From cbe84e951b6fe2c31d9453da7c68797147652287 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Github Actions Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 15:55:59 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Update documentation for master Auto-generated from v0.17.0-devel-244-ga1f6f8a1 by '' --- master/404.html | 2 +- master/contributing/index.html | 2 +- master/deployment/helm.html | 4 ++-- master/deployment/image-variants.html | 2 +- master/deployment/index.html | 2 +- master/deployment/kustomize.html | 4 ++-- master/deployment/metrics.html | 4 ++-- master/deployment/operator.html | 4 ++-- master/deployment/uninstallation.html | 4 ++-- master/developer-guide/index.html | 4 ++-- master/get-started/index.html | 4 ++-- master/get-started/introduction.html | 4 ++-- master/get-started/quick-start.html | 4 ++-- master/reference/feature-gates.html | 4 ++-- master/reference/gc-commandline-reference.html | 4 ++-- master/reference/index.html | 2 +- master/reference/master-commandline-reference.html | 4 ++-- master/reference/master-configuration-reference.html | 4 ++-- master/reference/plugin-commandline-reference.html | 2 +- master/reference/topology-updater-commandline-reference.html | 4 ++-- .../reference/topology-updater-configuration-reference.html | 4 ++-- master/reference/versions.html | 2 +- master/reference/worker-commandline-reference.html | 4 ++-- master/reference/worker-configuration-reference.html | 4 ++-- master/search.html | 2 +- master/sitemap.xml | 2 +- master/usage/custom-resources.html | 4 ++-- master/usage/customization-guide.html | 4 ++-- master/usage/examples-and-demos.html | 2 +- master/usage/features.html | 4 ++-- master/usage/index.html | 2 +- master/usage/kubectl-plugin.html | 4 ++-- master/usage/nfd-gc.html | 2 +- master/usage/nfd-master.html | 2 +- master/usage/nfd-topology-updater.html | 2 +- master/usage/nfd-worker.html | 4 ++-- master/usage/using-labels.html | 4 ++-- 37 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) diff --git a/master/404.html b/master/404.html index ddaba5836d..07c16d5772 100644 --- a/master/404.html +++ b/master/404.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - 404 · Node Feature Discovery


Not Found

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + 404 · Node Feature Discovery


Not Found

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/contributing/index.html b/master/contributing/index.html index eed2bc0150..4211030a13 100644 --- a/master/contributing/index.html +++ b/master/contributing/index.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Contributing · Node Feature Discovery



You can reach us via the following channels:


This is a SIG-node subproject, hosted under the Kubernetes SIGs organization in Github. The project was established in 2016 and was migrated to Kubernetes SIGs in 2018.


This is open source software released under the Apache 2.0 License.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + Contributing · Node Feature Discovery



You can reach us via the following channels:


This is a SIG-node subproject, hosted under the Kubernetes SIGs organization in Github. The project was established in 2016 and was migrated to Kubernetes SIGs in 2018.


This is open source software released under the Apache 2.0 License.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/deployment/helm.html b/master/deployment/helm.html index 657db9eb42..027bbd84fa 100644 --- a/master/deployment/helm.html +++ b/master/deployment/helm.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Helm · Node Feature Discovery

Deployment with Helm

Table of contents

  1. Deployment with Helm
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Deployment
    3. Configuration
    4. Upgrading the chart
      1. From v0.7 and older
      2. From v0.8 - v0.11
      3. From v0.12 - v0.13
      4. From v0.14+
    5. Uninstalling the chart
    6. Chart parameters
      1. General parameters
      2. Master pod parameters
      3. Worker pod parameters
      4. Topology updater parameters
      5. Garbage collector parameters

Node Feature Discovery provides a Helm chart to manage its deployment.

NOTE: NFD is not ideal for other Helm charts to depend on as that may result in multiple parallel NFD deployments in the same cluster which is not fully supported by the NFD Helm chart.


Helm package manager should be installed.


To install the latest stable version:

export NFD_NS=node-feature-discovery
+        Helm · Node Feature Discovery                      

Deployment with Helm

Table of contents

  1. Deployment with Helm
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Deployment
    3. Configuration
    4. Upgrading the chart
      1. From v0.7 and older
      2. From v0.8 - v0.11
      3. From v0.12 - v0.13
      4. From v0.14+
    5. Uninstalling the chart
    6. Chart parameters
      1. General parameters
      2. Master pod parameters
      3. Worker pod parameters
      4. Topology updater parameters
      5. Garbage collector parameters

Node Feature Discovery provides a Helm chart to manage its deployment.

NOTE: NFD is not ideal for other Helm charts to depend on as that may result in multiple parallel NFD deployments in the same cluster which is not fully supported by the NFD Helm chart.


Helm package manager should be installed.


To install the latest stable version:

export NFD_NS=node-feature-discovery
 helm repo add nfd
 helm repo update
 helm install nfd/node-feature-discovery --namespace $NFD_NS --create-namespace --generate-name
@@ -41,4 +41,4 @@
 helm upgrade node-feature-discovery nfd/node-feature-discovery --namespace $NFD_NS

Uninstalling the chart

To uninstall the node-feature-discovery deployment:

export NFD_NS=node-feature-discovery
 helm uninstall node-feature-discovery --namespace $NFD_NS

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. It also runs a post-delete hook that cleans up the nodes of all labels, annotations, taints and extended resources that were created by NFD.

Chart parameters

To tailor the deployment of the Node Feature Discovery to your needs following Chart parameters are available.

General parameters

Name Type Default Description
image.repository string NFD image repository
image.tag string master NFD image tag
image.pullPolicy string Always Image pull policy
imagePullSecrets array [] ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this PodSpec. More info.
nameOverride string   Override the name of the chart
fullnameOverride string   Override a default fully qualified app name
featureGates.NodeFeatureAPI bool true Enable the NodeFeature CRD API for communicating node features. This will automatically disable the gRPC communication.
featureGates.NodeFeatureGroupAPI bool false Enable the NodeFeatureGroup CRD API.
featureGates.DisableAutoPrefix bool false Enable DisableAutoPrefix feature gate. Disables automatic prefixing of unprefixed labels, annotations and extended resources.
prometheus.enable bool false Specifies whether to expose metrics using prometheus operator
prometheus.labels dict {} Specifies labels for use with the prometheus operator to control how it is selected
prometheus.scrapeInterval string 10s Specifies the interval by which metrics are scraped
priorityClassName string   The name of the PriorityClass to be used for the NFD pods.

Metrics are configured to be exposed using prometheus operator API's by default. If you want to expose metrics using the prometheus operator API's you need to install the prometheus operator in your cluster.

Master pod parameters

Name Type Default Description
master.* dict   NFD master deployment configuration
master.enable bool true Specifies whether nfd-master should be deployed
master.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
master.metricsPort integer 8081 Port on which to expose metrics from components to prometheus operator. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by master.port in NFD v0.18.
master.healthPort integer 8082 Port on which to expose the grpc health endpoint, will be also used for the probes. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by master.port in NFD v0.18.
master.instance string   Instance name. Used to separate annotation namespaces for multiple parallel deployments
master.resyncPeriod string   NFD API controller resync period.
master.extraLabelNs array [] List of allowed extra label namespaces
master.enableTaints bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable node tainting
master.replicaCount integer 1 Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified
master.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings
master.securityContext dict {} Container security settings
master.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
master.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account string   The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
master.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for nfd-master
master.resources.limits dict {memory: 4Gi} NFD master pod resources limits
master.resources.requests dict {cpu: 100m, memory: 128Mi} NFD master pod resources requests. See [0] for more info
master.tolerations dict Schedule to control-plane node NFD master pod tolerations
master.annotations dict {} NFD master pod annotations
master.affinity dict   NFD master pod required node affinity
master.deploymentAnnotations dict {} NFD master deployment annotations
master.nfdApiParallelism integer 10 Specifies the maximum number of concurrent node updates.
master.config dict   NFD master configuration
master.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-master
master.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-master
master.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ReplicaSets for this Deployment you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit
master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 10 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.
master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold integer 3 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive failures of liveness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe.
master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 5 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated.
master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold integer 10 Specifies the number of consecutive failures of readiness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe.
master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
master.readinessProbe.successThreshold integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive successes of readiness probes before considering the pod as ready.

[0] Additional info for master.resources.requests:
You may want to use the same value for requests.memory and limits.memory. The "requests" value affects scheduling to accommodate pods on nodes. If there is a large difference between "requests" and "limits" and nodes experience memory pressure, the kernel may invoke the OOM Killer, even if the memory does not exceed the "limits" threshold. This can cause unexpected pod evictions. Memory cannot be compressed and once allocated to a pod, it can only be reclaimed by killing the pod. Natan Yellin 22/09/2022 that discusses this issue.

Worker pod parameters

Name Type Default Description
worker.* dict   NFD worker daemonset configuration
worker.enable bool true Specifies whether nfd-worker should be deployed
worker.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
worker.metricsPort int 8081 Port on which to expose metrics from components to prometheus operator. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by worker.port in NFD v0.18.
worker.healthPort int 8082 Port on which to expose the grpc health endpoint, will be also used for the probes. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by worker.port in NFD v0.18.
worker.config dict   NFD worker configuration
worker.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settins
worker.securityContext dict {} Container security settings
worker.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account for nfd-worker should be created
worker.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account for nfd-worker string   The name of the service account to use for nfd-worker. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template (suffixed with -worker)
worker.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for nfd-worker
worker.mountUsrSrc bool false Specifies whether to allow users to mount the hostpath /user/src. Does not work on systems without /usr/src AND a read-only /usr
worker.resources.limits dict {memory: 512Mi} NFD worker pod resources limits
worker.resources.requests dict {cpu: 5m, memory: 64Mi} NFD worker pod resources requests
worker.nodeSelector dict {} NFD worker pod node selector
worker.tolerations dict {} NFD worker pod node tolerations
worker.priorityClassName string   NFD worker pod priority class
worker.annotations dict {} NFD worker pod annotations
worker.daemonsetAnnotations dict {} NFD worker daemonset annotations
worker.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-worker
worker.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-worker
worker.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ControllerRevisions for this DaemonSet you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit
worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 10 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.
worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold integer 3 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive failures of liveness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe.
worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 5 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated.
worker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold integer 10 Specifies the number of consecutive failures of readiness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe.
worker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
worker.readinessProbe.successThreshold integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive successes of readiness probes before considering the pod as ready.

Topology updater parameters

Name Type Default Description
topologyUpdater.* dict   NFD Topology Updater configuration
topologyUpdater.enable bool false Specifies whether the NFD Topology Updater should be created
topologyUpdater.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
topologyUpdater.createCRDs bool false Specifies whether the NFD Topology Updater CRDs should be created
topologyUpdater.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether the service account for topology updater should be created
topologyUpdater.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account for topology updater string   The name of the service account for topology updater to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template and -topology-updater suffix
topologyUpdater.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for topology updater
topologyUpdater.metricsPort integer 8081 Port on which to expose prometheus metrics. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by topologyUpdater.port in NFD v0.18.
topologyUpdater.healthPort integer 8082 Port on which to expose the grpc health endpoint, will be also used for the probes. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by topologyUpdater.port in NFD v0.18.
topologyUpdater.kubeletConfigPath string "" Specifies the kubelet config host path
topologyUpdater.kubeletPodResourcesSockPath string "" Specifies the kubelet sock path to read pod resources
topologyUpdater.updateInterval string 60s Time to sleep between CR updates. Non-positive value implies no CR update.
topologyUpdater.watchNamespace string * Namespace to watch pods, * for all namespaces
topologyUpdater.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container sett
topologyUpdater.securityContext dict {} Container security settings
topologyUpdater.resources.limits dict {memory: 60Mi} NFD Topology Updater pod resources limits
topologyUpdater.resources.requests dict {cpu: 50m, memory: 40Mi} NFD Topology Updater pod resources requests
topologyUpdater.nodeSelector dict {} Topology updater pod node selector
topologyUpdater.tolerations dict {} Topology updater pod node tolerations
topologyUpdater.annotations dict {} Topology updater pod annotations
topologyUpdater.daemonsetAnnotations dict {} Topology updater daemonset annotations
topologyUpdater.affinity dict {} Topology updater pod affinity
topologyUpdater.config dict   configuration
topologyUpdater.podSetFingerprint bool true Enables compute and report of pod fingerprint in NRT objects.
topologyUpdater.kubeletStateDir string /var/lib/kubelet Specifies kubelet state directory path for watching state and checkpoint files. Empty value disables kubelet state tracking.
topologyUpdater.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-topology-updater
topologyUpdater.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-topology-updater
topologyUpdater.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ControllerRevisions for this DaemonSet you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 10 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.failureThreshold integer 3 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive failures of liveness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe.
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 5 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.failureThreshold integer 10 Specifies the number of consecutive failures of readiness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.successThreshold integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive successes of readiness probes before considering the pod as ready.

Garbage collector parameters

Name Type Default Description
gc.* dict   NFD Garbage Collector configuration
gc.enable bool true Specifies whether the NFD Garbage Collector should be created
gc.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
gc.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether the service account for garbage collector should be created
gc.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account for garbage collector string   The name of the service account for garbage collector to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template and -gc suffix
gc.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for garbage collector
gc.interval string 1h Time between periodic garbage collector runs
gc.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings
gc.resources.limits dict {memory: 1Gi} NFD Garbage Collector pod resources limits
gc.resources.requests dict {cpu: 10m, memory: 128Mi} NFD Garbage Collector pod resources requests
gc.metricsPort integer 8081 Port on which to serve Prometheus metrics. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by gc.port in NFD v0.18.
gc.nodeSelector dict {} Garbage collector pod node selector
gc.tolerations dict {} Garbage collector pod node tolerations
gc.annotations dict {} Garbage collector pod annotations
gc.deploymentAnnotations dict {} Garbage collector deployment annotations
gc.affinity dict {} Garbage collector pod affinity
gc.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-gc
gc.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-gc
gc.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ReplicaSets for this Deployment you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. It also runs a post-delete hook that cleans up the nodes of all labels, annotations, taints and extended resources that were created by NFD.

Chart parameters

To tailor the deployment of the Node Feature Discovery to your needs following Chart parameters are available.

General parameters

Name Type Default Description
image.repository string NFD image repository
image.tag string master NFD image tag
image.pullPolicy string Always Image pull policy
imagePullSecrets array [] ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this PodSpec. More info.
nameOverride string   Override the name of the chart
fullnameOverride string   Override a default fully qualified app name
featureGates.NodeFeatureAPI bool true Enable the NodeFeature CRD API for communicating node features. This will automatically disable the gRPC communication.
featureGates.NodeFeatureGroupAPI bool false Enable the NodeFeatureGroup CRD API.
featureGates.DisableAutoPrefix bool false Enable DisableAutoPrefix feature gate. Disables automatic prefixing of unprefixed labels, annotations and extended resources.
prometheus.enable bool false Specifies whether to expose metrics using prometheus operator
prometheus.labels dict {} Specifies labels for use with the prometheus operator to control how it is selected
prometheus.scrapeInterval string 10s Specifies the interval by which metrics are scraped
priorityClassName string   The name of the PriorityClass to be used for the NFD pods.

Metrics are configured to be exposed using prometheus operator API's by default. If you want to expose metrics using the prometheus operator API's you need to install the prometheus operator in your cluster.

Master pod parameters

Name Type Default Description
master.* dict   NFD master deployment configuration
master.enable bool true Specifies whether nfd-master should be deployed
master.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
master.metricsPort integer 8081 Port on which to expose metrics from components to prometheus operator. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by master.port in NFD v0.18.
master.healthPort integer 8082 Port on which to expose the grpc health endpoint, will be also used for the probes. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by master.port in NFD v0.18.
master.instance string   Instance name. Used to separate annotation namespaces for multiple parallel deployments
master.resyncPeriod string   NFD API controller resync period.
master.extraLabelNs array [] List of allowed extra label namespaces
master.enableTaints bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable node tainting
master.replicaCount integer 1 Number of desired pods. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified
master.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings
master.securityContext dict {} Container security settings
master.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
master.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account string   The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
master.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for nfd-master
master.resources.limits dict {memory: 4Gi} NFD master pod resources limits
master.resources.requests dict {cpu: 100m, memory: 128Mi} NFD master pod resources requests. See [0] for more info
master.tolerations dict Schedule to control-plane node NFD master pod tolerations
master.annotations dict {} NFD master pod annotations
master.affinity dict   NFD master pod required node affinity
master.deploymentAnnotations dict {} NFD master deployment annotations
master.nfdApiParallelism integer 10 Specifies the maximum number of concurrent node updates.
master.config dict   NFD master configuration
master.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-master
master.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-master
master.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ReplicaSets for this Deployment you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit
master.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 10 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.
master.livenessProbe.failureThreshold integer 3 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive failures of liveness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
master.livenessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe.
master.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
master.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 5 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated.
master.readinessProbe.failureThreshold integer 10 Specifies the number of consecutive failures of readiness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
master.readinessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe.
master.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
master.readinessProbe.successThreshold integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive successes of readiness probes before considering the pod as ready.

[0] Additional info for master.resources.requests:
You may want to use the same value for requests.memory and limits.memory. The "requests" value affects scheduling to accommodate pods on nodes. If there is a large difference between "requests" and "limits" and nodes experience memory pressure, the kernel may invoke the OOM Killer, even if the memory does not exceed the "limits" threshold. This can cause unexpected pod evictions. Memory cannot be compressed and once allocated to a pod, it can only be reclaimed by killing the pod. Natan Yellin 22/09/2022 that discusses this issue.

Worker pod parameters

Name Type Default Description
worker.* dict   NFD worker daemonset configuration
worker.enable bool true Specifies whether nfd-worker should be deployed
worker.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
worker.metricsPort int 8081 Port on which to expose metrics from components to prometheus operator. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by worker.port in NFD v0.18.
worker.healthPort int 8082 Port on which to expose the grpc health endpoint, will be also used for the probes. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by worker.port in NFD v0.18.
worker.config dict   NFD worker configuration
worker.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settins
worker.securityContext dict {} Container security settings
worker.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account for nfd-worker should be created
worker.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account for nfd-worker string   The name of the service account to use for nfd-worker. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template (suffixed with -worker)
worker.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for nfd-worker
worker.mountUsrSrc bool false Specifies whether to allow users to mount the hostpath /user/src. Does not work on systems without /usr/src AND a read-only /usr
worker.resources.limits dict {memory: 512Mi} NFD worker pod resources limits
worker.resources.requests dict {cpu: 5m, memory: 64Mi} NFD worker pod resources requests
worker.nodeSelector dict {} NFD worker pod node selector
worker.tolerations dict {} NFD worker pod node tolerations
worker.priorityClassName string   NFD worker pod priority class
worker.annotations dict {} NFD worker pod annotations
worker.daemonsetAnnotations dict {} NFD worker daemonset annotations
worker.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-worker
worker.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-worker
worker.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ControllerRevisions for this DaemonSet you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit
worker.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 10 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.
worker.livenessProbe.failureThreshold integer 3 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive failures of liveness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
worker.livenessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe.
worker.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
worker.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 5 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated.
worker.readinessProbe.failureThreshold integer 10 Specifies the number of consecutive failures of readiness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
worker.readinessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe.
worker.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
worker.readinessProbe.successThreshold integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive successes of readiness probes before considering the pod as ready.

Topology updater parameters

Name Type Default Description
topologyUpdater.* dict   NFD Topology Updater configuration
topologyUpdater.enable bool false Specifies whether the NFD Topology Updater should be created
topologyUpdater.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
topologyUpdater.createCRDs bool false Specifies whether the NFD Topology Updater CRDs should be created
topologyUpdater.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether the service account for topology updater should be created
topologyUpdater.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account for topology updater string   The name of the service account for topology updater to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template and -topology-updater suffix
topologyUpdater.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for topology updater
topologyUpdater.metricsPort integer 8081 Port on which to expose prometheus metrics. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by topologyUpdater.port in NFD v0.18.
topologyUpdater.healthPort integer 8082 Port on which to expose the grpc health endpoint, will be also used for the probes. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by topologyUpdater.port in NFD v0.18.
topologyUpdater.kubeletConfigPath string "" Specifies the kubelet config host path
topologyUpdater.kubeletPodResourcesSockPath string "" Specifies the kubelet sock path to read pod resources
topologyUpdater.updateInterval string 60s Time to sleep between CR updates. Non-positive value implies no CR update.
topologyUpdater.watchNamespace string * Namespace to watch pods, * for all namespaces
topologyUpdater.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container sett
topologyUpdater.securityContext dict {} Container security settings
topologyUpdater.resources.limits dict {memory: 60Mi} NFD Topology Updater pod resources limits
topologyUpdater.resources.requests dict {cpu: 50m, memory: 40Mi} NFD Topology Updater pod resources requests
topologyUpdater.nodeSelector dict {} Topology updater pod node selector
topologyUpdater.tolerations dict {} Topology updater pod node tolerations
topologyUpdater.annotations dict {} Topology updater pod annotations
topologyUpdater.daemonsetAnnotations dict {} Topology updater daemonset annotations
topologyUpdater.affinity dict {} Topology updater pod affinity
topologyUpdater.config dict   configuration
topologyUpdater.podSetFingerprint bool true Enables compute and report of pod fingerprint in NRT objects.
topologyUpdater.kubeletStateDir string /var/lib/kubelet Specifies kubelet state directory path for watching state and checkpoint files. Empty value disables kubelet state tracking.
topologyUpdater.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-topology-updater
topologyUpdater.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-topology-updater
topologyUpdater.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ControllerRevisions for this DaemonSet you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 10 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated.
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.failureThreshold integer 3 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive failures of liveness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the liveness probe.
topologyUpdater.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds integer 5 Specifies the number of seconds after the container has started before readiness probes are initiated.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.failureThreshold integer 10 Specifies the number of consecutive failures of readiness probes before considering the pod as not ready.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.periodSeconds integer 10 (by Kubernetes) Specifies how often (in seconds) to perform the readiness probe.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of seconds after which the probe times out.
topologyUpdater.readinessProbe.successThreshold integer 1 (by Kubernetes) Specifies the number of consecutive successes of readiness probes before considering the pod as ready.

Garbage collector parameters

Name Type Default Description
gc.* dict   NFD Garbage Collector configuration
gc.enable bool true Specifies whether the NFD Garbage Collector should be created
gc.hostNetwork bool false Specifies whether to enable or disable running the container in the host's network namespace
gc.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether the service account for garbage collector should be created
gc.serviceAccount.annotations dict {} Annotations to add to the service account for garbage collector string   The name of the service account for garbage collector to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template and -gc suffix
gc.rbac.create bool true Specifies whether to create RBAC configuration for garbage collector
gc.interval string 1h Time between periodic garbage collector runs
gc.podSecurityContext dict {} PodSecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings
gc.resources.limits dict {memory: 1Gi} NFD Garbage Collector pod resources limits
gc.resources.requests dict {cpu: 10m, memory: 128Mi} NFD Garbage Collector pod resources requests
gc.metricsPort integer 8081 Port on which to serve Prometheus metrics. DEPRECATED: will be replaced by gc.port in NFD v0.18.
gc.nodeSelector dict {} Garbage collector pod node selector
gc.tolerations dict {} Garbage collector pod node tolerations
gc.annotations dict {} Garbage collector pod annotations
gc.deploymentAnnotations dict {} Garbage collector deployment annotations
gc.affinity dict {} Garbage collector pod affinity
gc.extraArgs array [] Additional command line arguments to pass to nfd-gc
gc.extraEnvs array [] Additional environment variables to pass to nfd-gc
gc.revisionHistoryLimit integer   Specify how many old ReplicaSets for this Deployment you want to retain. revisionHistoryLimit

Node Feature Discovery

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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/deployment/image-variants.html b/master/deployment/image-variants.html index 23d4be75b1..48a61cc6c5 100644 --- a/master/deployment/image-variants.html +++ b/master/deployment/image-variants.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Image variants · Node Feature Discovery

Image variants

NFD offers two variants of the container image. Released container images are available for x86_64 and Arm64 architectures.


The default is a minimal image based on scratch and only supports running statically linked binaries.

For backwards compatibility a container image tag with suffix -minimal (e.g. is provided.


This image is based on debian:bookworm-slim and contains a full Linux system for doing live debugging and diagnosis of the NFD images.

The container image tag has suffix -full (e.g.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + Image variants · Node Feature Discovery

Image variants

NFD offers two variants of the container image. Released container images are available for x86_64 and Arm64 architectures.


The default is a minimal image based on scratch and only supports running statically linked binaries.

For backwards compatibility a container image tag with suffix -minimal (e.g. is provided.


This image is based on debian:bookworm-slim and contains a full Linux system for doing live debugging and diagnosis of the NFD images.

The container image tag has suffix -full (e.g.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/deployment/index.html b/master/deployment/index.html index f83da85b32..c54d8eb1ae 100644 --- a/master/deployment/index.html +++ b/master/deployment/index.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Deployment · Node Feature Discovery


Node Feature Discovery can be deployed on any recent version of Kubernetes (v1.24+).

See Image variants for description of the different NFD container images available.

Using Kustomize provides straightforward deployment with kubectl integration and declarative customization.

Using Helm provides easy management of NFD deployments with nice configuration management and easy upgrades.

Using Operator provides deployment and configuration management via CRDs.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + Deployment · Node Feature Discovery


Node Feature Discovery can be deployed on any recent version of Kubernetes (v1.24+).

See Image variants for description of the different NFD container images available.

Using Kustomize provides straightforward deployment with kubectl integration and declarative customization.

Using Helm provides easy management of NFD deployments with nice configuration management and easy upgrades.

Using Operator provides deployment and configuration management via CRDs.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/deployment/kustomize.html b/master/deployment/kustomize.html index 28bf437322..3ffd02b49a 100644 --- a/master/deployment/kustomize.html +++ b/master/deployment/kustomize.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Kustomize · Node Feature Discovery

Deployment with Kustomize

Table of contents

  1. Overlays
    1. Worker one-shot
    2. Master Worker Topologyupdater
    3. Topologyupdater
    4. Metrics
  2. Uninstallation

Kustomize can be used to deploy NFD. Customization of the deployment is done by maintaining declarative overlays on top of the base overlays in NFD.

To follow the deployment instructions here, kubectl v1.24 or later is required.

The kustomize overlays provided in the repo can be used directly:

kubectl apply -k ""
+        Kustomize · Node Feature Discovery                      

Deployment with Kustomize

Table of contents

  1. Overlays
    1. Worker one-shot
    2. Master Worker Topologyupdater
    3. Topologyupdater
    4. Metrics
  2. Uninstallation

Kustomize can be used to deploy NFD. Customization of the deployment is done by maintaining declarative overlays on top of the base overlays in NFD.

To follow the deployment instructions here, kubectl v1.24 or later is required.

The kustomize overlays provided in the repo can be used directly:

kubectl apply -k ""

This will required RBAC rules and deploy nfd-master (as a deployment) and nfd-worker (as daemonset) in the node-feature-discovery namespace.

NOTE: nfd-topology-updater is not deployed as part of the default overlay. Refer to the Master Worker Topologyupdater and Topologyupdater below.

Alternatively you can clone the repository and customize the deployment by creating your own overlays. See kustomize for more information about managing deployment configurations.


The NFD repository hosts a set of overlays for different usages and deployment scenarios under deployment/overlays

Worker one-shot

Feature discovery can alternatively be configured as a one-shot job. The default-job overlay may be used to achieve this:

NUM_NODES=$(kubectl get no -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}' | wc -w)
 kubectl kustomize "" | \
     sed s"/NUM_NODES/$NUM_NODES/" | \
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
 kubectl -n $NFD_NS delete sa nfd-master
 kubectl delete clusterrole nfd-master
 kubectl delete clusterrolebinding nfd-master

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/deployment/metrics.html b/master/deployment/metrics.html index 2aa1a7104c..00f4dc42ec 100644 --- a/master/deployment/metrics.html +++ b/master/deployment/metrics.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ - Metrics · Node Feature Discovery


Metrics are configured to be exposed using prometheus operator API's by default. If you want to expose metrics using the prometheus operator API's you need to install the prometheus operator in your cluster. By default NFD Master and Worker expose metrics on port 8081.

The exposed metrics are

Metric Type Description
nfd_master_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-master was built
nfd_worker_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-worker was built
nfd_gc_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-gc was built
nfd_topology_updater_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-topology-updater was built
nfd_node_update_requests_total Counter Number of node update requests received by the master over gRPC
nfd_node_updates_total Counter Number of nodes updated
nfd_node_update_failures_total Counter Number of nodes update failures
nfd_node_labels_rejected_total Counter Number of nodes labels rejected by nfd-master
nfd_node_extendedresources_rejected_total Counter Number of nodes extended resources rejected by nfd-master
nfd_node_taints_rejected_total Counter Number of nodes taints rejected by nfd-master
nfd_nodefeaturerule_processing_duration_seconds Histogram Time taken to process NodeFeatureRule objects
nfd_nodefeaturerule_processing_errors_total Counter Number or errors encountered while processing NodeFeatureRule objects
nfd_feature_discovery_duration_seconds Histogram Time taken to discover features on a node
nfd_topology_updater_scan_errors_total Counter Number of errors in scanning resource allocation of pods.
nfd_gc_objects_deleted_total Counter Number of NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects garbage collected.
nfd_gc_object_delete_failures_total Counter Number of errors in deleting NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects.


To deploy NFD with metrics enabled using kustomize, you can use the prometheus overlay.


By default metrics are enabled when deploying NFD via Helm. To enable Prometheus to scrape metrics from NFD, you need to pass the following values to Helm:

--set prometheus.enable=true

For more info on Helm deployment, see Helm.

It is recommended to specify --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false when deploying prometheus-operator via Helm to enable the prometheus-operator to scrape metrics from any PodMonitor.

or setting labels on the PodMonitor via the helm parameter prometheus.labels to control which Prometheus instances will scrape this PodMonitor.

Grafana dashboard

NFD contains an example Grafana dashboard. You can import examples/grafana-dashboard.json to your Grafana instance to visualize the NFD metrics.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + Metrics · Node Feature Discovery


Metrics are configured to be exposed using prometheus operator API's by default. If you want to expose metrics using the prometheus operator API's you need to install the prometheus operator in your cluster. By default NFD Master and Worker expose metrics on port 8081.

The exposed metrics are

Metric Type Description
nfd_master_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-master was built
nfd_worker_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-worker was built
nfd_gc_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-gc was built
nfd_topology_updater_build_info Gauge Version from which nfd-topology-updater was built
nfd_node_update_requests_total Counter Number of node update requests received by the master over gRPC
nfd_node_updates_total Counter Number of nodes updated
nfd_node_update_failures_total Counter Number of nodes update failures
nfd_node_labels_rejected_total Counter Number of nodes labels rejected by nfd-master
nfd_node_extendedresources_rejected_total Counter Number of nodes extended resources rejected by nfd-master
nfd_node_taints_rejected_total Counter Number of nodes taints rejected by nfd-master
nfd_nodefeaturerule_processing_duration_seconds Histogram Time taken to process NodeFeatureRule objects
nfd_nodefeaturerule_processing_errors_total Counter Number or errors encountered while processing NodeFeatureRule objects
nfd_feature_discovery_duration_seconds Histogram Time taken to discover features on a node
nfd_topology_updater_scan_errors_total Counter Number of errors in scanning resource allocation of pods.
nfd_gc_objects_deleted_total Counter Number of NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects garbage collected.
nfd_gc_object_delete_failures_total Counter Number of errors in deleting NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects.


To deploy NFD with metrics enabled using kustomize, you can use the prometheus overlay.


By default metrics are enabled when deploying NFD via Helm. To enable Prometheus to scrape metrics from NFD, you need to pass the following values to Helm:

--set prometheus.enable=true

For more info on Helm deployment, see Helm.

It is recommended to specify --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false when deploying prometheus-operator via Helm to enable the prometheus-operator to scrape metrics from any PodMonitor.

or setting labels on the PodMonitor via the helm parameter prometheus.labels to control which Prometheus instances will scrape this PodMonitor.

Grafana dashboard

NFD contains an example Grafana dashboard. You can import examples/grafana-dashboard.json to your Grafana instance to visualize the NFD metrics.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/deployment/operator.html b/master/deployment/operator.html index 09f25c1562..1f2e0a4ff9 100644 --- a/master/deployment/operator.html +++ b/master/deployment/operator.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - NFD Operator · Node Feature Discovery

Deployment with NFD Operator

Table of contents

  1. Deployment
  2. Uninstallation

The Node Feature Discovery Operator automates installation, configuration and updates of NFD using a specific NodeFeatureDiscovery custom resource. This also provides good support for managing NFD as a dependency of other operators.


Deployment using the Node Feature Discovery Operator is recommended to be done via

  1. You need to have OLM installed. If you don't, take a look at the latest release for detailed instructions.
  2. Install the operator:

    kubectl create -f
    +        NFD Operator · Node Feature Discovery                      

    Deployment with NFD Operator

    Table of contents

    1. Deployment
    2. Uninstallation

    The Node Feature Discovery Operator automates installation, configuration and updates of NFD using a specific NodeFeatureDiscovery custom resource. This also provides good support for managing NFD as a dependency of other operators.


    Deployment using the Node Feature Discovery Operator is recommended to be done via

    1. You need to have OLM installed. If you don't, take a look at the latest release for detailed instructions.
    2. Install the operator:

      kubectl create -f
    3. Create NodeFeatureDiscovery object (in nfd namespace here):

      cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
       apiVersion: v1
       kind: Namespace
      @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@


    If you followed the deployment instructions above you can uninstall NFD with:

    kubectl -n nfd delete NodeFeatureDiscovery my-nfd-deployment

    Optionally, you can also remove the namespace:

    kubectl delete ns nfd

    See the node-feature-discovery-operator and OLM project documentation for instructions for uninstalling the operator and operator lifecycle manager, respectively.

    Node Feature Discovery

    This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
    \ No newline at end of file +

    See the node-feature-discovery-operator and OLM project documentation for instructions for uninstalling the operator and operator lifecycle manager, respectively.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/deployment/uninstallation.html b/master/deployment/uninstallation.html index 73dd46c376..013cf5643c 100644 --- a/master/deployment/uninstallation.html +++ b/master/deployment/uninstallation.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Uninstallation · Node Feature Discovery


Follow the uninstallation instructions of the deployment method used (kustomize, helm or operator).

Removing feature labels

NOTE: This is unnecessary when using the Helm chart for deployment as it will clean up the nodes when NFD is uninstalled.

NFD-Master has a special -prune command line flag for removing all nfd-related node labels, annotations, extended resources and taints from the cluster.

kubectl apply -k ""
+        Uninstallation · Node Feature Discovery                      


Follow the uninstallation instructions of the deployment method used (kustomize, helm or operator).

Removing feature labels

NOTE: This is unnecessary when using the Helm chart for deployment as it will clean up the nodes when NFD is uninstalled.

NFD-Master has a special -prune command line flag for removing all nfd-related node labels, annotations, extended resources and taints from the cluster.

kubectl apply -k ""
 kubectl -n node-feature-discovery wait job.batch/nfd-master --for=condition=complete && \
     kubectl delete -k ""

NOTE: You must run prune before removing the RBAC rules (serviceaccount, clusterrole and clusterrolebinding).

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

NOTE: You must run prune before removing the RBAC rules (serviceaccount, clusterrole and clusterrolebinding).

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/developer-guide/index.html b/master/developer-guide/index.html index 9f1db5e9e4..c25e423239 100644 --- a/master/developer-guide/index.html +++ b/master/developer-guide/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Developer guide · Node Feature Discovery

Developer guide

Table of contents

  1. Building from source
    1. Download the source code
    2. Docker build
    3. Docker multi-arch builds with buildx
    4. Deployment
    5. Building locally
    6. Customizing the build
    7. Testing
    8. NFD-Master
    9. NFD-Worker
    10. NFD-Topology-Updater
  2. Running with Tilt
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Environment variables
  3. Documentation

Building from source

Download the source code

git clone
+        Developer guide · Node Feature Discovery                      

Developer guide

Table of contents

  1. Building from source
    1. Download the source code
    2. Docker build
    3. Docker multi-arch builds with buildx
    4. Deployment
    5. Building locally
    6. Customizing the build
    7. Testing
    8. NFD-Master
    9. NFD-Worker
    10. NFD-Topology-Updater
  2. Running with Tilt
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Environment variables
  3. Documentation

Building from source

Download the source code

git clone
 cd node-feature-discovery

Docker build

Build the container image

See customizing the build below for altering the container image registry, for example.


Push the container image

Optional, this example with Docker.

docker push <IMAGE_TAG>
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
 tilt up

This will override the default value(master) of IMAGE_TAG_NAME variable defined in the Tiltfile.


All documentation resides under the docs directory in the source tree. It is designed to be served as a html site by GitHub Pages.

Building the documentation is containerized to fix the build environment. The recommended way for developing documentation is to run:

make site-serve

This will build the documentation in a container and serve it under localhost:4000/ making it easy to verify the results. Any changes made to the docs/ will automatically re-trigger a rebuild and are reflected in the served content and can be inspected with a browser refresh.

To just build the html documentation run:

make site-build

This will generate html documentation under docs/_site/.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

This will generate html documentation under docs/_site/.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/get-started/index.html b/master/get-started/index.html index 5dbce6b8c0..4d3c027500 100644 --- a/master/get-started/index.html +++ b/master/get-started/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Get started · Node Feature Discovery

Node Feature Discovery

Welcome to Node Feature Discovery – a Kubernetes add-on for detecting hardware features and system configuration!

Continue to:

  • Introduction for more details on the project.

  • Quick start for quick step-by-step instructions on how to get NFD running on your cluster.

Quick-start – the short-short version

$ kubectl apply -k
+        Get started · Node Feature Discovery                      

Node Feature Discovery

Welcome to Node Feature Discovery – a Kubernetes add-on for detecting hardware features and system configuration!

Continue to:

  • Introduction for more details on the project.

  • Quick start for quick step-by-step instructions on how to get NFD running on your cluster.

Quick-start – the short-short version

$ kubectl apply -k
   namespace/node-feature-discovery created
   serviceaccount/nfd-master created created
@@ -22,4 +22,4 @@
     "": "true",

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/get-started/introduction.html b/master/get-started/introduction.html index 558bc7b836..112c26e7d2 100644 --- a/master/get-started/introduction.html +++ b/master/get-started/introduction.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Introduction · Node Feature Discovery


Table of contents

  1. NFD-Master
  2. NFD-Worker
  3. NFD-Topology-Updater
  4. NFD-GC
  5. Feature Discovery
  6. Node annotations
  7. Custom resources

This software enables node feature discovery for Kubernetes. It detects hardware features available on each node in a Kubernetes cluster, and advertises those features using node labels and optionally node extended resources, annotations and node taints. Node Feature Discovery is compatible with any recent version of Kubernetes (v1.24+).

NFD consists of four software components:

  1. nfd-master
  2. nfd-worker
  3. nfd-topology-updater
  4. nfd-gc


NFD-Master is the daemon responsible for communication towards the Kubernetes API. That is, it receives labeling requests from the worker and modifies node objects accordingly.


NFD-Worker is a daemon responsible for feature detection. It then communicates the information to nfd-master which does the actual node labeling. One instance of nfd-worker is supposed to be running on each node of the cluster,


NFD-Topology-Updater is a daemon responsible for examining allocated resources on a worker node to account for resources available to be allocated to new pod on a per-zone basis (where a zone can be a NUMA node). It then creates or updates a NodeResourceTopology custom resource object specific to this node. One instance of nfd-topology-updater is supposed to be running on each node of the cluster.


NFD-GC is a daemon responsible for cleaning obsolete NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects.

One instance of nfd-gc is supposed to be running in the cluster.

Feature Discovery

Feature discovery is divided into domain-specific feature sources:

  • CPU
  • Kernel
  • Memory
  • Network
  • PCI
  • Storage
  • System
  • USB
  • Custom (rule-based custom features)
  • Local (features files)

Each feature source is responsible for detecting a set of features which. in turn, are turned into node feature labels. Feature labels are prefixed with and also contain the name of the feature source. Non-standard user-specific feature labels can be created with the local and custom feature sources.

An overview of the default feature labels:

+        Introduction · Node Feature Discovery                      


Table of contents

  1. NFD-Master
  2. NFD-Worker
  3. NFD-Topology-Updater
  4. NFD-GC
  5. Feature Discovery
  6. Node annotations
  7. Custom resources

This software enables node feature discovery for Kubernetes. It detects hardware features available on each node in a Kubernetes cluster, and advertises those features using node labels and optionally node extended resources, annotations and node taints. Node Feature Discovery is compatible with any recent version of Kubernetes (v1.24+).

NFD consists of four software components:

  1. nfd-master
  2. nfd-worker
  3. nfd-topology-updater
  4. nfd-gc


NFD-Master is the daemon responsible for communication towards the Kubernetes API. That is, it receives labeling requests from the worker and modifies node objects accordingly.


NFD-Worker is a daemon responsible for feature detection. It then communicates the information to nfd-master which does the actual node labeling. One instance of nfd-worker is supposed to be running on each node of the cluster,


NFD-Topology-Updater is a daemon responsible for examining allocated resources on a worker node to account for resources available to be allocated to new pod on a per-zone basis (where a zone can be a NUMA node). It then creates or updates a NodeResourceTopology custom resource object specific to this node. One instance of nfd-topology-updater is supposed to be running on each node of the cluster.


NFD-GC is a daemon responsible for cleaning obsolete NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects.

One instance of nfd-gc is supposed to be running in the cluster.

Feature Discovery

Feature discovery is divided into domain-specific feature sources:

  • CPU
  • Kernel
  • Memory
  • Network
  • PCI
  • Storage
  • System
  • USB
  • Custom (rule-based custom features)
  • Local (features files)

Each feature source is responsible for detecting a set of features which. in turn, are turned into node feature labels. Feature labels are prefixed with and also contain the name of the feature source. Non-standard user-specific feature labels can be created with the local and custom feature sources.

An overview of the default feature labels:

   "<feature-name>": "true",
   "<feature-name>": "true",
   "<feature name>": "<feature value>",
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
   "<device label>.present": "<feature value>",
   "<file name>-<feature name>": "<feature value>"

Node annotations

NFD also annotates nodes it is running on:

Annotation Description
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node labels managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node annotations managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node extended resources managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node taints managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.

NOTE: the -instance command line flag affects the annotation names

Unapplicable annotations are not created, i.e. for example is only placed if some extended resources were created by NFD.

Custom resources

NFD takes use of some Kubernetes Custom Resources.

NodeFeatures is be used for representing node features and requesting node labels to be generated.

NFD-Master uses NodeFeatureRules for custom labeling of nodes.

NFD-Topology-Updater creates NodeResourceTopology objects that describe the hardware topology of node resources.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

Node annotations

NFD also annotates nodes it is running on:

Annotation Description
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node labels managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node annotations managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node extended resources managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.
[<instance>.] Comma-separated list of node taints managed by NFD. NFD uses this internally so must not be edited by users.

NOTE: the -instance command line flag affects the annotation names

Unapplicable annotations are not created, i.e. for example is only placed if some extended resources were created by NFD.

Custom resources

NFD takes use of some Kubernetes Custom Resources.

NodeFeatures is be used for representing node features and requesting node labels to be generated.

NFD-Master uses NodeFeatureRules for custom labeling of nodes.

NFD-Topology-Updater creates NodeResourceTopology objects that describe the hardware topology of node resources.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/get-started/quick-start.html b/master/get-started/quick-start.html index 933b6f3efb..a03a3990d5 100644 --- a/master/get-started/quick-start.html +++ b/master/get-started/quick-start.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Quick start · Node Feature Discovery

Quick start

Minimal steps to deploy latest released version of NFD in your cluster.


Deploy with kustomize – creates a new namespace, service and required RBAC rules and deploys nfd-master and nfd-worker daemons.

kubectl apply -k ""
+        Quick start · Node Feature Discovery                      

Quick start

Minimal steps to deploy latest released version of NFD in your cluster.


Deploy with kustomize – creates a new namespace, service and required RBAC rules and deploys nfd-master and nfd-worker daemons.

kubectl apply -k ""


Wait until NFD master and NFD worker are running.

$ kubectl -n node-feature-discovery get ds,deploy
 daemonset.apps/nfd-worker    2         2         2       2            2           <none>          10s
@@ -40,4 +40,4 @@
 NAME                 AGE
 kind-control-plane   23s
 kind-worker          23s

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
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Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/feature-gates.html b/master/reference/feature-gates.html index 24df5ca59e..9cd6480363 100644 --- a/master/reference/feature-gates.html +++ b/master/reference/feature-gates.html @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ - Feature Gates · Node Feature Discovery

Feature Gates

Feature gates are a set of key-value pairs that control the behavior of NFD. They are used to enable or disable certain features of NFD. The feature gates are set using the -feature-gates command line flag or featureGates value in the Helm chart. The following feature gates are available:

Name Default Stage Since Until
NodeFeatureAPI true Beta V0.14 v0.16
NodeFeatureAPI true GA V0.17  
DisableAutoPrefix false Alpha V0.16  
NodeFeatureGroupAPI false Alpha V0.16  


The NodeFeatureAPI feature gate enables the Node Feature API. When enabled, NFD will register the Node Feature API with the Kubernetes API server. The Node Feature API is used to expose node-specific hardware and software features to the Kubernetes scheduler. The Node Feature API is a beta feature and is enabled by default.


The NodeFeatureGroupAPI feature gate enables the Node Feature Group API. When enabled, NFD will register the Node Feature Group API with the Kubernetes API server. The Node Feature Group API is used to create node groups based on hardware and software features. The Node Feature Group API is an alpha feature and is disabled by default.


The DisableAutoPrefix feature gate controls the automatic prefixing of names. When enabled nfd-master does not automatically add the default prefix to unprefixed labels, annotations and extended resources. Automatic prefixing is the default behavior in NFD v0.16 and earlier.

Note that enabling the feature gate effectively causes unprefixed names to be filtered out as NFD does not allow unprefixed names of labels, annotations or extended resources. For example, with the DisableAutoPrefix feature gate set to false, a NodeFeatureRule with

+        Feature Gates · Node Feature Discovery                      

Feature Gates

Feature gates are a set of key-value pairs that control the behavior of NFD. They are used to enable or disable certain features of NFD. The feature gates are set using the -feature-gates command line flag or featureGates value in the Helm chart. The following feature gates are available:

Name Default Stage Since Until
NodeFeatureAPI true Beta V0.14 v0.16
NodeFeatureAPI true GA V0.17  
DisableAutoPrefix false Alpha V0.16  
NodeFeatureGroupAPI false Alpha V0.16  


The NodeFeatureAPI feature gate enables the Node Feature API. When enabled, NFD will register the Node Feature API with the Kubernetes API server. The Node Feature API is used to expose node-specific hardware and software features to the Kubernetes scheduler. The Node Feature API is a beta feature and is enabled by default.


The NodeFeatureGroupAPI feature gate enables the Node Feature Group API. When enabled, NFD will register the Node Feature Group API with the Kubernetes API server. The Node Feature Group API is used to create node groups based on hardware and software features. The Node Feature Group API is an alpha feature and is disabled by default.


The DisableAutoPrefix feature gate controls the automatic prefixing of names. When enabled nfd-master does not automatically add the default prefix to unprefixed labels, annotations and extended resources. Automatic prefixing is the default behavior in NFD v0.16 and earlier.

Note that enabling the feature gate effectively causes unprefixed names to be filtered out as NFD does not allow unprefixed names of labels, annotations or extended resources. For example, with the DisableAutoPrefix feature gate set to false, a NodeFeatureRule with

     foo: bar

will turn into node label. With DisableAutoPrefix set to true, no prefix is added and the label will be filtered out.

Note that taint keys are not affected by this feature gate.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

will turn into node label. With DisableAutoPrefix set to true, no prefix is added and the label will be filtered out.

Note that taint keys are not affected by this feature gate.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/gc-commandline-reference.html b/master/reference/gc-commandline-reference.html index 6c96c87db1..2c8d2a1de5 100644 --- a/master/reference/gc-commandline-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/gc-commandline-reference.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Garbage Collector Cmdline Reference · Node Feature Discovery

NFD-GC Commandline Flags

Table of Contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -gc-interval

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-gc -help. In a docker container:

docker run \
+        Garbage Collector Cmdline Reference · Node Feature Discovery                      

NFD-GC Commandline Flags

Table of Contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -gc-interval

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-gc -help. In a docker container:

docker run \
 nfd-gc -help

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


Print version and exit.


The -gc-interval specifies the interval between periodic garbage collector runs.

Default: 1h


nfd-gc -gc-interval=1h

Node Feature Discovery

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Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/index.html b/master/reference/index.html index d0030c780b..1ef3743b56 100644 --- a/master/reference/index.html +++ b/master/reference/index.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Reference · Node Feature Discovery


Command line and configuration reference.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + Reference · Node Feature Discovery


Command line and configuration reference.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/master-commandline-reference.html b/master/reference/master-commandline-reference.html index 31efd97573..1a240ef978 100644 --- a/master/reference/master-commandline-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/master-commandline-reference.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Master cmdline reference · Node Feature Discovery

Commandline flags of nfd-master

Table of contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -feature-gates
  4. -prune
  5. -metrics
  6. -instance
  7. -enable-leader-election
  8. -enable-taints
  9. -no-publish
  10. -label-whitelist
  11. -extra-label-ns
  12. -deny-label-ns
  13. -config
  14. -options
  15. -nfd-api-parallelism
  16. Logging
  17. -resync-period

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-master -help. In a docker container:

docker run nfd-master -help
+        Master cmdline reference · Node Feature Discovery                      

Commandline flags of nfd-master

Table of contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -feature-gates
  4. -prune
  5. -metrics
  6. -instance
  7. -enable-leader-election
  8. -enable-taints
  9. -no-publish
  10. -label-whitelist
  11. -extra-label-ns
  12. -deny-label-ns
  13. -config
  14. -options
  15. -nfd-api-parallelism
  16. Logging
  17. -resync-period

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-master -help. In a docker container:

docker run nfd-master -help

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


Print version and exit.


The -feature-gates flag is used to enable or disable non GA features. The list of available feature gates can be found in the feature gates documentation.


nfd-master -feature-gates NodeFeatureGroupAPI=true


The -prune flag is a sub-command like option for cleaning up the cluster. It causes nfd-master to remove all NFD related labels, annotations and extended resources from all Node objects of the cluster and exit.


DEPRECATED: Will be removed in NFD v0.17 and replaced by -port.

The -metrics flag specifies the port on which to expose Prometheus metrics. Setting this to 0 disables the metrics server on nfd-master.

Default: 8081


nfd-master -metrics=12345


The -instance flag makes it possible to run multiple NFD deployments in parallel. In practice, it separates the node annotations between deployments so that each of them can store metadata independently. The instance name must start and end with an alphanumeric character and may only contain alphanumeric characters, -, _ or ..

Default: empty


nfd-master -instance=network
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@


The -options flag may be used to specify and override configuration file options directly from the command line. The required format is the same as in the config file i.e. JSON or YAML. Configuration options specified via this flag will override those from the configuration file:

Default: empty


nfd-master -options='{"noPublish": true}'


The -nfd-api-parallelism flag can be used to specify the maximum number of concurrent node updates.

Default: 10


nfd-master -nfd-api-parallelism=1


The following logging-related flags are inherited from the klog package.


If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages.

Default: false


Log to standard error as well as files.

Default: false


When logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace.

Default: empty


If non-empty, write log files in this directory.

Default: empty


If non-empty, use this log file.

Default: empty


Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited.

Default: 1800


Log to standard error instead of files

Default: true


If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages.

Default: false


If true, avoid headers when opening log files.

Default: false


Logs at or above this threshold go to stderr.

Default: 2


Number for the log level verbosity.

Default: 0


Comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging.

Default: empty


The -resync-period flag specifies the NFD API controller resync period. The resync means nfd-master replaying all NodeFeature and NodeFeatureRule objects, thus effectively re-syncing all nodes in the cluster (i.e. ensuring labels, annotations, extended resources and taints are in place).

Default: 1 hour.


nfd-master -resync-period=2h

Node Feature Discovery

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Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/master-configuration-reference.html b/master/reference/master-configuration-reference.html index 0824178ec6..901467ec32 100644 --- a/master/reference/master-configuration-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/master-configuration-reference.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Master config reference · Node Feature Discovery

Configuration file reference of nfd-master

Table of contents

  1. noPublish
  2. extraLabelNs
  3. denyLabelNs
  4. autoDefaultNs
  5. enableTaints
  6. labelWhiteList
  7. resyncPeriod
  8. leaderElection
    1. leaderElection.leaseDuration
    2. leaderElection.renewDeadline
    3. leaderElection.retryPeriod
  9. nfdApiParallelism
  10. klog
    1. klog.addDirHeader
    2. klog.alsologtostderr
    3. klog.logBacktraceAt
    4. klog.logDir
    5. klog.logFile
    6. klog.logFileMaxSize
    7. klog.logtostderr
    8. klog.skipHeaders
    9. klog.skipLogHeaders
    10. klog.stderrthreshold
    11. klog.v
    12. klog.vmodule
  11. restrictions (EXPERIMENTAL)
    1. restrictions.nodeFeatureNamespaceSelector
    2. restrictions.disableLabels
    3. restrictions.disableExtendedResources
    4. restrictions.disableAnnotations
    5. restrictions.allowOverwrite
    6. restrictions.denyNodeFeatureLabels

See the sample configuration file for a full example configuration.


noPublish option disables updates to the Node objects in the Kubernetes API server, making a "dry-run" flag for nfd-master. No Labels, Annotations, Taints or ExtendedResources of nodes are updated.

Default: false


noPublish: true
+        Master config reference · Node Feature Discovery                      

Configuration file reference of nfd-master

Table of contents

  1. noPublish
  2. extraLabelNs
  3. denyLabelNs
  4. autoDefaultNs
  5. enableTaints
  6. labelWhiteList
  7. resyncPeriod
  8. leaderElection
    1. leaderElection.leaseDuration
    2. leaderElection.renewDeadline
    3. leaderElection.retryPeriod
  9. nfdApiParallelism
  10. klog
    1. klog.addDirHeader
    2. klog.alsologtostderr
    3. klog.logBacktraceAt
    4. klog.logDir
    5. klog.logFile
    6. klog.logFileMaxSize
    7. klog.logtostderr
    8. klog.skipHeaders
    9. klog.skipLogHeaders
    10. klog.stderrthreshold
    11. klog.v
    12. klog.vmodule
  11. restrictions (EXPERIMENTAL)
    1. restrictions.nodeFeatureNamespaceSelector
    2. restrictions.disableLabels
    3. restrictions.disableExtendedResources
    4. restrictions.disableAnnotations
    5. restrictions.allowOverwrite
    6. restrictions.denyNodeFeatureLabels

See the sample configuration file for a full example configuration.


noPublish option disables updates to the Node objects in the Kubernetes API server, making a "dry-run" flag for nfd-master. No Labels, Annotations, Taints or ExtendedResources of nodes are updated.

Default: false


noPublish: true


extraLabelNs specifies a list of allowed feature label namespaces. This option can be used to allow other vendor or application specific namespaces for custom labels from the local and custom feature sources, even though these labels were denied using the denyLabelNs parameter.

Default: empty


extraLabelNs: ["",""]


denyLabelNs specifies a list of excluded label namespaces. By default, nfd-master allows creating labels in all namespaces, excluding namespace and its sub-namespaces (i.e. * However, you should note that and its sub-namespaces are always denied. This option can be used to exclude some vendors or application specific namespaces.

Default: empty


denyLabelNs: ["",""]


DEPRECATED: Will be removed in NFD v0.17. Use the DisableAutoPrefix feature gate instead.

The autoDefaultNs option controls the automatic prefixing of names. When set to true (the default in NFD version master) nfd-master automatically adds the default prefix to unprefixed labels, annotations and extended resources - this is also the default behavior in NFD v0.15 and earlier. When the option is set to false, no prefix will be prepended to unprefixed names, effectively causing them to be filtered out (as NFD does not allow unprefixed names of labels, annotations or extended resources). The default will be changed to false in a future release.

For example, with the autoDefaultNs set to true, a NodeFeatureRule with

@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@
   allowOverwrite: false


The denyNodeFeatureLabels option specifies whether to deny labels from 3rd party NodeFeature objects or not. NodeFeature objects created by nfd-worker are not affected.

Default: false


   denyNodeFeatureLabels: true

Node Feature Discovery

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Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/plugin-commandline-reference.html b/master/reference/plugin-commandline-reference.html index c99289e0d0..0b789d33c3 100644 --- a/master/reference/plugin-commandline-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/plugin-commandline-reference.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Kubectl plugin cmdline reference · Node Feature Discovery

Commandline flags of kubectl-nfd (plugin)

Table of contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. Validate
    1. -f / –nodefeature-file
  3. Test
    1. -k, –kubeconfig
    2. -s, –namespace
    3. -n, –nodename
    4. -f, –nodefeaturerule-file
  4. DryRun
    1. -f, –nodefeaturerule-file
    2. -n, –nodefeature-file

To quickly view available command line flags execute kubectl nfd -help.

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


Validate a NodeFeatureRule file.

-f / –nodefeature-file

The --nodefeature-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeatureRule file to validate.


Test a NodeFeatureRule file against a node without applying it.

-k, –kubeconfig

The --kubeconfig flag specifies the path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.

-s, –namespace

The --namespace flag specifies the namespace to use for CLI requests. Default: default.

-n, –nodename

The --nodename flag specifies the name of the node to test the NodeFeatureRule against.

-f, –nodefeaturerule-file

The --nodefeaturerule-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeatureRule file to test.


Process a NodeFeatureRule file against a NodeFeature file.

-f, –nodefeaturerule-file

The --nodefeaturerule-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeatureRule file to test.

-n, –nodefeature-file

The --nodefeature-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeature file to test.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + Kubectl plugin cmdline reference · Node Feature Discovery

Commandline flags of kubectl-nfd (plugin)

Table of contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. Validate
    1. -f / –nodefeature-file
  3. Test
    1. -k, –kubeconfig
    2. -s, –namespace
    3. -n, –nodename
    4. -f, –nodefeaturerule-file
  4. DryRun
    1. -f, –nodefeaturerule-file
    2. -n, –nodefeature-file

To quickly view available command line flags execute kubectl nfd -help.

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


Validate a NodeFeatureRule file.

-f / –nodefeature-file

The --nodefeature-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeatureRule file to validate.


Test a NodeFeatureRule file against a node without applying it.

-k, –kubeconfig

The --kubeconfig flag specifies the path to the kubeconfig file to use for CLI requests.

-s, –namespace

The --namespace flag specifies the namespace to use for CLI requests. Default: default.

-n, –nodename

The --nodename flag specifies the name of the node to test the NodeFeatureRule against.

-f, –nodefeaturerule-file

The --nodefeaturerule-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeatureRule file to test.


Process a NodeFeatureRule file against a NodeFeature file.

-f, –nodefeaturerule-file

The --nodefeaturerule-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeatureRule file to test.

-n, –nodefeature-file

The --nodefeature-file flag specifies the path to the NodeFeature file to test.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/topology-updater-commandline-reference.html b/master/reference/topology-updater-commandline-reference.html index 405347f56e..646f766b0e 100644 --- a/master/reference/topology-updater-commandline-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/topology-updater-commandline-reference.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Topology Updater Cmdline Reference · Node Feature Discovery

NFD-Topology-Updater Commandline Flags

Table of Contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -config
  4. -no-publish
  5. -oneshot
  6. -metrics
  7. -sleep-interval
  8. -watch-namespace
  9. -kubelet-config-uri
  10. -api-auth-token-file
  11. -podresources-socket
  12. -pods-fingerprint
  13. -kubelet-state-dir

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-topology-updater -help. In a docker container:

docker run \
+        Topology Updater Cmdline Reference · Node Feature Discovery                      

NFD-Topology-Updater Commandline Flags

Table of Contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -config
  4. -no-publish
  5. -oneshot
  6. -metrics
  7. -sleep-interval
  8. -watch-namespace
  9. -kubelet-config-uri
  10. -api-auth-token-file
  11. -podresources-socket
  12. -pods-fingerprint
  13. -kubelet-state-dir

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-topology-updater -help. In a docker container:

docker run \
 nfd-topology-updater -help

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


Print version and exit.


The -config flag specifies the path of the nfd-topology-updater configuration file to use.

Default: /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-topology-updater.conf


nfd-topology-updater -config=/opt/nfd/nfd-topology-updater.conf


The -no-publish flag makes for a "dry-run" flag for nfd-topology-updater. NFD-Topology-Updater runs resource hardware topology detection normally, but NodeResourceTopology objects are not created or updated.

Default: false


nfd-topology-updater -no-publish
@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@


The -podresources-socket specifies the path to the Unix socket where kubelet exports a gRPC service to enable discovery of in-use CPUs and devices, and to provide metadata for them.

Default: /host-var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources/kubelet.sock


nfd-topology-updater -podresources-socket=/var/lib/kubelet/pod-resources/kubelet.sock


Enables compute and report the pod set fingerprint in the NRT. A pod fingerprint is a compact representation of the "node state" regarding resources.

Default: true


nfd-topology-updater -pods-fingerprint=false


The -kubelet-state-dir specifies the path to the Kubelet state directory, where state and checkpoint files are stored. The files are mount as read-only and cannot be change by the updater. Enabled by default. Passing an empty string will disable the watching.

Default: /host-var/lib/kubelet


nfd-topology-updater -kubelet-state-dir=/var/lib/kubelet

Node Feature Discovery

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Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/topology-updater-configuration-reference.html b/master/reference/topology-updater-configuration-reference.html index e101d4c41c..d3f77dd44b 100644 --- a/master/reference/topology-updater-configuration-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/topology-updater-configuration-reference.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - Topology-Updater config reference · Node Feature Discovery

Configuration file reference of nfd-topology-updater

Table of contents

  1. excludeList
    1. excludeList.*

See the sample configuration file for a full example configuration.


The excludeList specifies a key-value map of allocated resources that should not be examined by the topology-updater agent per node. Each key is a node name with a value as a list of resources that should not be examined by the agent for that specific node.

Default: empty


+        Topology-Updater config reference · Node Feature Discovery                      

Configuration file reference of nfd-topology-updater

Table of contents

  1. excludeList
    1. excludeList.*

See the sample configuration file for a full example configuration.


The excludeList specifies a key-value map of allocated resources that should not be examined by the topology-updater agent per node. Each key is a node name with a value as a list of resources that should not be examined by the agent for that specific node.

Default: empty


   nodeA: [hugepages-2Mi]
   nodeB: [memory]
   nodeC: [cpu, hugepages-2Mi]


excludeList.* is a special value that use to specify all nodes. A resource that would be listed under this key, would be excluded from all nodes.

Default: empty


   '*': [hugepages-2Mi]

Node Feature Discovery

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Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/versions.html b/master/reference/versions.html index dde94877fa..2062596d03 100644 --- a/master/reference/versions.html +++ b/master/reference/versions.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Versions · Node Feature Discovery

Versions and deprecation

Supported versions

Node Feature Discovery follows semantic versioning where the version number consists of three components, i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

The most recent two minor releases (or release branches) of Node Feature Discovery are supported. That is, with X being the latest release, X and X-1 are supported and X-1 reaches end-of-life when X+1 is released.

Deprecation policy

Feature labels

Built-in feature labels and features are supported for 2 releases after being deprecated, at minimum. That is, if a feature label is deprecated in version X, it will be supported in X+1 and X+2 and may be dropped in X+3.

Configuration options

Command-line flags and configuration file options are supported for 1 more release after being deprecated, at minimum. That is, if option/flag is deprecated in version X, it will be supported in X+1 and may be removed in X+2.

The same policy (support for 1 release after deprecation) also applies to Helm chart parameters.

Kubernetes compatibility

Node Feature Discovery is compatible with Kubernetes v1.24 and later.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file + Versions · Node Feature Discovery

Versions and deprecation

Supported versions

Node Feature Discovery follows semantic versioning where the version number consists of three components, i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

The most recent two minor releases (or release branches) of Node Feature Discovery are supported. That is, with X being the latest release, X and X-1 are supported and X-1 reaches end-of-life when X+1 is released.

Deprecation policy

Feature labels

Built-in feature labels and features are supported for 2 releases after being deprecated, at minimum. That is, if a feature label is deprecated in version X, it will be supported in X+1 and X+2 and may be dropped in X+3.

Configuration options

Command-line flags and configuration file options are supported for 1 more release after being deprecated, at minimum. That is, if option/flag is deprecated in version X, it will be supported in X+1 and may be removed in X+2.

The same policy (support for 1 release after deprecation) also applies to Helm chart parameters.

Kubernetes compatibility

Node Feature Discovery is compatible with Kubernetes v1.24 and later.

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/worker-commandline-reference.html b/master/reference/worker-commandline-reference.html index 2359ca4294..3893dbc6c1 100644 --- a/master/reference/worker-commandline-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/worker-commandline-reference.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Worker cmdline reference · Node Feature Discovery

Commandline flags of nfd-worker

Table of contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -feature-gates
  4. -config
  5. -options
  6. -kubeconfig
  7. -feature-sources
  8. -label-sources
  9. -metrics
  10. -no-publish
  11. -oneshot
  12. Logging

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-worker -help. In a docker container:

docker run nfd-worker -help
+        Worker cmdline reference · Node Feature Discovery                      

Commandline flags of nfd-worker

Table of contents

  1. -h, -help
  2. -version
  3. -feature-gates
  4. -config
  5. -options
  6. -kubeconfig
  7. -feature-sources
  8. -label-sources
  9. -metrics
  10. -no-publish
  11. -oneshot
  12. Logging

To quickly view available command line flags execute nfd-worker -help. In a docker container:

docker run nfd-worker -help

-h, -help

Print usage and exit.


Print version and exit.


The -feature-gates flag is used to enable or disable non GA features. The list of available feature gates can be found in the feature gates documentation.


nfd-master -feature-gates NodeFeatureGroupAPI=true


The -config flag specifies the path of the nfd-worker configuration file to use.

Default: /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-worker.conf


nfd-worker -config=/opt/nfd/worker.conf


The -options flag may be used to specify and override configuration file options directly from the command line. The required format is the same as in the config file i.e. JSON or YAML. Configuration options specified via this flag will override those from the configuration file:

Default: empty


nfd-worker -options='{"sources":{"cpu":{"cpuid":{"attributeWhitelist":["AVX","AVX2"]}}}}'
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@


DEPRECATED: Will be removed in NFD v0.17 and replaced by -port.

The -metrics flag specifies the port on which to expose Prometheus metrics. Setting this to 0 disables the metrics server on nfd-worker.

Default: 8081


nfd-worker -metrics=12345


The -no-publish flag disables all communication with the nfd-master and the Kubernetes API server. It is effectively a "dry-run" flag for nfd-worker. NFD-Worker runs feature detection normally, but no labeling requests are sent to nfd-master and no NodeFeature objects are created or updated in the API server.

NOTE: This flag takes precedence over the core.noPublish configuration file option.

Default: false


nfd-worker -no-publish


The -oneshot flag causes nfd-worker to exit after one pass of feature detection.

Default: false


nfd-worker -oneshot -no-publish


The following logging-related flags are inherited from the klog package.

NOTE: The logger setup can also be specified via the core.klog configuration file options. However, the command line flags take precedence over any corresponding config file options specified.


If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages.

Default: false


Log to standard error as well as files.

Default: false


When logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace.

Default: empty


If non-empty, write log files in this directory.

Default: empty


If non-empty, use this log file.

Default: empty


Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited.

Default: 1800


Log to standard error instead of files

Default: true


If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages.

Default: false


If true, avoid headers when opening log files.

Default: false


Logs at or above this threshold go to stderr.

Default: 2


Number for the log level verbosity.

Default: 0


Comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging.

Default: empty

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +


The following logging-related flags are inherited from the klog package.

NOTE: The logger setup can also be specified via the core.klog configuration file options. However, the command line flags take precedence over any corresponding config file options specified.


If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages.

Default: false


Log to standard error as well as files.

Default: false


When logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace.

Default: empty


If non-empty, write log files in this directory.

Default: empty


If non-empty, use this log file.

Default: empty


Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to. Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited.

Default: 1800


Log to standard error instead of files

Default: true


If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages.

Default: false


If true, avoid headers when opening log files.

Default: false


Logs at or above this threshold go to stderr.

Default: 2


Number for the log level verbosity.

Default: 0


Comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging.

Default: empty

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/reference/worker-configuration-reference.html b/master/reference/worker-configuration-reference.html index 9f7482ae46..e1bb946264 100644 --- a/master/reference/worker-configuration-reference.html +++ b/master/reference/worker-configuration-reference.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Worker config reference · Node Feature Discovery

Configuration file reference of nfd-worker

Table of contents

  1. core
    1. core.sleepInterval
    2. core.featureSources
    3. core.labelSources
    4. core.sources
    5. core.labelWhiteList
    6. core.noPublish
    7. core.klog
  2. sources
    1. sources.cpu
    2. sources.kernel
    3. sources.local
    4. sources.pci
    5. sources.usb
    6. sources.custom

See the sample configuration file for a full example configuration.


The core section contains common configuration settings that are not specific to any particular feature source.


core.sleepInterval specifies the interval between consecutive passes of feature (re-)detection, and thus also the interval between node re-labeling. A non-positive value implies infinite sleep interval, i.e. no re-detection or re-labeling is done.

Default: 60s


+        Worker config reference · Node Feature Discovery                      

Configuration file reference of nfd-worker

Table of contents

  1. core
    1. core.sleepInterval
    2. core.featureSources
    3. core.labelSources
    4. core.sources
    5. core.labelWhiteList
    6. core.noPublish
    7. core.klog
  2. sources
    1. sources.cpu
    2. sources.kernel
    3. sources.local
    4. sources.pci
    5. sources.usb
    6. sources.custom

See the sample configuration file for a full example configuration.


The core section contains common configuration settings that are not specific to any particular feature source.


core.sleepInterval specifies the interval between consecutive passes of feature (re-)detection, and thus also the interval between node re-labeling. A non-positive value implies infinite sleep interval, i.e. no re-detection or re-labeling is done.

Default: 60s


   sleepInterval: 60s


core.featureSources specifies the list of enabled feature sources. A special value all enables all sources. Prefixing a source name with - indicates that the source will be disabled instead - this is only meaningful when used in conjunction with all. This option allows completely disabling the feature detection so that neither standard feature labels are generated nor the raw feature data is available for custom rule processing.

Default: [all]


   # Enable all but cpu and local sources
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@
             class: {op: In, value: ["0200"]}
             vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]}

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file +

Node Feature Discovery

This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/search.html b/master/search.html index f64aeb3346..f700b4aa95 100644 --- a/master/search.html +++ b/master/search.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Search · Node Feature Discovery


    Node Feature Discovery

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    \ No newline at end of file + Search · Node Feature Discovery


      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/sitemap.xml b/master/sitemap.xml index 2917ee1b78..55af28651b 100644 --- a/master/sitemap.xml +++ b/master/sitemap.xml @@ -1 +1 @@ - 0.6 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.5 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.8 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.1 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.1 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.9 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.5 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.6 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.7 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.9 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 0.5 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 1.0 2024-11-11T09:45:47+00:00 \ No newline at end of file + 0.6 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.5 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.8 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.1 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.1 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.9 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.5 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.6 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.7 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.9 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 0.5 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 1.0 2024-11-18T15:55:51+00:00 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/custom-resources.html b/master/usage/custom-resources.html index adfd4e3136..d2c04ef0b1 100644 --- a/master/usage/custom-resources.html +++ b/master/usage/custom-resources.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - CRDs · Node Feature Discovery

      Custom Resources

      Table of contents

      1. NodeFeature
      2. NodeFeatureGroup
      3. NodeFeatureRule
      4. NodeResourceTopology

      NFD uses some Kubernetes custom resources.


      NodeFeature is an NFD-specific custom resource for communicating node features and node labeling requests. The nfd-master pod watches for NodeFeature objects, labels nodes as specified and uses the listed features as input when evaluating NodeFeatureRules. NodeFeature objects can be used for implementing 3rd party extensions (see customization guide for more details).

      +        CRDs · Node Feature Discovery                      

      Custom Resources

      Table of contents

      1. NodeFeature
      2. NodeFeatureGroup
      3. NodeFeatureRule
      4. NodeResourceTopology

      NFD uses some Kubernetes custom resources.


      NodeFeature is an NFD-specific custom resource for communicating node features and node labeling requests. The nfd-master pod watches for NodeFeature objects, labels nodes as specified and uses the listed features as input when evaluating NodeFeatureRules. NodeFeature objects can be used for implementing 3rd party extensions (see customization guide for more details).

       kind: NodeFeature
      @@ -88,4 +88,4 @@
               capacity: 3
               allocatable: 3
               available: 3

      The NodeResourceTopology objects created by NFD can be used to gain insight into the allocatable resources along with the granularity of those resources at a per-zone level (represented by node-0 and node-1 in the above example) or can be used by an external entity (e.g. topology-aware scheduler plugin) to take an action based on the gathered information.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file +

      The NodeResourceTopology objects created by NFD can be used to gain insight into the allocatable resources along with the granularity of those resources at a per-zone level (represented by node-0 and node-1 in the above example) or can be used by an external entity (e.g. topology-aware scheduler plugin) to take an action based on the gathered information.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/customization-guide.html b/master/usage/customization-guide.html index 29429ac679..ee0a71e9ce 100644 --- a/master/usage/customization-guide.html +++ b/master/usage/customization-guide.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Customization guide · Node Feature Discovery

      Customization guide

      Table of contents

      1. Overview
      2. NodeFeature custom resource
        1. A NodeFeature example
        2. Feature types
      3. NodeFeatureRule custom resource
        1. A NodeFeatureRule example
        2. Node tainting
      4. NodeFeatureGroup custom resource
        1. A NodeFeatureGroup example
      5. Local feature source
        1. An example
        2. Feature files
        3. Input format
        4. Mounts
      6. Custom feature source
        1. An example custom feature source configuration
        2. Additional configuration directory
      7. Node labels
      8. Feature rule format
        1. Fields
        2. Available features
        3. Templating
        4. Backreferences
        5. Examples


      NFD provides multiple extension points for vendor and application specific labeling:

      • NodeFeature objects can be used to communicate "raw" node features and node labeling requests to nfd-master.
      • NodeFeatureRule objects provide a way to deploy custom labeling rules via the Kubernetes API.
      • local feature source of nfd-worker creates labels by reading text files.
      • custom feature source of nfd-worker creates labels based on user-specified rules.

      NodeFeature custom resource

      NodeFeature objects provide a way for 3rd party extensions to advertise custom features, both as "raw" features that serve as input to NodeFeatureRule objects and as feature labels directly.

      Note that RBAC rules must be created for each extension for them to be able to create and manipulate NodeFeature objects in their namespace.

      A NodeFeature example

      Consider the following referential example:

      +        Customization guide · Node Feature Discovery                      

      Customization guide

      Table of contents

      1. Overview
      2. NodeFeature custom resource
        1. A NodeFeature example
        2. Feature types
      3. NodeFeatureRule custom resource
        1. A NodeFeatureRule example
        2. Node tainting
      4. NodeFeatureGroup custom resource
        1. A NodeFeatureGroup example
      5. Local feature source
        1. An example
        2. Feature files
        3. Input format
        4. Mounts
      6. Custom feature source
        1. An example custom feature source configuration
        2. Additional configuration directory
      7. Node labels
      8. Feature rule format
        1. Fields
        2. Available features
        3. Templating
        4. Backreferences
        5. Examples


      NFD provides multiple extension points for vendor and application specific labeling:

      • NodeFeature objects can be used to communicate "raw" node features and node labeling requests to nfd-master.
      • NodeFeatureRule objects provide a way to deploy custom labeling rules via the Kubernetes API.
      • local feature source of nfd-worker creates labels by reading text files.
      • custom feature source of nfd-worker creates labels based on user-specified rules.

      NodeFeature custom resource

      NodeFeature objects provide a way for 3rd party extensions to advertise custom features, both as "raw" features that serve as input to NodeFeatureRule objects and as feature labels directly.

      Note that RBAC rules must be created for each extension for them to be able to create and manipulate NodeFeature objects in their namespace.

      A NodeFeature example

      Consider the following referential example:

       kind: NodeFeature
      @@ -363,4 +363,4 @@
             - pci.device:
                 vendor: "0fff"
                 device: "abcd"

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file +

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/examples-and-demos.html b/master/usage/examples-and-demos.html index 52b186ad9e..75a828b583 100644 --- a/master/usage/examples-and-demos.html +++ b/master/usage/examples-and-demos.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Examples and demos · Node Feature Discovery

      Examples and demos

      Table of contents

      1. Demos
        1. Usage demo
        2. Demo use case

      This page contains usage examples and demos.


      Usage demo


      Demo use case

      A demo on the benefits of using node feature discovery can be found in the source code repository under demo/.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file + Examples and demos · Node Feature Discovery

      Examples and demos

      Table of contents

      1. Demos
        1. Usage demo
        2. Demo use case

      This page contains usage examples and demos.


      Usage demo


      Demo use case

      A demo on the benefits of using node feature discovery can be found in the source code repository under demo/.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/features.html b/master/usage/features.html index 4c1c1df613..116d29bc28 100644 --- a/master/usage/features.html +++ b/master/usage/features.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ - Feature labels · Node Feature Discovery

      Feature labels

      Table of contents

      1. Built-in labels
        1. CPU
        2. Kernel
        3. Memory
        4. Network
        5. PCI
        6. USB
        7. Storage
        8. System
        9. Custom
      2. User defined labels
      3. Extended resources

      Features are advertised as labels in the Kubernetes Node object.

      Built-in labels

      Label creation in nfd-worker is performed by a set of separate modules called label sources. The core.labelSources configuration option (or -label-sources flag) of nfd-worker controls which sources to enable for label generation.

      All built-in labels use the label namespace and have the following format.<feature> = <value>

      NOTE: Consecutive runs of nfd-worker will update the labels on a given node. If features are not discovered on a consecutive run, the corresponding label will be removed. This includes any restrictions placed on the consecutive run, such as restricting discovered features with the -label-whitelist flag of nfd-master or core.labelWhiteList option of nfd-worker.


      Feature name Value Description
      cpu-cpuid.<cpuid-flag> true CPU capability is supported. NOTE: the capability might be supported but not enabled.
      cpu-cpuid.<cpuid-attribute> string CPU attribute value
      cpu-hardware_multithreading true Hardware multithreading, such as Intel HTT, enabled (number of logical CPUs is greater than physical CPUs)
      cpu-coprocessor.nx_gzip true Nest Accelerator for GZIP is supported(Power).
      cpu-power.sst_bf.enabled true Intel SST-BF (Intel Speed Select Technology - Base frequency) enabled
      cpu-pstate.status string The status of the Intel pstate driver when in use and enabled, either ‘active' or ‘passive'.
      cpu-pstate.turbo bool Set to ‘true' if turbo frequencies are enabled in Intel pstate driver, set to ‘false' if they have been disabled.
      cpu-pstate.scaling_governor string The value of the Intel pstate scaling_governor when in use, either ‘powersave' or ‘performance'.
      cpu-cstate.enabled bool Set to ‘true' if cstates are set in the intel_idle driver, otherwise set to ‘false'. Unset if intel_idle cpuidle driver is not active.
      cpu-security.sgx.enabled true Set to ‘true' if Intel SGX is enabled in BIOS (based on a non-zero sum value of SGX EPC section sizes). true Set to ‘true' if IBM Secure Execution for Linux (IBM Z & LinuxONE) is available and enabled (requires /sys/firmware/uv/prot_virt_host facility)
      cpu-security.tdx.enabled true Set to ‘true' if Intel TDX is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/tdx).
      cpu-security.tdx.protected true Set to ‘true' if Intel TDX was used to start the guest node, based on the existence of the "TDX_GUEST" information as part of cpuid features.
      cpu-security.sev.enabled true Set to ‘true' if ADM SEV is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev). true Set to ‘true' if ADM SEV-ES is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev_es).
      cpu-security.sev.snp.enabled true Set to ‘true' if ADM SEV-SNP is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev_snp).
      cpu-model.vendor_id string Comparable CPU vendor ID. int CPU family. int CPU model number.

      The CPU label source is configurable, see worker configuration and sources.cpu configuration options for details.

      X86 CPUID flags (partial list)

      Flag Description
      ADX Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions (ADX)
      AESNI Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) New Instructions (AES-NI)
      APX_F Intel Advanced Performance Extensions (APX)
      AVX10 Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 10 (AVX10)
      AVX10_256, AVX10_512 Intel AVX10 256-bit and 512-bit vector support
      AVX Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
      AVX2 Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (AVX2)
      AVXIFMA AVX-IFMA instructions
      AVXVNNI AVX (VEX encoded) VNNI neural network instructions
      AMXBF16 Advanced Matrix Extension, tile multiplication operations on BFLOAT16 numbers
      AMXINT8 Advanced Matrix Extension, tile multiplication operations on 8-bit integers
      AMXFP16 Advanced Matrix Extension, tile multiplication operations on FP16 numbers
      AMXTILE Advanced Matrix Extension, base tile architecture support
      AVX512BF16 AVX-512 BFLOAT16 instructions
      AVX512BITALG AVX-512 bit Algorithms
      AVX512BW AVX-512 byte and word Instructions
      AVX512CD AVX-512 conflict detection instructions
      AVX512DQ AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions
      AVX512ER AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions
      AVX512F AVX-512 foundation
      AVX512FP16 AVX-512 FP16 instructions
      AVX512IFMA AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions
      AVX512PF AVX-512 prefetch instructions
      AVX512VBMI AVX-512 vector bit manipulation instructions
      AVX512VBMI2 AVX-512 vector bit manipulation instructions, version 2
      AVX512VL AVX-512 vector length extensions
      AVX512VNNI AVX-512 vector neural network instructions
      AVX512VP2INTERSECT AVX-512 intersect for D/Q
      AVX512VPOPCNTDQ AVX-512 vector population count doubleword and quadword
      AVXVNNIINT8 AVX-VNNI-INT8 instructions
      AVXVNNIINT16 AVX-VNNI-INT16 instructions
      CMPCCXADD CMPCCXADD instructions
      ENQCMD Enqueue Command
      GFNI Galois Field New Instructions
      HYPERVISOR Running under hypervisor
      MSRLIST Read/Write List of Model Specific Registers
      PREFETCHI PREFETCHIT0/1 instructions
      VAES AVX-512 vector AES instructions
      VPCLMULQDQ Carry-less multiplication quadword
      WRMSRNS Non-Serializing Write to Model Specific Register

      By default, the following CPUID flags have been blacklisted: AVX10 (use AVX10_VERSION instead), BMI1, BMI2, CLMUL, CMOV, CX16, ERMS, F16C, HTT, LZCNT, MMX, MMXEXT, NX, POPCNT, RDRAND, RDSEED, RDTSCP, SGX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE42, SSSE3 and TDX_GUEST. See sources.cpu configuration options to change the behavior.

      See the full list in

      X86 CPUID attributes

      Attribute Description
      AVX10_VERSION AVX10 vector ISA version (if supported)

      Arm CPUID flags (partial list)

      Flag Description
      IDIVA Integer divide instructions available in ARM mode
      IDIVT Integer divide instructions available in Thumb mode
      THUMB Thumb instructions
      FASTMUL Fast multiplication
      VFP Vector floating point instruction extension (VFP)
      VFPv3 Vector floating point extension v3
      VFPv4 Vector floating point extension v4
      VFPD32 VFP with 32 D-registers
      HALF Half-word loads and stores
      EDSP DSP extensions
      NEON NEON SIMD instructions
      LPAE Large Physical Address Extensions

      Arm64 CPUID flags (partial list)

      Flag Description
      AES Announcing the Advanced Encryption Standard
      EVSTRM Event Stream Frequency Features
      FPHP Half Precision(16bit) Floating Point Data Processing Instructions
      ASIMDHP Half Precision(16bit) Asimd Data Processing Instructions
      ATOMICS Atomic Instructions to the A64
      ASIMRDM Support for Rounding Double Multiply Add/Subtract
      PMULL Optional Cryptographic and CRC32 Instructions
      JSCVT Perform Conversion to Match Javascript
      DCPOP Persistent Memory Support


      Feature Value Description
      kernel-config.<option> true Kernel config option is enabled (set ‘y' or ‘m'). Default options are NO_HZ, NO_HZ_IDLE, NO_HZ_FULL and PREEMPT
      kernel-selinux.enabled true Selinux is enabled on the node
      kernel-version.full string Full kernel version as reported by /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease (e.g. ‘4.5.6-7-g123abcde')
      kernel-version.major string First component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘4')
      kernel-version.minor string Second component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘5')
      kernel-version.revision string Third component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘6')

      The kernel label source is configurable, see worker configuration and sources.kernel configuration options for details.


      Feature Value Description
      memory-numa true Multiple memory nodes i.e. NUMA architecture detected
      memory-nv.present true NVDIMM device(s) are present
      memory-nv.dax true NVDIMM region(s) configured in DAX mode are present
      memory-swap.enabled true Swap is enabled on the node


      Feature Value Description
      network-sriov.capable true Single Root Input/Output Virtualization (SR-IOV) enabled Network Interface Card(s) present
      network-sriov.configured true SR-IOV virtual functions have been configured


      Feature Value Description
      pci-<device label>.present true PCI device is detected
      pci-<device label>.sriov.capable true Single Root Input/Output Virtualization (SR-IOV) enabled PCI device present

      <device label> is format is configurable and set to <class>_<vendor> by default. For more more details about configuration of the pci labels, see sources.pci options and worker configuration instructions.


      Feature Value Description
      usb-<device label>.present true USB device is detected

      <device label> is format is configurable and set to <class>_<vendor>_<device> by default. For more more details about configuration of the usb labels, see sources.usb options and worker configuration instructions.


      Feature Value Description
      storage-nonrotationaldisk true Non-rotational disk, like SSD, is present in the node


      Feature Value Description
      system-os_release.ID string Operating system identifier
      system-os_release.VERSION_ID string Operating system version identifier (e.g. ‘6.7')
      system-os_release.VERSION_ID.major string First component of the OS version id (e.g. ‘6')
      system-os_release.VERSION_ID.minor string Second component of the OS version id (e.g. ‘7')


      The custom label source is designed for creating user defined labels. However, it has a few statically defined built-in labels:

      Feature Value Description
      custom-rdma.capable true The node has an RDMA capable Network adapter
      custom-rdma.enabled true The node has the needed RDMA modules loaded to run RDMA traffic

      User defined labels

      NFD has many extension points for creating vendor and application specific labels. See the customization guide for detailed documentation.

      Extended resources

      NFD is able to create extended resources, see the NodeFeatureRule CRD and its extendedResources field for more details.

      Note that NFD is not a replacement for the usage of device plugins.

      An example use-case for extended resources could be based on custom feature (created e.g. with feature files that exposes the node SGX EPC memory section size. This value will then be turned into an extended resource of the node, allowing PODs to request that resource and the Kubernetes scheduler to schedule such PODs to only those nodes which have a sufficient capacity of said resource left.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file + Feature labels · Node Feature Discovery

      Feature labels

      Table of contents

      1. Built-in labels
        1. CPU
        2. Kernel
        3. Memory
        4. Network
        5. PCI
        6. USB
        7. Storage
        8. System
        9. Custom
      2. User defined labels
      3. Extended resources

      Features are advertised as labels in the Kubernetes Node object.

      Built-in labels

      Label creation in nfd-worker is performed by a set of separate modules called label sources. The core.labelSources configuration option (or -label-sources flag) of nfd-worker controls which sources to enable for label generation.

      All built-in labels use the label namespace and have the following format.<feature> = <value>

      NOTE: Consecutive runs of nfd-worker will update the labels on a given node. If features are not discovered on a consecutive run, the corresponding label will be removed. This includes any restrictions placed on the consecutive run, such as restricting discovered features with the -label-whitelist flag of nfd-master or core.labelWhiteList option of nfd-worker.


      Feature name Value Description
      cpu-cpuid.<cpuid-flag> true CPU capability is supported. NOTE: the capability might be supported but not enabled.
      cpu-cpuid.<cpuid-attribute> string CPU attribute value
      cpu-hardware_multithreading true Hardware multithreading, such as Intel HTT, enabled (number of logical CPUs is greater than physical CPUs)
      cpu-coprocessor.nx_gzip true Nest Accelerator for GZIP is supported(Power).
      cpu-power.sst_bf.enabled true Intel SST-BF (Intel Speed Select Technology - Base frequency) enabled
      cpu-pstate.status string The status of the Intel pstate driver when in use and enabled, either ‘active' or ‘passive'.
      cpu-pstate.turbo bool Set to ‘true' if turbo frequencies are enabled in Intel pstate driver, set to ‘false' if they have been disabled.
      cpu-pstate.scaling_governor string The value of the Intel pstate scaling_governor when in use, either ‘powersave' or ‘performance'.
      cpu-cstate.enabled bool Set to ‘true' if cstates are set in the intel_idle driver, otherwise set to ‘false'. Unset if intel_idle cpuidle driver is not active.
      cpu-security.sgx.enabled true Set to ‘true' if Intel SGX is enabled in BIOS (based on a non-zero sum value of SGX EPC section sizes). true Set to ‘true' if IBM Secure Execution for Linux (IBM Z & LinuxONE) is available and enabled (requires /sys/firmware/uv/prot_virt_host facility)
      cpu-security.tdx.enabled true Set to ‘true' if Intel TDX is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/tdx).
      cpu-security.tdx.protected true Set to ‘true' if Intel TDX was used to start the guest node, based on the existence of the "TDX_GUEST" information as part of cpuid features.
      cpu-security.sev.enabled true Set to ‘true' if ADM SEV is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev). true Set to ‘true' if ADM SEV-ES is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev_es).
      cpu-security.sev.snp.enabled true Set to ‘true' if ADM SEV-SNP is available on the host and has been enabled (requires /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/sev_snp).
      cpu-model.vendor_id string Comparable CPU vendor ID. int CPU family. int CPU model number.

      The CPU label source is configurable, see worker configuration and sources.cpu configuration options for details.

      X86 CPUID flags (partial list)

      Flag Description
      ADX Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions (ADX)
      AESNI Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) New Instructions (AES-NI)
      APX_F Intel Advanced Performance Extensions (APX)
      AVX10 Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 10 (AVX10)
      AVX10_256, AVX10_512 Intel AVX10 256-bit and 512-bit vector support
      AVX Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX)
      AVX2 Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (AVX2)
      AVXIFMA AVX-IFMA instructions
      AVXVNNI AVX (VEX encoded) VNNI neural network instructions
      AMXBF16 Advanced Matrix Extension, tile multiplication operations on BFLOAT16 numbers
      AMXINT8 Advanced Matrix Extension, tile multiplication operations on 8-bit integers
      AMXFP16 Advanced Matrix Extension, tile multiplication operations on FP16 numbers
      AMXTILE Advanced Matrix Extension, base tile architecture support
      AVX512BF16 AVX-512 BFLOAT16 instructions
      AVX512BITALG AVX-512 bit Algorithms
      AVX512BW AVX-512 byte and word Instructions
      AVX512CD AVX-512 conflict detection instructions
      AVX512DQ AVX-512 doubleword and quadword instructions
      AVX512ER AVX-512 exponential and reciprocal instructions
      AVX512F AVX-512 foundation
      AVX512FP16 AVX-512 FP16 instructions
      AVX512IFMA AVX-512 integer fused multiply-add instructions
      AVX512PF AVX-512 prefetch instructions
      AVX512VBMI AVX-512 vector bit manipulation instructions
      AVX512VBMI2 AVX-512 vector bit manipulation instructions, version 2
      AVX512VL AVX-512 vector length extensions
      AVX512VNNI AVX-512 vector neural network instructions
      AVX512VP2INTERSECT AVX-512 intersect for D/Q
      AVX512VPOPCNTDQ AVX-512 vector population count doubleword and quadword
      AVXVNNIINT8 AVX-VNNI-INT8 instructions
      AVXVNNIINT16 AVX-VNNI-INT16 instructions
      CMPCCXADD CMPCCXADD instructions
      ENQCMD Enqueue Command
      GFNI Galois Field New Instructions
      HYPERVISOR Running under hypervisor
      MSRLIST Read/Write List of Model Specific Registers
      PREFETCHI PREFETCHIT0/1 instructions
      VAES AVX-512 vector AES instructions
      VPCLMULQDQ Carry-less multiplication quadword
      WRMSRNS Non-Serializing Write to Model Specific Register

      By default, the following CPUID flags have been blacklisted: AVX10 (use AVX10_VERSION instead), BMI1, BMI2, CLMUL, CMOV, CX16, ERMS, F16C, HTT, LZCNT, MMX, MMXEXT, NX, POPCNT, RDRAND, RDSEED, RDTSCP, SGX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, SSE42, SSSE3 and TDX_GUEST. See sources.cpu configuration options to change the behavior.

      See the full list in

      X86 CPUID attributes

      Attribute Description
      AVX10_VERSION AVX10 vector ISA version (if supported)

      Arm CPUID flags (partial list)

      Flag Description
      IDIVA Integer divide instructions available in ARM mode
      IDIVT Integer divide instructions available in Thumb mode
      THUMB Thumb instructions
      FASTMUL Fast multiplication
      VFP Vector floating point instruction extension (VFP)
      VFPv3 Vector floating point extension v3
      VFPv4 Vector floating point extension v4
      VFPD32 VFP with 32 D-registers
      HALF Half-word loads and stores
      EDSP DSP extensions
      NEON NEON SIMD instructions
      LPAE Large Physical Address Extensions

      Arm64 CPUID flags (partial list)

      Flag Description
      AES Announcing the Advanced Encryption Standard
      EVSTRM Event Stream Frequency Features
      FPHP Half Precision(16bit) Floating Point Data Processing Instructions
      ASIMDHP Half Precision(16bit) Asimd Data Processing Instructions
      ATOMICS Atomic Instructions to the A64
      ASIMRDM Support for Rounding Double Multiply Add/Subtract
      PMULL Optional Cryptographic and CRC32 Instructions
      JSCVT Perform Conversion to Match Javascript
      DCPOP Persistent Memory Support


      Feature Value Description
      kernel-config.<option> true Kernel config option is enabled (set ‘y' or ‘m'). Default options are NO_HZ, NO_HZ_IDLE, NO_HZ_FULL and PREEMPT
      kernel-selinux.enabled true Selinux is enabled on the node
      kernel-version.full string Full kernel version as reported by /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease (e.g. ‘4.5.6-7-g123abcde')
      kernel-version.major string First component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘4')
      kernel-version.minor string Second component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘5')
      kernel-version.revision string Third component of the kernel version (e.g. ‘6')

      The kernel label source is configurable, see worker configuration and sources.kernel configuration options for details.


      Feature Value Description
      memory-numa true Multiple memory nodes i.e. NUMA architecture detected
      memory-nv.present true NVDIMM device(s) are present
      memory-nv.dax true NVDIMM region(s) configured in DAX mode are present
      memory-swap.enabled true Swap is enabled on the node


      Feature Value Description
      network-sriov.capable true Single Root Input/Output Virtualization (SR-IOV) enabled Network Interface Card(s) present
      network-sriov.configured true SR-IOV virtual functions have been configured


      Feature Value Description
      pci-<device label>.present true PCI device is detected
      pci-<device label>.sriov.capable true Single Root Input/Output Virtualization (SR-IOV) enabled PCI device present

      <device label> is format is configurable and set to <class>_<vendor> by default. For more more details about configuration of the pci labels, see sources.pci options and worker configuration instructions.


      Feature Value Description
      usb-<device label>.present true USB device is detected

      <device label> is format is configurable and set to <class>_<vendor>_<device> by default. For more more details about configuration of the usb labels, see sources.usb options and worker configuration instructions.


      Feature Value Description
      storage-nonrotationaldisk true Non-rotational disk, like SSD, is present in the node


      Feature Value Description
      system-os_release.ID string Operating system identifier
      system-os_release.VERSION_ID string Operating system version identifier (e.g. ‘6.7')
      system-os_release.VERSION_ID.major string First component of the OS version id (e.g. ‘6')
      system-os_release.VERSION_ID.minor string Second component of the OS version id (e.g. ‘7')


      The custom label source is designed for creating user defined labels. However, it has a few statically defined built-in labels:

      Feature Value Description
      custom-rdma.capable true The node has an RDMA capable Network adapter
      custom-rdma.enabled true The node has the needed RDMA modules loaded to run RDMA traffic

      User defined labels

      NFD has many extension points for creating vendor and application specific labels. See the customization guide for detailed documentation.

      Extended resources

      NFD is able to create extended resources, see the NodeFeatureRule CRD and its extendedResources field for more details.

      Note that NFD is not a replacement for the usage of device plugins.

      An example use-case for extended resources could be based on custom feature (created e.g. with feature files that exposes the node SGX EPC memory section size. This value will then be turned into an extended resource of the node, allowing PODs to request that resource and the Kubernetes scheduler to schedule such PODs to only those nodes which have a sufficient capacity of said resource left.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/index.html b/master/usage/index.html index 014d3699a6..f744a563ff 100644 --- a/master/usage/index.html +++ b/master/usage/index.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - Usage · Node Feature Discovery


      Usage instructions.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file + Usage · Node Feature Discovery


      Usage instructions.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/kubectl-plugin.html b/master/usage/kubectl-plugin.html index fdf23626fd..b3562df9ac 100644 --- a/master/usage/kubectl-plugin.html +++ b/master/usage/kubectl-plugin.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Kubectl plugin · Node Feature Discovery

      Kubectl plugin

      Table of contents

      1. Overview
        1. Validate
        2. Test
        3. DryRun

      Developer Preview This feature is currently in developer preview and subject to change. It is not recommended to use it in production environments.


      The kubectl plugin kubectl nfd can be used to validate/dryrun and test NodeFeatureRule objects. It can be installed with the following command:

      git clone
      +        Kubectl plugin · Node Feature Discovery                      

      Kubectl plugin

      Table of contents

      1. Overview
        1. Validate
        2. Test
        3. DryRun

      Developer Preview This feature is currently in developer preview and subject to change. It is not recommended to use it in production environments.


      The kubectl plugin kubectl nfd can be used to validate/dryrun and test NodeFeatureRule objects. It can be installed with the following command:

      git clone
       cd node-feature-discovery
       make build-kubectl-nfd
      @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@
       *** Labels ***
       NodeFeatureRule "examples/nodefeaturerule.yaml" is valid for NodeFeature "examples/nodefeature.yaml"

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file +

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/nfd-gc.html b/master/usage/nfd-gc.html index 791688a865..5399b5c97f 100644 --- a/master/usage/nfd-gc.html +++ b/master/usage/nfd-gc.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - NFD-Garbage-Collector · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-GC (NFD Garbage-Collector) is preferably run as a Kubernetes deployment with one replica. It makes sure that all NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects have corresponding nodes and removes stale objects for non-existent nodes.

      The daemon watches for Node deletion events and removes NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects upon them. It also runs periodically to make sure no node delete event was missed and to remove any NodeFeature or NodeResourceTopology objects that were created without corresponding node. The default garbage collector interval is set to 1h which is the value when no -gc-interval is specified.


      In Helm deployments see garbage collector parameters for altering the nfd-gc configuration.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file + NFD-Garbage-Collector · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-GC (NFD Garbage-Collector) is preferably run as a Kubernetes deployment with one replica. It makes sure that all NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects have corresponding nodes and removes stale objects for non-existent nodes.

      The daemon watches for Node deletion events and removes NodeFeature and NodeResourceTopology objects upon them. It also runs periodically to make sure no node delete event was missed and to remove any NodeFeature or NodeResourceTopology objects that were created without corresponding node. The default garbage collector interval is set to 1h which is the value when no -gc-interval is specified.


      In Helm deployments see garbage collector parameters for altering the nfd-gc configuration.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/nfd-master.html b/master/usage/nfd-master.html index 71eac715e1..9827927924 100644 --- a/master/usage/nfd-master.html +++ b/master/usage/nfd-master.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - NFD-Master · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-Master is responsible for connecting to the Kubernetes API server and updating node objects. More specifically, it modifies node labels, taints and extended resources based on requests from nfd-workers and 3rd party extensions.

      NodeFeature controller

      The NodeFeature Controller uses NodeFeature objects as the input for the NodeFeatureRule processing pipeline. In addition, any labels listed in the NodeFeature object are created on the node (note the allowed label namespaces are controlled).

      NodeFeatureRule controller

      NFD-Master acts as the controller for NodeFeatureRule objects. It applies the rules specified in NodeFeatureRule objects on raw feature data and creates node labels accordingly. The feature data used as the input is received from nfd-worker instances through NodeFeature objects.

      Master configuration

      NFD-Master supports configuration through a configuration file. The default location is /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-master.conf, but, this can be changed by specifying the-config command line flag.

      Master configuration file is read inside the container, and thus, Volumes and VolumeMounts are needed to make your configuration available for NFD. The preferred method is to use a ConfigMap which provides easy deployment and re-configurability.

      The provided deployment methods (Helm and Kustomize) create an empty configmap and mount it inside the nfd-master containers.

      In Helm deployments, Master pod parameter master.config can be used to edit the respective configuration.

      In Kustomize deployments, modify the nfd-master-conf ConfigMap with a custom overlay.

      NOTE: dynamic run-time reconfiguration was dropped in NFD v0.17. Re-configuration is handled by pod restarts.

      See nfd-master configuration file reference for more details. The (empty-by-default) example config contains all available configuration options and can be used as a reference for creating a configuration.

      Deployment notes

      NFD-Master runs as a deployment, by default it prefers running on the cluster's master nodes but will run on worker nodes if no master nodes are found.

      For High Availability, you should increase the replica count of the deployment object. You should also look into adding inter-pod affinity to prevent masters from running on the same node. However note that inter-pod affinity is costly and is not recommended in bigger clusters.

      Note: When NFD-Master is intended to run with more than one replica, it is advised to use -enable-leader-election flag. This flag turns on leader election for NFD-Master and let only one replica to act on changes in NodeFeature and NodeFeatureRule objects.

      If you have RBAC authorization enabled (as is the default e.g. with clusters initialized with kubeadm) you need to configure the appropriate ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings and a ServiceAccount for NFD to create node labels. The provided template will configure these for you.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file + NFD-Master · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-Master is responsible for connecting to the Kubernetes API server and updating node objects. More specifically, it modifies node labels, taints and extended resources based on requests from nfd-workers and 3rd party extensions.

      NodeFeature controller

      The NodeFeature Controller uses NodeFeature objects as the input for the NodeFeatureRule processing pipeline. In addition, any labels listed in the NodeFeature object are created on the node (note the allowed label namespaces are controlled).

      NodeFeatureRule controller

      NFD-Master acts as the controller for NodeFeatureRule objects. It applies the rules specified in NodeFeatureRule objects on raw feature data and creates node labels accordingly. The feature data used as the input is received from nfd-worker instances through NodeFeature objects.

      Master configuration

      NFD-Master supports configuration through a configuration file. The default location is /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-master.conf, but, this can be changed by specifying the-config command line flag.

      Master configuration file is read inside the container, and thus, Volumes and VolumeMounts are needed to make your configuration available for NFD. The preferred method is to use a ConfigMap which provides easy deployment and re-configurability.

      The provided deployment methods (Helm and Kustomize) create an empty configmap and mount it inside the nfd-master containers.

      In Helm deployments, Master pod parameter master.config can be used to edit the respective configuration.

      In Kustomize deployments, modify the nfd-master-conf ConfigMap with a custom overlay.

      NOTE: dynamic run-time reconfiguration was dropped in NFD v0.17. Re-configuration is handled by pod restarts.

      See nfd-master configuration file reference for more details. The (empty-by-default) example config contains all available configuration options and can be used as a reference for creating a configuration.

      Deployment notes

      NFD-Master runs as a deployment, by default it prefers running on the cluster's master nodes but will run on worker nodes if no master nodes are found.

      For High Availability, you should increase the replica count of the deployment object. You should also look into adding inter-pod affinity to prevent masters from running on the same node. However note that inter-pod affinity is costly and is not recommended in bigger clusters.

      Note: When NFD-Master is intended to run with more than one replica, it is advised to use -enable-leader-election flag. This flag turns on leader election for NFD-Master and let only one replica to act on changes in NodeFeature and NodeFeatureRule objects.

      If you have RBAC authorization enabled (as is the default e.g. with clusters initialized with kubeadm) you need to configure the appropriate ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings and a ServiceAccount for NFD to create node labels. The provided template will configure these for you.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/nfd-topology-updater.html b/master/usage/nfd-topology-updater.html index 93567cccc7..d6cb8e0920 100644 --- a/master/usage/nfd-topology-updater.html +++ b/master/usage/nfd-topology-updater.html @@ -1 +1 @@ - NFD-Topology-Updater · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-Topology-Updater is preferably run as a Kubernetes DaemonSet. This assures re-examination on regular intervals and/or per pod life-cycle events, capturing changes in the allocated resources and hence the allocatable resources on a per-zone basis by updating NodeResourceTopology custom resources. It makes sure that new NodeResourceTopology instances are created for each new nodes that get added to the cluster.

      Because of the design and implementation of Kubernetes, only resources exclusively allocated to Guaranteed Quality of Service pods will be accounted. This includes CPU cores, memory and devices.

      When run as a daemonset, nodes are re-examined for the allocated resources (to determine the information of the allocatable resources on a per-zone basis where a zone can be a NUMA node) at an interval specified using the -sleep-interval option. The default sleep interval is set to 60s which is the value when no -sleep-interval is specified. The re-examination can be disabled by setting the sleep-interval to 0.

      Another option is to configure the updater to update the allocated resources per pod life-cycle events. The updater will monitor the checkpoint file stated in -kubelet-state-dir and triggers an update for every change occurs in the files.

      In addition, it can avoid examining specific allocated resources given a configuration of resources to exclude via -excludeList

      Deployment Notes

      Kubelet PodResource API with the GetAllocatableResources functionality enabled is a prerequisite for nfd-topology-updater to be able to run (i.e. Kubernetes v1.21 or later is required).

      Preceding Kubernetes v1.23, the kubelet must be started with --feature-gates=KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable=true.

      Starting from Kubernetes v1.23, the KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable feature gate. is enabled by default

      Topology-Updater Configuration

      NFD-Topology-Updater supports configuration through a configuration file. The default location is /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/topology-updater.conf, but, this can be changed by specifying the-config command line flag.

      Topology-Updater configuration file is read inside the container, and thus, Volumes and VolumeMounts are needed to make your configuration available for NFD. The preferred method is to use a ConfigMap which provides easy deployment and re-configurability.

      The provided deployment templates create an empty configmap and mount it inside the nfd-topology-updater containers.

      In Helm deployments, Topology Updater parameters toplogyUpdater.config can be used to edit the respective configuration.

      In Kustomize deployments, modify the nfd-worker-conf ConfigMap with a custom overlay.

      See nfd-topology-updater configuration file reference for more details. The (empty-by-default) example config contains all available configuration options and can be used as a reference for creating a configuration.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file + NFD-Topology-Updater · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-Topology-Updater is preferably run as a Kubernetes DaemonSet. This assures re-examination on regular intervals and/or per pod life-cycle events, capturing changes in the allocated resources and hence the allocatable resources on a per-zone basis by updating NodeResourceTopology custom resources. It makes sure that new NodeResourceTopology instances are created for each new nodes that get added to the cluster.

      Because of the design and implementation of Kubernetes, only resources exclusively allocated to Guaranteed Quality of Service pods will be accounted. This includes CPU cores, memory and devices.

      When run as a daemonset, nodes are re-examined for the allocated resources (to determine the information of the allocatable resources on a per-zone basis where a zone can be a NUMA node) at an interval specified using the -sleep-interval option. The default sleep interval is set to 60s which is the value when no -sleep-interval is specified. The re-examination can be disabled by setting the sleep-interval to 0.

      Another option is to configure the updater to update the allocated resources per pod life-cycle events. The updater will monitor the checkpoint file stated in -kubelet-state-dir and triggers an update for every change occurs in the files.

      In addition, it can avoid examining specific allocated resources given a configuration of resources to exclude via -excludeList

      Deployment Notes

      Kubelet PodResource API with the GetAllocatableResources functionality enabled is a prerequisite for nfd-topology-updater to be able to run (i.e. Kubernetes v1.21 or later is required).

      Preceding Kubernetes v1.23, the kubelet must be started with --feature-gates=KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable=true.

      Starting from Kubernetes v1.23, the KubeletPodResourcesGetAllocatable feature gate. is enabled by default

      Topology-Updater Configuration

      NFD-Topology-Updater supports configuration through a configuration file. The default location is /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/topology-updater.conf, but, this can be changed by specifying the-config command line flag.

      Topology-Updater configuration file is read inside the container, and thus, Volumes and VolumeMounts are needed to make your configuration available for NFD. The preferred method is to use a ConfigMap which provides easy deployment and re-configurability.

      The provided deployment templates create an empty configmap and mount it inside the nfd-topology-updater containers.

      In Helm deployments, Topology Updater parameters toplogyUpdater.config can be used to edit the respective configuration.

      In Kustomize deployments, modify the nfd-worker-conf ConfigMap with a custom overlay.

      See nfd-topology-updater configuration file reference for more details. The (empty-by-default) example config contains all available configuration options and can be used as a reference for creating a configuration.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/nfd-worker.html b/master/usage/nfd-worker.html index 36fe1a5603..64a8b1496f 100644 --- a/master/usage/nfd-worker.html +++ b/master/usage/nfd-worker.html @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ - NFD-Worker · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-Worker is preferably run as a Kubernetes DaemonSet. This assures re-labeling on regular intervals capturing changes in the system configuration and makes sure that new nodes are labeled as they are added to the cluster. Worker connects to the nfd-master service to advertise hardware features.

      When run as a daemonset, nodes are re-labeled at an default interval of 60s. This can be changed by using the core.sleepInterval config option.

      Worker configuration

      NFD-Worker supports configuration through a configuration file. The default location is /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-worker.conf, but, this can be changed by specifying the-config command line flag. Configuration file is re-read whenever it is modified which makes run-time re-configuration of nfd-worker straightforward.

      Worker configuration file is read inside the container, and thus, Volumes and VolumeMounts are needed to make your configuration available for NFD. The preferred method is to use a ConfigMap which provides easy deployment and re-configurability.

      The provided deployment methods (Helm and Kustomize) create an empty configmap and mount it inside the nfd-master containers.

      In Helm deployments, Worker pod parameter worker.config can be used to edit the respective configuration.

      In Kustomize deployments, modify the nfd-worker-conf ConfigMap with a custom overlay.

      NOTE: dynamic run-time reconfiguration was dropped in NFD v0.17. Re-configuration is handled by pod restarts.

      See nfd-worker configuration file reference for more details. The (empty-by-default) example config contains all available configuration options and can be used as a reference for creating a configuration.

      Configuration options can also be specified via the -options command line flag, in which case no mounts need to be used. The same format as in the config file must be used, i.e. JSON (or YAML). For example:

      -options='{"sources": { "pci": { "deviceClassWhitelist": ["12"] } } }'

      Configuration options specified from the command line will override those read from the config file.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file + NFD-Worker · Node Feature Discovery


      NFD-Worker is preferably run as a Kubernetes DaemonSet. This assures re-labeling on regular intervals capturing changes in the system configuration and makes sure that new nodes are labeled as they are added to the cluster. Worker connects to the nfd-master service to advertise hardware features.

      When run as a daemonset, nodes are re-labeled at an default interval of 60s. This can be changed by using the core.sleepInterval config option.

      Worker configuration

      NFD-Worker supports configuration through a configuration file. The default location is /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-worker.conf, but, this can be changed by specifying the-config command line flag. Configuration file is re-read whenever it is modified which makes run-time re-configuration of nfd-worker straightforward.

      Worker configuration file is read inside the container, and thus, Volumes and VolumeMounts are needed to make your configuration available for NFD. The preferred method is to use a ConfigMap which provides easy deployment and re-configurability.

      The provided deployment methods (Helm and Kustomize) create an empty configmap and mount it inside the nfd-master containers.

      In Helm deployments, Worker pod parameter worker.config can be used to edit the respective configuration.

      In Kustomize deployments, modify the nfd-worker-conf ConfigMap with a custom overlay.

      NOTE: dynamic run-time reconfiguration was dropped in NFD v0.17. Re-configuration is handled by pod restarts.

      See nfd-worker configuration file reference for more details. The (empty-by-default) example config contains all available configuration options and can be used as a reference for creating a configuration.

      Configuration options can also be specified via the -options command line flag, in which case no mounts need to be used. The same format as in the config file must be used, i.e. JSON (or YAML). For example:

      -options='{"sources": { "pci": { "deviceClassWhitelist": ["12"] } } }'

      Configuration options specified from the command line will override those read from the config file.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/master/usage/using-labels.html b/master/usage/using-labels.html index 5d72dd2ca0..cf826ff58b 100644 --- a/master/usage/using-labels.html +++ b/master/usage/using-labels.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - Using node labels · Node Feature Discovery

      Using node labels

      Nodes with specific features can be targeted using the nodeSelector field. The following example shows how to target nodes with Intel TurboBoost enabled.

      apiVersion: v1
      +        Using node labels · Node Feature Discovery                      

      Using node labels

      Nodes with specific features can be targeted using the nodeSelector field. The following example shows how to target nodes with Intel TurboBoost enabled.

      apiVersion: v1
       kind: Pod
      @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
             name: go1

      For more details on targeting nodes, see node selection.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
      \ No newline at end of file +

      For more details on targeting nodes, see node selection.

      Node Feature Discovery

      This Software is under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
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