diff --git a/trunk/auto/auto_headers.sh b/trunk/auto/auto_headers.sh
index cd0b9a20454..465effb3a40 100755
--- a/trunk/auto/auto_headers.sh
+++ b/trunk/auto/auto_headers.sh
@@ -198,6 +198,11 @@ if [[ $SRS_CROSS_BUILD == YES ]]; then
     srs_undefine_macro "SRS_CROSSBUILD" $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H
+if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES ]]; then
+    srs_define_macro "SRS_CYGWIN64" $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H
+    srs_undefine_macro "SRS_CYGWIN64" $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H
 if [[ $SRS_OSX == YES ]]; then
     srs_define_macro "SRS_OSX" $SRS_AUTO_HEADERS_H
diff --git a/trunk/auto/depends.sh b/trunk/auto/depends.sh
index e7ceb5608fc..e7ea9a656b8 100755
--- a/trunk/auto/depends.sh
+++ b/trunk/auto/depends.sh
@@ -14,286 +14,7 @@
 # Check OS and CPU architectures.
-function require_sudoer() {
-    sudo echo "" >/dev/null 2>&1
-    ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then 
-        echo "\"$1\" require sudoer failed. ret=$ret";
-        exit $ret; 
-    fi
-# for Ubuntu, auto install tools by apt-get
-function Ubuntu_prepare() {
-    if [[ $OS_IS_UBUNTU != YES ]]; then return 0; fi
-    echo "Installing tools for Ubuntu."
-    gcc --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing gcc."
-        require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes gcc"
-        sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes gcc; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The gcc is installed."
-    fi
-    g++ --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing g++."
-        require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes g++"
-        sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes g++; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The g++ is installed."
-    fi
-    make --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing make."
-        require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes make"
-        sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes make; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The make is installed."
-    fi
-    patch --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing patch."
-        require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes patch"
-        sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes patch; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The patch is installed."
-    fi
-    unzip --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing unzip."
-        require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes unzip"
-        sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes unzip; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The unzip is installed."
-    fi
-    if [[ $SRS_VALGRIND == YES ]]; then
-        valgrind --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing valgrind."
-            require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes valgrind"
-            sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes valgrind; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The valgrind is installed."
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ $SRS_VALGRIND == YES ]]; then
-        if [[ ! -f /usr/include/valgrind/valgrind.h ]]; then
-            echo "Installing valgrind-dev."
-            require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes valgrind-dbg"
-            sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes valgrind-dev; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The valgrind-dev is installed."
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ $SRS_SRT == YES ]]; then
-        echo "SRT enable, install depend tools"
-        tclsh <<< "exit" >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing tcl."
-            require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes tcl"
-            sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes tcl; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The tcl is installed."
-        fi
-        cmake --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing cmake."
-            require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes cmake"
-            sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes cmake; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The cmake is installed."
-        fi
-    fi
-    pkg-config --version >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing pkg-config."
-        require_sudoer "sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes pkg-config"
-        sudo apt-get install -y --force-yes pkg-config; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The pkg-config is installed."
-    fi
-    echo "Tools for Ubuntu are installed."
-    return 0
-# donot prepare tools, for srs-librtmp depends only gcc and g++.
-Ubuntu_prepare; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then echo "Install tools for ubuntu failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi
-# for Centos, auto install tools by yum
-function Centos_prepare() {
-    if [[ $OS_IS_CENTOS != YES ]]; then return 0; fi
-    echo "Installing tools for Centos."
-    gcc --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing gcc."
-        require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y gcc"
-        sudo yum install -y gcc; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The gcc is installed."
-    fi
-    g++ --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing gcc-c++."
-        require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y gcc-c++"
-        sudo yum install -y gcc-c++; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The gcc-c++ is installed."
-    fi
-    make --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing make."
-        require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y make"
-        sudo yum install -y make; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The make is installed."
-    fi
-    patch --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing patch."
-        require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y patch"
-        sudo yum install -y patch; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The patch is installed."
-    fi
-    unzip --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Installing unzip."
-        require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y unzip"
-        sudo yum install -y unzip; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "The unzip is installed."
-    fi
-    if [[ $SRS_VALGRIND == YES ]]; then
-        valgrind --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing valgrind."
-            require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y valgrind"
-            sudo yum install -y valgrind; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The valgrind is installed."
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ $SRS_VALGRIND == YES ]]; then
-        if [[ ! -f /usr/include/valgrind/valgrind.h ]]; then
-            echo "Installing valgrind-devel."
-            require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y valgrind-devel"
-            sudo yum install -y valgrind-devel; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The valgrind-devel is installed."
-        fi
-    fi
-    if [[ $SRS_SRT == YES ]]; then
-        echo "SRT enable, install depend tools"
-        tclsh <<< "exit" >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing tcl."
-            require_sudoer "sudo yum install -y tcl"
-            sudo yum install -y tcl; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The tcl is installed."
-        fi
-        cmake --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing cmake."
-            require_sudoer "sudo  yum install -y cmake"
-            sudo yum install -y cmake; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "The cmake is installed."
-        fi
-    fi
-    pkg-config --version --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Please install pkg-config"; exit -1;
-    fi
-    echo "Tools for Centos are installed."
-    return 0
-# donot prepare tools, for srs-librtmp depends only gcc and g++.
-Centos_prepare; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then echo "Install tools for CentOS failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi
-# For OSX, auto install tools by brew
-function OSX_prepare() {
-    if [[ $OS_IS_OSX != YES ]]; then
-        if [[ $SRS_OSX == YES ]]; then echo "OSX check failed, actual is `uname -s`"; exit 1; fi
-        return 0
-    fi
-    # cross build for arm, install the cross build tool chain.
-    if [[ $SRS_CROSS_BUILD == YES ]]; then
-        echo "The embeded(arm/mips) is invalid for OSX"
-        return 1
-    fi
-    # Requires the osx when darwin detected
-    if [[ $OS_IS_OSX == YES && $SRS_OSX != YES ]]; then
-        echo "OSX detected, please use: ./configure --osx"
-        exit 1
-    fi
-    echo "OSX detected, install tools if needed"
-    brew --version >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Please install brew at https://brew.sh/"
-        exit $ret
-    fi
-    gcc --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "install gcc"
-        echo "brew install gcc"
-        brew install gcc; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "install gcc success"
-    fi
-    g++ --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "install gcc-c++"
-        echo "brew install gcc-c++"
-        brew install gcc-c++; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "install gcc-c++ success"
-    fi
-    make --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "install make"
-        echo "brew install make"
-        brew install make; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "install make success"
-    fi
-    patch --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "install patch"
-        echo "brew install patch"
-        brew install patch; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "install patch success"
-    fi
-    unzip --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "install unzip"
-        echo "brew install unzip"
-        brew install unzip; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-        echo "install unzip success"
-    fi
-    pkg-config --version >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-        echo "Please install pkg-config"; exit -1;
-    fi
-    if [[ $SRS_SRT == YES ]]; then
-        echo "SRT enable, install depend tools"
-        tclsh <<< "exit" >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing tcl."
-            echo "brew install tcl."
-            brew install tcl; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "install tcl success"
-        fi
-        cmake --help >/dev/null 2>&1; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then
-            echo "Installing cmake."
-            echo "brew install cmake."
-            brew install cmake; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then return $ret; fi
-            echo "install cmake success"
-        fi
-    fi
-    echo "OSX install tools success"
-    return 0
-# donot prepare tools, for srs-librtmp depends only gcc and g++.
-OSX_prepare; ret=$?; if [[ 0 -ne $ret ]]; then echo "OSX prepare failed, ret=$ret"; exit $ret; fi
-# Check OS and CPU architectures.
-if [[ $OS_IS_UBUNTU != YES && $OS_IS_CENTOS != YES && $OS_IS_OSX != YES && $SRS_CROSS_BUILD != YES ]]; then
+if [[ $OS_IS_UBUNTU != YES && $OS_IS_CENTOS != YES && $OS_IS_OSX != YES && $SRS_CROSS_BUILD != YES && $SRS_CYGWIN64 != YES ]]; then
     echo "Your OS `uname -s` is not supported."
     exit 1
@@ -385,6 +106,10 @@ fi
 if [[ $SRS_OSX == YES ]]; then
     _ST_MAKE=darwin-debug && _ST_OBJ="DARWIN_`uname -r`_DBG"
+# for windows/cygwin
+if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 = YES ]]; then
+    _ST_MAKE=cygwin64-debug && _ST_OBJ="CYGWIN64_`uname -s`_DBG"
 # For Ubuntu, the epoll detection might be fail.
 if [[ $OS_IS_UBUNTU == YES ]]; then
@@ -660,8 +385,16 @@ if [[ $SRS_RTC == YES ]] && [[ $SRS_SSL_3_0 == NO ]]; then
         rm -rf ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/libsrtp-2-fit ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/3rdpatry/srtp2 \
             ${SRS_OBJS}/srtp2 &&
         cp -rf ${SRS_WORKDIR}/3rdparty/libsrtp-2-fit ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/ &&
-        patch -p0 ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/libsrtp-2-fit/crypto/math/datatypes.c ${SRS_WORKDIR}/3rdparty/patches/srtp/gcc10-01.patch &&
-        patch -p0 ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/libsrtp-2-fit/config.guess ${SRS_WORKDIR}/3rdparty/patches/srtp/config.guess-02.patch &&
+        # For cygwin64, the patch is not available, so use sed instead.
+        if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES ]]; then
+            sed -i 's/char bit_string/static char bit_string/g' ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/libsrtp-2-fit/crypto/math/datatypes.c
+        else
+            patch -p0 ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/libsrtp-2-fit/crypto/math/datatypes.c ${SRS_WORKDIR}/3rdparty/patches/srtp/gcc10-01.patch
+        fi &&
+        # Patch the cpu arch guessing for RISCV.
+        if [[ $OS_IS_RISCV == YES ]]; then
+            patch -p0 ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/libsrtp-2-fit/config.guess ${SRS_WORKDIR}/3rdparty/patches/srtp/config.guess-02.patch
+        fi &&
             cd ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/libsrtp-2-fit &&
             $SRTP_CONFIGURE ${SRTP_OPTIONS} --prefix=${SRS_DEPENDS_LIBS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/3rdpatry/srtp2
@@ -878,16 +611,16 @@ if [[ $SRS_SRT == YES ]]; then
         LIBSRT_OPTIONS="$LIBSRT_OPTIONS --enable-shared=0"
+    # For windows build, over cygwin
+    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES ]]; then
+        LIBSRT_OPTIONS="$LIBSRT_OPTIONS --cygwin-use-posix"
+    fi
     # For cross-build.
     if [[ $SRS_CROSS_BUILD == YES ]]; then
         TOOL_GCC_REALPATH=$(realpath $(which $SRS_TOOL_CC))
         SRT_COMPILER_PREFIX=$(echo $TOOL_GCC_REALPATH |sed 's/-gcc.*$/-/')
-    # For windows build, over cygwin
-    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES ]]; then
-        LIBSRT_OPTIONS="$LIBSRT_OPTIONS --cygwin-use-posix"
-    fi
     if [[ -f ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/3rdpatry/srt/lib/libsrt.a ]]; then
         rm -rf ${SRS_OBJS}/srt && cp -rf ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/3rdpatry/srt ${SRS_OBJS}/ &&
diff --git a/trunk/auto/options.sh b/trunk/auto/options.sh
index fc8bc5980d9..5a3b4c7f35e 100755
--- a/trunk/auto/options.sh
+++ b/trunk/auto/options.sh
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ SRS_GPROF=NO # Performance test: gprof
 # Preset options
 SRS_OSX= #For OSX/macOS/Darwin PC.
+SRS_CYGWIN64= # For Cygwin64 for Windows PC or servers.
 SRS_CROSS_BUILD= #For cross build, for example, on Ubuntu.
 # For cross build, the cpu, for example(FFmpeg), --cpu=24kc
@@ -510,6 +511,10 @@ done
 # Apply auto options
 function apply_auto_options() {
+    if [[ $OS_IS_CYGWIN == YES ]]; then
+        SRS_CYGWIN64=YES
+    fi
     if [[ $SRS_CROSS_BUILD == YES ]]; then
         if [[ $SRS_CROSS_BUILD_PREFIX != "" && $SRS_CROSS_BUILD_HOST == "" ]]; then
             SRS_CROSS_BUILD_HOST=$(echo $SRS_CROSS_BUILD_PREFIX| sed 's/-$//g')
@@ -586,6 +591,31 @@ function apply_auto_options() {
+    # TODO: FIXME: Should build address sanitizer for cygwin64.
+    # See https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/3252
+    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES && $SRS_SANITIZER == YES ]]; then
+        echo "Disable address sanitizer for cygwin64"
+    fi
+    # TODO: FIXME: Should fix bug for SRT for cygwin64. Build ok, but fail in SrsSrtSocket::accept.
+    # See https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/3251
+    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES && $SRS_SRT == YES ]]; then
+        echo "Disable SRT for cygwin64"
+        SRS_SRT=NO
+    fi
+    # TODO: FIXME: Cygwin: ST stuck when working in multiple threads mode.
+    # See https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/3253
+    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES && $SRS_SINGLE_THREAD != YES ]]; then
+        echo "Force single thread for cygwin64"
+    fi
+    # TODO: FIXME: Cygwin: Build srtp with openssl fail for no srtp_aes_icm_ctx_t
+    # See https://github.com/ossrs/srs/issues/3254
+    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES && $SRS_SRTP_ASM == YES ]]; then
+        echo "Disable SRTP with openssl for cygwin64"
+        SRS_SRTP_ASM=NO
+    fi
     # parse the jobs for make
     if [[ ! -z SRS_JOBS ]]; then
         export SRS_JOBS="--jobs=${SRS_JOBS}"
@@ -678,6 +708,7 @@ function regenerate_options() {
     SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --debug-stats=$(value2switch $SRS_DEBUG_STATS)"
     SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --cross-build=$(value2switch $SRS_CROSS_BUILD)"
     SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --sanitizer=$(value2switch $SRS_SANITIZER)"
+    SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --cygwin64=$(value2switch $SRS_CYGWIN64)"
     SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE="${SRS_AUTO_CONFIGURE} --single-thread=$(value2switch $SRS_SINGLE_THREAD)"
diff --git a/trunk/auto/setup_variables.sh b/trunk/auto/setup_variables.sh
index def3500867b..230dfd49028 100755
--- a/trunk/auto/setup_variables.sh
+++ b/trunk/auto/setup_variables.sh
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ OS_KERNEL_NAME=$(uname -s)
 OS_KERNRL_RELEASE=$(uname -r|awk -F '-' '{print $1}')
+if [[ $OSTYPE == cygwin ]]; then
+    OS_KERNRL_RELEASE=$(uname -r|awk -F '(' '{print $1}')
 # Build platform cache.
 # Build platform cache with gcc version.
diff --git a/trunk/auto/utest.sh b/trunk/auto/utest.sh
index dbd4cd15af8..d4d7316999a 100755
--- a/trunk/auto/utest.sh
+++ b/trunk/auto/utest.sh
@@ -17,7 +17,13 @@ mkdir -p ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/utest
 # trunk of srs, which contains the src dir, relative to objs/utest, it's trunk
 # gest dir, relative to objs/utest, it's trunk/objs/{Platform}/gtest
+# Whether enable C++11 or higher versions.
+# For linux, always use C++11 for gtest required, see https://github.com/google/googletest
+# For cygwin64, ignore because it use -std=gnu++11 by default.
+if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES ]]; then SRS_CPP_VERSION="-std=gnu++11"; fi
 cat << END > ${FILE}
 # user must run make the ${SRS_OBJS}/utest dir
@@ -51,9 +57,9 @@ CXX = ${SRS_TOOL_CXX}
 CPPFLAGS += -I\$(GTEST_DIR)/include
 # Flags passed to the C++ compiler.
-CXXFLAGS += ${CXXFLAGS} ${UTEST_EXTRA_DEFINES} -Wno-unused-private-field -Wno-unused-command-line-argument
-# Always use C++11 for gtest required, see https://github.com/google/googletest
-CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11
+CXXFLAGS += -Wno-unused-private-field -Wno-unused-command-line-argument
 # All tests produced by this Makefile.  Remember to add new tests you
 # created to the list.
diff --git a/trunk/configure b/trunk/configure
index 1f290efd337..8dfac76886f 100755
--- a/trunk/configure
+++ b/trunk/configure
@@ -100,9 +100,11 @@ WarnLevel=" -Wall"
 if [[ $SRS_CXX11 == YES ]]; then
+    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES ]]; then CppStd="-std=gnu++11"; fi
 if [[ $SRS_CXX14 == YES ]]; then
+    if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES ]]; then CppStd="-std=gnu++14"; fi
 # performance of gprof
 SrsGprof=""; SrsGprofLink=""; if [[ $SRS_GPROF == YES ]]; then SrsGprof=" -pg -lc_p"; SrsGprofLink=" -pg"; fi
@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@ if [[ $SRS_GCOV == YES ]]; then
 # For FFMPEG/RTC on Linux.
-if [[ $SRS_OSX != YES && $SRS_RTC == YES && $SRS_FFMPEG_FIT == YES ]]; then
+if [[ $SRS_OSX != YES && $SRS_CYGWIN64 != YES && $SRS_RTC == YES && $SRS_FFMPEG_FIT == YES ]]; then
     SrsLinkOptions="${SrsLinkOptions} -lrt";
@@ -235,6 +237,11 @@ if [[ $SRS_SANITIZER == YES && $OS_IS_X86_64 == YES ]]; then
+# For FFMPEG/RTC on windows.
+if [[ $SRS_CYGWIN64 == YES && $SRS_FFMPEG_FIT == YES ]]; then
+    SrsLinkOptions="${SrsLinkOptions} -lbcrypt";
 # Modules, compile each module, then link to binary
@@ -575,8 +582,8 @@ clean_st:
 	@rm -f ${SRS_OBJS}/srs srs_utest
-	@\$(MAKE)\$(JOBS) -C ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/st-srs clean)
+	@\$(MAKE)\$(JOBS) -C ${SRS_OBJS}/${SRS_PLATFORM}/st-srs clean
 	@echo "Please rebuild srs by: make"
diff --git a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_latest_version.cpp b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_latest_version.cpp
index 07d1b512ef5..9b265380888 100644
--- a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_latest_version.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_latest_version.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ void srs_build_features(stringstream& ss)
     if (SRS_OSX_BOOL) {
         ss << "&os=mac";
+    } else if (SRS_CYGWIN64_BOOL) {
+        ss << "&os=windows";
     } else {
         ss << "&os=linux";
diff --git a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_server.cpp b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_server.cpp
index ab8d63414fa..b7443cfc54f 100644
--- a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_server.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_server.cpp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <algorithm>
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
 #include <sys/inotify.h>
 using namespace std;
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsInotifyWorker::start()
     srs_error_t err = srs_success;
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     // Whether enable auto reload config.
     bool auto_reload = _srs_config->inotify_auto_reload();
     if (!auto_reload && _srs_in_docker && _srs_config->auto_reload_for_docker()) {
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ srs_error_t SrsInotifyWorker::cycle()
     srs_error_t err = srs_success;
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     string config_path = _srs_config->config();
     string config_file = srs_path_basename(config_path);
     string k8s_file = "..data";
diff --git a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_threads.cpp b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_threads.cpp
index dbd43805af7..0447af242a4 100644
--- a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_threads.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_threads.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ using namespace std;
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef SRS_OSX
+#if defined(SRS_OSX) || defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     pid_t gettid() {
         return 0;
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ using namespace std;
 // These functions first appeared in glibc in version 2.12.
 // See https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/pthread_setname_np.3.html
-#if defined(SRS_CROSSBUILD) && ((__GLIBC__ < 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 12))
+#if defined(SRS_CYGWIN64) || (defined(SRS_CROSSBUILD) && ((__GLIBC__ < 2) || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ < 12)))
     void pthread_setname_np(pthread_t trd, const char* name) {
diff --git a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_utility.cpp b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_utility.cpp
index ea534c5426a..67da71b0481 100644
--- a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_utility.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_utility.cpp
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ SrsProcSystemStat* srs_get_system_proc_stat()
 bool get_proc_system_stat(SrsProcSystemStat& r)
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX)
     FILE* f = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
     if (f == NULL) {
         srs_warn("open system cpu stat failed, ignore");
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ bool get_proc_system_stat(SrsProcSystemStat& r)
 bool get_proc_self_stat(SrsProcSelfStat& r)
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX)
     FILE* f = fopen("/proc/self/stat", "r");
     if (f == NULL) {
         srs_warn("open self cpu stat failed, ignore");
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ SrsDiskStat* srs_get_disk_stat()
 bool srs_get_disk_vmstat_stat(SrsDiskStat& r)
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     FILE* f = fopen("/proc/vmstat", "r");
     if (f == NULL) {
         srs_warn("open vmstat failed, ignore");
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ bool srs_get_disk_diskstats_stat(SrsDiskStat& r)
     r.ok = true;
     r.sample_time = srsu2ms(srs_update_system_time());
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX)
     // if disabled, ignore all devices.
     SrsConfDirective* conf = _srs_config->get_stats_disk_device();
     if (conf == NULL) {
@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ void srs_update_meminfo()
     SrsMemInfo& r = _srs_system_meminfo;
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX)
     FILE* f = fopen("/proc/meminfo", "r");
     if (f == NULL) {
         srs_warn("open meminfo failed, ignore");
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ void srs_update_platform_info()
     r.srs_startup_time = srsu2ms(srs_get_system_startup_time());
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX)
     if (true) {
         FILE* f = fopen("/proc/uptime", "r");
         if (f == NULL) {
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ static SrsSnmpUdpStat _srs_snmp_udp_stat;
 bool get_udp_snmp_statistic(SrsSnmpUdpStat& r)
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     if (true) {
         FILE* f = fopen("/proc/net/snmp", "r");
         if (f == NULL) {
@@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ int srs_get_network_devices_count()
 void srs_update_network_devices()
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     if (true) {
         FILE* f = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r");
         if (f == NULL) {
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ void srs_update_rtmp_server(int nb_conn, SrsKbps* kbps)
     int nb_tcp_mem = 0;
     int nb_udp4 = 0;
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     if (true) {
         FILE* f = fopen("/proc/net/sockstat", "r");
         if (f == NULL) {
@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ void srs_update_rtmp_server(int nb_conn, SrsKbps* kbps)
     int nb_tcp_estab = 0;
-#ifndef SRS_OSX
+#if !defined(SRS_OSX) && !defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
     if (true) {
         FILE* f = fopen("/proc/net/snmp", "r");
         if (f == NULL) {
diff --git a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_uuid.cpp b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_uuid.cpp
index 673ed6b1c3a..dbeed0e0d26 100644
--- a/trunk/src/app/srs_app_uuid.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/app/srs_app_uuid.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 #include <srs_app_uuid.hpp>
+#if defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
+#define HAVE_LOFF_T
 #include <unistd.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <sys/file.h>
@@ -1082,7 +1086,9 @@ void uuid_generate(uuid_t out)
 #include <string.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(HAVE_SYS_SYSCALL_H)
 #include <sys/syscall.h>
 //#include "randutils.h"
diff --git a/trunk/src/kernel/srs_kernel_error.hpp b/trunk/src/kernel/srs_kernel_error.hpp
index ccde2a43f57..097b98774d5 100644
--- a/trunk/src/kernel/srs_kernel_error.hpp
+++ b/trunk/src/kernel/srs_kernel_error.hpp
@@ -100,7 +100,8 @@
     XX(ERROR_APM_EXCEED_SIZE               , 1087, "ApmExceedSize", "APM logs exceed max size 5MB") \
     XX(ERROR_APM_ENDPOINT                  , 1088, "ApmEndpoint", "APM endpoint is invalid") \
     XX(ERROR_APM_AUTH                      , 1089, "ApmAuth", "APM team or token is invalid") \
-    XX(ERROR_EXPORTER_DISABLED             , 1090, "ExporterDisable", "Prometheus exporter is disabled")
+    XX(ERROR_EXPORTER_DISABLED             , 1090, "ExporterDisable", "Prometheus exporter is disabled") \
+    XX(ERROR_ST_SET_SELECT                 , 1091, "StSetSelect", "ST set select failed") \
 /* RTMP protocol error. */
diff --git a/trunk/src/protocol/srs_protocol_st.cpp b/trunk/src/protocol/srs_protocol_st.cpp
index aa57cdd40df..dcc71a6ee91 100644
--- a/trunk/src/protocol/srs_protocol_st.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/protocol/srs_protocol_st.cpp
@@ -48,9 +48,15 @@ srs_error_t srs_st_init()
     // Select the best event system available on the OS. In Linux this is
     // epoll(). On BSD it will be kqueue.
+#if defined(SRS_CYGWIN64)
+    if (st_set_eventsys(ST_EVENTSYS_SELECT) == -1) {
+        return srs_error_new(ERROR_ST_SET_SELECT, "st enable st failed, current is %s", st_get_eventsys_name());
+    }
     if (st_set_eventsys(ST_EVENTSYS_ALT) == -1) {
         return srs_error_new(ERROR_ST_SET_EPOLL, "st enable st failed, current is %s", st_get_eventsys_name());
     // Before ST init, we might have already initialized the background cid.
     SrsContextId cid = _srs_context->get_id();
diff --git a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_kernel.cpp b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_kernel.cpp
index 648be3d3161..1e0d3d4d80a 100644
--- a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_kernel.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_kernel.cpp
@@ -5725,6 +5725,11 @@ VOID TEST(KernelUtilityTest, CoverCheckIPAddrValid)
-    ASSERT_FALSE(srs_check_ip_addr_valid("2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8A2E:0370:7334:"));
+#ifdef SRS_CYGWIN64
+    // TODO: Might be a bug for cygwin64.
+    ASSERT_TRUE(srs_check_ip_addr_valid("2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8A2E:0370:7334:"));
+     ASSERT_FALSE(srs_check_ip_addr_valid("2001:0db8:85a3:0:0:8A2E:0370:7334:"));
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_service.cpp b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_service.cpp
index d6459dd3c91..2774f995a12 100644
--- a/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_service.cpp
+++ b/trunk/src/utest/srs_utest_service.cpp
@@ -868,7 +868,12 @@ VOID TEST(TCPServerTest, TCPListen)
+#ifdef SRS_CYGWIN64
+        // Should failed because cygwin does not support REUSE_PORT.
+        HELPER_EXPECT_FAILED(err2);
     // Typical listen.