diff --git a/committee-steering/governance/README.md b/committee-steering/governance/README.md
index c08fe079cd8..bdf7f8d28c6 100644
--- a/committee-steering/governance/README.md
+++ b/committee-steering/governance/README.md
@@ -1,23 +1,32 @@
-# SIG Governance Template
+# SIG Charter Guide
-## Goals
+All Kubernetes SIGs must define a charter defining the scope and governance of the SIG.
-The following documents outline recommendations and requirements for SIG governance structure and provide
-template documents for SIGs to adapt. The goals are to define the baseline needs for SIGs to self govern
-and organize in a way that addresses the needs of the core Kubernetes project.
+- The scope must define what areas the SIG is responsible for directing and maintaining.
+- The governance must outline the responsibilities within the SIG as well as the roles
+ owning those responsibilities.
-The documents are focused on:
+## Steps to create a SIG charter
-- Outlining organizational responsibilities
-- Outlining organizational roles
-- Outlining processes and tools
+1. Copy the template into a new file under community/sig-*YOURSIG*/charter.md ([sig-architecture example])
+2. Read the [Recommendations and requirements] so you have context for the template
+3. Customize your copy of the template for your SIG. Feel free to make adjustments as needed.
+4. Update [sigs.yaml] with the individuals holding the roles as defined in the template.
+5. Add subprojects owned by your SIG to the [sigs.yaml]
+5. Create a pull request with a draft of your charter.md and sigs.yaml changes. Communicate it within your SIG
+ and get feedback as needed.
+6. Send the SIG Charter out for review to steering@kubernetes.io. Include the subject "SIG Charter Proposal: YOURSIG"
+ and a link to the PR in the body.
+7. Typically expect feedback within a week of sending your draft. Expect longer time if it falls over an
+ event such as Kubecon or holidays. Make any necessary changes.
+8. Once accepted, the steering committee will ratify the PR by merging it.
-Specific attention has been given to:
+## Steps to update an existing SIG charter
-- The role of technical leadership
-- The role of operational leadership
-- Process for agreeing upon technical decisions
-- Process for ensuring technical assets remain healthy
+- For significant changes, or any changes that could impact other SIGs, such as the scope, create a
+ PR and send it to the steering committee for review with the subject: "SIG Charter Update: YOURSIG"
+- For minor updates to that only impact issues or areas within the scope of the SIG the SIG Chairs should
+ facilitate the change.
## How to use the templates
@@ -35,6 +44,26 @@ and project.
- [Short Template]
+## Goals
+The following documents outline recommendations and requirements for SIG charters and provide
+template documents for SIGs to adapt. The goals are to define the baseline needs for SIGs to
+self govern and exercise ownership over an area of the Kubernetes project.
+The documents are focused on:
+- Defining SIG scope
+- Outlining organizational responsibilities
+- Outlining organizational roles
+- Outlining processes and tools
+Specific attention has been given to:
+- The role of technical leadership
+- The role of operational leadership
+- Process for agreeing upon technical decisions
+- Process for ensuring technical assets remain healthy
## FAQ
See [frequently asked questions]
@@ -42,3 +71,5 @@ See [frequently asked questions]
[Recommendations and requirements]: sig-governance-requirements.md
[Short Template]: sig-governance-template-short.md
[frequently asked questions]: FAQ.md
+[sigs.yaml]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/sigs.yaml
+[sig-architecture example]: ../../sig-architecture/charter.md)
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diff --git a/committee-steering/governance/sig-governance-template-short.md b/committee-steering/governance/sig-governance-template-short.md
index 98aed04df0a..ff477fb4827 100644
--- a/committee-steering/governance/sig-governance-template-short.md
+++ b/committee-steering/governance/sig-governance-template-short.md
@@ -1,8 +1,23 @@
-# SIG Governance Template (Short Version)
+# SIG YOURSIG Charter
+This charter adheres to the conventions described in the [Kubernetes Charter README].
+## Scope
+This section defines the scope of things that would fall under ownership by this SIG.
+It must be used when determining whether subprojects should fall into this SIG.
+### In scope
+Outline of what falls into the scope of this SIG
+### Out of scope
+Outline of things that could be confused as falling into this SIG but don't
## Roles
-Membership for roles tracked in:
+Membership for roles tracked in: [sigs.yaml]
- Chair
- Run operations and processes governing the SIG
@@ -39,7 +54,7 @@ Membership for roles tracked in:
- *MAY* select additional subproject owners through a [super-majority] vote amongst subproject owners. This
*SHOULD* be supported by a majority of subproject contributors (through [lazy-consensus] with fallback on voting).
- Number: 3-5
- - Defined in [sigs.yaml] [OWNERS] files
+ - Defined in [OWNERS] files that are specified in [sigs.yaml]
- Members
- *MUST* maintain health of at least one subproject or the health of the SIG
@@ -120,3 +135,4 @@ Issues impacting multiple subprojects in the SIG should be resolved by either:
[KEP]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/keps/0000-kep-template.md
[sigs.yaml]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/sigs.yaml#L1454
[OWNERS]: contributors/devel/owners.md
+[Kubernetes Charter README]: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/committee-steering/governance/README.md