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This VitePress site is hosted from pages at

Setup / Requirements

OpenAI API key

Only needed if generating content from OpenAI.

Updated env file

Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required fields.

cp .env.example .env

Node version manager

curl -o- | bash
nvm install
nvm use

Python & pip

Only needed if generating content from OpenAI.

sudo apt install python3
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install dependencies

npm install

How to use

OpenAI generated content

npm run docs:generate


npm run docs:dev


npm run docs:build

Preview build

npm run docs:preview


Commit to the main branch to trigger deployment.


  • Create request files in the requests folder, for example: logseq.yaml.
  • Run the npm run docs:generate command to generate the markdown files locally.
  • When pushing to main GitHub action does generate, build and deploy.
  • The OpenAI response will be saved in the response folder.
  • The generated markdown will be saved in a sub folder defined by request type using the same name as the request file and the suffix .md.
  • Delete corresponding response.bin in ./openai/response to force the script to retrieve data from openai again.