This repository is used to teach about vanilla javascript, html and css.
- Clone the repo
git clone
orgit clone
. - Install dependencies
npm install
. - Execute project
npm start
You should be running the todo-api.
- Create git repo (GitHub).
- Configure package.json file (npm init).
- Create index.html file just with , and tags.
- Add bootstrap, jquery and sweet alert as dependencies and load it in HTML.
- Add lite-server as dev dependency.
- Search for login structure in Google with an example.
- Create css for styles.
- Create constants file for configuration.
- Create login service for requests:
- Create saveToken, removeToken and getToken methods.
- Create login method.
- Create register method.
- Create logout method.
- Create register and home views.
- Add home and redirect controllers.
- Add onload attributes to validate session.
- Add todo services methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH).
- Add home controller methods (refreshTable, buildTableHeaders, getButton, openModal).
- Add home view components.