Releases: jezzab/DUMLdore
v3.15 beta
-Added Mavic 2 flashing (no root or anti-rollback)
-Added I2 anti-rollback (v01.02.0100)
-Other small changes
Issues: Comport disconnecting during upgrade or Enable ADB can cause an error but will work.
v3.12 beta
-Added flashing for Unknown firmware state
-Added prefixes for GogglesRE/Ocusync Air Unit
-Small fixes
-New anti-rollback defeat using Tar and Feather method (fast)
-Added ADB Enable (root) button (instantly bring up ADB root shell and last until reboot)
[Will not work on Mavic Air or Mavic Pro/Platinum 01.04.0400]
-Added button link to DankDroneDownloader
-Added P4Pv2 support
-Fixed some P4 Standards not reporting correctly
-Fixed up and downgrade AR compare
-Fixed offline activate for Spark
NOTE: NFZ 'stage2.bin' patching will not work with this version.
Will not rollback Mavic Air .400 at this time
v3.05 beta
Added support if the device is missing the cfg file. Assistant2 would report this as version v00.00.0000.
Ignores the missing file and continues, allowing flashing.
How to use video by digdat0:
-No longer require Assistant2 to view upgrade status
-Automatically apply anti-rollback measures if needed
-Show current device firmware version
-Show firmware version of loaded firmware file
-Faster and more reliable rollback from .0100+
-Detect if firmware is compatible with device
-Ability to download plain text upgrade logs (compressed in tar/gzip)
-Added Mavic Air AC flashing support
-Removed Backup function. Its no longer needed and doesnt work on later devices (all firmware files are available from here:
-Complete re-write
-Many other updates
-Best used with Windows 10 (Win7/8.x is supported but miles may very)