"# lumio"
name: 'Nick Wurfle',
amount: 20000,
startDate: '2018-06-10T00:00:00.000Z',
interestRate: 1.5,
interestFrequency: 'Monthly/Annual'
paymentDay: 1,
leasePeriod: 5,
hasPenalty: true,
penaltyRate: 200
loanId: 'Loan Document ID',
amount: 4250,
interest: 250,
principal: 4000,
paymentDate: '2018-06-10T00:00:00.000Z',
- Pick the loan and past payments.
- Arrange payments in ascending date order.
- Calculate interest for 'start stub' (if present)
- Calculate interest for each month till last month.
- Calculate interest for 'end stub'. (Accrued Interest)
- Cancel/Cross-out interest flow with interest paid back.
- Identify outstanding Interest till last monthend.