diff --git a/samples/notebooks/KubeFlow Pipeline Using TFX OSS Components.ipynb b/samples/notebooks/KubeFlow Pipeline Using TFX OSS Components.ipynb
index d2d88f39c24..b423cbe82d2 100644
--- a/samples/notebooks/KubeFlow Pipeline Using TFX OSS Components.ipynb	
+++ b/samples/notebooks/KubeFlow Pipeline Using TFX OSS Components.ipynb	
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
     "PROJECT_NAME = 'Your-Gcp-Project-Name'\n",
     "BASE_IMAGE='gcr.io/%s/pusherbase:dev' % PROJECT_NAME\n",
     "TARGET_IMAGE='gcr.io/%s/pusher:dev' % PROJECT_NAME\n",
+    "TARGET_IMAGE_TWO='gcr.io/%s/pusher_two:dev' % PROJECT_NAME\n",
     "KFP_PACKAGE = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/ml-pipeline/release/0.1.6/kfp.tar.gz'\n",
     "TRAIN_DATA = 'gs://ml-pipeline-playground/tfx/taxi-cab-classification/train.csv'\n",
     "EVAL_DATA = 'gs://ml-pipeline-playground/tfx/taxi-cab-classification/eval.csv'\n",
@@ -52,7 +53,8 @@
     "KUBEFLOW_DEPLOYER_IMAGE = 'gcr.io/ml-pipeline/ml-pipeline-kubeflow-deployer:5df2cdc1ed145320204e8bc73b59cdbd7b3da28f'\n",
     "DEPLOYER_MODEL = 'notebook_tfx_taxi'\n",
     "DEPLOYER_VERSION_DEV = 'dev'\n",
+    "DEPLOYER_VERSION_PROD = 'prod'\n",
+    "DEPLOYER_VERSION_PROD_TWO = 'prodtwo'"
@@ -563,7 +565,7 @@
    "cell_type": "markdown",
    "metadata": {},
    "source": [
-    "# Submit a new job"
+    "### Submit a new job"
@@ -587,7 +589,133 @@
    "cell_type": "markdown",
    "metadata": {},
    "source": [
-    "# Clean up"
+    "## Customize a step in Python2\n",
+    "Let's reuse the deploy_model function defined above. However, this time we will use python2 instead of the default python3."
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "from kfp import compiler\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# The return value \"DeployerOp\" represents a step that can be used directly in a pipeline function\n",
+    "#TODO: demonstrate the python2 support in another sample.\n",
+    "DeployerOp = compiler.build_python_component(\n",
+    "    component_func=deploy_model,\n",
+    "    staging_gcs_path=OUTPUT_DIR,\n",
+    "    dependency=[kfp.compiler.VersionedDependency(name='google-api-python-client', version='1.7.0')],\n",
+    "    base_image='tensorflow/tensorflow:1.12.0',\n",
+    "    target_image=TARGET_IMAGE_TWO,\n",
+    "    python_version='python2')"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "### Modify the pipeline with the new deployer"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "# My New Pipeline. It's almost the same as the original one with the last step deployer replaced.\n",
+    "@dsl.pipeline(\n",
+    "  name='TFX Taxi Cab Classification Pipeline Example',\n",
+    "  description='Example pipeline that does classification with model analysis based on a public BigQuery dataset.'\n",
+    ")\n",
+    "def my_taxi_cab_classification(\n",
+    "    output,\n",
+    "    project,\n",
+    "    model,\n",
+    "    version,\n",
+    "    column_names=dsl.PipelineParam(\n",
+    "        name='column-names',\n",
+    "        value='gs://ml-pipeline-playground/tfx/taxi-cab-classification/column-names.json'),\n",
+    "    key_columns=dsl.PipelineParam(name='key-columns', value='trip_start_timestamp'),\n",
+    "    train=dsl.PipelineParam(\n",
+    "        name='train',\n",
+    "        value=TRAIN_DATA),\n",
+    "    evaluation=dsl.PipelineParam(\n",
+    "        name='evaluation',\n",
+    "        value=EVAL_DATA),\n",
+    "    validation_mode=dsl.PipelineParam(name='validation-mode', value='local'),\n",
+    "    preprocess_mode=dsl.PipelineParam(name='preprocess-mode', value='local'),\n",
+    "    preprocess_module: dsl.PipelineParam=dsl.PipelineParam(\n",
+    "        name='preprocess-module',\n",
+    "        value='gs://ml-pipeline-playground/tfx/taxi-cab-classification/preprocessing.py'),\n",
+    "    target=dsl.PipelineParam(name='target', value='tips'),\n",
+    "    learning_rate=dsl.PipelineParam(name='learning-rate', value=0.1),\n",
+    "    hidden_layer_size=dsl.PipelineParam(name='hidden-layer-size', value=HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE),\n",
+    "    steps=dsl.PipelineParam(name='steps', value=STEPS),\n",
+    "    predict_mode=dsl.PipelineParam(name='predict-mode', value='local'),\n",
+    "    analyze_mode=dsl.PipelineParam(name='analyze-mode', value='local'),\n",
+    "    analyze_slice_column=dsl.PipelineParam(name='analyze-slice-column', value='trip_start_hour')):\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    validation_output = '%s/{{workflow.name}}/validation' % output\n",
+    "    transform_output = '%s/{{workflow.name}}/transformed' % output\n",
+    "    training_output = '%s/{{workflow.name}}/train' % output\n",
+    "    analysis_output = '%s/{{workflow.name}}/analysis' % output\n",
+    "    prediction_output = '%s/{{workflow.name}}/predict' % output\n",
+    "\n",
+    "    validation = dataflow_tf_data_validation_op(\n",
+    "        train, evaluation, column_names, key_columns, project,\n",
+    "        validation_mode, validation_output).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))\n",
+    "    preprocess = dataflow_tf_transform_op(\n",
+    "        train, evaluation, validation.outputs['schema'], project, preprocess_mode,\n",
+    "        preprocess_module, transform_output).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))\n",
+    "    training = tf_train_op(\n",
+    "        preprocess.output, validation.outputs['schema'], learning_rate, hidden_layer_size,\n",
+    "        steps, target, preprocess_module, training_output).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))\n",
+    "    analysis = dataflow_tf_model_analyze_op(\n",
+    "        training.output, evaluation, validation.outputs['schema'], project,\n",
+    "        analyze_mode, analyze_slice_column, analysis_output).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))\n",
+    "    prediction = dataflow_tf_predict_op(\n",
+    "        evaluation, validation.outputs['schema'], target, training.output,\n",
+    "        predict_mode, project, prediction_output).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))\n",
+    "    \n",
+    "    # The new deployer. Note that the DeployerOp interface is similar to the function \"deploy_model\".\n",
+    "    deploy = DeployerOp(\n",
+    "        gcp_project=project, model_name=model, version_name=version, runtime='1.9',\n",
+    "        model_path=training.output).apply(gcp.use_gcp_secret('user-gcp-sa'))"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "### Submit a new job"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "code",
+   "execution_count": null,
+   "metadata": {},
+   "outputs": [],
+   "source": [
+    "compiler.Compiler().compile(my_taxi_cab_classification,  'my-tfx-two.tar.gz')\n",
+    "\n",
+    "run = client.run_pipeline(exp.id, 'my-tfx-two', 'my-tfx-two.tar.gz',\n",
+    "                          params={'output': OUTPUT_DIR,\n",
+    "                                  'project': PROJECT_NAME,\n",
+    "                                  'model': DEPLOYER_MODEL,\n",
+    "                                  'version': DEPLOYER_VERSION_PROD_TWO})\n",
+    "\n",
+    "result = client.wait_for_run_completion(run.id, timeout=600)"
+   ]
+  },
+  {
+   "cell_type": "markdown",
+   "metadata": {},
+   "source": [
+    "## Clean up"
@@ -612,6 +740,7 @@
     "!gcloud ml-engine versions delete $DEPLOYER_VERSION_PROD --model $DEPLOYER_MODEL -q\n",
+    "!gcloud ml-engine versions delete $DEPLOYER_VERSION_PROD_TWO --model $DEPLOYER_MODEL -q\n",
     "!gcloud ml-engine versions delete $DEPLOYER_VERSION_DEV --model $DEPLOYER_MODEL -q\n",
     "!gcloud ml-engine models delete $DEPLOYER_MODEL -q"
@@ -633,7 +762,7 @@
    "name": "python",
    "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
    "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
-   "version": "3.6.4"
+   "version": "3.5.4rc1"
  "nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/_component_builder.py b/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/_component_builder.py
index 5c04b420042..8139da2c51b 100644
--- a/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/_component_builder.py
+++ b/sdk/python/kfp/compiler/_component_builder.py
@@ -145,16 +145,34 @@ def _generate_pip_requirement(self, dependency, requirement_filepath):
-  def _generate_dockerfile_with_py(self, target_file, base_image, python_filepath, has_requirement_file):
-    """ _generate_docker_file generates a simple dockerfile with the python path """
+  def _generate_dockerfile_with_py(self, target_file, base_image, python_filepath, has_requirement_file, python_version):
+    """ _generate_docker_file generates a simple dockerfile with the python path
+    args:
+      target_file (str): target file name for the dockerfile.
+      base_image (str): the base image name.
+      python_filepath (str): the path of the python file that is copied to the docker image.
+      has_requirement_file (bool): whether it has a requirement file or not.
+      python_version (str): choose python2 or python3
+    """
+    if python_version not in ['python2', 'python3']:
+      raise ValueError('python_version has to be either python2 or python3')
     with open(target_file, 'w') as f:
       f.write('FROM ' + base_image + '\n')
-      f.write('RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y -q python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools\n')
+      if python_version is 'python3':
+        f.write('RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y -q python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools\n')
+      else:
+        f.write('RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y -q python python-pip python-setuptools\n')
       if has_requirement_file:
         f.write('ADD ' + self._ARC_REQUIREMENT_FILE + ' /ml/\n')
-        f.write('RUN pip3 install -r /ml/' + self._ARC_REQUIREMENT_FILE + '\n')
+        if python_version is 'python3':
+          f.write('RUN pip3 install -r /ml/' + self._ARC_REQUIREMENT_FILE + '\n')
+        else:
+          f.write('RUN pip install -r /ml/' + self._ARC_REQUIREMENT_FILE + '\n')
       f.write('ADD ' + python_filepath + " /ml/" + '\n')
-      f.write('ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/ml/' + python_filepath + '"]')
+      if python_version is 'python3':
+        f.write('ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/ml/' + python_filepath + '"]')
+      else:
+        f.write('ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/ml/' + python_filepath + '"]')
   def _wrap_files_in_tarball(self, tarball_path, files={}):
     """ _wrap_files_in_tarball creates a tarball for all the input files
@@ -165,8 +183,13 @@ def _wrap_files_in_tarball(self, tarball_path, files={}):
       for key, value in files.items():
         tarball.add(value, arcname=key)
-  def prepare_docker_tarball_with_py(self, arc_python_filename, python_filepath, base_image, local_tarball_path, dependency=None):
-    """ prepare_docker_tarball is the API to generate dockerfile and prepare the tarball with python scripts """
+  def prepare_docker_tarball_with_py(self, arc_python_filename, python_filepath, base_image, local_tarball_path, python_version, dependency=None):
+    """ prepare_docker_tarball is the API to generate dockerfile and prepare the tarball with python scripts
+    args:
+      python_version (str): choose python2 or python3
+    """
+    if python_version not in ['python2', 'python3']:
+      raise ValueError('python_version has to be either python2 or python3')
     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as local_build_dir:
       has_requirement_file = False
       local_requirement_path = os.path.join(local_build_dir, self._ARC_REQUIREMENT_FILE)
@@ -174,7 +197,7 @@ def prepare_docker_tarball_with_py(self, arc_python_filename, python_filepath, b
         self._generate_pip_requirement(dependency, local_requirement_path)
         has_requirement_file = True
       local_dockerfile_path = os.path.join(local_build_dir, self._arc_dockerfile_name)
-      self._generate_dockerfile_with_py(local_dockerfile_path, base_image, arc_python_filename, has_requirement_file)
+      self._generate_dockerfile_with_py(local_dockerfile_path, base_image, arc_python_filename, has_requirement_file, python_version)
       file_lists =  {self._arc_dockerfile_name:local_dockerfile_path,
       if has_requirement_file:
@@ -272,7 +295,14 @@ def _generate_kaniko_spec(self, namespace, arc_dockerfile_name, gcs_path, target
     return content
   #TODO: currently it supports single output, future support for multiple return values
-  def _generate_entrypoint(self, component_func):
+  def _generate_entrypoint(self, component_func, python_version='python3'):
+    '''
+    args:
+      python_version (str): choose python2 or python3, default is python3
+    '''
+    if python_version not in ['python2', 'python3']:
+      raise ValueError('python_version has to be either python2 or python3')
     fullargspec = inspect.getfullargspec(component_func)
     annotations = fullargspec[6]
     input_args = fullargspec[0]
@@ -312,9 +342,11 @@ def _generate_entrypoint(self, component_func):
     # Serialize output
-    codegen.writeline('from pathlib import Path')
-    codegen.writeline('Path(_output_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)')
-    codegen.writeline('Path(_output_file).write_text(str(output))')
+    codegen.writeline('import os')
+    codegen.writeline('os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(_output_file))')
+    codegen.writeline('with open(_output_file, "w") as data:')
+    codegen.indent()
+    codegen.writeline('data.write(str(output))')
     wrapper_code = codegen.end()
     # CLI codes
@@ -337,6 +369,8 @@ def _generate_entrypoint(self, component_func):
       if line.startswith('def '):
       start_line_num += 1
+    if python_version == 'python2':
+      src_lines[start_line_num] = 'def ' + component_func.__name__ + '(' + ', '.join((inspect.getfullargspec(component_func).args)) + '):'
     dedecorated_component_src = '\n'.join(src_lines[start_line_num:])
     complete_component_code = dedecorated_component_src + '\n' + wrapper_code + '\n' + codegen.end()
@@ -358,13 +392,18 @@ def _build_image_from_tarball(self, local_tarball_path, namespace, timeout):
     # Clean up
-  def build_image_from_func(self, component_func, namespace, base_image, timeout, dependency):
-    """ build_image builds an image for the given python function"""
+  def build_image_from_func(self, component_func, namespace, base_image, timeout, dependency, python_version='python3'):
+    """ build_image builds an image for the given python function
+    args:
+      python_version (str): choose python2 or python3, default is python3
+    """
+    if python_version not in ['python2', 'python3']:
+      raise ValueError('python_version has to be either python2 or python3')
     with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as local_build_dir:
       # Generate entrypoint and serialization python codes
       local_python_filepath = os.path.join(local_build_dir, self._arc_python_filepath)
       logging.info('Generate entrypoint and serialization codes.')
-      complete_component_code = self._generate_entrypoint(component_func)
+      complete_component_code = self._generate_entrypoint(component_func, python_version)
       with open(local_python_filepath, 'w') as f:
@@ -376,6 +415,7 @@ def build_image_from_func(self, component_func, namespace, base_image, timeout,
+                                                   python_version=python_version,
       self._build_image_from_tarball(local_tarball_path, namespace, timeout)
@@ -445,7 +485,7 @@ def _generate_pythonop(component_func, target_image, target_component_file=None)
   return _create_task_factory_from_component_spec(component_spec)
-def build_python_component(component_func, target_image, base_image=None, dependency=[], staging_gcs_path=None, build_image=True, timeout=600, namespace='kubeflow', target_component_file=None):
+def build_python_component(component_func, target_image, base_image=None, dependency=[], staging_gcs_path=None, build_image=True, timeout=600, namespace='kubeflow', target_component_file=None, python_version='python3'):
   """ build_component automatically builds a container image for the component_func
   based on the base_image and pushes to the target_image.
@@ -459,9 +499,9 @@ def build_python_component(component_func, target_image, base_image=None, depend
     timeout (int): the timeout for the image build(in secs), default is 600 seconds
     namespace (str): the namespace within which to run the kubernetes kaniko job, default is "kubeflow"
     dependency (list): a list of VersionedDependency, which includes the package name and versions, default is empty
+    python_version (str): choose python2 or python3, default is python3
-    ValueError: The function is not decorated with python_component decorator
+    ValueError: The function is not decorated with python_component decorator or the python_version is neither python2 nor python3
@@ -471,6 +511,9 @@ def build_python_component(component_func, target_image, base_image=None, depend
   if target_image is None:
     raise ValueError('target_image must not be None')
+  if python_version not in ['python2', 'python3']:
+    raise ValueError('python_version has to be either python2 or python3')
   if build_image:
     if staging_gcs_path is None:
       raise ValueError('staging_gcs_path must not be None')
@@ -486,7 +529,8 @@ def build_python_component(component_func, target_image, base_image=None, depend
     builder = ImageBuilder(gcs_base=staging_gcs_path, target_image=target_image)
     builder.build_image_from_func(component_func, namespace=namespace,
-                                  base_image=base_image, timeout=timeout, dependency=dependency)
+                                  base_image=base_image, timeout=timeout,
+                                  python_version=python_version, dependency=dependency)
     logging.info('Build component complete.')
   return _generate_pythonop(component_func, target_image, target_component_file)
diff --git a/sdk/python/tests/compiler/component_builder_test.py b/sdk/python/tests/compiler/component_builder_test.py
index b02e1a4bba6..54d159a424f 100644
--- a/sdk/python/tests/compiler/component_builder_test.py
+++ b/sdk/python/tests/compiler/component_builder_test.py
@@ -161,16 +161,34 @@ def test_generate_dockerfile(self):
 ADD main.py /ml/
 ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/ml/main.py"]'''
+    golden_dockerfile_payload_three = '''\
+FROM gcr.io/ngao-mlpipeline-testing/tensorflow:1.10.0
+RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y -q python python-pip python-setuptools
+ADD requirements.txt /ml/
+RUN pip install -r /ml/requirements.txt
+ADD main.py /ml/
+ENTRYPOINT ["python", "/ml/main.py"]'''
     # check
     docker_helper = DockerfileHelper(arc_dockerfile_name=target_dockerfile)
-    docker_helper._generate_dockerfile_with_py(target_file=target_dockerfile, base_image='gcr.io/ngao-mlpipeline-testing/tensorflow:1.10.0', python_filepath='main.py', has_requirement_file=False)
+    docker_helper._generate_dockerfile_with_py(target_file=target_dockerfile, base_image='gcr.io/ngao-mlpipeline-testing/tensorflow:1.10.0',
+                                               python_filepath='main.py', has_requirement_file=False, python_version='python3')
     with open(target_dockerfile, 'r') as f:
       target_dockerfile_payload = f.read()
     self.assertEqual(target_dockerfile_payload, golden_dockerfile_payload_one)
-    docker_helper._generate_dockerfile_with_py(target_file=target_dockerfile, base_image='gcr.io/ngao-mlpipeline-testing/tensorflow:1.10.0', python_filepath='main.py', has_requirement_file=True)
+    docker_helper._generate_dockerfile_with_py(target_file=target_dockerfile, base_image='gcr.io/ngao-mlpipeline-testing/tensorflow:1.10.0',
+                                               python_filepath='main.py', has_requirement_file=True, python_version='python3')
     with open(target_dockerfile, 'r') as f:
       target_dockerfile_payload = f.read()
     self.assertEqual(target_dockerfile_payload, golden_dockerfile_payload_two)
+    docker_helper._generate_dockerfile_with_py(target_file=target_dockerfile, base_image='gcr.io/ngao-mlpipeline-testing/tensorflow:1.10.0',
+                                               python_filepath='main.py', has_requirement_file=True, python_version='python2')
+    with open(target_dockerfile, 'r') as f:
+      target_dockerfile_payload = f.read()
+    self.assertEqual(target_dockerfile_payload, golden_dockerfile_payload_three)
+    self.assertRaises(ValueError, docker_helper._generate_dockerfile_with_py, target_file=target_dockerfile,
+                      base_image='gcr.io/ngao-mlpipeline-testing/tensorflow:1.10.0', python_filepath='main.py',
+                      has_requirement_file=True, python_version='python4')
     # clean up
@@ -187,7 +205,7 @@ def test_prepare_docker_with_py(self):
     docker_helper = DockerfileHelper(arc_dockerfile_name='dockerfile')
     docker_helper.prepare_docker_tarball_with_py(arc_python_filename='main.py', python_filepath=python_filepath,
-                                                 local_tarball_path=local_tarball_path)
+                                                 local_tarball_path=local_tarball_path, python_version='python3')
     temp_tarball_handle = tarfile.open(local_tarball_path)
     temp_files = temp_tarball_handle.getmembers()
     self.assertTrue(len(temp_files) == 2)
@@ -213,7 +231,8 @@ def test_prepare_docker_with_py_and_dependency(self):
     docker_helper.prepare_docker_tarball_with_py(arc_python_filename='main.py', python_filepath=python_filepath,
-                                                 local_tarball_path=local_tarball_path, dependency=dependencies)
+                                                 local_tarball_path=local_tarball_path, python_version='python3',
+                                                 dependency=dependencies)
     temp_tarball_handle = tarfile.open(local_tarball_path)
     temp_files = temp_tarball_handle.getmembers()
     self.assertTrue(len(temp_files) == 3)
@@ -316,9 +335,10 @@ def sample_component_func(a: str, b: int) -> float:
 def wrapper_sample_component_func(a,b,_output_file):
   output = sample_component_func(str(a),int(b))
-  from pathlib import Path
-  Path(_output_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-  Path(_output_file).write_text(str(output))
+  import os
+  os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(_output_file))
+  with open(_output_file, "w") as data:
+    data.write(str(output))
 import argparse
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parsing arguments")
@@ -342,9 +362,10 @@ def sample_component_func_two(a: str, b: int) -> float:
 def wrapper_sample_component_func_two(a,b,_output_file):
   output = sample_component_func_two(str(a),int(b))
-  from pathlib import Path
-  Path(_output_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-  Path(_output_file).write_text(str(output))
+  import os
+  os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(_output_file))
+  with open(_output_file, "w") as data:
+    data.write(str(output))
 import argparse
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parsing arguments")
@@ -365,9 +386,10 @@ def sample_component_func_three() -> float:
 def wrapper_sample_component_func_three(_output_file):
   output = sample_component_func_three()
-  from pathlib import Path
-  Path(_output_file).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-  Path(_output_file).write_text(str(output))
+  import os
+  os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(_output_file))
+  with open(_output_file, "w") as data:
+    data.write(str(output))
 import argparse
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parsing arguments")
@@ -376,5 +398,40 @@ def wrapper_sample_component_func_three(_output_file):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
+    self.assertEqual(golden, generated_codes)
+  def test_generate_entrypoint_python2(self):
+    """ Test entrypoint generation for python2"""
+    # prepare
+    test_data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testdata')
+    # check
+    builder = ImageBuilder(gcs_base=GCS_BASE, target_image='')
+    generated_codes = builder._generate_entrypoint(component_func=sample_component_func_two, python_version='python2')
+    golden = '''\
+def sample_component_func_two(a, b):
+  result = 3.45
+  if a == 'succ':
+    result = float(b + 5)
+  return result
+def wrapper_sample_component_func_two(a,b,_output_file):
+  output = sample_component_func_two(str(a),int(b))
+  import os
+  os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(_output_file))
+  with open(_output_file, "w") as data:
+    data.write(str(output))
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parsing arguments")
+parser.add_argument("a", type=str)
+parser.add_argument("b", type=int)
+parser.add_argument("_output_file", type=str)
+args = vars(parser.parse_args())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  wrapper_sample_component_func_two(**args)
     self.assertEqual(golden, generated_codes)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/sample-test/run_test.sh b/test/sample-test/run_test.sh
index 7a4255a355e..509d8f4ec69 100755
--- a/test/sample-test/run_test.sh
+++ b/test/sample-test/run_test.sh
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ elif [ "$TEST_NAME" == "notebook-tfx" ]; then
   export LANG=C.UTF-8
   if [ -n "${DATAFLOW_TFT_IMAGE}" ];then
     papermill --prepare-only -p EXPERIMENT_NAME notebook-tfx-test -p OUTPUT_DIR ${RESULTS_GCS_DIR} -p PROJECT_NAME ml-pipeline-test \
-      -p BASE_IMAGE ${TARGET_IMAGE_PREFIX}pusherbase:dev -p TARGET_IMAGE ${TARGET_IMAGE_PREFIX}pusher:dev \
       -p KFP_PACKAGE /tmp/kfp.tar.gz -p DEPLOYER_MODEL ${DEPLOYER_MODEL}  \
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ elif [ "$TEST_NAME" == "notebook-tfx" ]; then
       -p HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE 10 -p STEPS 50 KubeFlow\ Pipeline\ Using\ TFX\ OSS\ Components.ipynb notebook-tfx.ipynb
     papermill --prepare-only -p EXPERIMENT_NAME notebook-tfx-test -p OUTPUT_DIR ${RESULTS_GCS_DIR} -p PROJECT_NAME ml-pipeline-test \
-      -p BASE_IMAGE ${TARGET_IMAGE_PREFIX}pusherbase:dev -p TARGET_IMAGE ${TARGET_IMAGE_PREFIX}pusher:dev \
       -p KFP_PACKAGE /tmp/kfp.tar.gz -p DEPLOYER_MODEL ${DEPLOYER_MODEL} \
       -p TRAIN_DATA gs://ml-pipeline-dataset/sample-test/taxi-cab-classification/train50.csv -p EVAL_DATA gs://ml-pipeline-dataset/sample-test/taxi-cab-classification/eval20.csv \
       -p HIDDEN_LAYER_SIZE 10 -p STEPS 50 KubeFlow\ Pipeline\ Using\ TFX\ OSS\ Components.ipynb notebook-tfx.ipynb