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Releases: jayelkaake/enhancedgrid

Update for PHP 5.3 compatibility and new Magento marketplace compatibility

10 Feb 07:24
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Update for PHP 5.3 compatibility and new Magento marketplace compatibility

Minor styling updates

18 Sep 14:49
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Minor styling updates thanks to Magento. These are required to move to the Magento app marketplace. These were:

File: Line: 108 app/code/community/TBT/Enhancedgrid/controllers/Catalog/ProductController.php
Message: Use of die language construct is discouraged.
Recommendation: setBody() response object method should be used.

File: Line: 89 app/code/community/TBT/Enhancedgrid/Block/Widget/Grid/Column/Renderer/Image.php
Message: Identical operator === is not used for testing the return value of strpos function
Recommendation: Use the === operator for testing the return value of this function.

Minor bug fixes, cleanup and Magento Connect package fix

25 Nov 18:15
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Fixes missing template files in Magento Connect package, fixes a 404 error on the products page and cleans up some code.

Minor fixes

16 Nov 21:44
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A few minor fixes thanks to some community members.

SUPEE-6788 (Magento compatibility

02 Nov 03:53
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SUPEE-6788 (Magento compatibility added and some clean-ups.