diff --git a/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose.patch b/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c02575083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi.orig
++++ occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi
+@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
+ for {set i 0} {$i <= $loop} {incr i} {
+ if { [info exists swUpdate($i)] } {
+ puts "getVersion(\"$swUpdate($i)?cmd=check_version&version=$swVersion($i)\", function(contents) {"
+- puts " document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\").innerHTML = contents;"
++ puts " if (document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\") !== null) document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\").innerHTML = contents;"
+ puts "});"
+ puts "document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\").innerHTML = \"n/a\";"
+ }
diff --git a/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose/occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi b/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose/occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b89c232baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose/occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+source once.tcl
+sourceOnce common.tcl
+sourceOnce session.tcl
+set PFMD_URL "bin://"
+array set OPERATIONS {
+ #uninstall "Deinstallieren"
+ uninstall "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnRemoveSoftware}"
+ #restart "Neustart"
+ restart "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnRestart}"
+array set swVersion ""
+array set swUpdate ""
+proc action_install_confirm {} {
+ global env
+ http_head
+ division {class="popupTitle j_translate"} {
+ #puts "Firmwareupdate - Bestätigung"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxTitle}"
+ }
+ division {class="CLASS21400 j_translate"} {
+ table {class="popupTable"} {border="1"} {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ table {class="CLASS21410"} {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {colspan="2"} {
+ # puts {
+ # Die einzuspielende Zusatzsoftware befindet sich jetzt auf der Zentrale. Sie können jetzt durch Klick auf die
+ # Schaltfläche unten die Installation starten.
+ # Rückmeldungen über den Fortschritt erhalten Sie über das Display der Zentrale.
+ # }
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxContent}"
+ set bat_level [get_bat_level]
+ if {$bat_level < 50} {
+ br
+ division {class="CLASS21413"} {
+ #puts "Achtung!"
+ #br
+ #puts "Der Ladezustand der Batterien beträgt nur noch $bat_level%. Um einem Datenverlust oder "
+ #puts "einer Beschädigung des Gerätes durch einen"
+ #puts "Ausfall der Stromversorgung vorzubeugen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Batterien vor dem Einspielen"
+ #puts "der Software zu erneuern."
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxHintLowBat_a} $bat_level% \${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxHintLowBat_b}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_row {
+ table_data {colspan="2"} {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21412"} {onClick="InstallGo();"} {
+ #puts "Installation starten"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnStartInstallSoftware}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ division {class="popupControls"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21403 j_translate"} {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} {onClick="OnBack();"} {
+ #puts "Zurück"
+ puts "\${dialogBack}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts ""
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=\" + SessionId;"
+ puts {
+ InstallGo = function() {
+ dlgPopup.hide();
+ dlgPopup.setWidth(400);
+ dlgPopup.LoadFromFile(url, "action=install_go");
+ }
+ OnBack = function() {
+ dlgPopup.hide();
+ dlgPopup.setWidth(800);
+ dlgPopup.LoadFromFile(url);
+ }
+ }
+ puts "translatePage('#messagebox');"
+ }
+proc action_install_go {} {
+ global env
+ cd /tmp/
+ http_head
+ #put_message "Softwareinstallation" {
+ # Die Softwareinstallation wird jetzt durchgeführt. Meldungen über den Fortschritt erhalten Sie über das Display der Zentrale.
+ # Nach der Installation wird die Zentrale automatisch neu gestartet. Sie können sich dann über die Schaltfläche unten neu anmelden.
+ #} {"Neu anmelden" "window.location.href='/';"}
+ put_message "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintPerformInstallationTitle}" "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintPerformInstallationContent}" {"\${btnNewLogin}" "window.location.href='/';"}
+ puts ""
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=\" + SessionId;"
+ puts {
+ var pb = "action=install_start";
+ var opts = {
+ postBody: pb,
+ sendXML: false
+ };
+ new Ajax.Request(url, opts);
+ }
+ puts "translatePage('#messagebox');"
+ }
+proc put_message {title msg args} {
+ division {class="popupTitle j_translate"} {
+ puts $title
+ }
+ division {class="CLASS21400"} {
+ table {class="popupTable CLASS21401"} {border="1"} {
+ table_row {class="CLASS21402"} {
+ table_data {
+ puts $msg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ division {class="popupControls"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ if { [llength $args] < 1 } { set args {{"\${dialogBack}" "PopupClose();"}}}
+ foreach b $args {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21403"} {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"[lindex $b 1]\"" {
+ puts [lindex $b 0]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# return the user language
+proc getLang {user} {
+ set availableLang(0) "auto"
+ set availableLang(1) "de"
+ set availableLang(2) "en"
+ if {[catch {set fp [open "/etc/config/userprofiles/$user.lang" r]}] == 0} {
+ set data [read $fp]
+ set lang [split $data "\n"]
+ close $fp
+ } else {
+ set lang "0"
+ }
+ return $availableLang([lindex $lang 0])
+ }
+proc getUserName {} {
+ global sid
+ set session [string trim $sid "@" ]
+ set isecmd ""
+ append isecmd "var user=system.GetSessionVarStr('$session');"
+ array set user [rega_script $isecmd]
+ set userid [lindex [split $user(user) ";"] 0]
+ set isecmd ""
+ append isecmd "object user = dom.GetObject($userid);"
+ set oUser [rega_script $isecmd]
+ set userName [lindex $oUser [expr [lsearch $oUser user] + 1]]
+ return $userName
+proc get_info {script array_var} {
+ upvar $array_var arr
+ array_clear arr
+ # lang is either 'auto', 'de' or 'en'
+ # TODO what happens when lang isnīt initialized
+ set lang [getLang [getUserName]]
+ if {$lang == "auto"} {set lang "de"}
+ catch {
+ set fd [open "|$script info.$lang" r]
+ #set fd [open "|$script info" r]
+ while { ! [eof $fd] } {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ if { [regexp {^([^:]+): (.*)$} $line dummy key value] } {
+ if { [info exists arr($key)] } {append arr($key) "\n"}
+ append arr($key) $value
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+ }
+ catch {
+ set fd [open "|$script info" r]
+ while { ! [eof $fd] } {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ if { [regexp {^([^:]+): (.*)$} $line dummy key value] } {
+ if { [info exists arr($key)] } {append arr($key) "\n"}
+ append arr($key) $value
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+ }
+proc action_put_page {} {
+ global env REMOTE_FIRMWARE_SCRIPT sid OPERATIONS swVersion swUpdate
+ http_head
+ division {class="popupTitle"} {
+ #puts "Zusatzsoftware"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareTitle}"
+ }
+ division {class="CLASS21406"} {
+ table {class="popupTable"} {border="1"} {
+ set scripts ""
+ set loop -1
+ catch { set scripts [glob /etc/config/rc.d/*] }
+ foreach s $scripts {
+ incr loop;
+ catch {
+ if { ! [file executable $s] } continue
+ array set sw_info ""
+ get_info $s sw_info
+ if { ![info exists sw_info(Name)] } continue
+ table_row {class="CLASS21407"} {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21408"} {
+ puts "$sw_info(Name)"
+ }
+ table_data {class="CLASS21409"} {width="400"} {
+ table {class="CLASS21410"} {
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Version) ] } {
+ table_row {
+ #td "Installierte Version:"
+ td "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstalledVersion}"
+ td "$sw_info(Version)"
+ td ""
+ }
+ }
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Update)] } {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ # puts "Verfügbare Version:"
+ puts "\${lblAvailableFirmwareVersion}"
+ }
+ # table_data {id=$loop} {name="swVersion"}
+ # puts [iframe "$sw_info(Update)?cmd=check_version&version=$sw_info(Version)" name=\"swInfo\" marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 frameborder=0 width=100 height=20 {scrolling="no"} ]
+ # set swVersion($loop) $sw_info(Version)
+ puts "
| "
+ set swVersion($loop) $sw_info(Version)
+ set swUpdate($loop) $sw_info(Update)
+ table_data {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"window.location.href='$sw_info(Update)?cmd=download&version=$sw_info(Version)';\"" {
+ #puts "Herunterladen"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsCMBtnPerformSoftwareUpdateDownload}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Operations)] || [info exists sw_indo(Config-Url)] } then {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {colspan="3"} {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Operations)] } then {
+ foreach op [array names OPERATIONS] {
+ if { [lsearch $sw_info(Operations) $op] >=0 } {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"operation('$op', '$s', '$OPERATIONS($op)');\"" {
+ puts "$OPERATIONS($op)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Config-Url)] } then {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"openUrl('$sw_info(Config-Url)?sid=$sid');\"" {
+ puts "\${btnConfigure}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_data {align="left"} {class="CLASS21409"} {
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Info)] } {
+ puts "$sw_info(Info)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_row {class="CLASS21407"} {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21408"} {
+ #puts "Zusatzsoftware installieren
+ #puts "oder aktualisieren"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareTDAddExtraSoftware}"
+ }
+ table_data {class="CLASS21409"} {width="400"} {
+ table {class="CLASS21410"} {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ #puts "Zusatzsoftware auswählen:"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareLblSelectExtraSoftware}"
+ }
+ table_data {
+ form "$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=$sid" name=upload_form {target=image_upload_iframe} enctype=multipart/form-data method=post {
+ export action=image_upload
+ file_button firmware_file size=30 maxlength=1000000
+ }
+ puts {}
+ }
+ }
+ table_row {
+ td ""
+ table_data {align="right"} {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21412"} {onClick="installAddon();"} {
+ #puts "Installieren"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnInstallSoftware}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_data {align="left"} {class="CLASS21409"} {
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintSelectExtraSoftware}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ division {class="popupControls"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21403"} {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} {onClick="PopupClose();"} {
+ #puts "Zurück"
+ puts "\${dialogBack}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts ""
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "installAddon = function() {"
+ puts "var dlg = new YesNoDialog(translateKey('dialogHint'), translateKey('dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintSelectExtraSoftware'), function(result) {"
+ puts "if (result == 1) \{document.upload_form.submit();\}"
+ puts "},'html');"
+ puts "dlg.btnTextNo(translateKey('btnCancel'));"
+ puts "dlg.btnTextYes(translateKey('btnOk'));"
+ puts "}"
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=\" + SessionId;"
+ puts {
+ operation = function(op, script, op_name) {
+ var pb = "action=operation";
+ pb += "&op="+op;
+ pb += "&script="+script;
+ var opts = {
+ postBody: pb,
+ sendXML: false,
+ onSuccess: function(transport) {
+ if (!transport.responseText.match(/^Success/g)){
+ alert(translateString(op_name) + translateKey('btnSysConfAdditionalSoftRemoveFailure') + transport.responseText);
+ }else{
+ alert(translateString(op_name) + translateKey('btnSysConfAdditionalSoftRemoveSuccess'));
+ showSoftwareCP();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ("uninstall" == op)
+ {
+ new YesNoDialog(translateKey("dialogSafetyCheck"), translateKey("dialogQuestionRemoveExtraSoftware"), function(result) {
+ if (result == YesNoDialog.RESULT_YES)
+ {
+ addOnUninstall = true;
+ new Ajax.Request(url, opts);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new Ajax.Request(url, opts);
+ }
+ };
+ openUrl = function(url)
+ {
+ window.open(url);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if { $loop > -1 } {
+ translatePage $loop
+ } else {
+ puts ""
+ }
+proc translatePage {loop} {
+ puts ""
+ global swVersion swUpdate
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "function getVersion(url, callback) {"
+ puts " var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"
+ puts " xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {"
+ puts " if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) callback(xhr.responseText);"
+ puts " };"
+ puts " xhr.open(\"GET\", url, true);"
+ puts " xhr.overrideMimeType(\"text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\");"
+ puts " xhr.send();"
+ puts "}"
+ for {set i 0} {$i <= $loop} {incr i} {
+ if { [info exists swUpdate($i)] } {
+ puts "getVersion(\"$swUpdate($i)?cmd=check_version&version=$swVersion($i)\", function(contents) {"
+ puts " if (document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\") !== null) document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\").innerHTML = contents;"
+ puts "});"
+ puts "document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\").innerHTML = \"n/a\";"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc action_operation {} {
+ global env
+ http_head
+ import script
+ import op
+ if {[catch {exec $script $op}]} {
+ puts "Failure"
+ }
+ if { "$op" == "uninstall" } {
+ exec rm -rf $script
+ }
+ puts "Success"
+proc action_image_upload {} {
+ global env sid
+ cd /tmp/
+ http_head
+ import_file -client firmware_file
+ if {[getProduct] < 3} {
+ # CCU2
+ file rename -force -- [lindex $firmware_file 0] "/var/new_firmware.tar.gz"
+ } else {
+ # CCU3
+ file rename -force -- [lindex $firmware_file 0] "/usr/local/tmp/new_addon.tar.gz"
+ }
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=$sid\";"
+ puts {
+ parent.top.dlgPopup.hide();
+ parent.top.dlgPopup.setWidth(600);
+ parent.top.dlgPopup.LoadFromFile(url, "action=install_confirm");
+ }
+ }
+proc action_install_start {} {
+ if {[getProduct] == 3} {
+ exec touch /usr/local/.doAddonInstall
+ exec /sbin/reboot
+ } else {
+ # CCU 2
+ exec /bin/kill -SIGQUIT 1
+ }
+cgi_eval {
+ #cgi_debug -on
+ cgi_input
+ catch {
+ import debug
+ cgi_debug -on
+ }
+ set action "put_page"
+ catch { import action }
+ if {[session_requestisvalid 8] > 0} then action_$action
diff --git a/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose/occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi.orig b/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose/occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi.orig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13f5dadef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/buildroot-external/patches/occu/0172-WebUI-Fix-ScriptErrorAfterCPSoftwareClose/occu/WebUI/www/config/cp_software.cgi.orig
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+source once.tcl
+sourceOnce common.tcl
+sourceOnce session.tcl
+set PFMD_URL "bin://"
+array set OPERATIONS {
+ #uninstall "Deinstallieren"
+ uninstall "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnRemoveSoftware}"
+ #restart "Neustart"
+ restart "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnRestart}"
+array set swVersion ""
+array set swUpdate ""
+proc action_install_confirm {} {
+ global env
+ http_head
+ division {class="popupTitle j_translate"} {
+ #puts "Firmwareupdate - Bestätigung"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxTitle}"
+ }
+ division {class="CLASS21400 j_translate"} {
+ table {class="popupTable"} {border="1"} {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ table {class="CLASS21410"} {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {colspan="2"} {
+ # puts {
+ # Die einzuspielende Zusatzsoftware befindet sich jetzt auf der Zentrale. Sie können jetzt durch Klick auf die
+ # Schaltfläche unten die Installation starten.
+ # Rückmeldungen über den Fortschritt erhalten Sie über das Display der Zentrale.
+ # }
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxContent}"
+ set bat_level [get_bat_level]
+ if {$bat_level < 50} {
+ br
+ division {class="CLASS21413"} {
+ #puts "Achtung!"
+ #br
+ #puts "Der Ladezustand der Batterien beträgt nur noch $bat_level%. Um einem Datenverlust oder "
+ #puts "einer Beschädigung des Gerätes durch einen"
+ #puts "Ausfall der Stromversorgung vorzubeugen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, die Batterien vor dem Einspielen"
+ #puts "der Software zu erneuern."
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxHintLowBat_a} $bat_level% \${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstallMessageBoxHintLowBat_b}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_row {
+ table_data {colspan="2"} {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21412"} {onClick="InstallGo();"} {
+ #puts "Installation starten"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnStartInstallSoftware}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ division {class="popupControls"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21403 j_translate"} {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} {onClick="OnBack();"} {
+ #puts "Zurück"
+ puts "\${dialogBack}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts ""
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=\" + SessionId;"
+ puts {
+ InstallGo = function() {
+ dlgPopup.hide();
+ dlgPopup.setWidth(400);
+ dlgPopup.LoadFromFile(url, "action=install_go");
+ }
+ OnBack = function() {
+ dlgPopup.hide();
+ dlgPopup.setWidth(800);
+ dlgPopup.LoadFromFile(url);
+ }
+ }
+ puts "translatePage('#messagebox');"
+ }
+proc action_install_go {} {
+ global env
+ cd /tmp/
+ http_head
+ #put_message "Softwareinstallation" {
+ # Die Softwareinstallation wird jetzt durchgeführt. Meldungen über den Fortschritt erhalten Sie über das Display der Zentrale.
+ # Nach der Installation wird die Zentrale automatisch neu gestartet. Sie können sich dann über die Schaltfläche unten neu anmelden.
+ #} {"Neu anmelden" "window.location.href='/';"}
+ put_message "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintPerformInstallationTitle}" "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintPerformInstallationContent}" {"\${btnNewLogin}" "window.location.href='/';"}
+ puts ""
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=\" + SessionId;"
+ puts {
+ var pb = "action=install_start";
+ var opts = {
+ postBody: pb,
+ sendXML: false
+ };
+ new Ajax.Request(url, opts);
+ }
+ puts "translatePage('#messagebox');"
+ }
+proc put_message {title msg args} {
+ division {class="popupTitle j_translate"} {
+ puts $title
+ }
+ division {class="CLASS21400"} {
+ table {class="popupTable CLASS21401"} {border="1"} {
+ table_row {class="CLASS21402"} {
+ table_data {
+ puts $msg
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ division {class="popupControls"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ if { [llength $args] < 1 } { set args {{"\${dialogBack}" "PopupClose();"}}}
+ foreach b $args {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21403"} {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"[lindex $b 1]\"" {
+ puts [lindex $b 0]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# return the user language
+proc getLang {user} {
+ set availableLang(0) "auto"
+ set availableLang(1) "de"
+ set availableLang(2) "en"
+ if {[catch {set fp [open "/etc/config/userprofiles/$user.lang" r]}] == 0} {
+ set data [read $fp]
+ set lang [split $data "\n"]
+ close $fp
+ } else {
+ set lang "0"
+ }
+ return $availableLang([lindex $lang 0])
+ }
+proc getUserName {} {
+ global sid
+ set session [string trim $sid "@" ]
+ set isecmd ""
+ append isecmd "var user=system.GetSessionVarStr('$session');"
+ array set user [rega_script $isecmd]
+ set userid [lindex [split $user(user) ";"] 0]
+ set isecmd ""
+ append isecmd "object user = dom.GetObject($userid);"
+ set oUser [rega_script $isecmd]
+ set userName [lindex $oUser [expr [lsearch $oUser user] + 1]]
+ return $userName
+proc get_info {script array_var} {
+ upvar $array_var arr
+ array_clear arr
+ # lang is either 'auto', 'de' or 'en'
+ # TODO what happens when lang isnīt initialized
+ set lang [getLang [getUserName]]
+ if {$lang == "auto"} {set lang "de"}
+ catch {
+ set fd [open "|$script info.$lang" r]
+ #set fd [open "|$script info" r]
+ while { ! [eof $fd] } {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ if { [regexp {^([^:]+): (.*)$} $line dummy key value] } {
+ if { [info exists arr($key)] } {append arr($key) "\n"}
+ append arr($key) $value
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+ }
+ catch {
+ set fd [open "|$script info" r]
+ while { ! [eof $fd] } {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ if { [regexp {^([^:]+): (.*)$} $line dummy key value] } {
+ if { [info exists arr($key)] } {append arr($key) "\n"}
+ append arr($key) $value
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+ }
+proc action_put_page {} {
+ global env REMOTE_FIRMWARE_SCRIPT sid OPERATIONS swVersion swUpdate
+ http_head
+ division {class="popupTitle"} {
+ #puts "Zusatzsoftware"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareTitle}"
+ }
+ division {class="CLASS21406"} {
+ table {class="popupTable"} {border="1"} {
+ set scripts ""
+ set loop -1
+ catch { set scripts [glob /etc/config/rc.d/*] }
+ foreach s $scripts {
+ incr loop;
+ catch {
+ if { ! [file executable $s] } continue
+ array set sw_info ""
+ get_info $s sw_info
+ if { ![info exists sw_info(Name)] } continue
+ table_row {class="CLASS21407"} {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21408"} {
+ puts "$sw_info(Name)"
+ }
+ table_data {class="CLASS21409"} {width="400"} {
+ table {class="CLASS21410"} {
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Version) ] } {
+ table_row {
+ #td "Installierte Version:"
+ td "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareInstalledVersion}"
+ td "$sw_info(Version)"
+ td ""
+ }
+ }
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Update)] } {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ # puts "Verfügbare Version:"
+ puts "\${lblAvailableFirmwareVersion}"
+ }
+ # table_data {id=$loop} {name="swVersion"}
+ # puts [iframe "$sw_info(Update)?cmd=check_version&version=$sw_info(Version)" name=\"swInfo\" marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 frameborder=0 width=100 height=20 {scrolling="no"} ]
+ # set swVersion($loop) $sw_info(Version)
+ puts " | "
+ set swVersion($loop) $sw_info(Version)
+ set swUpdate($loop) $sw_info(Update)
+ table_data {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"window.location.href='$sw_info(Update)?cmd=download&version=$sw_info(Version)';\"" {
+ #puts "Herunterladen"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsCMBtnPerformSoftwareUpdateDownload}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Operations)] || [info exists sw_indo(Config-Url)] } then {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {colspan="3"} {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Operations)] } then {
+ foreach op [array names OPERATIONS] {
+ if { [lsearch $sw_info(Operations) $op] >=0 } {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"operation('$op', '$s', '$OPERATIONS($op)');\"" {
+ puts "$OPERATIONS($op)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Config-Url)] } then {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} "onClick=\"openUrl('$sw_info(Config-Url)?sid=$sid');\"" {
+ puts "\${btnConfigure}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_data {align="left"} {class="CLASS21409"} {
+ if { [info exists sw_info(Info)] } {
+ puts "$sw_info(Info)"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_row {class="CLASS21407"} {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21408"} {
+ #puts "Zusatzsoftware installieren
+ #puts "oder aktualisieren"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareTDAddExtraSoftware}"
+ }
+ table_data {class="CLASS21409"} {width="400"} {
+ table {class="CLASS21410"} {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ #puts "Zusatzsoftware auswählen:"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareLblSelectExtraSoftware}"
+ }
+ table_data {
+ form "$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=$sid" name=upload_form {target=image_upload_iframe} enctype=multipart/form-data method=post {
+ export action=image_upload
+ file_button firmware_file size=30 maxlength=1000000
+ }
+ puts {}
+ }
+ }
+ table_row {
+ td ""
+ table_data {align="right"} {
+ division {class="popupControls CLASS21411"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {
+ division {class="CLASS21412"} {onClick="installAddon();"} {
+ #puts "Installieren"
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareBtnInstallSoftware}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ table_data {align="left"} {class="CLASS21409"} {
+ puts "\${dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintSelectExtraSoftware}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ division {class="popupControls"} {
+ table {
+ table_row {
+ table_data {class="CLASS21403"} {
+ division {class="CLASS21404"} {onClick="PopupClose();"} {
+ #puts "Zurück"
+ puts "\${dialogBack}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts ""
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "installAddon = function() {"
+ puts "var dlg = new YesNoDialog(translateKey('dialogHint'), translateKey('dialogSettingsExtraSoftwareHintSelectExtraSoftware'), function(result) {"
+ puts "if (result == 1) \{document.upload_form.submit();\}"
+ puts "},'html');"
+ puts "dlg.btnTextNo(translateKey('btnCancel'));"
+ puts "dlg.btnTextYes(translateKey('btnOk'));"
+ puts "}"
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=\" + SessionId;"
+ puts {
+ operation = function(op, script, op_name) {
+ var pb = "action=operation";
+ pb += "&op="+op;
+ pb += "&script="+script;
+ var opts = {
+ postBody: pb,
+ sendXML: false,
+ onSuccess: function(transport) {
+ if (!transport.responseText.match(/^Success/g)){
+ alert(translateString(op_name) + translateKey('btnSysConfAdditionalSoftRemoveFailure') + transport.responseText);
+ }else{
+ alert(translateString(op_name) + translateKey('btnSysConfAdditionalSoftRemoveSuccess'));
+ showSoftwareCP();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ if ("uninstall" == op)
+ {
+ new YesNoDialog(translateKey("dialogSafetyCheck"), translateKey("dialogQuestionRemoveExtraSoftware"), function(result) {
+ if (result == YesNoDialog.RESULT_YES)
+ {
+ addOnUninstall = true;
+ new Ajax.Request(url, opts);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new Ajax.Request(url, opts);
+ }
+ };
+ openUrl = function(url)
+ {
+ window.open(url);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if { $loop > -1 } {
+ translatePage $loop
+ } else {
+ puts ""
+ }
+proc translatePage {loop} {
+ puts ""
+ global swVersion swUpdate
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "function getVersion(url, callback) {"
+ puts " var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"
+ puts " xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {"
+ puts " if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) callback(xhr.responseText);"
+ puts " };"
+ puts " xhr.open(\"GET\", url, true);"
+ puts " xhr.overrideMimeType(\"text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\");"
+ puts " xhr.send();"
+ puts "}"
+ for {set i 0} {$i <= $loop} {incr i} {
+ if { [info exists swUpdate($i)] } {
+ puts "getVersion(\"$swUpdate($i)?cmd=check_version&version=$swVersion($i)\", function(contents) {"
+ puts " document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\").innerHTML = contents;"
+ puts "});"
+ puts "document.getElementById(\"availableSWVersion_$i\").innerHTML = \"n/a\";"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc action_operation {} {
+ global env
+ http_head
+ import script
+ import op
+ if {[catch {exec $script $op}]} {
+ puts "Failure"
+ }
+ if { "$op" == "uninstall" } {
+ exec rm -rf $script
+ }
+ puts "Success"
+proc action_image_upload {} {
+ global env sid
+ cd /tmp/
+ http_head
+ import_file -client firmware_file
+ if {[getProduct] < 3} {
+ # CCU2
+ file rename -force -- [lindex $firmware_file 0] "/var/new_firmware.tar.gz"
+ } else {
+ # CCU3
+ file rename -force -- [lindex $firmware_file 0] "/usr/local/tmp/new_addon.tar.gz"
+ }
+ cgi_javascript {
+ puts "var url = \"$env(SCRIPT_NAME)?sid=$sid\";"
+ puts {
+ parent.top.dlgPopup.hide();
+ parent.top.dlgPopup.setWidth(600);
+ parent.top.dlgPopup.LoadFromFile(url, "action=install_confirm");
+ }
+ }
+proc action_install_start {} {
+ if {[getProduct] == 3} {
+ exec touch /usr/local/.doAddonInstall
+ exec /sbin/reboot
+ } else {
+ # CCU 2
+ exec /bin/kill -SIGQUIT 1
+ }
+cgi_eval {
+ #cgi_debug -on
+ cgi_input
+ catch {
+ import debug
+ cgi_debug -on
+ }
+ set action "put_page"
+ catch { import action }
+ if {[session_requestisvalid 8] > 0} then action_$action