From 60fc55208868522a51c737b1321ff8ebf27a3ffe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hosted Weblate Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 16:01:51 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (549 of 549 strings) Update translation files Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 100.0% (543 of 543 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Co-authored-by: TianMiao Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translation: feishin/Translation --- src/i18n/locales/zh-Hant.json | 601 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 600 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/i18n/locales/zh-Hant.json b/src/i18n/locales/zh-Hant.json index 0967ef424..2ac9c349b 100644 --- a/src/i18n/locales/zh-Hant.json +++ b/src/i18n/locales/zh-Hant.json @@ -1 +1,600 @@ -{} +{ + "common": { + "backward": "返回", + "biography": "簡介", + "bitrate": "比特率", + "bpm": "bpm", + "clear": "清空", + "collapse": "折疊", + "comingSoon": "即將上線…", + "confirm": "確認", + "decrease": "降低", + "delete": "刪除", + "descending": "降序", + "description": "描述", + "forceRestartRequired": "重啓應用使更改生效…關閉通知即可重啓", + "menu": "菜單", + "action_other": "操作", + "add": "添加", + "areYouSure": "是否繼續?", + "ascending": "升序", + "disable": "禁用", + "disc": "盤", + "dismiss": "忽略", + "duration": "時長", + "edit": "編輯", + "enable": "啓用", + "expand": "展開", + "favorite": "收藏", + "filter_other": "篩選", + "filters": "篩選", + "forward": "前進", + "gap": "空隙", + "home": "主頁", + "increase": "增高", + "left": "左", + "limit": "限制", + "manage": "管理", + "maximize": "最大化", + "ok": "好", + "owner": "所有者", + "path": "路徑", + "playerMustBePaused": "播放器須被暫停", + "previousSong": "上壹首$t(entity.track_one)", + "quit": "退出", + "random": "隨機", + "rating": "評分", + "refresh": "刷新", + "reset": "重置", + "resetToDefault": "重置爲默認", + "restartRequired": "需要重啓應用", + "right": "右", + "save": "保存", + "saveAndReplace": "保存並替換", + "saveAs": "保存爲", + "search": "搜索", + "sortOrder": "順序", + "title": "標題", + "trackNumber": "音軌編號", + "unknown": "未知", + "size": "大小", + "version": "版本", + "year": "年份", + "yes": "是", + "cancel": "取消", + "center": "中央", + "channel_other": "頻道", + "configure": "配置", + "create": "創建", + "currentSong": "當前$t(entity.track_one)", + "minimize": "最小化", + "modified": "已修改", + "name": "名稱", + "no": "否", + "none": "無", + "noResultsFromQuery": "未查詢到匹配結果", + "note": "注釋" + }, + "error": { + "endpointNotImplementedError": "{{serverType}} 尚未實現端點 {{endpoint}}", + "apiRouteError": "請求失敗:無法路由", + "audioDeviceFetchError": "無法獲取音頻設備", + "authenticationFailed": "認證失敗", + "credentialsRequired": "需要憑證", + "genericError": "發生了錯誤", + "invalidServer": "無效的服務器", + "localFontAccessDenied": "無法獲取本地字體", + "loginRateError": "登錄請求嘗試次數過多,請稍後再試", + "remoteDisableError": "$t(common.disable)遠程服務器時出現錯誤", + "remoteEnableError": "$t(common.enable)遠程服務器時出現錯誤", + "remotePortError": "設置遠程服務器端口時發生錯誤", + "remotePortWarning": "重啓服務器使新端口生效", + "serverRequired": "需要服務器", + "sessionExpiredError": "會話已過期", + "systemFontError": "獲取系統字體時出現錯誤", + "serverNotSelectedError": "未選擇服務器", + "mpvRequired": "需要 MPV", + "playbackError": "無法播放媒體" + }, + "page": { + "contextMenu": { + "removeFromFavorites": "$t(action.removeFromFavorites)", + "addToFavorites": "$t(action.addToFavorites)", + "addToPlaylist": "$t(action.addToPlaylist)", + "removeFromPlaylist": "$t(action.removeFromPlaylist)", + "removeFromQueue": "$t(action.removeFromQueue)", + "addFavorite": "$t(action.addToFavorites)", + "addLast": "$t(player.addLast)", + "addNext": "$t(player.addNext)", + "createPlaylist": "$t(action.createPlaylist)", + "deletePlaylist": "$t(action.deletePlaylist)", + "deselectAll": "$t(action.deselectAll)", + "moveToBottom": "$t(action.moveToBottom)", + "setRating": "$t(action.setRating)", + "moveToTop": "$t(action.moveToTop)", + "numberSelected": "{{count}} 已選擇", + "play": "$t(" + }, + "globalSearch": { + "title": "命令", + "commands": { + "goToPage": "跳至頁面", + "searchFor": "搜索 {{query}}", + "serverCommands": "服務器命令" + } + }, + "home": { + "explore": "從庫中搜索", + "recentlyPlayed": "最近播放", + "title": "$t(common.home)", + "mostPlayed": "最多播放", + "newlyAdded": "最近添加的發布" + }, + "appMenu": { + "openBrowserDevtools": "打開浏覽器開發者工具", + "collapseSidebar": "折疊側邊欄", + "expandSidebar": "展開側邊欄", + "goBack": "返回", + "goForward": "前進", + "quit": "$t(common.quit)", + "selectServer": "選擇服務器", + "settings": "$t(common.setting_other)", + "version": "版本 {{version}}", + "manageServers": "管理服務器" + }, + "fullscreenPlayer": { + "config": { + "showLyricProvider": "顯示歌詞提供者", + "useImageAspectRatio": "使用圖片縱橫比", + "dynamicBackground": "動態背景", + "followCurrentLyric": "跟隨當前歌詞", + "lyricAlignment": "歌詞對齊", + "lyricGap": "歌詞間距", + "lyricSize": "歌詞字體大小", + "synchronized": "已同步", + "unsynchronized": "未同步", + "opacity": "透明度", + "showLyricMatch": "顯示匹配的歌詞" + }, + "lyrics": "歌詞", + "related": "相關", + "upNext": "即將播放" + }, + "playlistList": { + "title": "$t(entity.playlist_other)" + }, + "setting": { + "hotkeysTab": "快捷鍵", + "playbackTab": "播放", + "windowTab": "窗口", + "generalTab": "通用" + }, + "albumArtistList": { + "title": "$t(entity.albumArtist_other)" + }, + "albumDetail": { + "moreFromArtist": "更多該$t(entity.artist_one)作品", + "moreFromGeneric": "更多{{item}}作品" + }, + "albumList": { + "title": "$t(entity.album_other)" 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"skip_back": "向後跳過", + "skip_forward": "向前跳過", + "stop": "停止", + "toggleFullscreenPlayer": "全屏", + "unfavorite": "取消收藏", + "pause": "暫停", + "next": "下壹首", + "play": "播放", + "playbackFetchCancel": "請稍等…關閉通知以取消操作", + "queue_moveToBottom": "使所選置頂", + "queue_moveToTop": "使所選置底" + }, + "setting": { + "audioPlayer_description": "選擇用于播放的音頻播放器", + "themeLight": "主題(淺色)", + "themeLight_description": "應用將使用淺色主題", + "discordRichPresence": "{{discord}} rich presence", + "hotkey_volumeDown": "音量降低", + "hotkey_volumeMute": "靜音", + "minimumScrobblePercentage": "最小 scrobble 時長(百分比)", + "minimumScrobblePercentage_description": "歌曲被記錄爲已播放(scrobble)所需的最小播放百分比", + "theme_description": "設置應用的主題", + "accentColor": "強調色", + "accentColor_description": "設置應用的強調色", + "applicationHotkeys": "應用快捷鍵", + "applicationHotkeys_description": "配置應用快捷鍵。勾選設爲全局快捷鍵(僅桌面端)", + "audioDevice": "音頻設備", + "audioDevice_description": "選擇用于播放的音頻設備(僅 web 播放器)", + "audioExclusiveMode": "音頻獨占模式", + "audioExclusiveMode_description": "啓用獨占輸出模式。在此模式下,系統通常被鎖定,只有 mpv 能夠輸出音頻", + "audioPlayer": "音頻播放器", + "crossfadeDuration": "淡入淡出持續時間", + "crossfadeDuration_description": "設置淡入淡出持續時間", + "crossfadeStyle": "淡入淡出風格", + "crossfadeStyle_description": "選擇用于音頻播放器的淡入淡出風格", + "customFontPath": "自定義字體路徑", + "customFontPath_description": "設置應用使用的自定義字體路徑", + "disableAutomaticUpdates": "禁用自動更新", + "disableLibraryUpdateOnStartup": "禁用啓動時查找新版本", + "discordApplicationId": "{{discord}} 應用 id", + "discordApplicationId_description": "{{discord}} rich presence 應用 id(默認爲 {{defaultId}})", + "discordIdleStatus": "顯示 rich presence 閑置狀態", + "discordIdleStatus_description": "啓用後將會在播放器閑置時更新狀態", + "discordRichPresence_description": "在 {{discord}} rich presence 中顯示播放狀態。圖片鍵爲:{{icon}}、{{playing}} 和 {{paused}} ", + "discordUpdateInterval": "{{discord}} rich presence 更新間隔", + "discordUpdateInterval_description": "更新間隔秒數(至少 15 秒)", + "enableRemote": "啓用遠程控制服務器", + "enableRemote_description": "啓用遠程控制服務器,以允許其他設備控制此應用", + "exitToTray": "退出時最小化到托盤", + 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"minimumScrobbleSeconds_description": "歌曲被記錄爲已播放(scrobble)所需的最小播放時間", + "mpvExecutablePath": "mpv 二進制文件路徑", + "playbackStyle_optionCrossFade": "交叉淡入淡出", + "playbackStyle_optionNormal": "通常", + "playButtonBehavior": "播放按鈕行爲", + "playButtonBehavior_description": "設置將歌曲添加到隊列時播放按鈕的默認行爲", + "playButtonBehavior_optionAddLast": "$t(player.addLast)", + "playButtonBehavior_optionAddNext": "$t(player.addNext)", + "remotePort": "遠程服務器端口", + "remoteUsername": "遠程服務器用戶名", + "replayGainClipping": "{{ReplayGain}}削波", + "replayGainFallback": "{{ReplayGain}}後備替代", + "replayGainFallback_description": "樂曲沒有{{ReplayGain}}標簽時應用的增益(以分貝爲單位)", + "replayGainMode": "{{ReplayGain}}模式", + "replayGainMode_description": "根據樂曲元數據中存儲的{{ReplayGain}}值調整音量增益", + "replayGainMode_optionAlbum": "$t(entity.album_one)", + "replayGainMode_optionNone": "$t(common.none)", + "replayGainMode_optionTrack": "$t(entity.track_one)", + "replayGainPreamp": "{{ReplayGain}}前置放大(分貝)", + "replayGainPreamp_description": "調整應用在{{ReplayGain}}值上的前置放大增益", + "savePlayQueue": "保存播放列表", + "sampleRate_description": "如果選擇的采樣頻率與當前媒體的采樣頻率不同,請選擇要使用的輸出采樣率。小于 8000 的值將使用默認頻率", + "savePlayQueue_description": "當應用程序關閉時保存播放隊列,並在應用程序打開時恢複它", + "scrobble": "記錄播放信息(Scrobble)", + "scrobble_description": "在妳的社交媒體中記錄播放信息", + "showSkipButton": "顯示跳過按鈕", + "showSkipButton_description": "在播放條上顯示/隱藏跳過按鈕", + "sidebarPlaylistList": "側邊欄歌單列表", + "sidebarCollapsedNavigation": "側邊欄(已折疊)導航", + "sidebarCollapsedNavigation_description": "在折疊的側邊欄中顯示或隱藏導航", + "sidebarConfiguration": "側邊欄設定", + "sidebarConfiguration_description": "選擇側邊欄包含的項目與順序", + "sidebarPlaylistList_description": "顯示或隱藏側邊欄歌單列表", + "sidePlayQueueStyle": "側邊播放列表樣式", + "sidePlayQueueStyle_description": "設置側邊播放列表樣式", + "sidePlayQueueStyle_optionAttached": "吸附", + "sidePlayQueueStyle_optionDetached": "不吸附", + "skipDuration": "跳過時長", + "skipDuration_description": "設置每次按下跳過按鈕將會跳過的時長", + "skipPlaylistPage": "跳過歌單頁面", + "skipPlaylistPage_description": "打開歌單時,直接查看歌曲列表而非查看默認頁面", + "theme": "主題", + "themeDark": "主題(深色)", + "useSystemTheme_description": "使用系統定義的淺色或深色主題", + "useSystemTheme": "跟隨系統", + "volumeWheelStep": "音量滾輪步長", + "volumeWheelStep_description": "在音量滑塊上滾動鼠標滾輪時要更改的音量大小", + "windowBarStyle": "窗口頂欄風格", + "windowBarStyle_description": "選擇窗口頂欄的風格", + "zoom": "縮放率", + "zoom_description": "設置應用程序的縮放率", + "hotkey_volumeUp": "音量增高", + "sampleRate": "采樣率", + "showSkipButtons_description": "在播放條顯示/隱藏播放按鈕", + "playbackStyle": "播放風格", + "exitToTray_description": "退出應用時最小化到系統托盤而非關閉", + "floatingQueueArea": "顯示浮動隊列懸停區域", + "followLyric_description": "滾動歌詞到當前播放位置", + "font": "字體", + "globalMediaHotkeys_description": "啓用或禁用系統媒體快捷鍵以控制播放", + "hotkey_browserBack": "浏覽器後退", + "hotkey_favoriteCurrentSong": "收藏 $t(common.currentSong)", + "hotkey_playbackStop": "停止", + "hotkey_rate0": "清除評分", + "mpvExecutablePath_description": "設置 mpv 二進制文件的路徑。如果留空,則使用默認路徑", + "mpvExtraParameters": "mpv 參數", + "playbackStyle_description": "選擇播放器的播放風格", + "playButtonBehavior_optionPlay": "$t(", + "remotePassword": "遠程控制服務器密碼", + "remotePassword_description": "設置遠程控制服務器的密碼。這些憑據默認以不安全的方式傳輸,因此您應該使用壹個您不在意的唯壹密碼", + "remotePort_description": "設置遠程服務器端口", + "remoteUsername_description": "設置遠程控制服務器的用戶名。如果用戶名和密碼都爲空,則身份驗證將被禁用", + "replayGainClipping_description": "自動降低增益以防止{{ReplayGain}}造成削波", + "showSkipButtons": "顯示跳過按鈕", + "themeDark_description": "應用將使用深色主題", + "clearQueryCache_description": "feishin的“軟清除”。這將會刷新播放列表、元數據並重置保存的歌詞。會保留設置、服務器憑據和緩存圖像", + "clearCache": "清除浏覽器緩存", + "clearCache_description": "feishin的“硬清除”。除了清除feishin的緩存,清空浏覽器緩存(保存的圖像和其他資源)。會保留服務器憑據和設置", + "clearQueryCache": "清除feishin緩存", + "buttonSize": "播放器欄按鈕大小", + "buttonSize_description": "播放器欄按鈕大小" + }, + "table": { + "config": { + "general": { + "displayType": "顯示風格", + "gap": "$t(", + "size": "$t(common.size)", + "tableColumns": "列", + "autoFitColumns": "列寬自適應" + }, + "label": { + "actions": "$t(common.action_other)", + "album": "$t(entity.album_one)", + "albumArtist": "$t(entity.albumArtist_one)", + 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"刪除$t(entity.playlist_one)", + "success": "$t(entity.playlist_one)已成功刪除" + }, + "editPlaylist": { + "title": "編輯$t(entity.playlist_one)" + } + } +}