- text/microsoft-resx
- 2.0
- System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
- 背景色-激活
- The caption for the "Background colour activated" button.
- 背景色-未激活
- The caption for the "Background colour deactivated" button.
- 边框-激活
- The caption for the "Border colour activated" button.
- 边框-未激活
- The caption for the "Border colour deactivated" button.
- Caps lock
- The name of the caps lock key
- 检查更新
- The caption for the button that manually checks for updates. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
- 正在检查更新...
- The caption for the "Check for updates" button when it's searching for updates.
- 颜色
- The title for the "Colours" group box
- 退出
- Used in the context menu of the CLI tray icon.
- 显示主界面
- Used in the context menu of the CLI tray icon.
- 消除
- The caption for the "Dismiss" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
- 展示时间
- The title for the "Display time" group box
- 手动下载
- The caption for the "Download manually" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
- 下载更多语言...
- The last dropdown item in the locale dropdown.
- 退出程序
- The caption for the button that exits the application. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
- 退出程序后,托盘指示器图标和切换通知将不再显示,确定要退出么?
- The message to display on application exit
- 字体
- The title for the "Font" group box
- 文字颜色-激活
- The caption for the "Text colour activated" button.
- 文字颜色 - 不活跃
- The caption for the "Text colour deactivated" button.
- 双击图标显示软件主界面
- The text that is shown in the icon balloon tip when CLI is being hidden.
- 启动时隐藏
- Used for the hide on startup checkbox
- 隐藏窗口
- The caption for the button that hides the window. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
- 切换{0}状态时
- Used for the check boxes in the "Show notification when..." group box. "{0}" will be replaced with the key name
- {0}已关闭
- The text to display in the notification when a key is off. "{0}" will be replaced with the key name
- {0}已打开
- The text to display in the notification when a key is on. "{0}" will be replaced with the key name
- 通知设置
- The caption for the button that opens the notification settings. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
- 通知设置
- The caption of the notification settings window
- Num lock
- The name of the num lock key
- 透明度
- The title for the "Opacity" group box
- 通知出现位置
- The title for the "Overlay position" group box
- 一直显示
- Text to display instead of the time if indicator overlay display is set to permanently.
- 保存并关闭
- The caption for the "Save & Close" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key. Use two "&" to display a "&" character
- Scroll lock
- The name of the scroll lock key
- 在系统托盘中展示以下指示器
- The title for the "Show icons for..." group box
- 不展示托盘指示器
- The label for the check box that enables or disables all icons
- 不显示通知
- The label for the check box that enables or disables all notifications
- 显示通知:
- The title for the "Show notification when..." group box
- 开机启动
- The label for the check box that enables or disabled the auto start.
- CapsLock Indicator 有可用升级!
- The title for the update window.
- Version {0}, released {1}
- Displayed in the "Update Available" dialog. {0} is the version, {1} is the release date and time.
- 立即升级
- The caption for the "Update now" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ 打开 - 背景颜色
+ The caption for the "Background colour activated" button.
+ 关闭 - 背景颜色
+ The caption for the "Background colour deactivated" button.
+ 打开 - 边框颜色
+ The caption for the "Border colour activated" button.
+ 关闭 - 边框颜色
+ The caption for the "Border colour deactivated" button.
+ Caps lock
+ The name of the caps lock key
+ 检查更新 (&U)
+ The caption for the button that manually checks for updates. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
+ 正在检查更新…
+ The caption for the "Check for updates" button when it's searching for updates.
+ 颜色
+ The title for the "Colours" group box
+ 退出 (&E)
+ Used in the context menu of the CLI tray icon.
+ 显示主界面 (&S)
+ Used in the context menu of the CLI tray icon.
+ 忽略 (&D)
+ The caption for the "Dismiss" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
+ 展示时长
+ The title for the "Display time" group box
+ 手动下载 (&M)
+ The caption for the "Download manually" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
+ 下载更多翻译…
+ The last dropdown item in the locale dropdown.
+ 退出程序 (&E)
+ The caption for the button that exits the application. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
+ 退出程序后,托盘指示器图标和切换通知将不再显示,确定要退出吗?
+ The message to display on application exit
+ 字体
+ The title for the "Font" group box
+ 打开 - 文本颜色
+ The caption for the "Text colour activated" button.
+ 关闭 - 文字颜色
+ The caption for the "Text colour deactivated" button.
+ 双击此图标即可显示 CapsLock 指示器主界面
+ The text that is shown in the icon balloon tip when CLI is being hidden.
+ 启动时隐藏
+ Used for the hide on startup checkbox
+ 隐藏窗口 (&H)
+ The caption for the button that hides the window. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
+ 切换 {0} 时
+ Used for the check boxes in the "Show notification when..." group box. "{0}" will be replaced with the key name
+ {0} 已关闭
+ The text to display in the notification when a key is off. "{0}" will be replaced with the key name
+ {0} 已打开
+ The text to display in the notification when a key is on. "{0}" will be replaced with the key name
+ 通知设置 (&N)
+ The caption for the button that opens the notification settings. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
+ 通知设置
+ The caption of the notification settings window
+ Num lock
+ The name of the num lock key
+ 透明度
+ The title for the "Opacity" group box
+ 通知位置
+ The title for the "Overlay position" group box
+ 一直显示
+ Text to display instead of the time if indicator overlay display is set to permanently.
+ 保存并关闭 (&S)
+ The caption for the "Save & Close" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key. Use two "&" to display a "&" character
+ Scroll lock
+ The name of the scroll lock key
+ 显示托盘图标:
+ The title for the "Show icons for..." group box
+ 不显示托盘图标
+ The label for the check box that enables or disables all icons
+ 不显示通知
+ The label for the check box that enables or disables all notifications
+ 显示通知:
+ The title for the "Show notification when..." group box
+ 开机自启动
+ The label for the check box that enables or disabled the auto start.
+ CapsLock 指示器有可用更新了!
+ The title for the update window.
+ 版本 {0},发布于 {1}
+ Displayed in the "Update Available" dialog. {0} is the version, {1} is the release date and time.
+ 立即更新 (&U)
+ The caption for the "Update now" button. The character after the "&" is the hotkey that is used with the ALT key.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f6da728..cf22366 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,22 +1,36 @@
-| |
-| --- |
-| ⚠ **HEADS UP**: CapsLock Indicator 4 is on the way. Completely rewritten with many new features and a new UI using WPF! However, it may still take some time until that version releases. |
+ CapsLock Indicator is a small utility that indicates the state of the Num lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock key.
-CapsLock Indicator is a small utility that indicates the state of the Num lock, Caps lock and Scroll lock key.
-# [Download](https://cli.jonaskohl.de/!/download)
# Edit & compile source code
-You need at least SharpDevelop 5.1 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to edit and compile the source code, however Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 is recommended. CapsLock Indicator has no other dependencies other than the Microsoft .NET SDK 4.5.
+You need Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 to edit and compile the source code. CapsLock Indicator has no other dependencies other than the Microsoft .NET SDK 4.5.
# Contributing
If you have a feature suggestion or a bug to file **and you are able to implement this in the code**, feel free to [open a pull request](https://github.com/jonaskohl/CapsLockIndicator/pulls). If you only want to report a bug or suggest a feature, [open a new issue](https://github.com/jonaskohl/CapsLockIndicator/issues/new).