Wundermarks is a platform for users to save, share and access their bookmarks from any connected devises. It created a community of users sharing their bookmarks publicly or privately.
- Create a new bookmark in a click using a bookmarklet
- Create a profile and share the bookmark you want with any one on your public profile
- Follow users sharing content you're interested in
- Fulltext search
- Tags with suggestion
- Multiple privacy levels: public, friends, only me
- Receive a newsletter with suggested bookmark which may interest you
- Import bookmarks from Delicious
- Mobile friendly design
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Redis/Sidekiq
Public profile & Full-text Search bar
Tag suggestion
Follow interesting users
Multiple privacy levels
I would like to thank the people who helped me testing the platform and giving me great feedbacks:
- My dad
- Arno
- Clemens
- Keisuke
- Kuba
- Robin