News for Search: Most Wanted news you can search here and now.
Icon made by Smashicons from
This application is for users to search news from all around the world. Users can save news in their "reading list" and saved in their browser storage.
This application created because in this age people want to see the news what matter to them. Especially nowadays the topic of "corona" is all around in the world and people just can search news only about corona.
The main purpose this app created is because I want to learn basic skills of web frontend developer. This app is for completing one of Dicoding's Frontend Web Development Academy.
Users will land in landing page. From there only one button "Get Started". After clicking it, users will go to main page.
In this main page users can see featured news or just search the news from search box and news will displayed in a list card. In this page, users can click the "add" button in news card to add the news into their reading list and saved to browser storage.
Add to reading list is optional, they can just click the news card and they will taken to news page for the actual reading.
In the Reading List page, only news added by users is displayed. Users can delete it with clicking "Del" button.
- This app use News API from
This overall app created with the help of the following key techs / apps:
- Wireframe (for wireframing)
- Visual Studio Code (my favorite code editor)
- Javascript
- Plain vanilla without frontend framework or library
- ES6++
- Web Components
- Bulma (CSS Framework)
- Webpack
- Google Chrome
- Firefox Developer Edition (interactive CSS testing)
- Insomnia (test API request and response)
- Favicon (to generate favicon from png)
- Git and Github
/ # app directory
βββ configs/ # configurations (webpack, etc)
βββ dist/ # build/output directory
βββ public/ # template and static files
βββ resources/ # resources file (wireframe, etc)
βββ src/ # source files
β βββ components/ # web components
β βββ styles/ # global styles
β βββ index.js # webpack's entry point
βββ package.json # project info
βββ # description info
Clone this repo
git clone
Install dependencies from cloned directory
cd nfs-most-wanted-news npm install
Build into production ready
npm run build
Start development server
npm run dev
or start production ready server
npm start