diff --git a/packages/jest-haste-map/src/crawlers/watchman.js b/packages/jest-haste-map/src/crawlers/watchman.js
index 945f68edc9bc..ed14bf213774 100644
--- a/packages/jest-haste-map/src/crawlers/watchman.js
+++ b/packages/jest-haste-map/src/crawlers/watchman.js
@@ -34,105 +34,126 @@ module.exports = async function watchmanCrawl(
     ['type', 'f'],
     ['anyof'].concat(extensions.map(extension => ['suffix', extension])),
+  const clocks = data.clocks;
   const client = new watchman.Client();
   let clientError;
-  client.on('error', error => (clientError = error));
+  client.on('error', error => (clientError = WatchmanError(error)));
   const cmd = (...args) =>
     new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
-        (error, result) => (error ? reject(error) : resolve(result)),
+        (error, result) =>
+          error ? reject(WatchmanError(error)) : resolve(result),
-  const clocks = data.clocks;
-  let files = data.files;
-  try {
+  async function getWatchmanRoots(roots) {
     const watchmanRoots = new Map();
-    for (const root of roots) {
-      const response = await cmd('watch-project', root);
-      const existing = watchmanRoots.get(response.watch);
-      // A root can only be filtered if it was never seen with a relative_path before
-      const canBeFiltered = !existing || existing.length > 0;
-      if (canBeFiltered) {
-        if (response.relative_path) {
-          watchmanRoots.set(
-            response.watch,
-            (existing || []).concat(response.relative_path),
-          );
-        } else {
-          // Make the filter directories an empty array to signal that this root
-          // was already seen and needs to be watched for all files/directories
-          watchmanRoots.set(response.watch, []);
+    await Promise.all(
+      roots.map(async root => {
+        const response = await cmd('watch-project', root);
+        const existing = watchmanRoots.get(response.watch);
+        // A root can only be filtered if it was never seen with a relative_path before
+        const canBeFiltered = !existing || existing.length > 0;
+        if (canBeFiltered) {
+          if (response.relative_path) {
+            watchmanRoots.set(
+              response.watch,
+              (existing || []).concat(response.relative_path),
+            );
+          } else {
+            // Make the filter directories an empty array to signal that this root
+            // was already seen and needs to be watched for all files/directories
+            watchmanRoots.set(response.watch, []);
+          }
-      }
-    }
+      }),
+    );
+    return watchmanRoots;
+  }
-    let shouldReset = false;
-    const watchmanFileResults = new Map();
-    for (const [root, directoryFilters] of watchmanRoots) {
-      const expression = Array.from(defaultWatchExpression);
-      if (directoryFilters.length > 0) {
-        expression.push([
-          'anyof',
-          ...directoryFilters.map(dir => ['dirname', dir]),
-        ]);
-      }
-      const fields = ['name', 'exists', 'mtime_ms'];
+  async function queryWatchmanForDirs(rootProjectDirMappings) {
+    const files = new Map();
+    let isFresh = false;
+    await Promise.all(
+      Array.from(rootProjectDirMappings).map(
+        async ([root, directoryFilters]) => {
+          const expression = Array.from(defaultWatchExpression);
+          if (directoryFilters.length > 0) {
+            expression.push([
+              'anyof',
+              ...directoryFilters.map(dir => ['dirname', dir]),
+            ]);
+          }
+          const fields = ['name', 'exists', 'mtime_ms'];
-      const query = clocks[root]
-        ? // Use the `since` generator if we have a clock available
-          {expression, fields, since: clocks[root]}
-        : // Otherwise use the `suffix` generator
-          {expression, fields, suffix: extensions};
+          const query = clocks[root]
+            ? // Use the `since` generator if we have a clock available
+              {expression, fields, since: clocks[root]}
+            : // Otherwise use the `suffix` generator
+              {expression, fields, suffix: extensions};
-      const response = await cmd('query', root, query);
-      shouldReset = shouldReset || response.is_fresh_instance;
-      watchmanFileResults.set(root, response);
-    }
+          const response = await cmd('query', root, query);
+          if ('warning' in response) {
+            console.warn('watchman warning: ', response.warning);
+          }
+          isFresh = isFresh || response.is_fresh_instance;
+          files.set(root, response);
+        },
+      ),
+    );
+    return {
+      files,
+      isFresh,
+    };
+  }
+  let files = data.files;
+  let watchmanFiles;
+  try {
+    const watchmanRoots = await getWatchmanRoots(roots);
+    const watchmanFileResults = await queryWatchmanForDirs(watchmanRoots);
     // Reset the file map if watchman was restarted and sends us a list of files.
-    if (shouldReset) {
+    if (watchmanFileResults.isFresh) {
       files = Object.create(null);
-    for (const [watchRoot, response] of watchmanFileResults) {
-      const fsRoot = normalizePathSep(watchRoot);
-      if ('warning' in response) {
-        console.warn('watchman warning: ', response.warning);
-      }
-      clocks[fsRoot] = response.clock;
-      for (const fileData of response.files) {
-        const name = fsRoot + path.sep + normalizePathSep(fileData.name);
-        if (!fileData.exists) {
-          delete files[name];
-        } else if (!ignore(name)) {
-          const mtime =
-            typeof fileData.mtime_ms === 'number'
-              ? fileData.mtime_ms
-              : fileData.mtime_ms.toNumber();
-          const isOld = data.files[name] && data.files[name][H.MTIME] === mtime;
-          if (isOld) {
-            files[name] = data.files[name];
-          } else {
-            // See ../constants.js
-            files[name] = ['', mtime, 0, []];
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } catch (error) {
-    throw WatchmanError(error);
+    watchmanFiles = watchmanFileResults.files;
   } finally {
   if (clientError) {
-    throw WatchmanError(clientError);
+    throw clientError;
+  for (const [watchRoot, response] of watchmanFiles) {
+    const fsRoot = normalizePathSep(watchRoot);
+    clocks[fsRoot] = response.clock;
+    for (const fileData of response.files) {
+      const name = fsRoot + path.sep + normalizePathSep(fileData.name);
+      if (!fileData.exists) {
+        delete files[name];
+      } else if (!ignore(name)) {
+        const mtime =
+          typeof fileData.mtime_ms === 'number'
+            ? fileData.mtime_ms
+            : fileData.mtime_ms.toNumber();
+        const existingFileData = data.files[name];
+        const isOld = existingFileData && existingFileData[H.MTIME] === mtime;
+        if (isOld) {
+          files[name] = existingFileData;
+        } else {
+          // See ../constants.js
+          files[name] = ['', mtime, 0, []];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
   data.files = files;
   return data;