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Spacewalk--containerized and running on Kubernetes

Pull prebuilt images from Github or Docker

# Github
docker pull
docker pull
# Docker
docker pull jacobsalmela/spacewalk:2.10
docker pull jacobsalmela/spacewalk-postgres:2.10

Spacewalk as a Kubernetes deployment, why?

This repo is an attempt to containerize Spacewalk and run it as a Kubernetes deployment.

I started doing this because Spacewalk is a monolithic app and upgrading it is difficult. It also takes a while to setup, so recovering from a disaster would be slow. I fell in love with Kubernetes and I thought Spacewalk was the perfect candidate for a container because:

  • it is a monolithic app with several components that can be broken down into microservices
  • it is difficult to upgrade parts of the software without updating everything
  • some might consider it a legacy app because the only way to install it is via a traditional install directly to an OS so it's not very future proof

I also wanted to show how it is possible to take a complex program and containerize it, even though it is not easy. So this repo:

  • demonstrates how you can decouple parts of the program, like the database and turn it into it's own container
  • demonstrates how to take a traditional app that runs on an init system and port it over to a container
  • demonstrates how to create config maps
  • demonstrates how to create custom docker images from parts of an existing application
  • demonstrates how to use persistent volumes for data that needs to persist


The Dockerfile does most everything, but the last program supervisord runs is a sleep command and then installs Spacewalk and restarts the Web services. It's janky, but it seems to work--at least for development. It also seems to work fine if you kill the deployment and re-create it--the persistent storage portion is working so you don't lose anything.

Testing locally

git clone <this repo>
cd <this repo>
docker build -t spacewalk:2.10 -f Dockerfile-centos .
cd postgres/
docker build -t spacewalk-postgres:2.10 .
cd ..
kubectl create -f spacewalk-pv/
kubectl create -f spacewalk/
kubectl get po
kubectl port-forward <pod> 8000:80 8443:443 8080:8080

(optionally) enter the container and run a few more commands:

kubectl exec -it <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash

# Make sure this program is exited
supervisorctl status spacewalk-init
# If it's running forever, stop it and start it again
supervisorctl stop spacewalk-init
supervisorctl start spacewalk-init
# Or run the install commands yourself from the supervisord config map

At this point, you should be able to reach the Web interface.

or if you already created your first user account and have an existing database.

Register a client

I tested with a container here as an example, but the steps are the same for a traditional server or VM (per

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
yum -y install rhn-client-tools rhn-check rhn-setup rhnsd m2crypto yum-rhn-plugin
rpm -Uvh http://<SPACEWALK WEB CONTAINER>/pub/rhn-org-trusted-ssl-cert-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
rhnreg_ks --serverUrl=https://<SPACEWALK WEB CONTAINER>/XMLRPC --sslCACert=/usr/share/rhn/RHN-ORG-TRUSTED-SSL-CERT --activationkey=1-centos7

Re-deploying with changes

You can rebuild images if you make changes. Thanks to the persistent storage, the database and things should stay in tact.

kubectl delete -f spacewalk/
kubectl create -f spacewalk/

Just don't delete the spacewalk-pv/ folder or you'll lose your persistent storage.

Exploring the database

I have included the adminer container, which is a nice little GUI for databases. Load it up at http://localhost:8080

Next steps