diff --git a/courses/basque-from-english/17-Postpositions/skills/17-Postpostions-2.yaml b/courses/basque-from-english/17-Postpositions/skills/17-Postpostions-2.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index c7da2e5df869..000000000000 --- a/courses/basque-from-english/17-Postpositions/skills/17-Postpostions-2.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1242 +0,0 @@ -Skill: - Id: 172 - Name: Postpostions 2 - Thumbnails: - -New words: - - Word: alde - Translation: side - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: ate - Translation: door - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: leiho - Translation: window - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: mahai - Translation: table - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: aulki - Translation: chair - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: parke - Translation: park - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: zubi - Translation: bridge - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: ezker - Translation: left - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - - - Word: eskuin - Translation: right - - Translation: between - Images: - - nothing - - nothing - - nothing - -Phrases: - - Phrase: Dortoka zubiaren gainean dago. - Translation: The turtle is on the bridge. - Alternative translations: - - The turtle is on top of the bridge. - - - Phrase: Zubia ibaiaren gainean dago. - Translation: The bridge is over the river. - Alternative translations: - - The bridge is above the river. - - - Phrase: Ibaia zubiaren azpian dago. - Translation: The river is under the bridge. - - - Phrase: Aulkia mahai azpian dago - Translation: The chair is under the table - - - Phrase: Liburua poltsaren ondoan dago. - Translation: The book is next to the purse. - - - Phrase: Txoria aulkiaren ondoan dago. - Translation: The bird is next to the chair. - - - Phrase: Txakurra mahaiaren aurrean dago. - Translation: The dog is in front of the table. - - - Phrase: Nire neskalaguna parkearen aurrean dago. - Translation: My girlfriend is in front of the park - - - Phrase: Umeak atearen atzean daude. - Alternative versions: - - Seme-albak atearen atzean daude. - Translation: The children are behind the door. - - - Phrase: Zure mutillaguna behiaren atzean dago. - Translation: Your boyfriend is behind the cow. - - - Phrase: Leihoa ezkerrean dago. - Translation: The window is on the left. - - - Phrase: Bere arreba ezkerrean dago. - Translation: His sister is on the left. - - - Phrase: Nire lehengusua eskuinean dago. - Translation: My cousin is on the right. - - - Phrase: Bere ahizpa eskuinean dago. - Translation: Her sister is on the right. - - - Phrase: Atea bi leihoen artean dago. - Translation: The door is between two windows. - - - Phrase: Parkea kalearen eskuin aldean dago. - Translation: The park is on the right side of the street. - - - Phrase: Bere anaia atearen eskuin aldean dago. - Translation: His brother is on the right side of the door. - - - Phrase: Kotxea zubiaren ezker aldean dago - Translation: The car is on the left side of the bridge. - - - Phrase: Bere neba txerriaren ezker aldean dago. - Translation: Her brother is on the left side of the pig. - -Mini-dictionary: - Basque: - - Aitorren: Aitor’s (male name) - - Anearenak: Anea’s (female name, plural object) - - Lili: Lili (LibreLingo Turtle) - - Mikelenak: Mikel’s (male name) - - Mirenen: Miren’s (female name) - - Miren: Miren’s (female name) - - Xabieren: Xabier’s (male name) - - Alemania: Germany - - Alemaniara: To Germany - - Arrano: Arrano (name of a street) - - Bilbo: Bilbao - - Bilbon: in Bilbao - - Bilbora: To Bilbao - - Donostian: in San Sebastian - - Donostiara: To San Sebastian - - Donostiatik: from San Sebastian - - Espainian: in Spain - - Espainiara: To Spain - - Espainiatik: from Spain - - Europan: in Europe - - Europara: To Europe - - Europatik: from Europe - - euskal: basque - - Euskal Herri: Basque Country - - Euskal Herrira: to Basque Country - - Francian: in France - - Frantzian: in France - - Frantziara: To France - - Frantziatik: from France - - Gasteizen: in Victoria (city in Basque Country) - - Gasteizera: To Victoria - - Gasteizetik: from Victoria - - Gasteiztik: from Victoria - - Gasteiz: Victoria - - Herrira: in the country - - Irunera: To Irun - - Italia: Italy - - Italian: in Italy - - Italiara: To Italy - - Madrilen: in madrid - - Madrilera: To Madrid - - Parisetik: from Paris - - ahizpa: sister of a sister - - ahizparen: sister’s - - ahuntz: goat - - ahuntza: goat - - ahuntzak: goats - - aireportua: airport - - aireportutik: from the airport - - aitona-amonak: grandparents - - aiton: grandfather - - aitona: grandfather - - aitonaren: grandfather’s - - aita: father - - aitak: fathers - - aitaren: father’s - - al: question word - - alaba: daughter - - alabak: daughters - - alabaren: daughter’s - - aldean: side (Noren case) - - aldea: the side - - alde: side - - alkandora: shirt - - altua: tall - - altuaren: tall(noren case) - - ama: mother - - amak: mothers - - amaren: mother’s - - amon: grandmother - - amona: grandmother - - amonak: grandmothers - - amonaren: grandmother’s - - anaia: brother of a brother - - anaian: brother of a brother’s - - anaiaren: brother’s - - animalia: animal - - animaliak: animals - - apaiza: priest - - ardi: sheep - - ardia: sheep - - ardiak: sheep (plural) - - argala: thin - - arkatza: pencil - - arkatzak: pencils - - arrain: fish - - arraina: fish - - arrainak: fish (plural) - - arratsalde: afternoon - - arreba: sister of a brother - - arrebaren: sister’s - - arropa: clothing - - artean: between - - atearen: door (Noren case) - - atea: the door - - ate: door - - ateratzen: leave - - aterako: will leave - - aterki: umbrella - - aterkia: umbrella - - aterkiak: umbrellas - - atzean: behind - - atzo: yesterday - - aulkiaren: chair (Noren case) - - aulkia: the chair - - aulki: chair - - autobus: bus - - autobusa: bus - - autobusean: on the bus - - autobusetara: to the buses - - aurrean: in front (of) - - azkarra: fast - - azkarrak: fast - - azpian: under - - baina: but - - baizik: but rather - - baloi: ball - - baloia: ball - - baloiak: balls - - banku: bank - - bankutik: from the bank - - bankura: to the bank - - basserietara: to the farm/farm houses - - batean: in a - - basoan: in the forest - - basora: to the forest - - basotik: from the forest - - baserri: - - farm - - farmhouse - - baserria: - - farm - - farmhouse - - baserrian: on a farm - - bat: one - - bederatzi: nine - - bederatzietan: at nine - - begira: look - - behia: cow - - behiak: cows - - behiaren: cow (Noren) - - beltz: black - - beltza: black - - berandu: late - - berde: green - - berdea: green - - berdeak: green - - bere: - - his - - hers - - its - - berea: - - his - - hers - - its - - berria: new - - berriaren: new (noren case) - - berokia: coat - - berokiak: coats - - betaurrekoak: glasses - - beti: always - - bi: two - - bihar: tomorrow - - biloba: - - grandson - - granddaughter - - bilobak: grandchildren - - bizi: live - - biziko: will live - - bizikleta: bicycle - - bizikletak: bicycles - - bizikletaetara: to the bicycles - - bizikleta: bicycle(Noran case) - - boligrafo: pen - - boligrafoa: pen - - boligrafoak: pens - - bost: five - - bostetan: at five - - camarero: waiter - - camareroa: the waiter - - camareroak: waiters - - da: is - - dago: is - - dator: - - He is coming - - She is coming - - It is coming - - datoz: They are coming. - - daude: are - - denda: store - - dendak: stores - - dendan: in a store - - dendetatik: from stores - - dendara: to the store - - dendaetara: to the stores - - dira: are - - doa: - - he is going - - she is going - - it is going - - doaz: they are going - - dortoka: a turtle - - dortokak: turtles - - duela: ago - - edo: or - - egon: stayed - - egoten: stay/be at a location - - egongo: will stay/be at a location - - egun: day - - egunero: every day - - elizan: in a church - - elizara: to a church - - elizetan: at churches - - elizatik: from church - - elizaetatik: from churches - - elizaetara: to the churches - - emakumea: woman - - emaztea: wife - - epa: hi - - eraztuna: ring - - ere: also - - erizaina: nurse - - erloju: watch - - erlojua: watch - - erlojuak: watches - - erlojuen: watches(noren case) - - erori: fell - - erortzen: fall - - eroriko: will fall - - etorriko: will come - - etortzen: come - - etzaten: lie down - - etzango: will lie down - - eseri: sat - - eserten: sit - - eseriko: will sit - - esnatuko: will wake up - - eskolan: in a school - - eskola: school - - eskolak: schools - - eskolatik: from school - - eskolaetatik: from schools - - eskolaetara: to schools - - eskuinean: On the right(inessive of eskuin) - - eskuin: right - - esnatu: woke - - esnatzen: wake up - - eta: and - - etxe: house - - etxea: house - - etxean: in a house - - etxearen: house(noren case) - - etxetik: from home, from a house - - etxeetara: to the houses - - etxekoandrea: housewife - - ez: not, no - - ezkerrean: On the left(inessive of ezker) - - ezker: left - - gainean: - - on - - over - - galtzerdi: socks(noren case) - - gara: are - - garaiz: on time - - gatoz: We are coming - - gauero: every night - - geltoki: station - - geltokitik: from the station - - geltokira: to the station - - gentozen: We were coming - - geratu: stay - - geratuko: will stay - - goizean: morning - - gaur: today - - gaztea: young - - gerrikoa: belt - - gerrikoaren: belt (Noren case) - - gizon: man - - gida: guide - - gidaria: driver - - gidariak: drivers - - gindoazen: we were going - - ginen: we were - - gizen: fat - - gizena: fat - - gizenaren: fat (noren case) - - gizona: man - - goaz: we are going - - goiz: early - - gona: skirt - - gonak: skirts - - gonaen: skirts(Noren) - - gorri: red - - gorria: red - - gorriaren: red(noren case) - - gris: gray - - grisa: gray - - grisen: gray (Noren case) - - grisak: gray - - grisetan: gray(noren case) - - gurasoak: parents - - gurasoen: parents’ - - gu: we - - gure: our - - gurea: ours - - gureak: ours - - gutxitan: rarely - - gutxitan: seldom - - haiek: - - those over there, plural of hura - - they - - haiena: theirs - - haien: their - - hamabi: twelve - - hamabost: fifteen - - hamahiru: thirteen - - hamaika: eleven - - hamaiketan: at eleven - - hamalau: fourteen - - hamarretan: at ten - - hamar: ten - - hamasei: sixteen - - hamazazpi: seventeen - - handia: big - - handiak: big - - handiaren: big (noren case) - - han: there - - hauek: These, plural of hau - - hau: this - - hemazortzi: eighteen - - hemen: here - - hemeretzi: nineteen - - herrian: country - - hilero: every month - - hiru: three - - hontzak: owls - - hontza: owl - - hontz: owl - - hori: - - that - - yellow - - horiak: yellow - - horia: yellow - - horiek: Those, plural of hori - - hotelak: hotels - - hotelean: in a hotel - - hotelera: to the hotel - - hoteletatik: from hotels - - hoteletik: from a hotel - - hotel: hotel - - hura: - - that over there - - he - - she - - it - - ibaia: river - - ibaian: in a river - - ibaira: to the river - - ibaiaren: river (Noren) - - ibiliko: will walk - - ibili: walked - - ibiltzen: walk - - ikasleak: students - - ikasleenak: students’ - - iloba: - - niece - - nephew - - ilobak: - - nieces - - nephews - - ingeniaria: engineer - - ingeniari: engineer - - inoiz: ever - - irakasleak: teachers - - irakaslea: teacher - - iristen: arrive - - iritsi: arrived - - iritsiko: will arrive - - itsusia: ugly - - itsusiaren: ugly (noren case) - - izeba: aunt - - izebak: aunts - - izebaren: aunt’s - - jatorra: nice - - jatoraren: nice (noren case) - - jaka: jacket - - jertse: sweater - - joaten: go - - joango: will go - - kalean: in/on a street - - kalearen: street (noren) - - katua: a cat - - katuak: cats - - katu: cat - - kaixo: hello - - kotxea: car - - kotxeak: cars - - kotxe: car - - kotxera: to the car - - laburrak: short - - laburra: short - - laguna: friend - - lagunaren: friend’s - - lagunen: friend’s - - lagun: friend - - laku: lake - - lakura: to the lake - - laranjak: orange - - laranja: orange - - larangaren: orange (noren case) - - lau: four - - lehengusina: cousin (female) - - lehengusua: cousin (male) - - lehengusu: cousin (male) - - leihoa: the window - - leihoen: windows (Noren case) - - leiho: window - - liburua: a book - - liburua: books - - liburuak: books - - liburu: book - - liburuen: on books - - luzea: long - - mahaiak: tables - - mahaiaren: table (Noren case) - - mahaia: the table - - mahai: table - - maiz: often - - marroia: brown - - marroiaren: brown(noren case) - - medikua: doctor - - medikuak: doctors - - mendietan: on the mountains - - mendietatik: from the mountains - - mendira: to the mountain - - mendietara: to the mountains - - nindoan: I was going - - morea: purple - - moreen: purple(noren case) - - motela: slow - - motxila: backpack - - motxilak: backpacks - - mutila: boy - - mutilak: boys - - mutil: boy - - mutillaguna: boyfriend - - naiz: am - - nator: I am coming - - neba: brother of a sister - - nentorren: I was coming - - neska: girl - - neskak: girls - - neskalaguna: girlfriend - - ni: I - - nintzen: I was - - nireak: mine - - nirea: mine - - nire: my - - noa: I am going - - nora: where (to) - - noiz: when - - non: where - - nondik: from where - - norenak: whose (plural) - - norena: whose - - noren: whose - - nor: who - - ohi: usually - - oilaskoa: a chicken - - oilaskoak: chickens - - oilasko: chicken - - on: good - - orain : now - - ondoan: - - next to - - beside - - osabak: uncles - - osabaren: uncle’s - - osaba: uncle - - ostatu: mini-hotel - - ostatuetatik: from mini-hotels - - ostatura: to the mini-hotel - - parkeak: parks - - parkearen: park (Noren case) - - parkea: the park - - parke: park - - polita: pretty - - polizia: police officer - - poltsak: purses - - poltsa: purse - - poltsaren: purse(Noren case) - - pozten: - - am glad - - rejoice - - poztuko: - - will be glad - - will rejoice - - prakak: trousers - - sagu: mouse - - sagua: mouse - - saguak: mice - - seietan: at six - - sei: six - - semeak: sons - - semearen: son’s - - semea: son - - seme: son - - seme-alabak: - - children - - sons and daughters - - senarra: husband - - soineko: dress - - soinekoa: dress - - soinekoak: dresses - - suge: snake - - sugea: snake - - sugeak: snakes - - tour: tour - - tren: train - - turista: tourist - - turistak: tourists - - txakur: dog - - txakura: a dog - - txakurrak: dogs - - txakurra: pig - - txakurrak: pigs - - txerriaren: pig (Noren) - - txanoaren: hat(noren) - - txiki: small - - txikia: small - - txikiaren: small (noren case) - - txori: bird - - txoria: bird - - txoriak: birds - - urte: year - - urtebete: one year - - ume: child - - umea: child - - umeak: children - - urdin: blue - - urdina: blue - - urdinak: blue - - urte: year - - urtero: every year - - uso: pigeon - - usoa: a pigeon - - usoak: pigeons - - zahara: old - - zaharra: old - - zaharrak: old - - zaldi: horse - - zaldia: horse - - zaldiak: horses - - zara: are - - zarete: are - - zatozte: You (plural) are coming - - zatoz: You are coming - - zazpi: seven - - zein: which - - zen: was - - zer: what - - zentozen: You were coming - - zentozten: You (plural) were coming - - zetorren: - - he was coming - - she was coming - - it was coming - - zetozen: They were coming - - zihoazen: they were going - - zihoan: - - she was going - - he was going - - zindoazen: you were going - - zindoazten: you (plural) were going - - zinema: - - cinema - - movie theater - - zinematik: - - from the cinema - - from the movie theater - - zoazte: you (plural) are going - - zoaz: you are going - - zorro: wallet - - zortzi: eight - - zubiak: bridges - - zubiaren: bridge (Noren case) - - zubia: the bridge - - zubi: bridge - - zu: you - - zuek: your (plural) - - zuen: yours - - zuena: yours (plural) - - zuenak: yours (plural) - - zuhaitz: tree - - zuhaitzak: trees - - zuhaitzetara: to the trees - - zure: your - - zurea: yours - - zureak: yours - - zuri: white - - zuria: white - - zuriak: white - - zuriren: white (noren case) - - zapata: shoe - - zinen: you were - - zen: he/she/it was - - zineten: you (plural) were - - ziren: they were - - English: - - Aitor’s: Aitorren (male name) - - Anea’s: Anearenak (female name, plural object) - - Lili: Lili (LibreLingo Turtle) - - Mikel’s: Mikelenak (male name) - - Miren’s: Mirenen (female name) - - Miren’s: Miren (female name) - - Xabier’s: Xabieren (male name) - - Arrano: Arrano (name of a street) - - Bilbao: Bilbo - - Country: Herrian - - Europe: Europa - - France: Frantzia - - Germany: Alemania - - Irun: Irun - - Italy: Italia - - Madrid: Madril - - Paris: Paris - - San Sebastian: Donostia - - Spain: Espainia - - Victoria: Gasteis (city in Basque Country) - - one: bat - - two: bi - - three: hiru - - four: lau - - five: bost - - six: sei - - seven: zazpi - - eight: zortzi - - nine: bederatzi - - ten: hamar - - eleven: hamaika - - twelve: hamabi - - thirteen: hamahiru - - fourteen: hamalau - - fifteen: hamabost - - sixteen: hamasei - - seventeen: hamazazpi - - eighteen: hemazortzi - - nineteen: hemeretzi - - a: -a - - afternoon: arratsalde - - ago: duela - - airport: aireportua - - all: part of you plural, you all - - also: ere - - always: beti - - am: naiz - - an: -ak - - and: eta - - animal: animalia - - animals: animaliak - - are: - - daude - - dira - - zara - - gara - - zarete - - arrive: - - iristen - - iritsiko - - arrived: iritsi - - at: not translated, part of insessive case - - aunt: izeba - - aunts: izebak - - aunt’s: izebaren - - ball: baloi - - balls: baloiak - - backpack: motxila - - backpacks: motxilak - - bank: banku - - basque: euskal - - be: - - egoten - - egongo - - belt: gerrikoa - - beside: ondoan - - between: artean - - behind: atzean - - bicycle: bizikleta - - bicycles: bizikletak - - big: handi - - bird: txoria - - birds: txoriak - - black: beltz - - blue: urdin - - book: liburu - - books: liburuak - - boy: mutil - - boys: mutilak - - boyfriend: mutillaguna - - bridges: zubiak - - bridge: zubi - - brother: - - neba - - anaia - - brother’s: - - nebanen - - anaianen - - brown: marroia - - bus: autobusa - - buses: autobusak - - but: baina - - camareroa: waiter - - car: kotxea - - cars: kotxeak - - cat: katu - - cats: katuak - - chair: aulki - - chairs: aulkiak - - chicken: oilasko - - chickens: oilaskoak - - child: ume - - children: - - umeak - - seme-alabak - - church: eliza - - churches: elizak - - cinema: zinema - - clothing: arropa - - coat: berokia - - coats: berokiak - - come: - - etortzen (present) - - etorriko(future) - - coming: - - nator (I am) - - zatoz (you are) - - dator (he/she/it is) - - gatoz (we are) - - zatozte (you(plural) are) - - datoz (they are) - - nentorren (I was) - - zentozen (You were) - - zetorren (He/she/it was) - - gentozen (We were) - - zentozten (You (plural) were) - - zetozen (They were) - - cousin: - - lehengusu - - lehengusina - - cow: behia - - cows: behiak - - day: egun - - days: egunak - - daughter: alaba - - daughters: alabak - - daughter’s: alabaren - - did: not translated - - do: not translated - - does: not translated - - doctor: medikua - - doctors: medikuak - - dog: txakur - - dogs: txakurrak - - door: ate - - doors: ateak - - down: - - behera - - part of lie down - - dress: soinekoa - - dresses: soinekoak - - driver: gidaria - - drivers: gidariak - - early: goiz - - engineer: ingeniari - - ever: inoiz - - every: -ero - - fast: azkar - - farm: baserri - - farmhouse: baserri - - fat: gizena - - father: aita - - fathers: aitak - - father’s: aitaren - - fall: - - erortzen - - eroriko - - fell: erori - - female: emakumezkoa - - fish: arraina - - forest: baso - - France: Francia - - friend: laguna - - friend’s: lagunen - - friends’: lagunaren - - from: part of Ablative case - - front: - - frontea - - aurrean (in front of) - - girl: neska - - girls: neskak - - girlfriend: neskalaguna - - glad: - - pozten (present) - - poztuko (future) - - glasses: betaurrekoak - - goat: ahuntz - - goats: ahuntzak - - go: - - joaten(present) - - joango (future) - - good: on - - goes: joaten - - going: - - noa (I am) - - zoaz (you are) - - doa (he, she, it is) - - goaz (we are) - - zoazte (you plural are) - - doaz (hey are) - - nindoan (I was going) - - zindoazen (you were) - - zihoan (he/she was) - - gindoazen (we were) - - zindoazten (you plural were) - - zihoazen (they were) - - gray: gris - - grandchildren: bilobak - - granddaughter: biloba - - grandparents: aitona-amonak - - grandfather: aiton - - grandfathers: aitonak - - grandfather’s: aitonaren - - grandmother: amon - - grandmother: amona - - grandmothers: amonak - - grandmother’s: amonaren - - grandson: biloba - - green: berde - - guide: gida - - had: part of past verb form - - hat: txanoaren (noren case) - - he: hura - - hello: kaixo - - her: bere - - here: hemen - - hers: berea - - hers: berea - - hi: epa - - his: - - bere - - berea - - horse: zaldia - - home: etxe - - house: etxe - - houses: etxeak - - housewife: etxekoandrea - - hotel: hotel - - hotels: hotelak - - house: etxea - - hura: hura - - husband: senarra - - I: ni - - in: Inessive case - - is: - - da - - dago - - it: hura - - its: berea - - jacket: jaka - - lake: laku - - late: berandu - - left: ezker - - leave: - - ateratzen (present) - - aterako (future) - - lie: - - etzaten (present) - - etzango (future) - - lies: etzaten - - live: bizi + izan - - lives: bizi + izan - - lived: bizi + past of izan - - long: luzea - - look: begira! - - male: gizonezkoa - - man: gizon - - mine: nirea - - movie: filma - - next: - - hurrengoa - - ondoan (next to) - - often: maiz - - on: - - Inessive case - - gainean - - over: gainean - - owls: hontzak - - man: gizona - - mice: saguak - - mini-hotel: ostatu - - mini-hotels: ostatuak - - month: hil - - morning: goizean - - mother: ama - - mother’s: amaren - - mothers: amak - - mountain: mendi - - mountains: mendiak - - mouse: sagu - - my: nire - - new: berri - - nephew: iloba - - nephews: ilobak - - never: inoiz ez - - nice: jatorra - - niece: iloba - - nieces: ilobak - - night: gau - - no: ez - - not: ez - - now: orain - - nurse: erizaina - - on: part of phrase, not translated - - on time: garaiz - - of: de - - officer: ofiziala - - old: zahar - - or: edo - - orange: laranja - - our: gure - - ours: gurea - - over: amaitu - - owl: hontza - - pants: prakak - - parents: gurasoak - - parents’: gurasoen - - park: parke - - parks: parkeak - - pen: boligrafo - - pencil: arkatza - - pencils: arkatzak - - pens: boligrafoak - - pig: txakurra - - pigs: txakurrak - - police: polizia - - priest: apaiza - - plural: plurala - - pretty: polit - - purple: morea - - purse: poltsa - - purses: poltsak - - rarely: gutxitan - - rather: baizik - - red: gorri - - rejoice: - - pozten (present) - - poztuko (future) - - right: eskuin - - ring: eraztuna - - river: ibai - - san: san - - sat: eseri - - Sebastian: Sebastian - - seldom: gutxitan - - school: eskola - - schools: eskolak - - she: hura - - sheep: ardiak - - shirt: alkandora - - shoe: zapata - - shoes: zapatak - - short: labur - - side: alde - - sides: aldeak - - sister: - - ahizpa - - arreba - - sister’s: - - ahizparen - - arrebaren - - sit: - - eserten - - eseriko - - sits: eserten - - skirt: gona - - skirts: gonak - - slow: motel - - snake: suge - - snakes: sugeak - - socks: galtzerdi (noren case) - - sweater: jertse - - sweaters: jertseak - - son: seme - - sons: semeak - - son’s: semearen - - small: txiki - - Spain: Espainia - - station: geltoki - - stay: - - egoten - - egongo - - geratu (present) - - geratuko (future) - - stayed: egon - - store: denda - - stores: dendak - - street: kale - - students: ikasleak - - students’: ikasleenak - - table: mahai - - tables: mahaiak - - tall: altu - - teacher: irakaslea - - teachers: irakasleak - - that: - - hori - - hura - - the: -a - - theater: - - antzerkia - - zinema - - there: han - - these: hauek - - their: haien - - theirs: haiena - - they: haiek - - thin: argal - - this: hau - - time: denbora - - today: gaur - - those: - - haiek - - horiek - - to: part of Ablative case - - top: gainean (location - on top of) - - tomorrow: bihar - - tour: tour - - tourist: turista - - tourists: turistak - - train: tren - - tree: zuhaitz - - trees: zuhaitzak - - trousers: prakak - - turtle: dortoka - - turtles: dortokak - - two: bi - - ugly: itsusi - - umbrella: aterki - - umbrellas: aterkiak - - uncle: osaba - - uncles: osabak - - uncle’s: osabaren - - under: azpian - - up: - - gora - - part of wake up - - - usually: ohi - - waiter: camareroa - - waiters: camareroak - - wake: - - esnatzen - - esnatuko - - wakes: esnatzen - - walk: - - ibiltzen - - ibiliko - - walked: ibili - - wallet: zorro - - was: zen - - watch: erloju - - watches: erlojuak - - we: gu - - were: - - zinen - - ginen - - zineten - - ziren - - what: zer - - where: - - non - - nora (to) - - nondik (from) - - when: noiz - - which: zein - - white: zuri - - who: nor - - whose: noren - - wife: emaztea - - will: future tense - - window: leiho - - windows: leihoak - - woke: esnatu - - woman: emakumea - - year: urte - - years: urteak - - yesterday: atzo - - yellow: hori - - you: zu - - young: gazte - - your: zure - - yours: - - zurea - - zuena