DevStats is a CLI application written in TypeScript that fetches statistics from StackOverflow, WakaTime and GitHub and displays them. I wrote it as a prototype for an application I wrote during an internship, so I didn't worry about finishing it until its demo on Asciinema got featured and someone hit me up on Twitter about it.
Unfortunately I don't have the time and motivation to continue working on this project at the moment, but if anyone's interested in contributing: pull requests are welcome. Here are some things you could work on:
- make DevStats configurable (currently the accounts are hard-coded)
- fix the issue of incoming responses from other days overwriting stats of the current day
- implement proper error handling (currently errors are just caught and ignored)
To test out this package, install the dependencies using npm install
, build the TypeScript code using npm run build
and link the binary using npm link
. You can then use the devstats
MIT © Niklas Higi