# Pyblur (Renamed as `blurlab`) *IMPORTANT: The package now is renamed as `blurlab`.* - Fix Python 3 compatibility issues of [`pyblur`](https://github.com/lospooky/pyblur). - Fix Skimage `convolve2d` error from [`pyblur3`](https://github.com/desmoteo/pyblur3). ##Python image blurring routines. Pyblur is a collection of simple image blurring routines.<br> It supports Gaussian, Disk, Box, and Linear Motion Blur Kernels as well as the Point Spread Functions used in [Convolutional Neural Networks for Direct Text Deblurring](http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~ihradis/CNN-Deblur/).<br> Functions receive a PIL image as input, and return another as output.<br> Kernel sizes can either be specified as input, or randomized.<br> Finally, there's a RandomizedBlur function that applies a random type of blurring kernel with a random width/strength. pypi: [https://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=pyblur&version=0.2.3](https://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=pyblur&version=0.2.3) ## Installation From Pip: `pip install blurlab`<br> Or alternatively `git clone` this repo and run locally ## Usage from pyblur import * ### Gaussian Blur Blurs image using a Gaussian Kernel blurred = GaussianBlur(img, bandwidth) Randomized kernel bandwidth (between 0.5 and 3.5) blurred = GaussianBlur_random(img) ### Defocus (Disk) Blur Blurs image using a Disk Kernel blurred = DefocusBlur(img, kernelsize) Randomized kernel size (between 3 and 9) blurred = DefocusBlur_random(img) ### Box Blur Blurs image using a Box Kernel blurred = BoxBlur(img, kernelsize) Randomized kernel size (between 3 and 9) blurred = BoxBlur_random(img) ### Linear Motion Blur Blurs image using a Line Kernel blurred = LinearMotionBlur(img, dim, angle, linetype) #### Parameters * `dim` Kernel Size: {3,5,7,9} <br> * `angle` Angle of the line of motion. Will be floored to the closest one available for the given kernel size. <br> * `linetype = {left, right, full}` Controls whether the blur kernel will be applied in full or only the left/right halves of it. <br> Randomized kernel size, angle, and line type blurred = LinearMotionBlur_random(img) ### PSF Blur Blurs image using one of the Point Spread Functions (Kernels) used in:<br> [Convolutional Neural Networks for Direct Text Deblurring](http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~ihradis/CNN-Deblur/) blurred = PsfBlur(img, psfid) #### Parameters * `psfid` Id of the Point Spread Function to apply [0, 99] <br> Randomized kernel size, angle, and line type blurred = PsfBlur_random(img) ### Random Blur Randomly applies one of the supported blur types, with a randomized bandwidth/strenght. blurred = RandomizedBlur(img)