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MelooonCensor returns!

4 years later, after being abandoned, the #1 censor plugin for Bukkit returns. This time, MelooonCensor is an open source project hosted on GitHub (

MelooonCensor 3 is a complete re-write of the original plugin back in 2012. It aims to target a more specific requirement, which is censoring - not muting. I believe that it makes more sense to write a piece of software which does one thing well, and not many things averagely.

Your ideas and issues are welcome in the discussion thread, or on GitHub issues ( Also, feel free to fork the code and send a PR if you think you have a cool idea worth sharing!


  • Fully customisable censor list
  • Censors text on signs [NEW]
  • 3rd party filter support (currently in beta)
  • Multiple chat filters (classic - which censors words which are on your censor list, and strict - which prevents messages from sending if they contain any words which are on the censor list)
  • An ignore list (for any words which contain bad words, but aren't bad themselves)
  • Automatic update notifications (the plugin ties into GitHub, and notifies you when there is a new version available)
  • Helpful commands to allow you to add words on the fly (without needing to touch the configuration file)
  • Command aliases to make configuring quick and easy


  • /censor add (censor|ignore) (word)
    Adds a word to either the censor or ignore list.
    Permission: meloooncensor.add.censor and meloooncensor.add.ignore

  • /censor remove (censor|ignore) (word)
    Removes a word from either the censor or ignore list.
    Permission: meloooncensor.remove.censor and meloooncensor.remove.ignore

  • /censor list [censor|ignore]
    Displays the words in either the censor or ignore list (or both if omitted).
    Permission: meloooncensor.list.censor and meloooncensor.list.ignore

  • /censor (enable|disable)
    Enables or disables the censor filter.
    Permission: meloooncensor.enable and meloooncensor.disable

  • /censor reload
    Reloads any modifications made to the config.yml file.
    Permission: meloooncensor.reload


  • meloooncensor.bypass
    Bypasses the censor filter when assigned to a user/group.



This repository and code is made available under the MIT License.