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  <header class="py2">
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Fitter Happier Text</div>
      Performant, fully fluid headings
      <br class="xs-show">
      <a href="http://github.com/jxnblk/fitter-happier-text">View on Github</a>

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      <a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-via="jxnblk" data-size="large">Tweet</a>
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  <section class="py2">
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Fitter, happier, more productive</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Comfortable</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Not drinking too much</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Regular exercise at the gym</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(Three days a week)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">At ease</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Eating well</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(No more microwave dinners and saturated fats)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">A patient better driver</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">A safer car</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(Baby smiling in back seat)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Sleeping well</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(No bad dreams)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">No paranoia</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Careful to all animals</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(Never washing spiders down the plughole)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Keep in contact with old friends</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(Enjoy a drink now and then)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Favors for favors</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Fond but not in love</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Charity standing orders</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">On Sundays ring road supermarket</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Car wash</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(Also on Sundays)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">No longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Nothing so childish, at a better pace</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Slower and more calculated</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">No chance of escape</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Now self-employed</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Concerned (but powerless)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">An empowered and informed member of society</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(Pragmatism not idealism)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Will not cry in public</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Less chance of illness</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Tires that grip in the wet</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(Shot of baby strapped in back seat)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">A good memory</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Still cries at a good film</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Still kisses with saliva</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">No longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">That's driven into frozen winter shit</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">(The ability to laugh at weakness)</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Calm</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Fitter</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">Healthier and more productive</div>
    <div data-fitter-happier-text class="">A pig in a cage on antibiotics</div>

  <section class="py2">
      <a href="https://github.com/jxnblk/fitter-happier-text/archive/0.0.1.zip">Download source</a>
      or install via NPM:
npm install fitter-happier-text
      Link to fitter-happier-text and pass it a nodelist.
var nodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fitter-happier-text]');
      Since this is based on the SVG text element, no JavaScript resize events are fired –
      JavaScript is only used on initial load.
      For a Gulpjs-based preprocessed example, see the README on Github.
    <h1><a href="http://github.com/jxnblk/fitter-happier-text">View on Github</a></h1>

  <footer class="py2">
      Inspired by
      <a href="http://fittextjs.com/">FitText</a>
      <br class="xs-show">
      <br class="xs-show">
      Lyrics by
      <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laoq1eeIUxQ">Radiohead</a>
      <br class="xs-show">
      <br class="xs-show">
      <a href="http://jxnblk.com">Made by Jxnblk</a>

  <script src="dist/fitter-happier-text.js"></script>
    var nodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-fitter-happier-text]');
    fitterHappierText(nodes, { baseline: 16 });
  <script type="text/javascript">
    WebFontConfig = { google: { families: [ 'Source+Code+Pro::latin' ] } };
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