diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 13bbe5b9..14859fc5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/os-datavirt/module.yaml b/os-datavirt/module.yaml
index 9576349f..a16a2dda 100644
--- a/os-datavirt/module.yaml
+++ b/os-datavirt/module.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ description: Legacy os-datavirt script package.
   - name: os-eap-launch
+  - name: os-partition
   - name: os-eap-migration
diff --git a/os-eap-migration/added/launch/openshift-migrate-common.sh b/os-eap-migration/added/launch/openshift-migrate-common.sh
index d0867df8..63566bbf 100644
--- a/os-eap-migration/added/launch/openshift-migrate-common.sh
+++ b/os-eap-migration/added/launch/openshift-migrate-common.sh
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ source /opt/partition/partitionPV.sh
 function runMigration() {
   local instanceDir=$1
+  # if count provided the node_name should be constructed
   local count=$2
+  [ "x$count" != "x" ] && export NODE_NAME="${NODE_NAME:-node}-${count}"
-  export NODE_NAME="${NODE_NAME:-node}-${count}"
   source $JBOSS_HOME/bin/launch/configure.sh
@@ -29,9 +31,11 @@ function runMigration() {
   local success=false
   local message="Finished, migration pod has been terminated"
+  local probeStatus=$?
-  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
+  if [ $probeStatus -eq 0 ] ; then
     echo "$(date): Server started, checking for transactions"
     local startTime=$(date +'%s')
     local endTime=$((startTime + ${RECOVERY_TIMEOUT} + 1))
@@ -43,13 +47,23 @@ function runMigration() {
       local recoveryClass="com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.tools.RecoveryMonitor"
       recoveryJar=$(find "${JBOSS_HOME}" -name \*.jar | xargs grep -l "${recoveryClass}")
       if [ -n "${recoveryJar}" ] ; then
-        echo "$(date): Executing synchronous recovery scan"
+        echo "$(date): Executing synchronous recovery scan for a first time"
         java -cp "${recoveryJar}" "${recoveryClass}" -host "${recoveryHost}" -port "${recoveryPort}"
         echo "$(date): Executing synchronous recovery scan for a second time"
         java -cp "${recoveryJar}" "${recoveryClass}" -host "${recoveryHost}" -port "${recoveryPort}"
+        echo "$(date): Synchronous recovery scans finished for the first and the second time"
+  fi
+  # -- checking if the pod log is clean from errors (only if function of the particular name exists, provided by the os-partition module)
+  if [ $probeStatus -eq 0 ] && [ "$(type -t probePodLogForRecoveryErrors)" = 'function' ]; then
+    probePodLogForRecoveryErrors
+    probeStatus=$?
+    [ $probeStatus -ne 0 ] && echo "The migration container log contains periodic recovery errors, check it for details."
+  fi
+  if [ $probeStatus -eq 0 ] ; then
     while [ $(date +'%s') -lt $endTime -a ! -f "${terminatingFile}" ] ; do
       run_cli_cmd '/subsystem=transactions/log-store=log-store/:probe' > /dev/null 2>&1
       local transactions="$(run_cli_cmd 'ls /subsystem=transactions/log-store=log-store/transactions')"
@@ -66,7 +80,7 @@ function runMigration() {
     if [ "${success}" = "true" ] ; then
       message="Finished, recovery terminated successfully"
-      message="Finished, Recovery DID NOT complete, check log for details.  Recovery will be reattempted."
+      message="Finished, Recovery DID NOT complete, check log for details. Recovery will be reattempted."
diff --git a/os-eap-migration/module.yaml b/os-eap-migration/module.yaml
index 93eb7d53..e60f9440 100644
--- a/os-eap-migration/module.yaml
+++ b/os-eap-migration/module.yaml
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ name: os-eap-migration
 version: '1.0'
 description: EAP common migration scripts
-  install:
-  - name: os-partition
     example: "360"
diff --git a/os-eap-probes/added/readinessProbe.sh b/os-eap-probes/added/readinessProbe.sh
index 694b0166..679b2072 100644
--- a/os-eap-probes/added/readinessProbe.sh
+++ b/os-eap-probes/added/readinessProbe.sh
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ LOG=/tmp/readiness-log
 if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
diff --git a/os-eap64-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh b/os-eap64-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh
index 6268ad23..430590fd 100755
--- a/os-eap64-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh
+++ b/os-eap64-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh
@@ -7,9 +7,6 @@ source ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/launch/openshift-common.sh
 function runServer() {
   local instanceDir=$1
-  local count=$2
-  export NODE_NAME="${NODE_NAME:-node}-${count}"
   source $JBOSS_HOME/bin/launch/configure.sh
diff --git a/os-eap64-launch/module.yaml b/os-eap64-launch/module.yaml
index c6217504..b40b850b 100644
--- a/os-eap64-launch/module.yaml
+++ b/os-eap64-launch/module.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ modules:
   - name: os-eap-launch
   - name: os-eap-node-name
+  - name: os-partition-txnrecovery
   - name: os-eap-migration
diff --git a/os-eap7-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh b/os-eap7-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh
index 941c235b..cb2f8b34 100755
--- a/os-eap7-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh
+++ b/os-eap7-launch/added/openshift-launch.sh
@@ -7,15 +7,12 @@ source $JBOSS_HOME/bin/launch/logging.sh
 # TERM signal handler
 function clean_shutdown() {
   log_error "*** JBossAS wrapper process ($$) received TERM signal ***"
-  $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c ":shutdown(timeout=60)"
+  $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh -c "shutdown --timeout=60"
   wait $!
 function runServer() {
   local instanceDir=$1
-  local count=$2
-  export NODE_NAME="${NODE_NAME:-node}-${count}"
   source $JBOSS_HOME/bin/launch/configure.sh
diff --git a/os-eap7-launch/module.yaml b/os-eap7-launch/module.yaml
index 63bd076a..0b93c66e 100644
--- a/os-eap7-launch/module.yaml
+++ b/os-eap7-launch/module.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ modules:
   - name: os-eap-launch
   - name: os-eap-node-name
+  - name: os-partition-txnrecovery
   - name: os-eap-migration
diff --git a/os-jdg-launch/module.yaml b/os-jdg-launch/module.yaml
index d023c7df..d5123002 100644
--- a/os-jdg-launch/module.yaml
+++ b/os-jdg-launch/module.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ description: Legacy os-jdg-launch script package.
   - name: os-eap-launch
+  - name: os-partition
   - name: os-eap-migration
diff --git a/os-jdg7-launch/module.yaml b/os-jdg7-launch/module.yaml
index e6c2cf0a..ae223225 100644
--- a/os-jdg7-launch/module.yaml
+++ b/os-jdg7-launch/module.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ description: Legacy os-jdg7-launch script package.
   - name: os-eap-launch
+  - name: os-partition
   - name: os-eap-migration
diff --git a/os-partition-txnrecovery/added/partitionPV.sh b/os-partition-txnrecovery/added/partitionPV.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..02078498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-partition-txnrecovery/added/partitionPV.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+[ "x${SCRIPT_DEBUG}" = "xtrue" ] && DEBUG_QUERY_API_PARAM="-l debug"
+# parameters
+# - needle to search in array
+# - array passed as: "${ARRAY_VAR[@]}"
+function arrContains() {
+  local element match="$1"
+  shift
+  for element; do
+    [[ "$element" == "$match" ]] && return 0
+  done
+  return 1
+function init_pod_name() {
+  # when POD_NAME is non-zero length using that given name
+  # docker sets up container_uuid
+  [ -z "${POD_NAME}" ] && POD_NAME="${container_uuid}"
+  # openshift sets up the node id as host name
+  [ -z "${POD_NAME}" ] && POD_NAME="${HOSTNAME}"
+  # having set the POD_NAME is crucial as the processing depends on unique
+  # pod name being used as identifier for migration
+  if [ -z "${POD_NAME}" ]; then
+    >&2 echo "Cannot proceed further as failed to get unique POD_NAME as identifier of the server to be started"
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# used to redefine starting jboss.node.name as identifier of jboss container
+#   need to be restricted to 23 characters (CLOUD-427)
+function truncate_jboss_node_name() {
+  if [ ${#1} -gt 23 ]; then
+    NODE_NAME_TRUNCATED=${1: -23}
+  fi
+  NODE_NAME_TRUNCATED=${NODE_NAME_TRUNCATED##-} # do not start the identifier with '-', it makes bash issues
+# parameters
+# - base directory
+function partitionPV() {
+  local podsDir="$1"
+  local applicationPodDir
+  mkdir -p "${podsDir}"
+  init_pod_name
+  local applicationPodDir="${podsDir}/${POD_NAME}"
+  local waitCounter=0
+  # 2) while any file matching, sleep
+  while true; do
+    local isRecoveryInProgress=false
+    # is there an existing RECOVERY descriptor that means a recovery is in progress
+    find "${podsDir}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${POD_NAME}-RECOVERY-*" 2>/dev/null | grep -q .
+    [ $? -eq 0 ] && isRecoveryInProgress=true
+    # we are free to start the app container
+    if ! $isRecoveryInProgress; then
+      break
+    fi
+    if $isRecoveryInProgress; then
+      echo "Waiting to start pod ${POD_NAME} as recovery process '$(echo ${podsDir}/${POD_NAME}-RECOVERY-*)' is currently cleaning data directory."
+    fi
+    sleep 1
+    echo "`date`: waiting for recovery process to clean the environment for the pod to start"
+  done
+  # 3) create /pods/<applicationPodName>
+  SERVER_DATA_DIR="${applicationPodDir}/serverData"
+  mkdir -p "${SERVER_DATA_DIR}"
+  if [ ! -f "${SERVER_DATA_DIR}/../data_initialized" ]; then
+    init_data_dir ${SERVER_DATA_DIR}
+    touch "${SERVER_DATA_DIR}/../data_initialized"
+  fi
+  # 4) launch server with node name as pod name (openshift-node-name.sh uses the node name value)
+  NODE_NAME=$(truncate_jboss_node_name "${POD_NAME}") runServer "${SERVER_DATA_DIR}" &
+  PID=$!
+  trap "echo Received TERM of pid ${PID} of pod name ${POD_NAME}; kill -TERM $PID" TERM
+  wait $PID 2>/dev/null
+  STATUS=$?
+  trap - TERM
+  wait $PID 2>/dev/null
+  echo "Server terminated with status $STATUS ($(kill -l $STATUS 2>/dev/null))"
+  if [ "$STATUS" -eq 255 ] ; then
+    echo "Server returned 255, changing to 254"
+    STATUS=254
+  fi
+  exit $STATUS
+# parameters
+# - base directory
+# - migration pause between cycles
+function migratePV() {
+  local podsDir="$1"
+  local applicationPodDir
+  MIGRATION_PAUSE="${2:-30}"
+  MIGRATED=false
+  init_pod_name
+  local recoveryPodName="${POD_NAME}"
+  while true ; do
+    # 1) Periodically, for each /pods/<applicationPodName>
+    for applicationPodDir in "${podsDir}"/*; do
+      # check if the found file is type of directory, if not directory move to the next item
+      [ ! -d "$applicationPodDir" ] && continue
+      # 1.a) create /pods/<applicationPodName>-RECOVERY-<recoveryPodName>
+      local applicationPodName="$(basename ${applicationPodDir})"
+      touch "${podsDir}/${applicationPodName}-RECOVERY-${recoveryPodName}"
+      sync
+      STATUS=42 # expecting there could be  error on getting living pods
+      # 1.a.i) if <applicationPodName> is not in the cluster
+      echo "examining existence of living pod for directory: '${applicationPodDir}'"
+      unset LIVING_PODS
+      LIVING_PODS=($($(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/query.py -q pods_living -f list_space ${DEBUG_QUERY_API_PARAM}))
+      [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "ERROR: Can't get list of living pods" && continue
+      # expecting the application pod of the same name was started/is living, it will manage recovery on its own
+      if ! arrContains ${applicationPodName} "${LIVING_PODS[@]}"; then
+        (
+          # 1.a.ii) run recovery until empty (including orphan checks and empty object store hierarchy deletion)
+          MIGRATION_POD_TIMESTAMP=$(getPodLogTimestamp)  # investigating on current pod timestamp
+          SERVER_DATA_DIR="${applicationPodDir}/serverData"
+          NODE_NAME=$(truncate_jboss_node_name "${applicationPodName}") runMigration "${SERVER_DATA_DIR}" &
+          PID=$!
+          trap "echo Received TERM ; kill -TERM $PID" TERM
+          wait $PID 2>/dev/null
+          STATUS=$?
+          trap - TERM
+          wait $PID 2>/dev/null
+          echo "Migration terminated with status $STATUS ($(kill -l $STATUS))"
+          if [ "$STATUS" -eq 255 ] ; then
+            echo "Server returned 255, changing to 254"
+            STATUS=254
+          fi
+          exit $STATUS
+        ) &
+        PID=$!
+        trap "kill -TERM $PID" TERM
+        wait $PID 2>/dev/null
+        STATUS=$?
+        trap - TERM
+        wait $PID 2>/dev/null
+        if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ]; then
+          # 1.a.iii) Delete /pods/<applicationPodName> when recovery was succesful
+          echo "`date`: Migration succesfully finished for application directory ${applicationPodDir} thus removing it by recovery pod ${recoveryPodName}"
+          rm -rf "${applicationPodDir}"
+        fi
+      fi
+      # 1.b.) Deleting the recovery marker
+      if [ $STATUS -eq 0 ] || [ $IS_APPLICATION_POD_LIVING ]; then
+        # STATUS is 0: we are free from in-doubt transactions
+        # IS_APPLICATION_POD_LIVING==true: there is a running pod of the same name, will do the recovery on his own, recovery pod won't manage it
+        rm -f "${podsDir}/${applicationPodName}-RECOVERY-${recoveryPodName}"
+      fi
+      # 2) Periodically, for files /pods/<applicationPodName>-RECOVERY-<recoveryPodName>, for failed recovery pods
+      for recoveryPodFilePathToCheck in "${podsDir}/"*-RECOVERY-*; do
+        local recoveryPodFileToCheck="$(basename ${recoveryPodFilePathToCheck})"
+        local recoveryPodNameToCheck=${recoveryPodFileToCheck#*RECOVERY-}
+        unset LIVING_PODS
+        LIVING_PODS=($($(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/query.py -q pods_living -f list_space ${DEBUG_QUERY_API_PARAM}))
+        [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "ERROR: Can't get list of living pods" && continue
+        if ! arrContains ${recoveryPodNameToCheck} "${LIVING_PODS[@]}"; then
+          # recovery pod is dead, garbage collecting
+          rm -f "${recoveryPodFilePathToCheck}"
+        fi
+      done
+    done
+    echo "`date`: Finished Migration Check cycle, pausing for ${MIGRATION_PAUSE} seconds before resuming"
+    MIGRATION_POD_TIMESTAMP=$(getPodLogTimestamp)
+    sleep "${MIGRATION_PAUSE}"
+  done
+# parameters
+# - pod name (optional)
+function getPodLogTimestamp() {
+  init_pod_name
+  local podNameToProbe=${1:-$POD_NAME}
+  local logOutput=$($(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/query.py -q log --pod ${podNameToProbe} --tailline 1)
+  # only one, last line of the log, is returned, taking the start which is timestamp
+  echo $logOutput | sed 's/ .*$//'
+# parameters
+# - since time (when the pod listing start at)
+# - pod name (optional)
+function probePodLogForRecoveryErrors() {
+  init_pod_name
+  local sinceTimestampParam=''
+  local sinceTimestamp=${1:-$MIGRATION_POD_TIMESTAMP}
+  [ "x$sinceTimestamp" != "x" ] && sinceTimestampParam="--sincetime ${sinceTimestamp}"
+  local podNameToProbe=${2:-$POD_NAME}
+  local logOutput=$($(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/query.py -q log --pod ${podNameToProbe} ${sinceTimestampParam})
+  local probeStatus=$?
+  if [ $probeStatus -ne 0 ]; then
+    echo "Cannot contact OpenShift API to get log for pod ${POD_NAME}"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  local isPeriodicRecoveryError=false
+  local patternToCheck="ERROR.*Periodic Recovery"
+  [ "x${SCRIPT_DEBUG}" = "xtrue" ] && set +x # even for debug it's too verbose to print this pattern checking
+  while read line; do
+    [[ $line =~ $patternToCheck ]] && isPeriodicRecoveryError=true && break
+  done <<< "$logOutput"
+  [ "x${SCRIPT_DEBUG}" = "xtrue" ] && set -x
+  if $isPeriodicRecoveryError; then # ERROR string was found in the log output
+    echo "Pod '${POD_NAME}' started with periodic recovery errors: '$line'"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
diff --git a/os-partition-txnrecovery/added/query.py b/os-partition-txnrecovery/added/query.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a52606b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-partition-txnrecovery/added/query.py
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc.
+Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version
+2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
+permissions and limitations under the License.
+import argparse
+import json
+import logging
+import urllib2
+from enum import Enum
+class QueryType(Enum):
+    """
+    Represents what could be queried.
+    PODS: list of pods
+    LOG: log from particular pod
+    """
+    PODS = 'pods'
+    PODS_LIVING = 'pods_living'
+    LOG = 'log'
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.value
+class OutputFormat(Enum):
+    """
+    Represents output format of this script.
+    RAW: no formatting
+    LIST_SPACE: if possible values are delimited with space and returned
+    LIST_COMMA: comma separated list
+    """
+    RAW = "raw"
+    LIST_SPACE = "list_space"
+    LIST_COMMA = "list_comma"
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.value
+class OpenShiftQuery():
+    """
+    Utility class to help query OpenShift api. Declares constant
+    to get token and uri of the query. Having methods doing the query etc.
+    """
+    API_URL = 'https://openshift.default.svc'
+    TOKEN_FILE_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token'
+    NAMESPACE_FILE_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace'
+    CERT_FILE_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt'
+    STATUS_LIVING_PODS = ['Pending', 'Running', 'Unknown']
+    @staticmethod
+    def __readFile(fileToRead):
+        with open(fileToRead, 'r') as readingfile:
+            return readingfile.read().strip()
+    @staticmethod
+    def getToken():
+        return OpenShiftQuery.__readFile(OpenShiftQuery.TOKEN_FILE_PATH)
+    @staticmethod
+    def getNameSpace():
+        return OpenShiftQuery.__readFile(OpenShiftQuery.NAMESPACE_FILE_PATH)
+    @staticmethod
+    def queryApi(urlSuffix):
+        request = urllib2.Request(OpenShiftQuery.API_URL + urlSuffix,
+            headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + OpenShiftQuery.getToken(), "Accept": 'application/json'})
+        logger.debug('query for: "%s"', request.get_full_url())
+        try:
+            return urllib2.urlopen(request, cafile = OpenShiftQuery.CERT_FILE_PATH).read()
+        except:
+            logger.critical('Cannot query OpenShift API for "%s"', request.get_full_url())
+            raise
+def getPodsJsonData():
+    jsonText = OpenShiftQuery.queryApi('/api/v1/namespaces/{}/pods'.format(OpenShiftQuery.getNameSpace()))
+    return json.loads(jsonText)
+def getPods():
+    jsonPodsData = getPodsJsonData()
+    pods = []
+    for pod in jsonPodsData["items"]:
+        logger.debug('query pod %s of status %s', pod["metadata"]["name"], pod["status"]["phase"])
+        pods.append(pod["metadata"]["name"])
+    return pods
+def getLivingPods():
+    jsonPodsData = getPodsJsonData()
+    pods = []
+    for pod in jsonPodsData["items"]:
+        logger.debug('query pod %s of status %s', pod["metadata"]["name"], pod["status"]["phase"])
+        if pod["status"]["phase"] in OpenShiftQuery.STATUS_LIVING_PODS:
+            pods.append(pod["metadata"]["name"])
+    return pods
+def getLog(podName, sinceTime, tailLine):
+    sinceTimeParam = '' if sinceTime is None else '&sinceTime=' + sinceTime
+    tailLineParam = '' if tailLine is None else '&tailLines=' + tailLine
+    podLogLines = OpenShiftQuery.queryApi('/api/v1/namespaces/{}/pods/{}/log?timestamps=true{}{}'
+            .format(OpenShiftQuery.getNameSpace(), podName, sinceTimeParam, tailLineParam))
+    return podLogLines
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Queries OpenShift API, gathering the json and parsing it to get specific info from it")
+    parser.add_argument("-q", "--query", required = False, type = QueryType, default = QueryType.PODS, choices=list(QueryType), help = "Query type/what to query\n"
+      + "either printing log of a pod, or listing of all pods in the current namespace, or listing of living pods in the current namespace")
+    parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", required = False, type = OutputFormat, default = OutputFormat.RAW, choices=list(OutputFormat), help = "Output format")
+    parser.add_argument("--pod", required = False, type = str, default = None, help = "Pod name to work with")
+    parser.add_argument("--sincetime", required = False, type = str, default = None,
+        help = "what is time to log will be started to be shown from (relevant with '--query log')")
+    parser.add_argument("--tailline", required = False, type = str, default = None,
+        help = "how many lines to be printed from end of the log (relevant with '--query log')")
+    parser.add_argument("-l", "--loglevel", default="CRITICAL", help="Log level",
+        choices=["debug", "DEBUG", "info", "INFO", "warning", "WARNING", "error", "ERROR", "critical", "CRITICAL"])
+    parser.add_argument("args", nargs = argparse.REMAINDER, help = "Arguments of the query (each query type has different)")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # don't spam warnings (e.g. when not verifying ssl connections)
+    logging.captureWarnings(True)
+    logging.basicConfig(level = args.loglevel.upper())
+    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+    logger.debug("Starting query openshift api with args: %s", args)
+    if args.query == QueryType.PODS:
+        queryResult = getPods()
+    elif args.query == QueryType.PODS_LIVING:
+        queryResult = getLivingPods()
+    elif args.query == QueryType.LOG:
+        if args.pod is None:
+            logger.critical('query of type "--query log" requires one argument to be an existing pod name')
+            exit(1)
+        podName = args.pod
+        sinceTime = args.sincetime
+        tailLine = args.tailline
+        queryResult = getLog(podName, sinceTime, tailLine)
+    else:
+        logger.critical('No handler for query type %s', args.query)
+        exit(1)
+    if args.format == OutputFormat.LIST_SPACE:
+        print ' '.join(queryResult)
+    elif args.format == OutputFormat.LIST_COMMA:
+        print ','.join(queryResult)
+    else: # RAW format
+        print queryResult,
+    exit(0)
diff --git a/os-partition-txnrecovery/configure.sh b/os-partition-txnrecovery/configure.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7bbfb7f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-partition-txnrecovery/configure.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+set -e
+SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $0)
+mkdir -p ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/queryapi
+cp -r ${ADDED_DIR}/queryapi/* ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/queryapi
+chmod -R ugo+x $JBOSS_HOME/bin/queryapi
diff --git a/os-partition-txnrecovery/install_as_root.sh b/os-partition-txnrecovery/install_as_root.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..7fa743f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-partition-txnrecovery/install_as_root.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+set -u
+set -e
+SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $0)
+test -d /opt/partition || mkdir /opt/partition
+cp "$ADDED_DIR"/* /opt/partition/
+chmod 755 /opt/partition/*
diff --git a/os-partition-txnrecovery/module.yaml b/os-partition-txnrecovery/module.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bd0a3bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-partition-txnrecovery/module.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+schema_version: 1
+name: os-partition-txnrecovery
+version: '1.0'
+description: Lock-free os-partition script package.
+- script: install_as_root.sh
+    repositories:
+        - jboss-os
+    install:
+        - python-enum34
+        - python-requests
diff --git a/os-sso71/module.yaml b/os-sso71/module.yaml
index 458a59be..88928eb0 100644
--- a/os-sso71/module.yaml
+++ b/os-sso71/module.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ modules:
   - name: os-eap-launch
   - name: os-eap7-launch
+  - name: os-partition
   - name: os-eap-migration
diff --git a/os-sso72/module.yaml b/os-sso72/module.yaml
index 94bbf5c7..bd36f63d 100644
--- a/os-sso72/module.yaml
+++ b/os-sso72/module.yaml
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ modules:
   - name: os-eap-launch
   - name: os-eap7-launch
+  - name: os-partition
   - name: os-eap-migration
diff --git a/tests/features/datagrid/datagrid_split.feature b/tests/features/datagrid/datagrid_split.feature
index 6148b55c..ea2c1b5c 100644
--- a/tests/features/datagrid/datagrid_split.feature
+++ b/tests/features/datagrid/datagrid_split.feature
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Feature: Openshift DataGrid SPLIT tests
   Scenario: Ensure split doesn't happen with regular configuration
     When container is ready
     Then container log should match regex .*Data Grid.*started.*
-    And available container log should not contain Attempting to obtain lock for directory:
+    And available container log should contain jboss.server.data.dir = /opt/datagrid/standalone/data
   @jboss-datagrid-6 @jboss-datagrid-7
   Scenario: Ensure split happens with SPLIT_DATA
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Feature: Openshift DataGrid SPLIT tests
        | variable            | value                   |
        | SPLIT_DATA          | TRUE                    |
     Then container log should match regex .*Data Grid.*started.*
-    And available container log should contain Attempting to obtain lock for directory:
+    And available container log should contain jboss.server.data.dir = /opt/datagrid/standalone/partitioned_data/
   Scenario: Ensure split happens with DATAGRID_SPLIT
@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ Feature: Openshift DataGrid SPLIT tests
        | variable            | value                   |
        | DATAGRID_SPLIT      | TRUE                    |
     Then container log should match regex .*Data Grid.*started.*
-    And available container log should contain Attempting to obtain lock for directory:
+    And available container log should contain jboss.server.data.dir = /opt/datagrid/standalone/partitioned_data/