diff --git a/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/compiler.py b/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/compiler.py
index c470ff3b62a..f637364d94a 100644
--- a/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/compiler.py
+++ b/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/compiler.py
@@ -686,6 +686,17 @@ def _create_pipeline_workflow(self, args, pipeline, op_transformers=None, pipeli
     if exit_handler:
       workflow['spec']['onExit'] = exit_handler.name
+    if pipeline_conf.image_pull_policy != None:
+      if pipeline_conf.image_pull_policy in ["Always", "Never", "IfNotPresent"]:
+        for template in workflow["spec"]["templates"]:
+          container = template.get('container', None)
+          if container and "imagePullPolicy" not in container:
+            container["imagePullPolicy"] = pipeline_conf.image_pull_policy
+      else:
+        raise ValueError(
+                  'Invalid imagePullPolicy. Must be one of `Always`, `Never`, `IfNotPresent`.'
+              )
     return workflow
   def _validate_exit_handler(self, pipeline):
diff --git a/sdk/python/kfp/dsl/_pipeline.py b/sdk/python/kfp/dsl/_pipeline.py
index 13ff94e9bdd..e6328a5f3aa 100644
--- a/sdk/python/kfp/dsl/_pipeline.py
+++ b/sdk/python/kfp/dsl/_pipeline.py
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ def __init__(self):
     self.timeout = 0
     self.ttl_seconds_after_finished = -1
     self.op_transformers = []
+    self.image_pull_policy = None
   def set_image_pull_secrets(self, image_pull_secrets):
     """Configures the pipeline level imagepullsecret
@@ -91,6 +92,16 @@ def set_ttl_seconds_after_finished(self, seconds: int):
     self.ttl_seconds_after_finished = seconds
     return self
+  def set_image_pull_policy(self, policy: str):
+    """Configures the default image pull policy
+    Args:
+      policy: the pull policy, has to be one of: Always, Never, IfNotPresent. 
+      For more info: https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python/blob/10a7f95435c0b94a6d949ba98375f8cc85a70e5a/kubernetes/docs/V1Container.md
+    """
+    self.image_pull_policy = policy
+    return self
   def add_op_transformer(self, transformer):
     """Configures the op_transformers which will be applied to all ops in the pipeline.
@@ -218,5 +229,3 @@ def _set_metadata(self, metadata):
       metadata (ComponentMeta): component metadata
     self._metadata = metadata
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/compiler/compiler_tests.py b/sdk/python/tests/compiler/compiler_tests.py
index 7f4b8a8a114..6d3671fe341 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/compiler/compiler_tests.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/compiler/compiler_tests.py
@@ -678,6 +678,76 @@ def some_pipeline():
       container = template.get('container', None)
       if container:
         self.assertEqual(template['retryStrategy']['limit'], 5)
+  def test_image_pull_policy(self):
+    def some_op():
+      return dsl.ContainerOp(
+          name='sleep',
+          image='busybox',
+          command=['sleep 1'],
+      )
+    @dsl.pipeline(name='some_pipeline')
+    def some_pipeline():
+      task1 = some_op()
+      task2 = some_op()
+      task3 = some_op()
+      dsl.get_pipeline_conf().set_image_pull_policy(policy="Always")
+    workflow_dict = compiler.Compiler()._compile(some_pipeline)
+    for template in workflow_dict['spec']['templates']:
+      container = template.get('container', None)
+      if container:
+        self.assertEqual(template['container']['imagePullPolicy'], "Always")
+  def test_image_pull_policy_step_spec(self):
+    def some_op():
+      return dsl.ContainerOp(
+          name='sleep',
+          image='busybox',
+          command=['sleep 1'],
+      )
+    def some_other_op():
+      return dsl.ContainerOp(
+          name='other',
+          image='busybox',
+          command=['sleep 1'],
+      )
+    @dsl.pipeline(name='some_pipeline')
+    def some_pipeline():
+      task1 = some_op()
+      task2 = some_op()
+      task3 = some_other_op().set_image_pull_policy("IfNotPresent")
+      dsl.get_pipeline_conf().set_image_pull_policy(policy="Always")
+    workflow_dict = compiler.Compiler()._compile(some_pipeline)
+    for template in workflow_dict['spec']['templates']:
+      container = template.get('container', None)
+      if container:
+        if template['name' ] == "other":
+          self.assertEqual(template['container']['imagePullPolicy'], "IfNotPresent")
+        elif template['name' ] == "sleep":
+          self.assertEqual(template['container']['imagePullPolicy'], "Always")
+  def test_image_pull_policy_invalid_setting(self):
+    def some_op():
+      return dsl.ContainerOp(
+          name='sleep',
+          image='busybox',
+          command=['sleep 1'],
+      )
+    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+      @dsl.pipeline(name='some_pipeline')
+      def some_pipeline():
+        task1 = some_op()
+        task2 = some_op()
+        dsl.get_pipeline_conf().set_image_pull_policy(policy="Alwayss")
+      workflow_dict = compiler.Compiler()._compile(some_pipeline)
   def test_container_op_output_error_when_no_or_multiple_outputs(self):