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βοσκός - shepherd in greek!

boskos is a resource manager service, that handles and manages different kind of resources and transition between different states.


Boskos is inited with a config of resources, one JSON entry per line, from -config

A resource object looks like

type Resource struct {
	Type       string    `json:"type"`
	Name       string    `json:"name"`
	State      string    `json:"state"`
	Owner      string    `json:"owner"`
	LastUpdate time.Time `json:"lastupdate"`

Type can be GCPProject, cluster, or even a dota2 server, anything that you want to be a group of resources. Name is a unique identifier of the resource. State is a string that tells the current status of the resource.


POST /acquire

Use /acquire when you want to get hold of some resource.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description
type string type of requested resource
state string current state of the requested resource
dest string destination state of the requested resource
owner string requester of the resource

Example: /acquire?type=gce-project&state=free&dest=busy&owner=user.

On a successful request, /acquire will return HTTP 200 and a valid Resource JSON object.

POST /release

Use /release when you finish use some resource. Owner need to match current owner.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description
name string name of finished resource
owner string owner of the resource
dest string destination state of the released resource

Example: /release?name=k8s-jkns-foo&dest=dirty&owner=user

POST /update

Use /update to update resource last-update timestamp. Owner need to match current owner.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description
name string name of target resource
owner string owner of the resource
state string current state of the resource

Example: /update?name=k8s-jkns-foo&state=free&owner=user

POST /reset

Use /reset to reset a group of expired resource to certain state.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description
type string type of resource in interest
state string current state of the expired resource
dest string destination state of the expired resource
expire durationStr resource has not been updated since before expire

Note: durationStr is any string can be parsed by time.ParseDuration()

On a successful request, /reset will return HTTP 200 and a list of [Owner:Resource] pairs, which can be unmarshalled into map[string]string{}

Example: /reset?type=gce-project&state=busy&dest=dirty&expire=20m

GET /metric

Use /metric to retrieve a metric.

Required Parameters

Name Type Description
type string type of requested resource

On a successful request, /metric will return HTTP 200 and a JSON object containing the count of projects in each state, the count of projects with each owner (or without an owner), and the sum of state moved to after /done (Todo). A sample object will look like:

	"type" : "project",
		"total"   : 35,
		"free"    : 20,
		"dirty"   : 10,
		"injured" : 5
		"fejta" : 1,
		"Senlu" : 1,
		"sig-testing" : 20,
		"Janitor" : 10,
		"None" : 20

Config update:

  1. Edit resources.json, and send a PR.

  2. After PR is LG'd, make sure your branch is synced up with master.

  3. run make update-config to update the configmap.

  4. Boskos updates its config every 10min. Newly added resources will be available after next update cycle. Newly deleted resource will be removed in a future update cycle if the resource is not owned by any user.

Other Components:

Reaper looks for resources that owned by someone, but have not been updated for a period of time, and reset the stale resources to dirty state for the Janitor component to pick up. It will prevent state leaks if a client process is killed unexpectedly.

Janitor looks for dirty resources from boskos, and will kick off sub-janitor process to clean up the resource, finally return them back to boskos in a clean state.

Metrics is a separate service, which can display json metric results, and has HTTP endpoint opened for prometheus monitoring.

For the boskos server that handles k8s e2e jobs, the status is available from the Velodrome dashboard

Local test:

  1. Start boskos with a fake resources.json, with go run boskos.go -config=/path/to/resources.json

  2. Sent some local requests to boskos:

curl ''

K8s test:

  1. Create and navigate to your own cluster

  2. make deployment

  3. make service

  4. kubectl create configmap projects --from-file=config=projects

  5. kubectl describe svc boskos to make sure boskos is running

  6. Test from another pod within the cluster

kubectl run curl --image=radial/busyboxplus:curl -i --tty
Waiting for pod default/curl-XXXXX to be running, status is Pending, pod ready: false
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
[ root@curl-XXXXX:/ ]$ curl 'http://boskos/acquire?type=project&state=free&dest=busy&owner=user'