
	<title>Ethical Choices Mapping Instrument</title>

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<p class="MsoNormal"><b>Select one of the following approaches which you are more likely to use:
</b><h2>Personal Ethics</h2>
	<input name="q1" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. When I have to make a tough decision, I usually figure out what to do by weighing the pros and cons, thinking about the alternatives, and decide based on what makes the most sense.</label></br>
	<input name="q1" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. When I have a major decision to make, I usually know what to do when the time is right, or I have a gut feeling about the best approach to take.</label></br>
	<input name="q2" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. I generally go by a strong set of principles I follow about what's right and wrong; some of these are ideals I learned as a child or from my parents and role models.</label></br>
	<input name="q2" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. I generally decide what to do based on what seems to make the most sense in that particular situation; I consider such things as the means and the ends and the benefits to me and others.</label></br>
	<input name="q3" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. I usually prefer to follow the rules or go along with what others are doing in a particular situation.</label></br>
	<input name="q3" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. I tend to follow the rules if it makes sense to do so; but I think it makes sense to break rules or make new ones if the old ones aren't working, and I often do that.</label></br>
	<input name="q4" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. I tend to put the interests of other people first or do what is in the best interest of the most people.</label></br>
	<input name="q4" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. I tend to think about how something will benefit me first; I prefer to do what's best for me most of the time.</label></br>
	<input name="q5" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. When I chose the work I'm doing now, I spent some time thinking about I wanted to do, such as my skills, interests, financial considerations, my family's interests, and other factors.</label></br>
	<input name="q5" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. When I chose the work I'm doing now, I felt like this was something I was called to do -- or it just happened, because I drifted into it.</label></br>
	<input name="q6" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Keep my agreement even if I had a better job offer during this time.</label></br>
	<input name="q6" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Take the better job offer if it was better for me to do so.</label></br>
	<input name="q7" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Help my family overcome its problems first and then go after the career, move, or relationship I wanted.</label></br>
	<input name="q7" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Choose to go after the career, move, or relationship I want first, and then help my family.</label></br>
	<input name="q8" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. When I was growing up, I was generally well-behaved at home or one of the gang with my friends.</label></br>
	<input name="q8" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. When I was growing up, I was often the one who came up with new ideas or was something of a troublemaker or the one to rock the boat.</label></br>
</br><h2>Familiy Ethics</h2></br>
</br>9. When one is a child, I think in general:</br>
	<input name="q9" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. One should follow the guidelines and principles provided by one's parents or teachers.</label></br>
	<input name="q9" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. One should regard childhood as a period of self-discovery and learning, and follow the guidelines and principles that seem sensible, but otherwise feel free to make one's own choices.</label></br>
</br>10. If I was a teenager who got into trouble for committing a petty crime, like joyriding or shoplifting, I would:</br>
	<input name="q10" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Confess, tell my parents I was sorry, take my punishment, and promise not to do it again.</label></br>
	<input name="q10" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Do what I can to avoid getting punished by the authorities or my parents, and be more careful in the future.</label></br>
</br>11. When one is a parent, I think in general:</br>
	<input name="q11" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. One should put the needs of one's kids first in making choices, like where to move or whether to stay together with a mate for the sake of the child.</label></br>
	<input name="q11" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. One should set a good example for the kids and expect them to behave properly.</label></br>
</br>12. As a parent with a teenager who misbehaves or gets into trouble, I would:</br>
	<input name="q12" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Talk about the importance of behaving properly or decide on an appropriate punishment if the problem continues or is serious enough.</label></br>
	<input name="q12" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Try to understand why the teenager is having problems from his or her point of view and show my support to help him or her overcome the problem.</label></br>
</br>13. As a parent, I think in general:</br>
	<input name="q13" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. There are certain codes of behavior every child should know and follow, such as don't lie, cheat, or steal.</label></br>
	<input name="q13" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Each child is an individual, and it is important to help the child develop to his fullest potential.</label></br>
</br><h2>Ethics with Friends, Dates, and Distant Relatives </h2></br>
	<input name="q14" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. In choosing my friends, it's important that a friend shares certain core values or beliefs with me; otherwise, it would be difficult for me to consider that person a friend.</label></br>
	<input name="q14" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. In choosing my friends, what's most important is that we share certain common interests, enjoy each other's company, and get along well.</label></br>
</br>15. If I think something a friend has done is wrong, I will generally:</br>
	<input name="q15" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Tell the other person what I think, since I tend to be very honest and frank, and it might help the person correct his own behavior, even if it means the end of the relationship.</label></br>
	<input name="q15" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Decide whether to tell or not depending on what the person has done, how I think the person will react, how valuable continuing the relationship is to me, and other factors.</label></br>
</br>16. If a friend going through hard times comes to me for help, I would be likely to:</br>
	<input name="q16" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Give what I can, feeling I want to help, even if I'm not sure the person can pay me back, because I feel a strong sense of altruism or compassion.</label></br>
	<input name="q16" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Give what I can to help, but work out an agreement that the person will pay me back, or advise the person on ways he can help himself, because I want to be practical and encourage personal responsibility.</label></br>
</br>17. If I was in a dating relationship that was getting serious, and I had some personal information in my background that would put me in a bad light and might damage the relationship, I would:</br>
	<input name="q17" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Tell the person, because he or she should know, and I want a relationship built on honesty and openness, whatever the consequences.</label></br>
	<input name="q17" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Not tell the person, because I think this is private information that happened in the past, and I think the relationship should be based on what's happening now and don't want to damage it.</label></br>
</br>18. If I was in a serious dating relationship, and family members and friends advised me not to continue seeing this person, because he or she didn't measure up because he or she didn't have a good enough background (ie: from the wrong ethnic group, lower social class, etc.) I would:</br>
	<input name="q18" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Pay attention to their warnings and probably break up with the person, because the attitudes of my family and social group are important to me, and I wouldn't want to lose my relationship with them.</label></br>
	<input name="q18" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Listen to my heart and continue the relationship, hoping my friends and family members would finally come around, even if I was risking some of these past relationships.</label></br>
</br><h2>Ethics in Work, Business, and Professional Relationships</h2></br>
</br>19. If I found that the company I was working for or an associate I was dealing with was involved in activities I considered wrong or unethical, I would:</br>
	<input name="q19" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Report that company or person, urge them to change their policies, and/or quit, regardless of the career risks, because I can't condone such actions.</label></br>
	<input name="q19" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Continue to work with that company or individual as long as I have to, so I can avoid risking my career, while trying to leave as soon as I can.</label></br>
</br>20. Generally, when I am part of an organization or work with one, I tend to:</br>
	<input name="q20" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Go along with the current practices or corporate culture, because I think that's the best way to get along.</label></br>
	<input name="q20" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Think of myself more as a leader, idea person, change maker, or rule breaker, because I feel that's the way to make improvements to help everyone.</label></br>
</br>21. If I was in a profession that had a formal code of ethics, and I found that others in my local peer group were participating in various practices that were a breach of these ethics, such as sharing confidential information or engaging in informal personal relationships with clients, I would:</br>
	<input name="q21" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Adhere to the formal code of ethics, because I think that's right and in the best interests of clients.</label></br>
	<input name="q21" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Do what seems to work best for myself in the current situation to get along with my peers, advance my career, and only share information or engage in personal relationships if I can do so in a beneficial way, since I think the formal code of ethics is overly restrictive.</label></br>
</br>22. Generally, I would prefer to work in a company or in a field where:</br>
	<input name="q22" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. I can earn a good income based doing a good job.</label></br>
	<input name="q22" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B.  I can contribute to helping others, even if I earn less.</label></br>
</br><h2>Ethics in Local Community and Public Issues</h2></br> 
</br>23. If a clerk in a store made a mistake, such as giving me too much money back as change or charging me too little for a purchase, I would:</br>
	<input name="q23" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Keep the extra money or not say anything about being charged too little, since it was the clerk's mistake, and I would consider this like a gift I can use.</label></br>
	<input name="q23" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Tell the clerk about the mistake, since I would be concerned the clerk might be charged, and I would feel I was taking advantage of the situation.</label></br>
</br>24. If I didn't like someone who was a member of a group I belonged to, I would:</br>
	<input name="q24" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Keep my feelings to myself, and hope that others might feel the same way and do something to get this person out of the group.</label></br>
	<input name="q24" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Take the lead in talking to others who might feel the same way and in showing how he or she is hurting the group.</label></br>
</br>25. If I saw my neighbors involved in some kind of illegal activity, though it wasn't a threat to me personally or a danger to the neighborhood, I would be likely to:</br>
	<input name="q25" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Look the other way and not complain about it, because I don't want to have trouble with the neighbors and consider it their private business.</label></br>
	<input name="q25" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Report them to the authorities, since they were doing something wrong, but I wouldn't use my name to avoid problems with them knowing I complained.</label></br>
</br>26. If I was asked to lend my name to an unpopular cause which I believe in, such as by a group putting out literature or advertising about its cause, I would:</br>
	<input name="q26" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Let the group use my name, because I believe in the cause and want to help.</label></br>
	<input name="q26" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Not let the group use my name, because I would be concerned if my public support for this cause might damage me, though I might help privately.</label></br>
</br><h2>Ethics in Society as a Whole</h2></br>
	<input name="q27" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. I believe there are some fundamental moral principles that are true for all societies at all times.</label></br>
	<input name="q27" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. I believe that moral principles vary from society to society and over history in response to changing times and cultures.</label></br>
	<input name="q28" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. I believe that one should do what helps the most people, because it is most important to be of service to others, be unselfish, and contribute to others.</label></br>
	<input name="q28" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. While I believe one shouldn't hurt others, one also has consider oneself first, because most other people consider themselves first and can take advantage of you if you aren't careful.</label></br>
	<input name="q29" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. I believe one should help low income or disadvantaged people as one can, because this is the ethical or moral thing to do.</label></br>
	<input name="q29" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. I believe that low income or disadvantaged people should be helped to find jobs or get training if possible; but each of us is personally responsible for himself or herself.</label></br>
	<input name="q30" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. Follow time-tested moral principles.</label></br>
	<input name="q30" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. Change our traditional moral principles to adapt to the times.</label></br>
	<input name="q31" type="radio" value="0"/>
		A. We have a deep sense of knowing about what is right and wrong.</label></br>
	<input name="q31" type="radio" value="1"/>
		B. We choose the moral principles we do because they are what make the most sense for us as a society; they help to make society work.</label></br>

Your Name: <input name="name" type="text" /></br></br>
Please check over your answers and make sure you answered all of the questions and typed your name.<P>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"></input>

