diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 363acce..218b855 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
This is a history of changes to k13labs/futurama
+# 0.5.0
+* Add custom state to keep track of async items
+* Add custom cancel strategy which combines bound state, global weak state, and custom protocol impl
# 0.4.0
* Add `fixed-threadpool` method to create a FixedThreadPool
* The default `*thread-pool*` is now a FixedThreadPool which can be interrupted.
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 0a5adc6..d530f2f 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
- 0.4.0
+ 0.5.0
- 0.4.0
+ 0.5.0
diff --git a/src/futurama/core.clj b/src/futurama/core.clj
index f55fe84..c27407f 100644
--- a/src/futurama/core.clj
+++ b/src/futurama/core.clj
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
[clojure.core.async.impl.channels :refer [box]]
[clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]
[clojure.core.reducers :as r]
+ [futurama.protocols :as proto]
[futurama.util :as u]
+ [futurama.state :as state]
(:import [clojure.lang Var IDeref IFn]
@@ -17,6 +19,8 @@
[java.util.concurrent.locks Lock]
[java.util.function Function BiConsumer]))
+(def ^:dynamic *thread-pool* nil)
(defn fixed-threadpool
"Creates a fixed-threadpool, by default uses the number of available processors."
@@ -30,8 +34,6 @@
(delay (fixed-threadpool)))
-(def ^:dynamic *thread-pool* nil)
(defmacro with-pool
"Utility macro which binds *thread-pool* to the supplied pool and then evaluates the `body`."
[pool & body]
@@ -48,8 +50,7 @@
"unwraps an ExecutionException or CompletionException via ex-cause until the root exception is returned"
^Throwable [^Throwable ex]
(if-let [ce (and (or (instance? ExecutionException ex)
- (instance? CompletionException ex)
- (instance? InterruptedException ex))
+ (instance? CompletionException ex))
(ex-cause ex))]
@@ -61,6 +62,29 @@
(throw (unwrap-exception v))
+(defn cancel!
+ "Cancels the async item."
+ [item]
+ (let [proto-cancel (when (u/instance-satisfies? proto/AsyncCancellable item)
+ (proto/cancel item))
+ stack-cancel (state/set-value! item :cancelled true)]
+ (or proto-cancel stack-cancel false)))
+(defn cancelled?
+ "Checks if the current executing async item or one of its parents or provided item has been cancelled.
+ Also checks if the thread has been interrupted and restores the interrupt status."
+ ([]
+ (or (when (Thread/interrupted)
+ (.. (Thread/currentThread)
+ (interrupt))
+ true)
+ (some cancelled? (state/get-dynamic-items))
+ false))
+ ([item]
+ (or (proto/cancelled? item)
+ (state/get-value item :cancelled)
+ false)))
(defn async?
"returns true if v instance-satisfies? core.async's `ReadPort`"
^Boolean [v]
@@ -70,25 +94,37 @@
"Asynchronously invokes the body inside a completable future, preserves the current thread binding frame,
using by default the `ForkJoinPool/commonPool`, the pool used can be specified via `*thread-pool*` binding."
^CompletableFuture [& body]
- `(let [binding-frame# (Var/cloneThreadBindingFrame) ;;; capture the thread local binding frame before start
- ^CompletableFuture res-fut# (CompletableFuture.) ;;; this is the CompletableFuture being returned
- ^Runnable fbody# (fn do-complete#
- []
- (try
- (Var/resetThreadBindingFrame binding-frame#) ;;; set the Clojure binding frame captured above
- (.complete res-fut# (do ~@body)) ;;; send the result of evaluating the body to the CompletableFuture
- (catch Throwable ~'e
- (.completeExceptionally res-fut# (unwrap-exception ~'e))))) ;;; if we catch an exception we send it to the CompletableFuture
- ^Future fut# (dispatch fbody#)
- ^Function cancel# (reify Function
- (apply [~'_ ~'_]
- (future-cancel fut#)))] ;;; submit the work to the pool and get the FutureTask doing the work
- ;;; if the CompletableFuture returns exceptionally
- ;;; then cancel the Future which is currently doing the work
- (.exceptionally res-fut# cancel#)
- res-fut#))
+ `(let [^CompletableFuture res-fut# (CompletableFuture.)] ;;; this is the CompletableFuture being returned
+ (state/push-item res-fut#
+ (let [binding-frame# (Var/cloneThreadBindingFrame) ;;; capture the thread local binding frame before start
+ ^Runnable fbody# (fn do-complete#
+ []
+ (let [thread-frame# (Var/getThreadBindingFrame)] ;;; get the Thread's binding frame
+ (Var/resetThreadBindingFrame binding-frame#) ;;; set the Clojure binding frame captured
+ (try
+ (.complete res-fut# (do ~@body)) ;;; send the result of evaluating the body to the CompletableFuture
+ (catch Throwable ~'e
+ ;;; if we catch an exception we send it to the CompletableFuture
+ (.completeExceptionally res-fut# (unwrap-exception ~'e)))
+ (finally
+ (Var/resetThreadBindingFrame thread-frame#))))) ;;; restore the original Thread's binding frame
+ ^Future fut# (dispatch fbody#)
+ ^Function cancel# (reify Function
+ (apply [~'_ ~'_]
+ (cancel! res-fut#)
+ (future-cancel fut#)))] ;;; submit the work to the pool and get the FutureTask doing the work
+ ;;; if the CompletableFuture returns exceptionally
+ ;;; then cancel the Future which is currently doing the work
+ (.exceptionally res-fut# cancel#)
+ res-fut#))))
(extend-type Future
+ proto/AsyncCancellable
+ (cancel [this]
+ (future-cancel this))
+ (cancelled? [this]
+ (future-cancelled? this))
(take! [fut handler]
(let [^Future fut fut
@@ -209,6 +245,12 @@
(realized? ref)))
(extend-type CompletableFuture
+ proto/AsyncCancellable
+ (cancel [this]
+ (future-cancel this))
+ (cancelled? [this]
+ (future-cancelled? this))
(take! [fut handler]
(let [^CompletableFuture fut fut
@@ -299,26 +341,27 @@
completed; the pool used can be specified via `*thread-pool*` binding."
[port & body]
(let [crossing-env (zipmap (keys &env) (repeatedly gensym))]
- `(let [c# ~port
- captured-bindings# (Var/getThreadBindingFrame)
- ^Runnable task# (^:once fn* []
- (let [~@(mapcat (fn [[l sym]] [sym `(^:once fn* [] ~(vary-meta l dissoc :tag))]) crossing-env)
- f# ~(ioc/state-machine `(try
- ~@body
- (catch Throwable ~'e
- (unwrap-exception ~'e))) 1 [crossing-env &env] ioc/async-custom-terminators)
- state# (-> (f#)
- (ioc/aset-all! ioc/USER-START-IDX c#
- ioc/BINDINGS-IDX captured-bindings#))]
- (ioc/run-state-machine-wrapped state#)))
- ^Future fut# (dispatch task#)]
- (when (instance? CompletableFuture c#)
- (.exceptionally ^CompletableFuture c#
- ^Function (reify Function
- (apply [~'_ ~'_]
- (println "cancelling future!")
- (future-cancel fut#)))))
- c#)))
+ `(let [c# ~port]
+ (state/push-item c#
+ (let [captured-bindings# (Var/getThreadBindingFrame)
+ ^Runnable task# (^:once fn* []
+ (let [~@(mapcat (fn [[l sym]] [sym `(^:once fn* [] ~(vary-meta l dissoc :tag))]) crossing-env)
+ f# ~(ioc/state-machine `(try
+ ~@body
+ (catch Throwable ~'e
+ (unwrap-exception ~'e))) 1 [crossing-env &env] ioc/async-custom-terminators)
+ state# (-> (f#)
+ (ioc/aset-all! ioc/USER-START-IDX c#
+ ioc/BINDINGS-IDX captured-bindings#))]
+ (ioc/run-state-machine-wrapped state#)))
+ ^Future fut# (dispatch task#)]
+ (when (instance? CompletableFuture c#)
+ (.exceptionally ^CompletableFuture c#
+ ^Function (reify Function
+ (apply [~'_ ~'_]
+ (cancel! c#)
+ (future-cancel fut#)))))
+ c#)))))
(defmacro async
"Asynchronously executes the body, returning immediately to the
diff --git a/src/futurama/protocols.clj b/src/futurama/protocols.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af337ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/futurama/protocols.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(ns futurama.protocols)
+(defprotocol AsyncCancellable
+ (cancel [this])
+ (cancelled? [this]))
diff --git a/src/futurama/state.clj b/src/futurama/state.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac9c8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/futurama/state.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+(ns futurama.state
+ (:import [java.util Map WeakHashMap]))
+(defonce ^{:doc "Internal global state mananged using a Synchronized WeakHashMap"
+ :private true}
+ (WeakHashMap.))
+(def ^:dynamic *async-state* {})
+(defn ^:no-doc put-global-state*
+ [key val]
+ (locking GLOBAL_STATE
+ (.put ^Map GLOBAL_STATE key val)))
+(defn ^:no-doc get-global-state*
+ [key]
+ (locking GLOBAL_STATE
+ (.get ^Map GLOBAL_STATE key)))
+(defmacro push-item
+ "Pushes the async item into the `*async-state*` with the default state of: `{}`"
+ [item & body]
+ `(let [key# ~item
+ val# (atom {})]
+ (binding [*async-state* (conj *async-state* [key# val#])]
+ (put-global-state* key# val#)
+ ~@body)))
+(defn- get-state
+ [item]
+ (or (get *async-state* item)
+ (get-global-state* item)))
+(defn set-value!
+ "Changes the state of an item key in the state map."
+ [item key value]
+ (when-let [state-atom (get-state item)]
+ (-> (swap! state-atom conj [key value])
+ (get key))))
+(defn get-value
+ "Gets the value of a state key in item's state map"
+ [item key]
+ (some-> (get-state item) deref (get key)))
+(defn get-dynamic-items
+ "Lists all the items in the dynamic `*async-state*` map"
+ []
+ (keys *async-state*))
diff --git a/test/futurama/core_test.clj b/test/futurama/core_test.clj
index f04cf2e..6afde78 100644
--- a/test/futurama/core_test.clj
+++ b/test/futurama/core_test.clj
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
async-for async-map async-reduce
async-some async-every?
async-prewalk async-postwalk
- completable-future]]
+ completable-future] :as async]
[clojure.core.async :refer [go timeout put! take! !