The backstage-plugin-techdocs-addon-mermaid
allows rendering of Mermaid diagrams
within Backstage TechDocs
This plugin is a Backstage TechDocs Addon, which requires Backstage v1.2+
Follow the official documentation for TechDocs Addons to enable addons for techdocs.
For your backstage instance, make sure you have installed
>= 1.0.2. Older versions will not render mermaid correctly!pip3 install mkdocs-techdocs-core==1.0.2
Install this plugin in your backstage app. Run the following command from the root of your backstage installation:
yarn --cwd packages/app add backstage-plugin-techdocs-addon-mermaid
Enable the addon within techdocs viewer's within
// packages/app/src/App.tsx // packages/app/src/components/catalog/EntityPage.tsx import { Mermaid } from 'backstage-plugin-techdocs-addon-mermaid'; // ... {techDocsPage} <TechDocsAddons> {/*...*/} <Mermaid config={{ theme: 'forest', themeVariables: { lineColor: '#000000' } }} /> </TechDocsAddons>
# Mermaid section
Here is a mermaid graph!
graph TD;
By default, this plugin will autodetect diagrams based on the starting token of the code block. In some cases, however, this auto-detection is not sufficient, for example, because of an unrecognized
diagram type or the use of front matter. In these cases, you can force the use of mermaid on blocks by adding configuration like this to your mkdocs.yaml
- name: mermaid
class: mermaid
format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format
This plugin can be developed in the context of an existing Backstage deployment or a new local deployment.
- Fork and clone this repo into the plugins folder of your Backstage codebase.
- To have yarn link the local version of the addon instead of the version on npm.
- Change directories to the new
plugins/backstage-plugin-techdocs-addon-mermaid folder
and runyarn link
. - Go up to the main Backstage directory and run
yarn link backstage-plugin-techdocs-addon-mermaid
- Change directories to the new
- Run
yarn install
in the Backstage root. - Follow the earlier instructions to add the plugin to your TechDocs pages in your Backstage deployment such as
After making changes to the plugin and having unit tests pass, to do manual end-to-end testing, follow the instructions below.
You can use the TechDocs CLI to test against a local docs folder. You will need to customize the preview app bundle for that to work as the addon is not included in the standard bundle. Review the TechDoc's documentation for further instructions.
Register a component via URL like any other Backstage component and view that component's TechDocs. For example, to use the SampleDocs component in this repo:
- Generate a GitHub personal access token for public repos.
- Add the GitHub integration to your
. yarn dev
in the root of your Backstage codebase.- To register the demo docs, browse to
- Register the URL pointing to the SampleDocs/catalog-info.yaml, example:
- To iterate:
- Create a branch for the addon.
- Change the contents of the sampledocs.
- Commit and push.
- Register the catalog-info.yaml for your branch instead (keep in mind any security changes required for your personal access token).
- Iterate changes to markdown and changes to the plugin.