- 2191cbf - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 5m Fix condition errors
- 544b0ea - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 10m Fix the tag not found error
- b3e600f - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 5m Bump version 1.5.0 and update README
- 310024d - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 15m Add option parse for Katip
- e1d8eae - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 5m Fix test result files
- 72db774 - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) Add new sample repo submodule
- b397a22 - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) Remove sample repo submodule
- d4788d6 - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 15m Implement change logging with ending tag
- b2e8163 - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 5m Implement the basic tag range logging
- 94e3c7d - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 5m Add tag range test
- fe8caf7 - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 15m Add basic tests
- 75e9d4c - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 5m Add RSpec for testing
- 33ecf6b - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-46 #time 5m Add sample repo as submodule
- 8d3a0b1 - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) LAB-31 #time 1 Add named logo
- 9c7e65c - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) LAB-31 #time 1m Fix year information in README.md and license
- 195e061 - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) LAB-31 #time 2m Update README.md
- 1629eb6 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Release 1.4.1
- f8b07a7 - (Onur Özgür ÖZKAN) Merge pull request #27 from marjinal1st/feature/WithoutRails
TB-11 #time 15m Use Katip without Rails
- 471e25e - (Ahmet Sezgin Duran) TB-11 #time 15m Use Katip without Rails
- 387b0b5 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Release 1.4.0
- 21ef703 - (H. Türkü Kaya) #25 Fix gem name for security.md
- cd942dc - (H. Türkü Kaya) #25 Security.md added
- dc2f6c1 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #24 Change LICENSE.txt file name to MIT-LICENSE.txt
- 056467b - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #24 Add MIT License: LICENSE.txt
- 0b85ff9 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Merge pull request #23 from rderoldan1/develop
change_logger.rb:80:in `index': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
- 0cbb45e - (Ruben Espinosa) Error in encodign some characters in utf-8
- 78178f7 - (Ruben Espinosa) Merge pull request #1 from kebab-project/develop
Project update
- 5d90550 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Release 1.3.0
- 632117c - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #20 Resolve unexpected autorun behaviour caused by initialize
- 05b92d4 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Release 1.2.1
- 6391f34 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #21 Add multiline commit support
Multiline commit note support added as referenced in common standards, and writing good commit notes. Previous commit was not working as expected
- b509621 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Release 1.2.0
- c9b0d1d - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Multiline commit note support added as referenced in common standards, and writing good commit notes
- 72053a5 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #19 Check if commit includes issue number before replacing with links
- 002a534 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #17 Apply encoding before setting issue links
- d1cdb61 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #17 Revert breaking code
- 0291a3f - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #17 improve gsub usage, fix double quotes
- 3b25646 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Merge pull request #18 from rderoldan1/develop
#17 Fix encoding bug
- 081a185 - (Ruben Espinosa) Update katip binary
encoding bug fixed
- 2a9b75b - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Release 1.1.0
- 7b5c1e2 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #1 Add links to issues in comments
- 3780df9 - (Onur Özgür ÖZKAN) typo fixed.
- 2dbf361 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #14 fix video links image
- 0a11741 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #14 add video link and translation
- 0d128bd - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #16 Add git repository check
katip was generating multiple lines of error, while running under a directory which is not a git initiliazed directory. Control added to check if directory is initialized as a git repostiory
- 8b22c6f - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Add latest change log
- 5fc6991 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #14 Update readme, add sample output
- 3f7788c - (Onur Ozgur OZKAN) #14 update README.md
In hotfix vserion number is forgotten to set. Version number is now set to 1.0.2
- 35f0b39 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #15 Fixes broken commit URL In previous version commit URL was broken unexpectedly.Current commit fixes broken URL and replaces it with the correct one
- cbec9c0 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) release version 1.0.0
- 6b8cfe7 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #13 Add custom file name support to rake
- 7b5be3d - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #10 add output file name as optional parameter
- 695646c - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #12 Add and correct information on gemspec
- f30a3b2 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #9 Update rake job to use installed executable
- a7200f0 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #11 Fix bug Current commits is not seen on log file
- 6385fff - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #8 Change executable file name to katip
- 61b2f06 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) Version 0.2.0
- 9bd7659 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #7 Fix documentation
- 2abca18 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #7 Organize readme, add usage for daktilo
- b939475 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #7 Add output message to inform user
- 99d3b3f - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #7 Add executable ruby file to gem to generate default output CHANGELOG.md
- 7265622 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #4 Add simple usage documentation on readme
- de3acfb - (Onur Ozgur OZKAN) #6 Update gemspec
- 498c3d6 - (Onur Ozgur OZKAN) #6 Set gem
- 416e6c8 - (Onur Ozgur OZKAN) #6 Set gem
- c820767 - (Murat Kemal BAYGÜN) #4 Add CHANGELOG.md file
CHANGELOG.md file is generated by the logger daktilo and added as current output
Logger file is rewritten by adding a default output file setting CHANGELOG.md. Who runs the logger file may override output file by adding a parameter after the command