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194 lines (137 loc) · 5.83 KB

File metadata and controls

194 lines (137 loc) · 5.83 KB


DaemonKit endures to use semantic versioning, at least since the 0.3.0 release. Below is a curated list of important changes/fixes/improvements. You can use GitHub's excellent compare view to get the nitty gritty details.


  • Bump development dependency versions for rspec & cucumber
  • Tweak Ruby versions we run against on Travis (only 2.0 and up)

0.3.3 2018-04-25

  • Require 'fcntl'. #93

0.3.2 2015-03-16

  • No longer close IO we don't own when daemonizing. #85
  • Fix missing ERB require. #89
  • Ruby 2.2 compat fix. #91

0.3.1 2014-07-21

  • Removed the dependency on the i18n gem
  • Locked rufus-scheduler dependency to 2.0.x #79
  • Pass YAML files through ERB #80
  • Ensure proper shutdown of AMQP connections #84

0.3.0 2014-05-15

  • No changes, released final version

0.3.0.rc2 2013-09-23

  • safely usage is now optional, although included by default. #73
  • XMPP abstractions fixed and now requires Blather ~> 0.8.0
  • Removed support for "freezing" daemon-kit into vendor/daemon-kit
  • Added new "--edge" generator, creating a Gemfile that depends on daemon-kit's Github repo

0.3.0.rc1 2013-09-11

  • Removed nanite support, nanite hasn't released in years.
  • Switched generators from Rubigen to Thor
  • Added Travis builds
  • Added Relish documentation for us
  • Switched example specs to use "pending" instead of "violated"
  • Running daemon-kit without arguments now shows help

0.2.0 2012-09-30

  • Depend on the 'safely' gem for the safely method and logging backtraces
  • Fixed compatibility with ruote-amqp 2.2.0
  • AMQP fixes by @marcbowes (version, reconnect)
  • Updated to rspec 2 (various contributors)
  • Various documentation fixes by @ktrix
  • Remove vendored Thor
  • Various load/require fixes by @ktrix
  • SQS generator by @marcbowes 2011-05-18

  • Convert to use Bundler 2010-08-04

  • Fixed issue with our own amqp.rb file causing havoc on Ruby 1.8.7

0.1.18 2010-08-03

  • Generators rewritten to use Thor
  • Evented XMPP now handled by blather
  • Boot script fixes
  • Removed Jabber generator, deprecating Jabber class (use XMPP)
  • Upgraded Hoptoad notifications to V2 of the notifier API
  • Fix various argument handling bugs
  • Removed support for exception emails
  • Improved log rotation support [mperham]
  • Initial 1.9.2 support
  • Exception handling for scheduled tasks (cron)
  • Updates for ruote-amqp versions 2.1 and later 2009-12-04

  • Bug fix, don't load environment files twice [grockit] 2009-11-30

  • Renamed 'daemon_kit' executable to 'daemon-kit'
  • Fixed some broken links in README.rdoc
  • Sneaked in << on AbstractLogger for better Logger compatibility
  • Support for Test::Unit in generated projects [skaar]
  • Fixed missing DAEMON_ENV for test helpers
  • Fixes for nanite configuration [skaar]
  • Toughened up the ruote workitem parser
  • Fixed issue with nanite services not being advertised correctly [Wijnand]
  • Fixed some woes with rake if rspec gem is missing 2009-08-12

  • Ruote remote participants
  • Allow process umask to be configured, defaults to 022
  • Updates to DaemonKit::Config hashes
  • Fixed argument parsing bug (reported by Mathijs Kwik (bluescreen303)
  • Support for privilege separation (See Configuration.txt) 2009-06-22

  • Backtraces only logged on unclean shutdown
  • AMQP generator got new keep alive code 2009-06-22

  • Optional logging of all exceptions when the daemon process dies unexpectedly
  • Update generated environment.rb to reflect new backtraces option 2009-06-22

  • Fixed compatibility with rufus-scheduler-2.0.0 (or newer) in cron generator
  • Started central eventmachine reactor management code
  • Now depends on eventmachine (Not released)

  • Support for cucumber
  • Fixed issue in daemon_kit:upgrade task
  • Moved rspec generator into new home
  • Removed conflicting rubigen generator, messed with our script directory
  • Fixed bug where environment.rb overwrites some --config values (reported by Josh Owens) 2009-06-08

  • New AbstractLogger
    • Default Logger backend
    • SysLogLogger support
  • More documentation 2009-06-05

  • Fixed bug with control script generator (thanks Sho Fukamachi)
  • Enhanced deploy.rb template to check for current dk gem verion, unless vendored
  • Fix bug in capistrano recipe for restarting daemons
  • Added log:truncate rake task
  • Error mails now handled by TMail 2009-05-31

  • Removed dependency on daemons gem, now handled in house
  • New argument management
  • Some more docs 2009-05-28

  • Fixed some minor issue with Capistrano support
  • Added support for generating dog/monit configuration files via rake
  • Initial implementation of ./script/* utilities

0.1.7 2009-05-26

  • Capistrano deployment support

0.1.6 2009-05-13

  • DaemonKit::Safety class to handle the trapping and logging of exceptions, as well as email notifications or Hoptoad notifications.
  • New config/pre-daemonize and config/post-daemonize structure
  • New tasks to simplify upgrading daemon-kit projects
  • Fixed some other annoyances and bugs
  • Bigger TODO list

0.1.5 2009-05-07

  • DaemonKit::Config class to easy the use of YAML configs internally, and in generated daemons

0.1.2 2009-04-28

  • Added missing rubigen dependency

0.1.1 2009-04-27

  • AMQP consumer generator added
  • 'cron' style generator added
  • Allow configuring dir_mode and dir (pid file location) (Jim Lindley)

0.1.0 2009-01-08

  • Ability to freeze the gem/edge copies of DaemonKit
  • Simple non-evented Jabber generator
  • Flexible UNIX signal trapping configuration
  • Basic generator completed
  • 1 small step for man, 1 giant leap for mankind