diff --git a/tutorials/_images/Edit_Custom_Client_ID_Profile.png b/tutorials/_images/Edit_Custom_Client_ID_Profile.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d994a8e..00000000
Binary files a/tutorials/_images/Edit_Custom_Client_ID_Profile.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/tutorials/custom_oauth_client_id.md b/tutorials/custom_oauth_client_id.md
index a7c40149..0f9bfe7d 100644
--- a/tutorials/custom_oauth_client_id.md
+++ b/tutorials/custom_oauth_client_id.md
@@ -93,32 +93,72 @@ Workaround to register your own Custom OAuth 2.0 Client ID for [Google Cloud Sto
## Add Custom Connection Profile
-Download the [template](../protocols/profiles/google_client_id.md#sample-google-drive-with-custom-oauth-client-id-connection-profile) for Google Drive or Google Cloud Storage:
-- {download}`Google Drive Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile<../protocols/profiles/_static/Google Drive Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile>`
-- {download}`Google Storage Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile<../protocols/profiles/_static/Google Storage Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile>`
-Use the _OAuth Client ID_ created to edit the `OAuth Client ID` and `OAuth Redirect Url` in the template connection profile leaving other keys unchanged.
- …
- OAuth Client ID
- NUMBER-ID.apps.googleusercontent.com
- OAuth Redirect Url
- com.googleusercontent.apps.NUMBER-ID:oauth
- …
-- `OAuth Client ID`. Override the registered application OAuth Client ID.
-- `OAuth Redirect Url`. Use the reverse notation of the OAuth Client ID and append `:oauth` to it.
+1. Download the [template](../protocols/profiles/google_client_id.md#sample-google-drive-with-custom-oauth-client-id-connection-profile) for Google Drive or Google Cloud Storage:
+ - {download}`Google Drive Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile<../protocols/profiles/_static/Google Drive Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile>`
+ - {download}`Google Storage Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile<../protocols/profiles/_static/Google Storage Custom OAuth Client ID.cyberduckprofile>`
+1. Use the _OAuth Client ID_ created to edit the `OAuth Client ID`, `OAuth Redirect Url`, and optionally the `OAuth Client Secret` in the template connection profile, leaving other keys unchanged.
+ :::::{tabs}
+ ::::{tab} Configuration
+ ```xml
+ …
+ OAuth Redirect Url
+ com.googleusercontent.apps.NUMBER-ID:oauth
+ OAuth Client ID
+ NUMBER-ID.apps.googleusercontent.com
+ OAuth Client Secret
+ Client secret
+ ```
+ - `OAuth Redirect Url`. Use the reverse notation of the OAuth Client ID and append `:oauth` to it.
+ - `OAuth Client ID`. Override the registered application OAuth Client ID.
+ ::::
+ ::::{tab} Example
+ Based on the credentials shown in step 11 the correct configuration would look like this:
+ ```xml
+ Protocol
+ googledrive
+ Vendor
+ googledrive_custom
+ Description
+ Google Drive Custom OAuth Client ID
+ Default Hostname
+ www.googleapis.com
+ OAuth Authorization Url
+ https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth
+ OAuth Token Url
+ https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token
+ Scopes
+ https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive
+ OAuth Redirect Url
+ com.googleusercontent.apps.293168482058-dvjk8lh6u6n43kio156uerkqcgjl2i5k:oauth
+ OAuth Client ID
+ 293168482058-dvjk8lh6u6n43kio156uerkqcgjl2i5k.apps.googleusercontent.com
+ OAuth Client Secret
+ 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
+ ```
+ :::
+ ::::
-Double-click the connection profile to open and register or copy to the _Profiles_ folder in the [application support folder](../cyberduck/support.md#application-support-folder).
+1. Double-click the connection profile to open and register or copy to the _Profiles_ folder in the [application support folder](../cyberduck/support.md#application-support-folder).
## Update Protocol Selection in Bookmark