diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e69de29bb diff --git a/CONTRIBUTORS.svg b/CONTRIBUTORS.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b80ae03d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTORS.svg @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/basic.zip b/basic.zip new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eda2a1fe7 Binary files /dev/null and b/basic.zip differ diff --git a/create-tsbb.html b/create-tsbb.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc2e41112 --- /dev/null +++ b/create-tsbb.html @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ + + +
+ +Creates a tsbb
application using the command line.
# npm 6.x
+$ npm init tsbb my-app --example express-typeorm
+# npm 7+, extra double-dash is needed:
+$ npm init tsbb my-app -- --example express-typeorm
+$ yarn create tsbb [appName]
+# or npm
+$ npm create tsbb my-app
+# or npx
+$ npx create-tsbb my-app
+ Below is a help of commands you might find useful. The example download is from https://jaywcjlove.github.io/tsbb
+Usage: create-tsbb <app-name> [options] [--help|h]
+ --version, -v Show version number
+ --help, -h Displays help information.
+ --output, -o Output directory.
+ --example, -e Example from: https://jaywcjlove.github.io/tsbb , default: "basic"
+ --force, -f Overwrite target directory if it exists. default: false
+ --path, -p Specify the download target git address. default: "https://jaywcjlove.github.io/tsbb"
+ npx create-tsbb my-app
+ yarn create tsbb appName
+ npm create tsbb my-app
+ npm create tsbb my-app -f
+ npm create tsbb my-app -p https://jaywcjlove.github.io/tsbb
+Copyright 2021
+ + Quick Start · + Example · + Command Help · + npm · + License +
+TSBB is a zero-config CLI that helps you develop, test, and publish modern TypeScript Node.js project.
+TypeScript + Babel
tsbb test
You will need Node.js
installed on your system.
$ yarn create tsbb [appName]
+# or npm
+$ npm create tsbb my-app -e express
+# --- Example name ---------┴ˇˇˇˇˇˇ
+# or npx
+$ npx create-tsbb my-app -e koa
+# npm 6.x
+$ npm init tsbb my-app --example express-typeorm
+# npm 7+, extra double-dash is needed:
+$ npm init tsbb my-app -- --example express-typeorm
+$ cd my-project
+$ npm run watch # Listen compile .ts files.
+$ npm run build # compile .ts files.
+$ npm start
+ create-tsbb initialize the project from one of the examples:
+$ npx create-tsbb my-app -e <Example Name>
+# --- E.g: ----------------┴ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ
+# npx create-tsbb my-app -e Basic
+ You can download the following examples directly. Download page.
- The Node.js base application example.Express
- The Express base application example.express-typeorm
- The Express & TypeORM base application example.Koa
- The Koa base application example.Hapi
- The Hapi base application example.react-component
- The react component base application example.react-component-tsx
- The react component and website base application example.transform-typescript
- Reconfigure the babel configuration example.umd
- umd bundle example.vue 3
- To add Vue JSX support.Below is a help of commands you might find useful.
▶ tsbb --help
+Usage: tsbb <command>
+ tsbb build [options] Build your project once and exit.
+ tsbb watch [options] Recompile files on changes.
+ tsbb test [options] Run jest test runner in watch mode.
+ --entry, -e Specify the entry directory.
+ --env-name The current active environment used during configuration loading.
+ --emit-type Emit d.ts type files.
+ --no-emit-type No emit d.ts type files.
+ --disable-babel Disable Babel.
+ --no-babel-option Disable Babel Option.
+ --file-names, -f A set of root files.
+ --esm Output "esm" directory.
+ --cjs Output "cjs" directory.
+ --version, -v Show version number
+ --help, -h Show help
+ $ tsbb build Build your project.
+ $ tsbb build --entry src/index.ts Specify the entry directory.
+ $ tsbb build --esm ./es Output directory.
+ $ tsbb build --use-vue To add Vue JSX support.
+ $ tsbb build --no-source-maps No ".js.map" file is generated. (Can't disable babel)
+ $ tsbb watch --disable-babel Disable Babel.
+ $ tsbb watch --no-emit-type No emit d.ts type files.
+ $ tsbb watch --no-babel-option Disable Babel Option.
+ $ tsbb watch --babel-option '{"presets": ["@babel/preset-typescript"] }'
+ Babel Option.
+ $ tsbb watch --cjs ./cjs Watch Output directory.
+ $ tsbb build --disable-babel --file-names src/index.ts --file-names src/main.ts
+ A set of root files.
+ $ tsbb test Run test suites related
+ $ tsbb test --coverage Test coverage information should be collected
+Copyright 2022
+ tsbb create
Please use create-tsbb to create an example.
+tsbb test
Runs the test watcher (Jest) in an interactive mode.
+$ tsbb test Run test suites related
+$ tsbb test --coverage --no-color Test coverage information should be collected
+ export declare type Argv = Arguments<Partial<{
+ all: boolean;
+ automock: boolean;
+ bail: boolean | number;
+ cache: boolean;
+ cacheDirectory: string;
+ changedFilesWithAncestor: boolean;
+ changedSince: string;
+ ci: boolean;
+ clearCache: boolean;
+ clearMocks: boolean;
+ collectCoverage: boolean;
+ collectCoverageFrom: string;
+ collectCoverageOnlyFrom: Array<string>;
+ color: boolean;
+ colors: boolean;
+ config: string;
+ coverage: boolean;
+ coverageDirectory: string;
+ coveragePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
+ coverageReporters: Array<string>;
+ coverageThreshold: string;
+ debug: boolean;
+ env: string;
+ expand: boolean;
+ findRelatedTests: boolean;
+ forceExit: boolean;
+ globals: string;
+ globalSetup: string | null | undefined;
+ globalTeardown: string | null | undefined;
+ haste: string;
+ init: boolean;
+ injectGlobals: boolean;
+ json: boolean;
+ lastCommit: boolean;
+ logHeapUsage: boolean;
+ maxWorkers: number | string;
+ moduleDirectories: Array<string>;
+ moduleFileExtensions: Array<string>;
+ moduleNameMapper: string;
+ modulePathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
+ modulePaths: Array<string>;
+ noStackTrace: boolean;
+ notify: boolean;
+ notifyMode: string;
+ onlyChanged: boolean;
+ onlyFailures: boolean;
+ outputFile: string;
+ preset: string | null | undefined;
+ projects: Array<string>;
+ prettierPath: string | null | undefined;
+ resetMocks: boolean;
+ resetModules: boolean;
+ resolver: string | null | undefined;
+ restoreMocks: boolean;
+ rootDir: string;
+ roots: Array<string>;
+ runInBand: boolean;
+ selectProjects: Array<string>;
+ setupFiles: Array<string>;
+ setupFilesAfterEnv: Array<string>;
+ showConfig: boolean;
+ silent: boolean;
+ snapshotSerializers: Array<string>;
+ testEnvironment: string;
+ testFailureExitCode: string | null | undefined;
+ testMatch: Array<string>;
+ testNamePattern: string;
+ testPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
+ testPathPattern: Array<string>;
+ testRegex: string | Array<string>;
+ testResultsProcessor: string;
+ testRunner: string;
+ testSequencer: string;
+ testURL: string;
+ testTimeout: number | null | undefined;
+ timers: string;
+ transform: string;
+ transformIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
+ unmockedModulePathPatterns: Array<string> | null | undefined;
+ updateSnapshot: boolean;
+ useStderr: boolean;
+ verbose: boolean;
+ version: boolean;
+ watch: boolean;
+ watchAll: boolean;
+ watchman: boolean;
+ watchPathIgnorePatterns: Array<string>;
+ $ npm i
+$ npm run hoist
+$ npm run build
+ As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!
+Made with github-action-contributors.
+MIT © Kenny Wong
+ TSBB Example Zip Filesv3.7.2+ + |
+ | basic.zip | +Document | +
+ | express-typeorm.zip | +Document | +
+ | express.zip | +Document | +
+ | hapi.zip | +Document | +
+ | koa.zip | +Document | +
+ | react-component-tsx.zip | +Document | +
+ | react-component.zip | +Document | +
+ | transform-typescript.zip | +Document | +
+ | umd.zip | +Document | +
+ | vue.zip | +Document | +