Tengo 25 años y soy Ingeniero en Sistemas
Mi página es: https://julian-0.github.io/
Tengo 25 años y soy Ingeniero en Sistemas
Mi página es: https://julian-0.github.io/
Script que genera los gráficos para un bot que informa sobre el Covid-19 en Argentina / Script that generates plots for an informative bot of Covid-19 in Argentina
Python 2
The project was part of the Operating Systems subject and its objective was to develop a solution that allows the simulation of certain aspects of a distributed database, that is, where the differe…
Finter is a program that allows obtaining the interpolating polynomial by two methods for the points that are entered and after that know function value in some point
This project is the practical work of the UTN-FRBA data management subject. This practical work simulates the implementation of a new system that allows the implementation of offers and coupons, in…
"Que me pongo" (What to wear) is the annual practical work of the subject Systems Design