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Check out wf9a5m75/phonegap-googlemaps-plugin for native map support in Cordova or angular-ui/angular-google-maps if you are using Cordova + Angular + Google Maps JS SDK like me.

MapKit plugin for iOS and Android

Forked from @imhotep's great MapKit plugin and customized to fit my own needs (and so, opinionated). I'm primarily focusing on iOS but also expecting the same functionality on Android too.

Uses Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps v2 on Android

Currently only works/tested on Android and iOS. Requires Cordova 3.0+ (will not work on earlier versions without modifications).

Cordova Map 1

Cordova Map 2

Cordova Map 3

Cordova Map 4


Android specific - You need a Google Maps Android v2 API KEY from google and you need to specify it when you install the plugin.

API_KEY is optional for iOS.

install with cordova CLI

$ cordova -d plugin add --variable API_KEY="YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_GOOGLE"


The plugin exports 1 global plugin object with its mapKit property. Minimal usage is just to show the map with default mapOptions.

plugin.mapKit.showMap(successCallback, errorCallback, mapOptions);
  <script src="cordova.js"></script>
    document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {

      var onSuccess = function() {

      var onError = function() {

      plugin.mapKit.showMap(onSuccess, onError);


You can override the options by passing a suitable options object as arguments to showMap()

var options = {
  height: 460,      // height of the map, in pixel
  width: 200,       // width of the map, in pixel
  lat: 49.281468,   // initial camera position latitude
  lon: -123.104446  // initial camera position latitude

mapKit.showMap(success, error, options);

// without overriding any defaults
mapKit.showMap(success, error);
property type default value required description
height number 100% of viewport false map's height
width number 100% of viewport false map's width
top number 0 false top offset for the map. do not use with bottom
bottom number undefined false bottom offset for the map. do not use with top property
left number 0 false left offset for the map
lat number 49.281468 false latitude of map's center
lon number -123.104446 false longitude of map's center


map types

plugin.mapKit.mapType = {
  MAP_TYPE_NONE: 0, //No base map tiles.
  MAP_TYPE_NORMAL: 1, //Basic maps.
  MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE: 2, //Satellite maps with no labels.
  MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN: 3, //Terrain maps.
  MAP_TYPE_HYBRID: 4 //Satellite maps with a transparent layer of major streets.

icon colors

plugin.mapKit.iconColors = {
  HUE_RED: 0.0,
  HUE_ORANGE: 30.0,
  HUE_YELLOW: 60.0,
  HUE_GREEN: 120.0,
  HUE_CYAN: 180.0,
  HUE_AZURE: 210.0,
  HUE_BLUE: 240.0,
  HUE_VIOLET: 270.0,
  HUE_MAGENTA: 300.0,
  HUE_ROSE: 330.0


  • showMap(success, error, options)
  • addMapPins(pins, success, error)
  • clearMapPins(success, error)
  • changeMapType(mapType, success, error)
  • hideMap(success, error)
var app = {
  showMap: function() {
    var pins = [
      lat: 49.28115,
      lon: -123.10450,
      title: "A Cool Title",
      snippet: "A Really Cool Snippet",
      icon: plugin.mapKit.iconColors.HUE_ROSE
      lat: 49.27503,
      lon: -123.12138,
      title: "A Cool Title, with no Snippet",
      icon: {
        type: "asset",
        resource: "www/img/logo.png", //an image in the asset directory
        pinColor: plugin.mapKit.iconColors.HUE_VIOLET //iOS only
        lat: 49.28286,
        lon: -123.11891,
        title: "Awesome Title",
        snippet: "Awesome Snippet",
        icon: plugin.mapKit.iconColors.HUE_GREEN

    var error = function() {

    var success = function() {
        function() {
          console.log('adMapPins success');
        function() {

    plugin.mapKit.showMap(success, error);
  hideMap: function() {
    var success = function() {
      console.log('Map hidden');
    var error = function() {
    plugin.mapKit.hideMap(success, error);
  clearMapPins: function() {
    var success = function() {
      console.log('Map Pins cleared!');
    var error = function() {
    plugin.mapKit.clearMapPins(success, error);
  changeMapType: function() {
    var success = function() {
      console.log('Map Type Changed');
    var error = function() {
    plugin.mapKit.changeMapType(mapKit.mapType.MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE, success, error);


see issues.

