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User guide

Justin Huang edited this page Oct 28, 2017 · 16 revisions

This guide is for developers who want to use <ros-rviz> in their own applications.

Downloading and adding to your page

See Downloading and adding ros-rviz to a page.

Releases follow semantic versioning. That is, the major version number will update for backwards-incompatible changes. Generally, any change to the properties or methods of the main <ros-rviz> element and any change to the structure of the config will be considered backwards-incompatible. This means that you can safely run bower update if you have a bower.json entry like: "ros-rviz": "jstnhuang/ros-rviz#^3.0.0".

Running <ros-rviz>

To use <ros-rviz>, you must run, at a minimum, a rosbridge websocket server and tf2_web_republisher. Here is a sample launch file for these requirements:

  <include file="$(find rosbridge_server)/launch/rosbridge_websocket.launch" />
  <node pkg="tf2_web_republisher" type="tf2_web_republisher" name="tf2_web_republisher" />

Warning: if a user enters a non-existent frame ID into <ros-rviz>, tf2_web_republisher will publish an error message saying that frame does not exist at a high frequency, forever. For that reason, it is a good idea to regularly check on tf2_web_republisher and restart it if necessary.

The config

The <ros-rviz> is configured by its config property, which is a JavaScript object. The best way to figure out the format of the config is to manually set up <ros-rviz> and click on the "Load config" button.

The overall structure is like so:

var config = {
  globalOptions: { ... },
  sidebarOpened: true,
  displays: [ {...}, {...}, ...]
  • globalOptions contains various global options. It appears at the top of the display list and cannot be removed by the user.
    • background: The background color of the viewer
    • colladaLoader: Either "collada" or "collada2", specifies what version of the Collada loader to use.
    • colladaServer: Server that serves mesh files, as described in the "Robot model" display documentation below.
    • fixedFrame: The fixed frame of the overall visualization
    • url: The websocket URL to connect to
    • videoServer: A ros_web_video server URL, used mainly for the depth cloud display
  • sidebarOpened: True or false, whether the sidebar is opened or not
  • displays: A list of display objects. Each display object has the following structure:
    • isShown: True or false, whether or not the display is hidden or shown
    • name: The name of the display shown in the sidebar
    • options: An object of display-specific options, documented in more detail in the displays section below
    • type: The type of the display. Currently supported types are: "depthCloud", "grid", "interactiveMarkers", "markers", "markerArray", "occupancyGrid", "pointCloud2", and "urdf".

Updating the config

You can use the "Load config" button to view the current config and replace it with another.

There are two ways to update the config programmatically:

Updating the whole config at once

To update the entire config (e.g., on page load), set the config property to a new JavaScript object of the config:

var updated_config = { ... };
var rviz = document.getElementById('rviz');
rviz.config = updated_config;

This may cause noticeable refreshes, such as meshes being reloaded, etc.

Update part of the config

To just update part of the config, use the set method on the element:

var rviz = document.getElementById('rviz');
rviz.set('', 'Hello world');
rviz.set('config.sidebarOpened', false);

To manipulate arrays in the config (such as to add or remove a display), use the push or splice methods, which behave just like the native Array methods of the same name:

var display = {
  isShown: true,
  name: "Grid",
  options: {
    cellSize: "1",
    color: "#cccccc",
    numCells: "10"
  type: "grid"
rviz.push('config.displays', display);
rviz.splice('config.displays', 0, 1); // Delete 1 display starting from index 0.


Each display is documented below.

Depth cloud

Sample config:

  isShown: true,
  name: "Depth cloud",
  options: {
    topic: "depthcloud_encoded",
    frameId: "/head_camera_rgb_optical_frame"
  type: "depthCloud"

Before you can run a depth cloud, you must run a depthcloud_encoder node. See the ros3djs Point Cloud Streaming from a Kinect tutorial.

This display assumes that ros_web_video is running on config.globalOptions.videoServer, which is http://WINDOW.LOCATION.HOSTNAME:9999 by default. We also assume that the focal length of the camera is 525.

Do you need to run convert_metric?

The tutorial above assumes that you are using a Kinect, which requires you to run the depth_image_proc/convert_metric nodelet. This is only needed for cameras whose drivers produce depth data with the 16UC1 encoding. 16UC1 data is interpreted as a 16-bit millimeter distance. Other cameras may produce data with the 32FC encoding, which is interpreted as a 32-bit floating point distance in meters. To check if your camera needs to run the depth_image_proc/convert_metric nodelet, run the appropriate command similar to this:

rostopic echo /camera/depth_registered/image_raw -n1 | less

Check the encoding field. If it is 32FC1, you do not need to run convert_metric. If it is 16UC1, you do.

Also, be careful: for some robots, this may differ in simulation versus on the real robot.

Sample launch file

This sample launch file starts ros_web_video on port 9999, and runs depthcloud_encoder with the given depth topic, color topic, and camera frame. Set convert_metric to true or false as described above.

  <arg name="convert_metric" doc="Set to true if the depth encoding is 16UC1, false if it is 32FC1" />
  <arg name="depth_topic" default="/head_camera/depth_registered/image_raw" />
  <arg name="color_topic" default="/head_camera/rgb/image_raw" />
  <arg name="camera_frame" default="/head_camera_rgb_optical_frame" />

  <node pkg="ros_web_video" type="ros_web_video" name="web_video_server">
    <param name="port" value="9999" />
    <param name="framerate" value="15" />
    <param name="bitrate" value="250000" />
    <param name="profile" value="best" />
  <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="convert_metric" args="standalone depth_image_proc/convert_metric" if="$(arg convert_metric)">
    <remap from="image_raw" to="$(arg depth_topic)" />
    <remap from="image" to="$(arg depth_topic)_float" />
  <node pkg="depthcloud_encoder" type="depthcloud_encoder_node" name="depthcloud_encoder">
    <param name="rgb" value="$(arg color_topic)" />
    <param if="$(arg convert_metric)" name="depth" value="$(arg depth_topic)_float" />
    <param unless="$(arg convert_metric)" name="depth" value="$(arg depth_topic)" />
    <param name="camera_frame_id" value="$(arg camera_frame)" />


Sample config:

  isShown: true,
  name: "Grid",
  options: {
    cellSize: 1,
    color: "#cccccc",
    numCells: 10
  type: "grid"

Interactive markers

Sample config:

  isShown: true,
  name: "Interactive markers",
  options: {
    topic: "/basic_controls"
  type: "interactiveMarkers"

To use interactive markers, you must run an instance of interactive_marker_proxy for each interactive marker server you want to run. See the ros3djs Visualizing Interactive Markers tutorial.

Sample launch file

Here is a sample launch file for the /basic_controls interactive marker server:

<node pkg="interactive_marker_proxy" type="proxy" name="interactive_marker_proxy_basic_controls">
  <remap from="target_frame" to="/base_link" />
  <remap from="topic_ns" to="/basic_controls" />


Sample config:

  isShown: true,
  name: "Markers",
  options: {
    topic: "/visualization_marker"
  type: "markers"

This display visualizes a visualization_msgs/Marker topic. Note that unlike the desktop version of rviz, you cannot show or hide specific namespaces of markers. If you want to display a mesh marker, you must serve the meshes as described in the "Robot model" section below.

Marker array

Sample config:

  isShown: true,
  name: "Marker array",
  options: {
    topic: "/visualization_marker_array"
  type: "markerArray"

This display visualizes a visualization_msgs/MarkerArray topic. If you want to display mesh markers, you must serve the meshes as described in the "Robot model" section below.

Occupancy grid

Sample config (note that you may see a color option, but it is ignored):

  isShown: true,
  name: "Map",
  options: {
    continuous: true,
    opacity: 1,
    topic: "/map"
  type: "occupancyGrid"

This display shows a map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid). You must serve the map using:

rosrun map_server map_server /path/to/map.yaml


Sample config:

  isShown: true,
  name: "Point cloud",
  options: {
    topic: "/cloud",
    size: 0.01
  type: "pointCloud2"

This display subscribes to a sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 topic. However, you should not use this display to visualize point clouds that are published at a high frequency. In its current implementation, ros3djs uses the main thread to process each point cloud, which can take a couple of seconds per point cloud. As a result, if you subscribe to a topic that publishes point clouds even as slowly as 1 Hz, the browser will be frozen and impossible to use. To reiterate: you should only use this display to show point clouds that are very small or published very occasionally.

Robot model

Sample config:

  isShown: true,
  name: "Robot model",
  options: {
    param: "robot_description"
  type: "urdf"

Loads the URDF described in the robot_description param.

To visualize a robot model or a visualization_msgs/Marker mesh, you need to run a static file server that serves the meshes. The server must be configured to allow for cross-origin requests. A guide for doing this with the Caddy and Apache servers is here:

Once you have a file server running, change the Global options / Collada file server URL to the base URL of your server. By default, it is set to http://WINDOW.LOCATION.HOSTNAME:8001.

Also note that the Robot Web Tools effort runs a file server for several robots at, as described here.