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Use Rekenaar tactics
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Given two equavalent terms in `(Nat, 0, +)`, Rekenaar [1] can prove that
the terms are equal. In this proof-of-concept commit, Rekenaar tactics are
applied everywhere they fit.

There was only one location where applying Rekenaar failed. This code is
marked with a `NOTE` comment. However, it's not clear whether this is
due to a bug in Rekenaar or in Idris.

Note that a case can be made that Rekenaar is best suited for solving
more complex tasks. For example, using Rekenaar to replace a single
`plusCommutative` call might be considered overkill by some users.

  • Loading branch information
jdevuyst committed Sep 24, 2018
1 parent 0e7eb14 commit 771f628
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Showing 8 changed files with 78 additions and 67 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion data.ipkg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package data

sourceloc =

opts = "--warnreach -p contrib"
opts = "--warnreach -p contrib -p rekenaar"

sourcedir = src
modules = Decidable.IntOrder
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/Data/LazyPairingHeap.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
module Data.LazyPairingHeap

import Rekenaar

import Decidable.Order

%default total
%language ElabReflection

public export
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,14 +37,11 @@ mutual
-> .{ltePrf : to (findMin h1) (findMin h2)}
-> (ret : LazyPairingHeap ((S cnt1) + (S cnt2)) constraint ** findMin ret = findMin h1)
link {cnt1} {cnt2} {ltePrf} h1@(Tree x Empty r) h2
= rewrite plusCommutative cnt1 (S cnt2) in
= rewrite the (cnt1 + (S cnt2) = (S cnt2) + cnt1) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
(Tree (findMin h1) h2 r ** Refl)
link {constraint} {ltePrf} h1 {cnt2} h2 with (h1)
| Tree {leftFits} {rightFits} {leftCnt} {rightCnt} x l r
= rewrite sym $ plusAssociative leftCnt rightCnt (S cnt2) in
rewrite plusCommutative rightCnt (S cnt2) in
rewrite plusAssociative leftCnt (S cnt2) rightCnt in
rewrite plusCommutative leftCnt (S cnt2) in
= rewrite the (plus (plus leftCnt rightCnt) (S cnt2) = S (plus (plus cnt2 leftCnt) rightCnt)) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
rewrite sym $ xFindMin in
let (merged ** fitsPrf) = merge' {lbound = findMin h1}
{fits1 = rewrite xFindMin in ltePrf}
Expand All @@ -64,12 +64,13 @@ mutual
-> .{lbound : ty} -> .{fits1 : Fits lbound h1} -> .{fits2 : Fits lbound h2}
-> (ret : LazyPairingHeap (cnt1 + cnt2) constraint ** Fits lbound ret)
merge' {fits2} Empty h = (h ** fits2)
merge' {cnt1} {fits1} h Empty = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral cnt1 in (h ** fits1)
merge' {cnt1} {fits1} h Empty = rewrite the (cnt1 + 0 = cnt1) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in (h ** fits1)
merge' {to} {fits1} {fits2} {cnt1 = S n} {cnt2 = S m} h1 h2 with (order {to} (findMin h1) (findMin h2))
| Left ltePrf = let (ret ** eqPrf) = assert_total $ link {ltePrf} h1 h2 in
(ret ** rewrite eqPrf in fits1)
| Right ltePrf = rewrite plusCommutative n (S m) in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc m n in
-- NOTE: this failed to compile after refactoring to use Rekenaar
let (ret ** eqPrf) = assert_total $ link {ltePrf} h2 h1 in
(ret ** rewrite eqPrf in fits2)

Expand All @@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ merge : .{constraint : Ordered ty to}
-> {cnt2 : Nat} -> LazyPairingHeap cnt2 constraint
-> LazyPairingHeap (cnt1 + cnt2) constraint
merge Empty h = h
merge {cnt1} h Empty = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral cnt1 in h
merge {cnt1} h Empty = rewrite the (cnt1 + 0 = cnt1) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in h
merge {constraint} {ty} {to} {cnt1 = S n} {cnt2 = S m} h1 h2
= let (lbound ** (fits1, fits2)) = proofs in
fst $ merge' {lbound} {fits1} {fits2} h1 h2
Expand All @@ -99,8 +100,7 @@ singleton x = Tree x Empty Empty

insert : .{constraint : Ordered ty to} -> {cnt : Nat} -> LazyPairingHeap cnt constraint -> ty -> LazyPairingHeap (S cnt) constraint
insert {cnt} h x = rewrite sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral cnt in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc cnt Z in
insert {cnt} h x = rewrite the (S cnt = cnt + 1) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
merge h (singleton x)

namespace CountedPairingHeap
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19 changes: 12 additions & 7 deletions src/Data/LeftistHeap.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
module Data.LeftistHeap

import Rekenaar

import Decidable.Order

%default total
%language ElabReflection

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ makeFit : .{constraint : Ordered a rel}
-> .{auto relPrf : rel fitsValue value}
-> Subset (Heap constraint (S $ count1 + count2)) (Fits fitsValue)
makeFit {count1} {count2} {relPrf} fitsValue value h1 h2 with (order {to = LTE} (rank h1) (rank h2))
| (Left _) = rewrite plusCommutative count1 count2 in
| (Left _) = rewrite the (count1 + count2 = count2 + count1) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
Element (Node _ value h2 h1) relPrf
| (Right _) = Element (Node _ value h1 h2) relPrf

Expand All @@ -63,18 +66,20 @@ mergeHelper : .{constraint : Ordered a rel}
-> .{auto fits2 : Fits value h2}
-> Subset (Heap constraint (count1 + count2)) (Fits value)
mergeHelper Empty Empty = Element Empty ()
mergeHelper {fits1} h@(Node {countLeft} {countRight} n _ _ _) Empty = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral (countLeft + countRight) in Element h fits1
mergeHelper {fits1} h@(Node {countLeft} {countRight} n _ _ _) Empty = rewrite the ((countLeft + countRight) + 0 = countLeft + countRight) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in Element h fits1
mergeHelper {fits2} Empty h@(Node {countLeft} {countRight} n _ _ _) = Element h fits2
mergeHelper {value} {rel}
(Node {countLeft = countLeft1} {countRight = countRight1} _ value1 left1 right1)
(Node {countLeft = countLeft2} {countRight = countRight2} _ value2 left2 right2)
= case order {to = rel} value1 value2 of
Left orderPrf => rewrite sym $ plusAssociative countLeft1 countRight1 (S $ countLeft2 + countRight2) in
Left orderPrf => rewrite the (S (plus (plus countLeft1 countRight1) (S (plus countLeft2 countRight2)))
= S (countLeft1 + (countRight1 + S (countLeft2 + countRight2))))
(%runElab natPlusRefl) in
let (Element mergedHeap fitsMergedHeap) = mergeHelper {value = value1} right1 (Node _ value2 left2 right2) in
makeFit value value1 left1 mergedHeap
Right orderPrf => rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc (countLeft1 + countRight1) (countLeft2 + countRight2) in
rewrite plusCommutative countLeft2 countRight2 in
rewrite plusAssociative (countLeft1 + countRight1) countRight2 countLeft2 in
Right orderPrf => rewrite the (S (plus (plus countLeft1 countRight1) (S (plus countLeft2 countRight2)))
= S (S (countLeft1 + countRight1) + countRight2 + countLeft2))
(%runElab natPlusRefl) in
let (Element mergedHeap fitsMergedHeap) = mergeHelper {value = value2} (Node _ value1 left1 right1) right2 in
makeFit value value2 mergedHeap left2

Expand All @@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ merge : .{constraint : Ordered a rel}
-> (h1 : Heap constraint count1) -> (h2 : Heap constraint count2)
-> Heap constraint (count1 + count2)
merge Empty Empty = Empty
merge {count1} h Empty = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral count1 in h
merge {count1} h Empty = rewrite the (count1 + 0 = count1) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in h
merge Empty h = h
merge h1@(Node _ _ _ _) h2@(Node _ _ _ _)
= assert_total $ case order {to = rel} (findMin h1) (findMin h2) of
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions src/Data/MergeList.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
module Data.MergeList

import Rekenaar

import Decidable.Order
import Data.OrderedVect

%default total
%language ElabReflection

data MergeList : (rank : Nat) -> (cnt : Nat) -> (constraint : Ordered ty to) -> Type where
Expand All @@ -26,12 +29,11 @@ insertVect : {constraint : Ordered ty to}
insertVect {n} {constraint} {cnt=Z} Nil v
= rewrite rewriteType in v :: Nil
where rewriteType : MergeList n n constraint = MergeList n (n + 0) constraint
rewriteType = rewrite sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral n in Refl
insertVect {n} {cnt} (Skip next) v = rewrite plusCommutative cnt n in
rewriteType = rewrite the (n = n + 0) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in Refl
insertVect {n} {cnt} (Skip next) v = rewrite the (cnt + n = n + cnt) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
v :: next
insertVect {n} ((::) v next {cnt}) v'
= rewrite sym $ plusCommutative cnt n in
rewrite sym $ plusAssociative cnt n n in
= rewrite the ((n + cnt) + n = cnt + (n + n)) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
Skip $ insertVect next (merge n v n v')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,4 +70,4 @@ namespace CountedMergeList

insert : .{constraint : Ordered ty to} -> CountedMergeList 1 constraint -> ty -> CountedMergeList 1 constraint
insert (cnt ** xs) x = (cnt + 1 ** insert xs x)
insert (cnt ** xs) x = (cnt + 1 ** insert xs x)
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions src/Data/OrderedVect.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
module Data.OrderedVect

import Rekenaar

import Decidable.Order

%default total
%language ElabReflection

public export
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,27 +45,23 @@ mutual
merge' {to} [x] [y] = case order {to} x y of
Left prf => ([x, y] ** Left (reflexive x))
Right prf => ([y, x] ** Right (reflexive y))
merge' {m} [x] (y :: ys) = rewrite sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral m in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc m Z in
merge' {m} [x] (y :: ys) = rewrite the (S m = m + 1) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
case assert_total $ merge' (y :: ys) [x] of
(ref ** Left prf) => (ref ** Right prf)
(ref ** Right prf) => (ref ** Left prf)
merge' {n = S cntX} (x :: xs) [y]
= case order {to} x y of
Left prf => case mergeHelper xs [y] x of
(zs ** fitsPrf) => (zs ** Left fitsPrf)
Right prf => rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc cntX Z in
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral cntX in
Right prf => rewrite the (cntX + 1 = S cntX) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
((y :: x :: xs) ** Right (reflexive y))
merge' ((::) {n = S cntX} x (x' :: xs'))
((::) {n = S cntY} y (y' :: ys'))
= case order {to} x y of
Left prf => case mergeHelper (x' :: xs') (y :: y' :: ys') x of
(zs ** fitsPrf) => (zs ** Left fitsPrf)
Right prf => case mergeHelper (y' :: ys') (x :: x' :: xs') y of
(zs ** fitsPrf) => rewrite plusCommutative cntX (S $ S $ cntY) in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc (S $ S cntY) cntX in
rewrite plusSuccRightSucc (S cntY) (S cntX) in
(zs ** fitsPrf) => rewrite the (cntX + S (S cntY) = cntY + S (S cntX)) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
(zs ** Right fitsPrf)
mergeHelper : .{constraint : Ordered ty to}
-> {n : Nat}
Expand All @@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ merge : {constraint : Ordered ty to}
-> OrderedVect m constraint
-> OrderedVect (n + m) constraint
merge Z [] Z [] = Nil
merge n v1 Z [] = rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral n in v1
merge n v1 Z [] = rewrite the (n + 0 = n) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in v1
merge Z [] _ v2 = v2
merge (S _) v1 (S _) v2 = fst $ merge' v1 v2

Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/Data/Queue.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
module Data.Queue

import Rekenaar

import Data.Vect
import Data.VectRankedElem
import Decidable.Order

%default total
%language ElabReflection

data Queue : (size : Nat) -> (ty : Type) -> Type where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ lteAddRightLemma : LTE r c -> LTE r (l + c)
lteAddRightLemma {l} {r} {c} smaller
= lteTransitive smaller cLTElc
where cLTElc : LTE c (l + c)
cLTElc = rewrite plusCommutative l c in
cLTElc = rewrite the (l + c = c + l) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
lteAddRight {m = l} c

minusPlusEqualsPlusMinus : (l, c, r: Nat) -> LTE r c -> LTE r (l + c) -> (l + c) - r = l + (c - r)
Expand All @@ -48,7 +51,7 @@ minusPlusEqualsPlusMinus (S _) (S _) Z _ _ = Refl
minusPlusEqualsPlusMinus _ Z (S _) _ _ impossible
minusPlusEqualsPlusMinus l (S c) (S r) smaller _
= let smaller' = fromLteSucc smaller in
rewrite sym $ plusSuccRightSucc l c in
rewrite the (l + S c = S (l + c)) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
minusPlusEqualsPlusMinus l c r smaller' (lteAddRightLemma smaller')

make_ : {n : Nat}
Expand All @@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ make_ {n} f {m} r with (order {to = LTE} m n)
| Left _ = (MkQueue f r ** (FrontElem, BackElem))
| Right _ = let (reversed ** rProj) = rev_ r
(f' ** (fProj, reversedProj)) = f `concat_` reversed in
rewrite sym $ plusZeroRightNeutral (n + m) in
rewrite the (n + m = n + m + 0) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
(MkQueue f' [] ** (FrontElem . fProj,
rewrite plusZeroRightNeutral (n + m) in
FrontElem . (proj $ reversedProj . rProj)))
Expand All @@ -81,7 +84,7 @@ snoc_ : (q : Queue size ty) -> (x : ty)
-> (ret : Queue (S size) ty
** ({x : ty} -> {idx : Nat} -> RankedElem x q idx -> RankedElem x ret idx,
RankedElem x ret size))
snoc_ (MkQueue {n} f {m} r) x = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc n m in
snoc_ (MkQueue {n} f {m} r) x = rewrite the (S (n + m) = n + S m) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in
let (ret ** (fProj, rProj)) = make_ f (x::r) in
(ret ** ((\el => case el of
(FrontElem el) => fProj el
Expand All @@ -93,7 +96,7 @@ snoc_ (MkQueue {n} f {m} r) x = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc n m in
where lemma : (l, c, r : Nat) -> l + S c `minus` S r = l + c `minus` r
lemma Z Z _ = Refl
lemma Z (S _) _ = Refl
lemma (S l) c r = rewrite plusSuccRightSucc l c in Refl
lemma (S l) c r = rewrite the (S (l + c) = l + S c) (%runElab natPlusRefl) in Refl

snoc : Queue size ty -> ty -> Queue (S size) ty
Expand Down

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