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Mobility Data Specification: Agency

This specification contains a collection of RESTful APIs used to specify the digital relationship between mobility as a service Providers and the Agencies that regulate them.

Table of Contents

General information

This specification uses data types including timestamps, UUIDs, and vehicle state definitions as described in the MDS General Information document.



agency APIs must handle requests for specific versions of the specification from clients.

Versioning must be implemented as specified in the Versioning section.


Responses and Error Messages

See the Responses and Error Messages sections.



When making requests, the Agency API expects provider_id to be part of the claims in a JWT access_token in the Authorization header, in the form Authorization: Bearer <access_token>. The token issuance, expiration and revocation policies are at the discretion of the Agency.



The /vehicles endpoint returns the specified vehicle (if a device_id is provided) or a list of known vehicles. Providers can only retrieve data for vehicles in their registered fleet.

Endpoint: /vehicles/{device_id} Method: GET

Path Params:

Param Type Required/Optional Description
device_id UUID Optional If provided, retrieve the specified vehicle

200 Success Response:

If device_id is specified, GET will return an array with a single vehicle record, otherwise it will be a list of vehicle records with pagination details per the JSON API spec:

    "vehicles": [ ... ]
    "links": {
        "first": "https://...",
        "last": "https://...",
        "prev": "https://...",
        "next": "https://..."

A vehicle record is as follows:

Field Type Field Description
accessibility_options Enum[] Accessibility options available for this vehicle, see Accessibility Options
device_id UUID Provided by Operator to uniquely identify a vehicle
provider_id UUID Issued by Agency and tracked
vehicle_id String License Plate (if present) or VIN visible on a vehicle
vehicle_type Enum Vehicle Type
propulsion_types Enum[] Array of Propulsion Type; allows multiple values
year Integer Year Manufactured
mfgr String Vehicle Manufacturer
modality Enum Modality the vehicle is operating under, see Modalities
model String Vehicle Model
state Enum Current vehicle state. See Vehicle State
prev_events Enum[] Last [Vehicle Event][vehicle-event]
updated timestamp Date of last event update

404 Failure Response:

No content returned on vehicle not found.


Vehicle - Register

The /vehicles registration endpoint is used to register a vehicle for use in the Agency jurisdiction.

Endpoint: /vehicles Method: POST

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
accessibility_options Enum[] Optional Accessibility options available for this vehicle, see Accessibility Options
device_id UUID Required Provided by Operator to uniquely identify a vehicle
vehicle_id String Required License Plate (if present) or VIN visible on a vehicle
vehicle_type Enum Required Vehicle Type
propulsion_types Enum[] Required Array of Propulsion Type; allows multiple values
provider_id UUID Optional Provider to which the vehicle belongs if different from the authenticated provider
modality Enum Required Modality the vehicle is operating under, see Modalities
year Integer Optional Year Manufactured
mfgr String Optional Vehicle Manufacturer
model String Optional Vehicle Model

201 Success Response:

No content returned on success.

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters

409 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
already_registered A vehicle with device_id is already registered


Vehicle - Update

The /vehicles update endpoint is used to update some mutable aspect of a vehicle. For now, only vehicle_id.

Endpoint: /vehicles/{device_id} Method: PUT

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
vehicle_id String Required License Plate (if present) or VIN visible on a vehicle

200 Success Response:

No content returned on success.

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters

404 Failure Response:

No content returned if no vehicle matching device_id is found.


Vehicle - Event

The vehicle /event endpoint allows the Provider to control the state of the vehicle.

Endpoint: /vehicles/{device_id}/event Method: POST

Path Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
device_id UUID Required ID used in Register

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
vehicle_state Enum Required see Vehicle States
event_types Enum[] Required see Micromobility Vehicle Events and Taxi Vehicle Events
timestamp timestamp Required Date of last event update
telemetry Telemetry Required Single point of telemetry
trip_id UUID Conditionally required UUID provided by Operator to uniquely identify the trip. See trip_id requirements

201 Success Response:

Field Type Field Description
device_id UUID UUID provided by Operator to uniquely identify a vehicle

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing Array of missing parameters
unregistered Vehicle is not registered

Trip_id Requirements


Required if event_types contains trip_start, trip_end, trip_cancel, trip_enter_jurisdiction, or trip_leave_jurisdiction.


Required if event_types contains reservation_start, reservation_stop, trip_start, trip_stop, trip_end, passenger_cancellation, driver_cancellation. Additionally, trip_id is also required if event_types contains a enter_jurisdiction or leave_jurisdiction event which pertains to a passenger trip.


Vehicle - Telemetry

The vehicle /telemetry endpoint allows a Provider to send vehicle telemetry data in a batch for any number of vehicles in the fleet.

Endpoint: /vehicles/telemetry Method: POST

Body Params:

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
data Telemetry[] Required Array of telemetry for one or more vehicles.

200 Success Response:

Field Type Field Description
success Integer Number of successfully written telemetry data points.
total Integer Ttotal number of provided points.
failures Telemetry[] Array of failed telemetry for zero or more vehicles (empty if all successful).

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
invalid_data None of the provided data was valid.
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters


Telemetry Data

A standard point of vehicle telemetry. References to latitude and longitude imply coordinates encoded in the WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) standard GPS or GNSS projection expressed as Decimal Degrees.

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
device_id UUID Required ID used in Register
timestamp timestamp Required Date/time that event occurred. Based on GPS or GNSS clock
gps Object Required Telemetry position data Double Required Latitude of the location
gps.lng Double Required Longitude of the location
gps.altitude Double Required if Available Altitude above mean sea level in meters
gps.heading Double Required if Available Degrees - clockwise starting at 0 degrees at true North
gps.speed Float Required if Available Speed in meters / sec
gps.accuracy Float Required if Available Accuracy in meters
gps.hdop Float Required if Available Horizontal GPS or GNSS accuracy value (see hdop)
gps.satellites Integer Required if Available Number of GPS or GNSS satellites
charge Float Required if Applicable Percent battery charge of vehicle, expressed between 0 and 1
stop_id UUID Required if Applicable Stop that the vehicle is currently located at. Only applicable for docked Micromobility. See Stops



The /stops endpoint allows an agency to register city-managed Stops, or a provider to register self-managed Stops.

Endpoint: /stops
Method: POST
Beta feature: Yes (as of 1.0.0)
Request Body: An array of Stops

201 Success Response:

No content returned on success.

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters

409 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
already_registered A stop with stop_id is already registered

Endpoint: /stops
Method: PUT
Beta feature: Yes (as of 1.0.0)
Request Body: An array of subsets of Stop information, where the permitted subset fields are defined as:

Field Required/Optional Description
stop_id Required See Stops
status Optional See Stops
num_spots_disabled Optional See Stops

200 Success Response:

No content returned on success.

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters

404 Failure Response:

No content returned if no vehicle matching stop_id is found.

Endpoint: /stops/:stop_id
Method: GET
Beta feature: Yes (as of 1.0.0)
Payload: { "stops": [] }, an array of Stops

Path Params:

Param Type Required/Optional Description
stop_id UUID Optional If provided, retrieve the specified stop

200 Success Response:

If stop_id is specified, GET will return an array with a single stop record, otherwise it will be a list of all stop records.

Reservation Type

The reservation type enum expresses the urgency of a given reservation. This can be useful when attempting to quantify metrics around trips: for example, computing passenger wait-time. In the on_demand case, passenger wait-time may be quantified by the delta between the reservation_time, and the pick-up time; however, in the scheduled case, the wait time may be quantified based on the delta between the scheduled_trip_start_time found in the Trips payload, and the actual trip_start_time.

reservation_type Description
on_demand The passenger requested the vehicle as soon as possible
scheduled The passenger requested the vehicle for a scheduled time in the future

Reservation Method

The reservation method enum describes the different ways in which a passenger can create their reservation.

reservation_method Description
app Reservation was made through an application (mobile/web)
street_hail Reservation was made by the passenger hailing the vehicle
phone_dispatch Reservation was made by calling the dispatch operator


The Fare object describes a fare for a Trip.

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
quoted_cost Float Required Cost quoted to the customer at the time of booking
actual_cost Float Required Actual cost after a trip was completed
components { [string]: float } Optional Breakdown of the different fees that composed a fare, e.g. tolls
currency string Required ISO 4217 currency code
payment_methods string[] Optional Breakdown of different payment methods used for a trip, e.g. cash, card, equity_program


The Trips endpoint serves multiple purposes:

  • Definitively indicating that a Trip (a sequence of events linked by a trip_id) has been completed. For example, from analyzing only the raw Vehicle Events feed, if a trip crosses an Agency's jurisdictional boundaries but does not end within the jurisdiction (last event_type seen is a leave_jurisdiction), this can result in a 'dangling trip'. The Trips endpoint satisfies this concern, by acting as a final indication that a trip has been finished, even if it ends outside of jurisdictional boundaries; if a trip has intersected an Agency's jurisdictional boundaries at all during a trip, it is expected that a Provider will send a Trip payload to the Agency following the trip's completion.
  • Providing information to an Agency regarding an entire trip, without extending any of the Vehicle Event payloads, or changing any requirements on when Vehicle Events should be sent.
Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
trip_id UUID Required UUID for the trip this payload pertains to
provider_id UUID Required Provider which managed this trip
reservation_method Enum Required Way the customer created their reservation, see reservation-method
reservation_time Timestamp Required Time the customer requested a reservation
reservation_type Enum Required Type of reservation, see reservation-type
quoted_trip_start_time Timestamp Required Time the trip was estimated or scheduled to start, that was provided to the passenger
requested_trip_start_location { lat: number, lng: number } Conditionally Required Location where the customer requested the trip to start (required if this is within jurisdictional boundaries)
dispatch_time Timestamp Conditionally Required Time the vehicle was dispatched to the customer (required if trip was dispatched)
trip_start_time Timestamp Conditionally Required Time the trip started (required if trip started)
trip_end_time Timestamp Conditionally Required Time the trip ended (required if trip was completed)
distance Float Conditionally Required Total distance of the trip in meters (required if trip was completed)
cancellation_reason string Conditionally Required The reason why a driver cancelled a reservation. (required if a driver cancelled a trip, and a driver_cancellation event_type was part of the trip)
fare Fare Conditionally Required Fare for the trip (required if trip was completed)
accessibility_options Enum[] Optional The union of any accessibility options requested, and used. E.g. if the passenger requests a vehicle with wheelchair_accessible, but doesn’t utilize the features during the trip, the trip payload will include accessibility_options: ['wheelchair_accessible']. See accessibility-options

Endpoint: /trips
Method: POST
Beta feature: Yes (as of 1.0.0)
Request Body: A Trip

201 Success Response: Payload which was POST'd

400 Failure Response:

error error_description error_details[]
bad_param A validation error occurred. Array of parameters with errors
missing_param A required parameter is missing. Array of missing parameters
