UT Data Visualization bootcamp module 6 -- Introduction to Python API's
This project was to produce 3 separate Python scripts which:
- Connected to a weather data website to download global weather information for random cities across the globe.
- Cross reference the weather data with Google maps to identify hotel lodgings which met specific temperature input collected from the user.
- Produce a map route for 4 locations using overlays selected from previous results.
Folder contents:
- The Weather_Database.ipynb file
- The WeatherPy_Database.csv file
- The Vacation_Search.ipynb file
- The WeatherPy_vacation.csv file
- The WeatherPy_vacation_map.png image
- The Vacation_Itinerary.ipynb file
- The WeatherPy_travel_map.png image
- The WeatherPy_travel_map_markers.png image