##What is it? RedditBooru is an image board site driven by content posted to subreddits.
###Advanced Searching Keyword search can be done and, while not as powerful as reddit's search, it's a goodly bit faster (I like to think). But, what RedditBooru provides above reddit or karmadecay is reverse image searching. This allows users to keep content reposting to a minimum. The search algorithm isn't perfect, but it works most of the time.
###Image Hosting Content hosting through RedditBooru ensures that what's uploaded is exactly what the end users will receive, no middle-man processing, scaling, or JPEGifying in between. Additionally, the original source can be directly attributed to an image so that proper props can be given. Galleries can also be created and modified thanks to login support via reddit OAuth.
###Reddit Voting Taking advantage of the aforementioned reddit OAuth, RedditBooru allows users to vote on images right through the site's interface. Combined with the fullscreen viewer, this makes browsing many subreddits worth of images very simple (and hopefully a nicer experience).
##Are there any new features in the works? RedditBooru is never finished! Here are some ideas that are being worked on/in the thought bucket:
- Better support for mobile devices (and maybe native apps)
- Subreddit statistics pages
- Image/gallery view statistics for users
- Leaderboards
##I'd like to help. What can I do? If you're here, you know the code is completely open for anybody to hack on. Found a bug or have a great idea? Open a ticket and we'll see what can happen. Want to write that code yourself? Make a pull request! Obviously, I can't guarantee that all requests will make it to the site (gotta make sure all works and that features won't bring the server to their knees), but I'm very much open to people contributing.