R-38 is an insulation strength. For managing drafts.
[check out the repo, mess around with golang stuff]
go get -v github.com/walkingeyerobot/r38/...
wget -O cube.csv 'https://cubecobra.com/cube/download/csv/5e3cfa78fab99c24464f76ee?primary=Color%20Category&secondary=Types-Multicolor&tertiary=CMC2'
NOTE: As of 2020-04-24, the CSV output needs a minor hack to formatting: add ,Blank
to the CSV header line if the last field is "MTGO ID".
sqlite> .schema
CREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq);
CREATE TABLE users ( id integer primary key autoincrement, discord_id text unique, discord_name text, picture text );
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "users_old"( id integer primary key autoincrement, google_id text unique, email text, picture text, slack string, discord string, webhook string);
CREATE TABLE seats( id integer primary key autoincrement, position number, user number, draft number, round number default 1);
CREATE TABLE packs( id integer primary key autoincrement, seat number, modified number, round number , original_seat number);
CREATE TABLE cards( id integer primary key autoincrement, pack number, edition text, number text, tags text, name text, faceup number default false, original_pack number, cmc number, type text, color text, modified number default 0, mtgo string);
CREATE TABLE drafts( id integer primary key autoincrement, name text);
CREATE TABLE revealed( id integer primary key autoincrement, draft number, message text);
CREATE TABLE events( id integer primary key autoincrement, draft number, user number, announcement text, card1 number, card2 number, modified number, round number);
CREATE VIEW v_packs as select packs.*, count(cards.id) as count from packs left join cards on packs.id=cards.pack group by packs.id
/* v_packs(id,seat,modified,round,original_seat,count) */;
You can now run the server without OAuth. You will always be considered logged in as userId 1. To be logged in as a different user, add ?as=x to the end of the url you want to view, where x is the id of the user you want to view the page as.
source ~/r38-secret*.env; go run main.go -auth=false
- Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs
- Set up the OAuth consent screen
- Origin URI should be
, wherever you'll run R38 - Authorized redirect URI should be
- Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Discord APIs
- Set up the OAuth consent screen
- Origin URI should be
, wherever you'll run R38- Discord maybe doesn't care about origin URI?
- Authorized redirect URI should be
- Should only need
Generate a session secret and copy it to either or both secret files:
SESSION_SECRET=$(sort --random-sort </usr/share/dict/words | \
grep -E '^[a-z]+$' | head -n 3 | xargs | \
sed 's/.*/\L&/; s/[a-z]*/\u&/g; s/\ //g')
for s in r38-secret-{goog,discord}.env; do
echo "export SESSION_SECRET='${SESSION_SECRET}'" > ~/${s}
Google oauth values:
cat <<EOF >> ~/r38-secret-goog.env
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID='${ClientID}'
export GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET='${ClientSecret}'
export GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL='http://${SITE}:${PORT:-12264}/auth/google/callback'
Discord oauth values:
cat <<EOF >> ~/r38-secret-discord.env
export DISCORD_CLIENT_ID='${ClientID}'
export DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET='${ClientSecret}'
export DISCORD_REDIRECT_URL='http://${SITE}:${PORT:-12264}/auth/discord/callback'
go run makedraft/main.go
source ~/r38-secret*.env; go run main.go