This project is for 'Life Generation church' which has had services in Burnaby for 3 years. The church always share and commnunicated by the messenger during Covid-19 and all the old services are removed. The church wants to keep the services and they want to read and watch(video) the services anytime in anywhere. Also, they need the space to share their stories and life with other members, so that is the reason why this website was built up.
Lifeway Generation Church Website
You need to set up 3 things.
- Client-side (Github LifewayGen Church Client)
- Server side (Github LifewayGen Church Server)
- Mongo DB (MongoDB)
Start both client and server
npm install
npm start
- React
- React-Router-Dom
- Styled-Components
- Materical-ui
- Axios
- TypeScript
- Express.js(ts)
- Mongoose
- Passport JS
- Express-session
- Multer.js
- crypto
- Mongo DB
- Login and log out.
- CRUD Function for posting.
- Validation check to signup
- Upload file to the server
- Control states by using useContext
- Apply Hash Functions to encode the password.
- Customize passport js function to use client rendering.
- Use Session and cookie for the security and maxAge is an hour.
- Delpoy client and server at Netlify and heroku.