being tested mainly on iOS platform and may not work as expected/previewed, on android
- Rubber band animation in scrolling behaviour
- Smooth Scrolling
- Shadows (elevation, that is currently available for android doesn't have properties like opacity and offset)
- content inset (margin at the end of flatlist that allows add task button to not hinder a note)
- color may not display acuurate in some cases