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takes in a grammar G' and is parsed according to G, the results are outputted

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there is G, our input will be G' (I added lambda to the terminal Σ).

1.	Consider the following grammar, G = (N, S, P, S), where 
N = {S, L, D, X, P, R },  Σ = { n, t, nt, a, sc, |,  =>, rnum,  $, s, lambda } and 
P = {	1: S => L;
 		2: L => L D  sc;
 		3: L => D  sc;
 		4: D => n ;
 		5: D => X ;
 		6: X => t a ;
 		7: X => nt a;
 		8: X => X a ;
 		9: D => s ;
 		10: D => P ;
 		11: P => P | R;
  		12: P => rnum a  => R;
 		13: R => R a;
  		14: R => lambda;

This grammar generates a language, L(G), that is a specification language for Context-free grammars!  That is, if x ∈ L(G), then x is a specification for a Context-free grammar (any and all CFGs).  An example of such an “x” is given below.  

To understand the semantics of the grammar, G, we introduce the following conventions:
(a) “sc” denotes a semi-colon “;”.
(b) All specifications must end with a “$”.
(c) The nonterminal D derives each statement in a specification, a statement can be any one of the following:  “n” (a grammar name declaration), “nt” (a declaration of the nonterminal alphabet), “t” (a declaration of the terminal alphabet), “s” (a declaration of the start symbol), “P” ( a production or re-writing rule), “rnum” ( a rule number, e.g. “12: “ ).
(d) The letter “a” denotes any symbol of the vocabulary.
(e) The vertical bar “|” is used as a delimiter to separate all possible rightparts for a given leftpart of a rule.

# SAMPLE INPUT (input.g)
# Comments begin with pound sign 
# Grammar must have name, non-terminal, terminal alphabet, start symbol
# and a least one rule where the leftpart is the start symbol.
# Every line, except with comments and the $ must end with a semicolon
# Note: bos and eof are reserved symbols 
!name:  Sample;
!start: S; 
!non-terminals: S X Y Z;
!terminals: a b;
# rules are in one of the three following forms
# there is only one rule per line
1: S => X|Y|Z;
2: X => b;
3: X => a;
4: Z =>; # lambda rule
# The dollar sign signals the end of the grammar

ALGORITHM (Bottom-up Parsing for WP Grammars)
G = (N, S, P, S) a Weak-precedence grammar.  Let T be the table of precedence relations for [VG ∪{$}] × [Σ ∪{$}], where T[X,Y] ⊆   ; T[X,Y] = φ if and only if the symbols X,Y are not related by any WW relation. Let P be the table of productions ordered in descending order by length of right-part;  P[i].right-part will denote the right-part of production #(i), while P[i].left-part will denote the left-part.  Let Stk denote the parse stack initialized to the special marker ($); Stk[Top] will denote the top symbol of Stk;  Stk should be thought of as a string with the rightmost symbol corresponding to Stk[Top].  Finally, let Action be a table of function pointers.  The function identified by Action[k] is designed to perform some semantic processing action associated with rule k of the grammar, G; e.g., generate object code or enter a declaration in a Symbol table, etc. 


//  C will be set to "$" on an end-of-file.
(1)  Set C = Next_Source_Token.

(2)  If C = $ and Stk = "$S" Then Accept and Halt.

(3)  Set X = Stk[Top].

(4)  Case T[X,C]
		When  φ	==> Report Syntax Error and Halt.
		// Shift input
		When  	==> Push(C, Stk); Goto (1)
		When   	==>  for k in 1..#P
			if  (for some θ) Stk = θP[k].rightpart  then
			 	// Reduce Stack
				Set Stk = θP[k].leftpart;
				Goto (3)
		Report Syntax Error and Halt.
			// Note:  this is the mathematical specification for finding the 
			// the first rule in the Production table (P) such that the rightpart
			//  matches the top of the stack (remember how P is organized).
			//  When such a rule is found, pop the rightpart from the stack and
			//  push the leftpart on the stack.  If no rule in P matches the stack,
			//   halt and report a “Syntax Error”.
	}//end case


takes in a grammar G' and is parsed according to G, the results are outputted






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