Jenson's spatula does a specific thing via python and selenium
Use the package manager pip to install Jenson's Spatula.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create yourself a 'config' file to run from the command line NOTE THIS NEEDS TO BE ALL ON ONE LINE
Example file:
--firstname John
--lastname Smith
--phonenumber 2025550124
--billingaddress "100 Redwood Dr"
--billingcity Venetia
--billingstate PA
--billingzip 15367-0001
--creditcard 1000100010001000
--expirationmonth 9
--expirationyear 2069
--ccv 111
--shippingaddress "100 Redwood Dr"
--shippingcity Venetia
--shippingstate PA
--shippingzip 15367-0001
--botpw YouHaveToAskMeForThis
--dryrun (-d)
Used to see if all your information is validated properly. It will add a 2060 super to your cart and proceed to checkout, it will not purchase.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.