This is a project to document configuration and usage of shell as an IDE. The current set of tools that I use is fish + vim + tmux (neovim if it is installed).
- First in stall fish + fisherman.
- Second vim is installed by default on most dev machines but neovim is works great and is very fast.
- Checkout side: git clone
- Link fish config and vimrc
- Run Post install
brew install fish neovim
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
brew install vim
brew install tmux
brew install fzf
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish -u $USER
git clone
mkdir $HOME/.side
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/fish
rm -f $HOME/.config/fish/
ln -s $HOME/side/ $HOME/.config/fish/
ln -s $HOME/side/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc
mkdir -p $HOME/.config
ln -s $HOME/side/nvim $HOME/.config/
mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/backup_files
mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/swap_files
mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/undo_files
ln -s $HOME/side/tmux.conf $HOME/.tmux.config
# Optional install pyenv
git clone ~/.pyenv
# Install fisher
curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher
fisher install joseluisq/gitnow@2.12.0
fisher install PatrickF1/
# Optional install pyenv
fisher install pyenv
# Probably a sign that pyenv requires brew to install it...
brew install pyenv-virtualenv
git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv
## Window Manager
OS X [](
if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then
[ -f $HOME/.hammerspoon ] || mkdir -p $HOME/.hammerspoon
# Simlink the configuration and add a require to include the functionality
[ -f $HOME/.hammerspoon/hammerspoon.lua ] || ln -s $HOME/side/hammerspoon.lua $HOME/.hammerspoon/side.lua && echo 'require("side")' >> $HOME/.hammerspoon/init.lua
Linux / BSD
Awsome WM
echo "setxkbmap -option caps:escape" >> $HOME/.profile
mkdir -p ~/.config/awesome/
ln -s $HOME/side/awesome.lua $HOME/.config/awesome/awesome.lua && echo 'require("side")' >> $HOME/.config/awesome/side.lua
To extend the existing slide configuration simply drop configuration exertions into $HOME/.side.
- $HOME/.side/neoside/neoplugins to customize vim
- $HOME/.side/neoside/config.lua to customize vim
- $HOME/.side/ to extends fish shell