Scenes & Pages is a web application that allows users to share their thoughts on books, series, and movies by writing detailed reviews. Users can rate the content, select relevant genres, and browse through reviews left by others. They also have the ability to edit or delete their own reviews, fostering a dynamic and interactive community for media enthusiasts.
Users can write reviews for books, series, and movies. Each review includes a title, media type, genre(s), rating, and detailed feedback.
Users can select multiple genres to categorize their review, providing more precise filtering for other users. Review Management: Users have the ability to edit or delete their own reviews at any time.
All submitted reviews are displayed on the homepage, allowing others to read and interact with diverse opinions.
The website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
To run the project locally:
git clone
cd repo-name
Access the website at http://localhost:3000
User authentication for personalized review management.
Advanced search and filter features based on media type, genre, or rating.
Pagination for improved user experience on the review listings.
Feel free to fork this repository and contribute by submitting a pull request. Any contributions toward improving the project are greatly appreciated.